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Ancient Psychic Super Powers!

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posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:05 AM
In ancient times there were many who were said to possess countless super powers some of the more famous are listed below. I find these powers extreamly interesting and have even had a few dreams about some of them. I think these powers are an awesome topic for all. I have talked to people who have claimed to see some of them performed in thier real lives. I did a bit of research on tibetan monks who were able to create psychic heat to dry wet cloth in the worst freezing storms. It has been said that from that power arise the others as the fire of yoga or unity with the universe takes place. I believe these powers are part of each and every one of us if not this body or incarnation then in another.

Ashta Siddhis are:
1. Aṇimā:
Ability to reduce the size of the body, sometimes even to the size of the atoms. ('Becoming smaller than the smallest' as described in Srimad Bhagavatam by Lord Krishna)

Example: Hanuman had reduced the size of his body while he was searching for Sita in Lanka.

2. Mahima:
Ability to assume a gigantic form ('Becoming larger than the largest' as described in Srimad Bhagavatam by Lord Krishna)


Hanuman assumed a huge form to burn Lanka, he also assumed big form to fight Kumbha Karna
In Vaamana avatar Lord Vishnu increased his form which was so gigantic that it only took him three steps to cover all three worlds

3. Garima
Ability to become very heavy in weight by will

Example: Lord Hanuman made his tail very heavy that even Bhima couldn't lift it (Bhima who was climbing the GandhaMadana mountains to get Saugandhika flowers for Draupadi was stopped by a monkey whose tail was on the way, Bhima orders the monkey to take the tail off the road, monkey being old tells him to move it himself, but Bhima couldn't even lift the monkey's tail)

4. Laghima
Laghima comes from the word laghu, which means small or light. Laghima is the ability to make the body very light ('Becoming lighter than the lightest'). Levitation and flying in the air are its subsidiary powers

5. Prāpti
Word praapti means 'to obtain', 'having obtained', 'to have got'. Thus praapti is the ability to acquire anything anywhere.

6. Prākāmya
The ability to obtain anything desired, ability to have realized the dreams

7. Iṣiṭva
The power of absolute lordship over entire creation

8. Vaśitva
The ability to have everything under control, especially the physical manifestation made up of 5 elements

Supernatural powers mentioned in Bhagavata Purana
Tri-kāla-jñatvam: Knowledge of past present and future
Advandvam (non-duality): not being subject to dualities of heat/ cold, pain/ pleasure, sweat/ bitter, good/ bad

Para citta ādi abhijñatā:
Knowing of others' minds

Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ:
having fire, sun, water, poison in control and stopping their effect

becoming unconquerable

Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other body generated cravings

Hearing things/ events happening very far

Seeing things/ events happening very far

Manaḥ-javah (manojvitva):
Moving physical body wherever one wants

Attaining/ assuming desired form

Para-kāya praveśanam (vikranabhav):
Entering another persons body (spirits are believed to enter a person's physical body whose astral body is weak, but the power mentioned here is different and superior)

Sva-chanda mṛtyuh:
To die only on one's wish (like that of Bhishma from Mahabharat, like that of many sages who left their bodies by their own wish)

Devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam:
Witnessing the pastimes of demi-gods (or Witnessing the events of 3 worlds as pastimes like god does)

Yathā sańkalpa saḿsiddhiḥ:
Achieving as one determines

ājñā apratihatā gatiḥ:
One's commands unstopped

Other powers are:
Memories of past lives
Bi-location/ multi-location
Control over natural phenomenon like raining, sunrise/ sunset

Prakhya Siddhi:
ability to chose the womb to be born in before birth

Surya Vijnan:
Transforming one material into another by the use of sun rays

Ways to attain Supernatural powers
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV:
Patanjali mentions ways to attain supernatural powers

Yoga Sutra Chapter 4:
Janma auṣadhi samādhijāḥ
medicine (drugs/ herbs),

mantra tapaḥ
mantra (incantations)

penance (self-discipline) and Samadhi born are Supernatural powers

As stated in the verse, here are the ways to attain supernatural powers:
By birth: Those born of spiritually advanced parents receive the powers through birth because of the womb they are born in and the genes. (This can also be translated as 'some may have supernatural powers from birth because of their attainments in previous lives')

Medicine: Use of special drugs (herbs in particular) help one attain some miraculous powers. (In the story of Rama there is an episode of Sanjeevini herb brought by Hanuman bringing back Laxman to life)

Mantra: Incantation of mantras (powerful syllables or words) is said to grant powers to the one chanting them, Early part of Vedas has many of such mantras. It is believed that mantras work in two ways: 1) Because of the power of sounds (word) 2) because of the self-discipline it brings.

Penance: Self-disciplining is believed to clarify the cloud of mind so that one is able to control the 5 elements just by the wish, it is possible by unperverted thinking.

Samadhi: When one achieves oneness with consciousness it is said to grant one with extra-ordinary powers.

edit on 3-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

the problem is - these - and other such are post facto accounts from none witmesses

sleptics always ask :

if these acoutnts were true - why does nothing remotely comparable happen today ?

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

the problem is - these - and other such are post facto accounts from none witmesses

sleptics always ask :

if these acoutnts were true - why does nothing remotely comparable happen today ?

