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If Out of body experiences are real.Then what else is.

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posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: anonentity

yep we are living in a dream. I read somewhere, not sure how accurate i am, but, If you take all physical matter and take the gaps out of the atoms and smash it in to one single piece, it would be the size of the tip of your thumb.

I believe our physical reality is projecting out of the center of our being and creating everything we can see,exactly like a dream only more dense. (physical reality and dream reality are different densities of projected consciousness) Each person has a designated amount of energy projected by our consciousness to create what we perceive, our physical senses are the anchor points in time, take away any and all physical senses and your consciousness is free to travel, but its hard to remember you are conscious, your sort of on auto pilot when dreaming.

Thats what our physical bodies are for. To train our minds to become what people consider to be Gods of the afterlife and spiritual realms, and what people consider to be gods of our own physical reality. Where eventually, (i'm talking like 400 years or more down the road), we can use our minds to create physical matter and manifest anything like its a lucid dream.

I think thats when humanity truly wakes up.

That's got some interesting points. As for environmental dreamscapes as far as I can tell, it is composed of exactly the same substances as day to day stuff. You walk and talk much the same, the difference being that the people that you interact with can be unknown, although most are known. Its true that you are on some sort of auto pilot, until you consciously take over and become lucid. Then where does the lucid dream start, or the OOBE ?

The timeline seems similar, that is, it doesn't seem to occur in historical settings. Now and then the people you meet with in the dream experience, can remember having the shared experience. Which tends to point to the fact, that this is composed of an environment that can be shared, so it is probably a true independent environment and not a mental projection any more than real life is. Some of the people that you interact with can be known to no longer have a physical body, meaning that they are what's commonly referred to as deceased. Time and distance seems to have no real meaning as each distinct packet of interactions between different locations, doesn't seem to involve any travelling. Unless dream driving to a specific place. Remembering a dream in its entirety requires far more effort than remembering day to day encounters. So It seems that this place, is a good candidate. For the permanent environment outside of linear time.

Its a good bet that if it is an independent environment, its composed of the same stuff as the day to day environment. So shock horror we may already be dead and not realise it .Because our main focus is at present the waking dream called life.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

How did you confirm your OBE's were 'real' and not 'imagined'?

Or how were any determinations, in general, made?

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Anyone expecting to be able to measure this experience is currently out of luck as it is almost purely a subjective experience which means that it becomes a belief based on the experiences of the believer. If anyone else wants or needs proof, then they themselves have to go on the journey to find out and no amount of hypothesising will understand what a knowing will reveal.

It is the same with any 'spiritual' practice and this has been talked about throughout history in religious and occult texts, it cannot be rationalised as many things which are not of this dimension/density cannot be explained in rational or scientific terms. Once you 'know' you just 'know'. That might be a cop-out phrase, but how else do you explain things which do not have the human words or concepts to explain them.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 11:04 PM
Almost a decade ago while my body was laying in intensive care in the hospital, I left for 1 hour. I got to fly at 50,000 foot elevation and thousands of miles an hour it was very dark up there in space, and it felt wonderful to fly like that. I had a different understanding about activities on Earth. Many things we worry about didnt matter. I was called back, because I wasnt to die( contrary to what the doctors told my elderly parents). I flew down at about 5000 miles an hour through the walls of the hospital and hit the bed at that speed,and it didnt even move. I imediatly came awake and told the nurses what happened, and they were very happy. My body organs(liver, and kidneys came back on line and I began to heal immediatly. Everything started working again. The doctor came to me and asked for an explanation. When do they ever do that to a patient?
But the most exciting thing of all happened a couple weeks later after they sent me home. I got a personal visit from my creator in my own house. He gave me what I now know to be a vision and came for a quick visit. It was and still is the high point of my whole life. And Im an old man

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Thanks for your input. So your OOBE could be summed up as a near "Death experience" Trauma induced. But certainly not voluntary one.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: anonentity

yep, i even think that maybe people die throughout their lifetime and never even realize it because your consciousness chooses not to remember your death but to keep living like you never died until you are finally ready to leave your physical body.

