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What will lead to the NWO

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posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:45 AM
I know every one has the own idea of what might lead to the NWO. Please post what ever the event, or chain of events that if happen you feel might lead to the NWO. I personally think it will be the next terror atack, and or the possible use of WMD.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:49 AM
I think it started with the introduction to the patriot act, and is being followed up by various bills headed for Congress right now. In order for the NWO to take effect, you have to equalize all countries. America has to have a majority of its freedoms stripped from them. UK is going through the same thing right now as well. Once the two most free nations in the world are brought to equal ground with the rest of the world, the takeover should be swift.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 08:14 AM
The whole thing hapening slowely is an idea I had not been considering, defently a good point. I was thinking more of what it will take to engage martial law and then let FEMA take over and thus the NWO starts. But the idea that it is hapening now and will continue is defently also correct.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 08:25 AM
To give a brief answer, either the "second coming" of Jesus, or an "alien invasion."

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 08:29 AM
A third world war

im currently reading David Icke's "Children of the Matrix" and his theory is a DNA war between humans and reptilians (note:i find that kind of hard to believe)

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:10 AM
well those are two things I had not considered

I do think you are probably right. The only question would be what would be the cause of the war. I tend to take the grim opinion that we are in the war right now. We all know the provishens for the NWO are there, so it is a matter time untill the coruption of the administration and of the corperations drive the situation so far down that the NWO will be the only possible way out.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by infinite
A third world war

im currently reading David Icke's "Children of the Matrix" and his theory is a DNA war between humans and reptilians (note:i find that kind of hard to believe)

Yeah. I had a quick speed read of Ickes "Children of the Matrix" while in Waterstones the other day. It's interesting. Surprisingly, I find it harder to believe that Jesus, Buddha or Krishna never existed. I found Icke a tad too anti-religious.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Red Golem
The only question would be what would be the cause of the war.

Destabalization of US foreign policy in the middle east causing an upset in geopolitics: i.e. War on Iran. You can expect WWIII to begin by 2005-2006.

[edit on 12-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:02 PM
Your response:

The systems and economies of the world are tied to a critical link of currency and economies. This is the path the Forces behind Global Combination have made towards their end. If the flow of "money" in the world can be contained in a fully engineered "system" then the authorities of that system would have near total control over the fates of nations and kingdoms. It is by that kind of power that these "forces" have brought themselves to power, being the combines of general merchandise, and industrial concerns, along with the storehouses of money and real wealth. This combination has formed its own kind of world government, ALREADY. It has been around for a long time, but the whole world is FINALLY within the grasp of this particular concern.

The transition of local economy and authority has been slowly and covertly shunted into this new system, which has come to be jealous of the Republic of the Americans, and seeks to dominate and rule its people.

Our currency has been subverted by the powers behind the global economy, showing us their combined might against us, so that we might not consider ourselves the queen of the world any longer.

By this combination of currencies and authorities -- Whose involvement with Our Republic is an abomination, we have entered into the time of contest, where the power of a newly flowered global settlement comes into its own, and the various children of its fruitful perfection come to quarrel amongst themselves for the perceived crowns of its totality.

This is not a new revelation; power has existed among nations before. But power is reserved to the Lord of Heaven. He established Liberty for America, and that was a permanent condition. If this establishment were in danger of corruption, then the Lord of Heaven will Uphold His commandment upon the Earth. Such is the nature of Compacts made with the Lord.

So then let the men have their compacts, and let the men form their own combinations!

Let the children of the Lord know their Father, and the children of men know their fathers, and the children of devils be liberated unto their salvation.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:06 PM
A couple of things about the nWo.

1) The nWo does NOT need to be AMERICA. However it would make sense. Over the past 10 years Americans has gradually given back many of their powers to the govt. The brainwashing of Americans has been taking place for years. I honestly believe that it would take something like a nuke attack on American soil coupled with the assasination of Bush would lead to "Martial Law". Martial Law would then lead to Civil Unrest and ultimately Civil War, where the leaders of the opposition would show themselves and soon be destroyed by the powers that be. Once the opposition is out of the way and a greater destruction of american infrastructure there would be nothing to stop the nWo from taking power.

