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If Out of body experiences are real.Then what else is.

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posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I agree with you on the inducing part, and let me add that as in every TRANSFER operation, if A induces, B must receive or no action would be produced. So every act of consciousness, either spontaneous or induced by the ways you have suggested, need to be RECEIVED. We as human beings (and as I said I belive animals as well) receive those inputs and process them in a way to trigger OBE and other mental or spiritual conditions. It's well possible that our life is an OBE, since the exact fabric of our reality is totally unknown and will always be until we can step outside of it and look at it.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: cloaked4u
a reply to: anonentity

your statement tells me you have never had an out of body exsperience. I have had only 3 in my life so far. The 1st one i was flying around and i could see this silver tether connected to me. 2nd one i went to other planets and got sucked back. The third one i was an observer of an event i do not know what happened to those people, only that i was one of them observing from above point of view not on ground.

I have had one that was a definite in this timeline., and many that have started of as an OOBE then turned into a lucid dream. That's why I'm suggesting that the dream environment is a real place outside of linear time, but the main thing is the focus of your consciousness, where it can become what you want it to be. And usually does but the fragmented memories of such most of the time , stop total recall.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

I hope that you understand that using the term "Spirit Form" actually harnesses you to something that may not actually even exist.

It is far more likely that HERE AND THERE are both similar form, and that neither has any control over the wickedness that has spread throughout EVERYTHING.

The best delusions are, that things are different in scope , here or there, or anywhere...........

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: WilliamWAS
a reply to: anonentity

I agree with you on the inducing part, and let me add that as in every TRANSFER operation, if A induces, B must receive or no action would be produced. So every act of consciousness, either spontaneous or induced by the ways you have suggested, need to be RECEIVED. We as human beings (and as I said I belive animals as well) receive those inputs and process them in a way to trigger OBE and other mental or spiritual conditions. It's well possible that our life is an OBE, since the exact fabric of our reality is totally unknown and will always be until we can step outside of it and look at it.

Well put ,and I totally concur. Although the fabric of reality , must have a few rules, it must be based on cause and effect, logic and reason. Because information overload would create chaos, So the main action of your consciousness must be to stop this occurring, by picking a reasonable path through the data, then interpret existence as a functioning reality. That's why I suggested that OBBEs usually are poorly remembered because to the normal punter ,living two lives at once might break the input of the functioning reality. So to call them dreams is a good get out of jail card in this instance.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

Yep its just a term i used to describe consciousness i guess. There's not really any set terms about this subject so things can get confusing. When i say spirit form, i mean dream reality, OBE reality, lucid dream reality, the less dense, more malleable, "sleeping" portion of consciousness.

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

I came across this in another thread which seems relevant to the discussion. Here they call the OOBE "The phase state" Which is an interesting term. We are talking about Consciousness, it also seems to coincide with some of the comments reached by independent thoughts from within the thread. The fact that normal waking life can be defined as an operating OOBE. Or "Hard dream" where our focus is established in linear time. If this is the fact of the human condition, then I guess its no wonder that anomalies occur from time to time that would tend to be interpreted as impossible within the established reality. It would appear that nothing is impossible, and can occur whilst still in a rational state of observation. Whether the observer accepts it within their operating framework, of their reality, depends on the individual, as in life we construct working reality anyway.

Observationally speaking, we consciously pop in and out of this reality, it seems absolutely necessary, to phase out regularly, to maintain the present linear timeline. If we don't get sleep, we start to hallucinate,etc.. and our unable to maintain the focus. It could indeed be that consciousness is what you want it to be. People having NDEs where Jesus tells them to , go back to their body and be well again, are as valid as, riding a UFO across the Galaxy.

Since the ways of inducing an OOBE seem to be many and various, from trauma, psychedelics, electromagnetic anaesthetics etc. etc. Plus the language is replete with phrases such as, "I was beside myself" "I nearly jumped out of my skin" "I was knocked out" etc. and that one in ten will experience the effect whether looking for it or not. It seems that the brain appears to have certain rhythms that occur before the OBBE is experienced. I found this little gem on YouTube. That has the binaural beats. That help induction.
edit on 27-12-2014 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Absolutely, and in fact I myself see dreams as plain traveling of our conscious/unconscious mind (whatevher the case of the dream-state) into different planes of reality.
By reality I do not intend, of course, JUST our physical reality, but the totality of the energetic grid which we can perceive with our 6 senses and 4 components of our nature.
There are ways, though, by which we can train ourselves to be able to remember and note about astral travels.
It takes a good deal of persistence and patience, but memory of the experience can be improved.
For some reasons, it seems we were created with embedded "locks" and "blocks" into certain areas of the mind and spirit, so that it is challenging to gain the ability to use our potential in full.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: WilliamWAS
a reply to: anonentity

Absolutely, and in fact I myself see dreams as plain traveling of our conscious/unconscious mind (whatevher the case of the dream-state) into different planes of reality.
By reality I do not intend, of course, JUST our physical reality, but the totality of the energetic grid which we can perceive with our 6 senses and 4 components of our nature.
There are ways, though, by which we can train ourselves to be able to remember and note about astral travels.
It takes a good deal of persistence and patience, but memory of the experience can be improved.
For some reasons, it seems we were created with embedded "locks" and "blocks" into certain areas of the mind and spirit, so that it is challenging to gain the ability to use our potential in full.