Some people come back from the operating table and say they had a choice to make whether to keep living or not. (because they can remember which is hard for most) Some people say they've had a very real dream of them dying and woke up in a slightly different reality. Some people say they've experienced timeline shifts of different times and realities and then came back.

Our full consciousness is veiled to us until we are ready to spiritually and consciously advance.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

I've been trying to prove to myself that OBE's are not my imagination. I completely understand that people think they are a product of the physical brain and I'm still trying to prove it to myself that its not. I keep an open mind that both possibilities can be open. Right now i'm trying to find something on the outside, or roof of my house that i wasn't aware of and see if its there in the physical.

The problem is, the OBE reality IS the dream reality( maybe even the afterlife), so your consciousness interferes with everything you observe while OOB. It's very hard to overlap the physical reality while in the OOB reality.

I have absolutely no proof that OBE's are real. But if you have one, or two, or can learn to induce them yourself almost at will, you will have no doubt that they are real. Its one of the most intense experiences you can go through, sometimes it feels like your being electrocuted violently in an earthquake all while trying to remain calm and not waking up. And you can feel your soul pop out of your body. It doesn't hurt but it feels like it should. I've had "vibrations" that i thought were going to kill me, but i woke up and was fine.

So i've added this to the understanding that reality is a projection of consciousness, and use it my physical life. I try to think of what I want to happen, and focus all my intentions on my goals. It's worked very well for me. Some people call it luck, or the law of attraction, i call it dreaming my own physical reality. Its harder to do though cause its denser, slower moving, more focused reality.

You really have to put it to the test yourself in the end.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

Thats an amazing story. Thats exactly what i was talking about! People have the choice to live, or the remembrance of an afterlife and a knowing to come back to finish their purpose. Some people are gifted with the ability to bring spiritual memory back to physical reality.

Can you tell more of what you mean by meeting your creator at your house? And if its not too personal, what kind of vision he gave you?

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

What you post is interesting and some of it rings true, the dream within the dream, the hologram within the hologram. However, once you're no longer restricted to this body, your consciousness is not weak and flimsy like in a conscious viewing or participating in a dream, which is far more complex than our sliver of self consciousness can deal with. We're like a small tot in a huge complex vast multi dimensional candy shop or nightmare at times.

But when you leave as in an NDE, your superconsciousness, you are more aware, more lucid, with more senses, and everything more real, than ever in our waking dream life.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Unity_99
I like how that sounds, I've haven't experienced that myself, or, I haven't been able to remember my experience in that realm. I'm still working on it.

I have a feeling we will one day be able to overlap our superconsciousness with physical reality. It could possibly be THE secret we forgot as humanity and what we are remembering how to do. The more I look into ancient cultures the more I think certain groups or certain people had the ability to do this and the knowledge was wiped out through ancient cataclysms, wars, suppression, etc.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: anonentity

your statement tells me you have never had an out of body exsperience. I have had only 3 in my life so far. The 1st one i was flying around and i could see this silver tether connected to me. 2nd one i went to other planets and got sucked back. The third one i was an observer of an event i do not know what happened to those people, only that i was one of them observing from above point of view not on ground.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 01:48 AM
interesting, thinking of this i thought about the above ground point of view. Maybe i died in the accident and was supposed to watch.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: visitedbythem

What convinced you it was real and not something like a dream?

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: SystemResistor

It sounds ridiculous but I think one researcher placed a number or something like that on top of a hanging light fixture for the OBE subject to read on the way back. I saw the documentary a long time ago; I forgot but I think it was inconclusive.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: WilliamWAS
I doubt a robot could ever experience and O.B.E.

First you need a robot to experience .. anything.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

Thanks for the reply. How does one induce an OBE ?