My answer ... Nuke attack and Bush Assasination leading to Martial Law leading to Civil Unrest and Civil War where teh Govt wins and takes a greater control over all of our lives.

America will not act alone in this. There will be other countries helping Americas Govt. during this. Remember John Titor said that Russia was on the American People's Side in the end.

2005 will be the year of the nuke attack.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 03:24 PM
That sounds like a pretty possible chain of events. I do fear that it is possible. I do hope you are wrong about the date though.
You did menchen that Titor said that Rushia will be on the side of the American people in the end. I have not read any of the Titor stuff. Could you please fill me in on when it was that he said that, and possibly what he ment by the statment?

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Yeah. I had a quick speed read of Ickes "Children of the Matrix" while in Waterstones the other day. It's interesting. Surprisingly, I find it harder to believe that Jesus, Buddha or Krishna never existed. I found Icke a tad too anti-religious.

According to Icke, the Bible is a mixture of old stories that have been twisted into a new religion. Jesus, Buddha and Krishna were based on other members of history that already existed.

What will lead to world war III? i would say this war on terrorism.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 12:00 PM
My theory....

The first major event was 9/11. That was to spread the factor of fear and generate a widespread fight against "terrorism." Terrorism will be their pawn for now.

What will happen next is kind of outrageous, but its all a theory.... Iran will attack Israel with their nukes. Israel being our allies, The U.S. will back Israel up and point the finger at Iran. Iran becomes our next target at spreading our democracy for a NWO. The attack on Iran will create alot of problems. Russia and China will be pissed at the U.S. and will decide to back up Iran. Next thing you know WW3 has begun. In the process, many nations are destroyed, including the U.S. , well at least key parts of the U.S.

After this war the world will be so destitute and weary of war that the world will strive for peace. The United Nations will play a huge role in solving the issue. They will resolve the issue to the point where everything settles down. Not long after that will the governments of the world unleash the main plan.

The major governemnts of the world could at this very moment be creating fake "ufo" type crafts. Aviation was discovered years ago, and we have been testing it ever since. Thats why people see "ufos" all the time, they are doing this to test out thier ships and also to make people think they are seeing "aliens." The movies also have played a key role in making people believe there are "aliens."

Anyway, after WW3 and generating fear and speculation, the fleets will be ready. They will release this massive fleet of "alien ufos" on the major population centers of Earth. As a planet we will destroy these ships. The public not knowing these ships were manned by humans will be scared and terrified thinking our planet is being invaded.

After we destroy the remains of the ships news casts will begin. All over the globe we will be told that we are going to be taken over by this race if we dont fight as one. The government leaders of the world will come together at The United Nations and create the One World Government that we all have feared. After this begins, the plan that has been unfolding will be completed.

Just ideas, nothing based off of facts, just a theory that I have come up with. Doesnt it make sense though? An phony alien invasion is a perfect way to bring all the nations together as one.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 04:37 PM
I had offen wondered what effect the introduction of another race would have on humanity. So thanks for putting that idea forth. I of corse wont give up freedom if I can help it, but look forward to there not being any more wars.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:28 PM
Probally nucleur war, it makes sense, after main countires are taken over nothing will stop the NWO from rising!

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Nexus
Probally nucleur war, it makes sense, after main countires are taken over nothing will stop the NWO from rising!

i can see a peaceful NWO appearing after a nuclear holocaust

(i think this NWO theory is the most likely to happen)

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 03:19 PM
It'd probally work because the world will be in chaos, and if the size of the NWO is as big as we think it is/will be, their will be more than enough members to run the world...

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 09:55 AM
I do think you are right that after a nucler war there will be a NWO. I just dont see where it could be called peacefull when the event that causes it is a war.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Red Golem
I do think you are right that after a nucler war there will be a NWO. I just dont see where it could be called peacefull when the event that causes it is a war.

Yeah true, but how do you know that the NWO will use a nuclear war to gain power? how do we know they actually exist?

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 01:56 PM
We don't know anyone exists, it could all be a dream, others may claim to be real in your own view, but they could be simulations etc...

We don't know if anything exists. NWO and the Illuminati could be created by governments to make more rally behind them?

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