The exploration of Consciousness, seems to be the main focus of the endeavour. These locks and blocks, might well be the, things that make the developing mind focus into the operational reality. When they have done their primary, job on the developing infant to establish the conscious mind as an individual. The locks and blocks may be released. The next question regarding these would tend to be how to loosen them up. The best candidate seems to be the "Binaural beats" to establish the alpha and theta rhythms etc. that occur during the different phases of meditation. I came across this free download, which seems to establish the resonance, That factors in Rem, frequencies. Their are three CDs with these binaural beats embedded.

From what I can gather, theirs a big industry selling these, with all the BS. involved and all the rest of the usual crap. When the main focus, is that they are just aid to obtaining the necessary brain rhythms, that altered states of consciousness require.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yeah, let me be skeptical about companies who sell products abundantly covered with BS like you said. The method itself might be useful though, I will take a look.
How about the Silva Method? Have you heard anything of it? I have experimented it for a while, together with the N.E.W. method of Astral Projection developed by Robert Bruce. The former seems to have a very faint line with Mental Control and self-hypnosis, whilst the latter leans more toward the awakening of peripheral and central energetic points of our body...

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

It is self hypnosis. The out of body exsperience will not work if you don't believe. You have to believe, thats the trigger. Thier are other triggers like taking certain drugs to attain that trigger point. Deep consentration on an object will cause such effects where your brain wonders out of the physical body. This can also happen when your body is in sleep. I am sure that alot of people will agree with me when i say this next statement. Some people, alot of people have exsperienced what i call a KNOCK AT THE DOOR Noise in thier sleep. I have exsperienced this so many times i cain't count. Sometimes you hear just one knock, sometimes two. I rarely have heard three knocks and only once have i heard four. The knocks are usually loud and sometimes wake you up leaving you thinking someone knocked on your bedroom door or front door. A little eye opening at first, but none the less a knock. It seems the more knocks, the faster the knock sound goes. I don't know why and i'm 100% sure alot of people know what i am talking about.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:25 PM
"It could indeed be that consciousness is what you want it to be. People having NDEs where Jesus tells them to , go back to their body and be well again, are as valid as, riding a UFO across the Galaxy. "

Yes exactly. I also think the group consciousness, "the human collective mind", plays a role in what we perceive when OOB and in physical reality as well.(more so in physical reality)

For instance, group meditations,

Many examples of crime rates dropping when group meditations occur.

Or the hundredth monkey effect
where one group of monkeys is observed to learn a skill, and another group of monkeys, across the world completely unrelated come up with the same idea.

Or how multiple people around the world come up with inventions at the same time.

Gives more evidence to the idea that we are all one consciousness split into what we perceive as separation. And does explain how psychic phenomena can happen.

I would even go as far to say that it's possible that once the entire world has the knowledge that we are living in a "hard dream" , our physics will change because the world will be more easily manipulated through mind power. I think telekinesis with massive objects will be possible. If telekinesis is possible now, (which it is), when the masses of people wake up to this it will have a huge effect on EVERYTHING, the entire world, education, history, physics, the system of control, health, manufacturing, architecture, literally everything.

And yes i believe the key to achieving this is overlapping the physical waking life with the theta frequency brain wave state of mind. (along with the hundredth monkey effect to the entire world)

The theta frequency of brainwaves is associated with REM sleep. I think this is why we have to sleep. We have to enter the theta frequencies every so often so we don't go crazy.

Most people just fall asleep when in theta, but if you can train your brain through meditation to enter it while awake, the world starts becoming more of a dream like reality because reality is created from consciousness. This is where things like telekinesis become possible. Now if you overlap say 50 people (who know how to do telekinesis) in the theta frequency i think it would be possible to levitate a 2 ton block of rock... or maybe it would take 1000 people, who knows, maybe it would be possible to manifest matter out of thin air.

I believe this is where the world is heading. Consciousness is pretty much the last frontier of exploration available to the average person. i can see science heading this way soon too.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla

By the way i have had some success getting into the theta state using binaural beats. They have never induced a full on OBE for me but i have felt my consciousness blow up like a bubble and expand past my house with them. (this is common for me when practicing meditation) you still have to meditate and let the sounds engulf your consciousness but they can help.

edit on 28-12-2014 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2014 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2014 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2014 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:07 PM
What are the KNOCKS? Can someone tell me what the knock noise is or what the theory is.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

Cultural semantics tend to pepper this line of thought, and our culture and terms of definition, Will describe the same things , as a shaman would describe two thousand years ago, and look like they were two totally different things. When in fact he/she was describing the same thing. Plus a jet plane would be magic to them and unremarkable to us. Such are the ways of how different consciousness's, interpret the same reality.