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Through meditation. If you do a googles search on astral projection there are very many websites with different techniques of how to induce them.

I start by a relaxation exercise. Starting with the feet, i tense all my muscles on the in breath, and relax them on the outbreak. I two this two times head to toe. I try to forget about my body and focus on what i am feeling.

When you are really relaxed you try to blank out all your thoughts. At this point, every in breath i imagine inhaling energy through every pore of my body. On the out breath i imagine my consciousness falling down a deep well. Also, if you've every been able to fly in an OBE or a lucid dream, there is this distinct flying energy you can feel. I use that same feeling and push it all over my body. It's like an electromagnetic flux feeling, you can feel past your body, it feels like your body is blown up into a big balloon sometimes.

At this point if I can't just pop out of my body i will try to induce vibrations. I start swaying my body back and forth, rocking like a small gently earthquake, when i start to feel in wobbling, i increase the wobbling sensation, and the high pitch noise in my ears i usually get. It gets to the point where its feels violent almost.

At this point i realize i am already out of body, and mentally make a movement to roll, or pop, or flip, or fly out of my body.

Sometimes ill end up right next to my bed looking at my physical body, sometimes ill end up some completely new realm.

Hope that helps! When i first found out about astral projection, i wasn't sure if i believed it myself, i read everything about it I could and read testimonies of other people. I practiced every day for 6 months and finally had a brief one that scared the crap out of me. The more you have the less scary they get, to the point that you won't be scared at all eventually.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Calalini

Your post was very engaging, and I wanted to ask you some questions. First of all - there HAVE been case studies of people seeing things from an altered perpective that NO ONE on the floor could see. I'd like to see your sources for claiming that "NOT ONE" of them has been verified.

And then I came to this:

So while the experience is very real to the person having it, I would advise that what we experience should be taken with a grain of salt,

Yes, that is obviously the wise thing to do.......but then you continued with a gratuitously flippant:

instead of just falling into some wacky New Age beliefs.

This statement totally demoted your otherwise sensible comment. "Wacky" is a pejorative, and I could very easily use it to describe Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians, etc etc etc.

In reality "New Age" is not new at all - the thoughts and philosophies revolving around life and death, unconscious and astral existence are ANCIENT. FAR FAR older than "One God". What do you know - really KNOW - about what you call 'Wacky New Age beliefs' ? How much studying have you done about the common tenets that 'New Age Thought' has with the most ancient philosophies?

I would guess "not much." Otherwise you'd not use the word 'wacky' after such an otherwise intelligent post. Are you just tossing the baby out with the bath-water because sometime you heard someone say 'wacky' or 'woo' New Age beliefs are nonsense?

edit on 12/26/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: nOraKat


We can see what Robots can experience mechanically, can't we?
We can see what patterns Robots can DEVELOP as A.I. systems, can't we?
You are correct, we CANNOT see whether Robots can experience astral traveling or - so to speak - remote projection. And I am not talking about casting their holographic copy out.

My comment took from my idea that no matter how advanced we can create a Robot, we will not be able to put such elements as consciousness, the unconscious, spirit or "soul" which are responsible, to different degree, to ESP phenomena.

If someday we will have a Robot with the above elements, it will NOT be a Robot anymore. Will be something else.

posted on Dec, 26 2014 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: booyakasha
a reply to: anonentity

yep, i even think that maybe people die throughout their lifetime and never even realize it because your consciousness chooses not to remember your death but to keep living like you never died until you are finally ready to leave your physical body.

Some people come back from the operating table and say they had a choice to make whether to keep living or not. (because they can remember which is hard for most) Some people say they've had a very real dream of them dying and woke up in a slightly different reality. Some people say they've experienced timeline shifts of different times and realities and then came back.

Our full consciousness is veiled to us until we are ready to spiritually and consciously advance.

Strange... I had exactly the same thought ,a couple of times I have had an accident where I should have been killed, but I didn't have a scratch.

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