We on the one hand, are all one, immersed in the one consciousness, on the other, individuals within it. What we perceive to be real, is a changing gossamer of vibrations, slowly fading as it changes all the time. Logic tells us that Plurality, is to be avoided when in fact one thing has many states of interpretation. If the state can change then so does the reality. In the mind all thoughts are real, all environments and so are all the other individuals you meet and exchange ideas with, thoughts are the fabric of this consciousness. The only disclaimer is that they must be coherent and lack confusion. What are these thoughts made from, and where is the memory of them stored?. The answer must be everywhere.

Therefore if in one way, I am part of this consciousness, generating reality, then it figures that the more people that you have thinking in unison, have more weight in altering the reality, the tipping point must be reached, at some time with x number of individuals. So it would figure that if enough individuals in the larger consciousness, (Noosphere) were expecting extra-terrestrial craft to fly by on a certain night. Then the degree of the manifestation, would be existent on how many people were independently thinking the same thing. Likewise technological breakthroughs. Or levitation.
edit on 28-12-2014 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: WilliamWAS

I have heard a knock at my front door late at night when I was laying on the couch fully AWAKE watching tv. the window near the door was right above the couch so it took me literally a half second to look out to see no one there. There absolutely would not have been enough time for someone to clear my field of view with my porch light being so bright.

A few nights later laid down in my bed and heard a knock on the wall right above my bed. What was alarming was that knock was the sound of a knock from the INSIDE of the room.

This was at a time when I was experiencing a rise in my sleep paralysis. At the time I didnt know what my sleep paralysis was.

It was three knocks both times. Do you have any sort of explanation for this?

edit on 12/28/2014 by Alien Abduct because: to add reply-to link

edit on 12/28/2014 by Alien Abduct because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/28/2014 by Alien Abduct because: trying to fix the link...

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct

a reply to: WilliamWAS

I have heard a knock at my front door late at night when I was laying on the couch fully AWAKE watching tv. the window near the door was right above the couch so it took me literally a half second to look out to see no one there. There absolutely would not have been enough time for someone to clear my field of view with my porch light being so bright.

A few nights later laid down in my bed and heard a knock on the wall right above my bed. What was alarming was that knock was the sound of a knock from the INSIDE of the room.

This was at a time when I was experiencing a rise in my sleep paralysis. At the time I didnt know what my sleep paralysis was.

It was three knocks both times. Do you have any sort of explanation for this?


Paranormal literature is so full of "Knocks" If you Google "knocks and the Paranormal" you will be reading it for ever. It sounds like you were phasing out, and in a hypnogogic state, which is usual before the OOBE starts. Body asleep consciousness awake = fun. Get scared then cause a reality shift to abort. One thing humans are is a Gregarious lot whether alive or dead. Things that go bump in the night included.

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: cloaked4u

I have never experienced the "knocks" but it sounds like an interesting phenomenon. I agree on the self-hypnosis and I don't think one needs to take any hallucinogenic or drugs in order to induce it (although it's a common practice in shamanism).
I wouldn't know how to explain the KNOCKS other than as a sensorial reaction to the spinning of your energetic chakras: usually the sense of heat or cold is the one most easily stimulated, but auditory senses can also be triggered.

There are also other more intriguing explanations for the KNOCKS (1,2,3) but it would involve "intrusions" so to speak, so I won't mention them

posted on Dec, 29 2014 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Alien Abduct

Hi Alien Abduct,

In order to answer your question I should know more about your past experiences. Everything that happens to you NOW is related to something that happened BEFORE, the continuity in occurrences doesn't break but it's all cause and effect.
Since every experience is interwoven with others pivoting around your life, a linear explanation would be too superficial.
The most important thing in my opinion is to be able to receive in a positive way. Don't let fear overcome you when what you don't understand happens.
I would also say, go for the most rational explanation you can come up with at first, this will help your energy remain balanced and your mind alert and objective.
One knock, for example, could be produced by a lot of normal things including your imagination.
If the knocks repeat at intervals, or recur over a certain period of time, then it could be a signal or a language, and more thought should be put into it.
Hope it helps

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: booyakasha
Thanks for sharing

posted on Dec, 31 2014 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: anonentity

A jury doesn't determine if something is real or not. Science does. This is because a jury will accept subjective evidence in its consideration of fault. Science doesn't accept it. Your OP is flawed.

posted on Jan, 1 2015 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: anonentity

A jury doesn't determine if something is real or not. Science does. This is because a jury will accept subjective evidence in its consideration of fault. Science doesn't accept it. Your OP is flawed.

Science states that the wave function on the double slit experiment, collapses when it is observed. Collapses from its original state, into observed reality. Its no leap of the imagination to conclude, that the Conscious observation, of what we perceive to be reality, is also a collapsed wave function from its original state. Just the same as the double slit. Here Science has concluded that consciousness has determined the physical outcome of an experiment. Consciousness determines the outcome of everything, therefore all is subjective to the observer. To be accepted it has to be agreed upon by a jury of peers, therefore your argument is just as flawed.

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