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:15 AM
I like Dragonball Z, too

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:24 AM
I think they do, as I said I have had some experience with some of them in dreams, perhaps not in this body but in another. There are some out there who have awakened some powers however I personally feel that there is a nerfing force at work making these things more difficult for us to see or behold. There have been plenty of accounts of people with multitudes of powers in various places, however they dont show up and take over the world. One such superhuman is only known as the immortal BABAJI living somewhere off in the himilayan mountains. Just because they arent part of our society doesnt mean there not out there or possible. I think even NASA is working on transfering counsiousness into avatar bodies for space travel. there are a host of things dealing with super powers and technology which I think are relavent to this thread which when any of us find the time can share.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
I like Dragonball Z, too

His power level is over 9000!

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: [post=18728137

Supernatural powers mentioned in Bhagavata Purana

Tri-kāla-jñatvam: Knowledge of past present and future
Advandvam (non-duality): not being subject to dualities of heat/ cold, pain/ pleasure, sweat/ bitter, good/ bad

Para citta ādi abhijñatā:
Knowing of others' minds

Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ:
having fire, sun, water, poison in control and stopping their effect

becoming unconquerable

Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other body generated cravings

Hearing things/ events happening very far

Seeing things/ events happening very far

Manaḥ-javah (manojvitva):
Moving physical body wherever one wants

Attaining/ assuming desired form

Para-kāya praveśanam (vikranabhav):
Entering another persons body (spirits are believed to enter a person's physical body whose astral body is weak, but the power mentioned here is different and superior)

Sva-chanda mṛtyuh:
To die only on one's wish (like that of Bhishma from Mahabharat, like that of many sages who left their bodies by their own wish)

Devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam:
Witnessing the pastimes of demi-gods (or Witnessing the events of 3 worlds as pastimes like god does)

all these attributes are said to exist for Vampires, who are semi-immortal....unless beheaded, so ISIS is the Vamps mortal enemy too
edit on rd31141761346803312014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:06 AM
Supposedly the ancient Egyptians used to say we have 360 senses. A huge part of their life was dedicated to the afterlife.

I believe they had far superior spiritual knowledge than we have today which allowed them to have super powers. This knowledge was lost and destroyed and made secret through ancient cataclysms and war. We are now making our way out the dark ages and re learning that the body is a piece of technology used to empower the mind and concentrate thought. This is one of the biggest secrets TPTB don't want you to know.

People are starting to catch on to our true nature of spirituality, I believe 2012 was the tipping point where we start to understand the true power of the mind.

These videos can be faked obviously, I think these "super powers" are a side effect of gaining an elecrto magnetic presence past your body through meditation and sacred plants...

I also think there is a huge war waged against our minds. Think of all the people out there so quick to dismiss psychic phenomenon. Label these people nut jobs, psychos, wack jobs, tin foil hats, the list goes on... Psychics and mentalists and people who claim to have these abilities are quickly labed nut jobs, ESPECIALLY when you hear it in the educational system, or the mainstream media, and they NEVER attempt to disprove them. And we all know how trust worthy the educational system and media are

These are systems put in place to hold you back from your true potential. This is just the beginning, once people start catching on the world is going to make real change.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Tesla

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

I spit my coffee out, thanks for that, made my morning. I especially liked when the guy added his bzzzzzzzzzzzz sound effects in the first one.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
I like Dragonball Z, too

Alice in Wonderland comes to mind, too.

I prefer to think these assertions of "magic powers" in some cases are symbolic of ones ability to project and control their emotions. For instance;

If you ain't budging its not because you are heavy (heavy monkey tails, lol) its because you are firm in your stance, unswayable (or in denial).

If you are able to make yourself smaller thats a good humble practice (or tactical, like in combat).

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

Those two videos are a joke. Gusty winds blow like that.

In the second the disclaimer that appears in the beginning states the window is open. I also hear him hissing and blowing at the blinds when the wind doesn't comply.

I used to play wizard on occasions. When I lived outdoors I would be see streetlights that go on and off. The capacitor (starter) has a thermostat inside that will shut off the light if it gets too hot. Ever see that? When I saw those I would figure out their cycle and when friends would visit I would play like I had the power to turn them on and off. Good fun.

There was another place at the end of the runway at the airport that was in the landing path of airliners. Whenever there was a plane passing overhead to land the vortices from the wing tips would come down about a minute or so after the plane passed and make little bursts on the ground or in the tree branches nearby, it was quite unnerving if you didn't figure out that it was caused by the plane.

People used to come there, park and party and I would wait for them to notice the vortices then climb a nearby grass knoll and pretend I was making the weird gusts in the trees or the dusty parking lot. Side splitting.

That doesn't happen anymore with the "little wing tips" aircraft have that break up those horizontal vortices.

Too bad, it was fun playing wizard.

edit on 3-12-2014 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: St Udio
a reply to: [post=18728137

Supernatural powers mentioned in Bhagavata Purana

Tri-kāla-jñatvam: Knowledge of past present and future

Advandvam (non-duality): not being subject to dualities of heat/ cold, pain/ pleasure, sweat/ bitter, good/ bad

Para citta ādi abhijñatā:

Knowing of others' minds

Agni arka ambu viṣa ādīnām pratiṣṭambhaḥ:

having fire, sun, water, poison in control and stopping their effect


becoming unconquerable


Being undisturbed by hunger, thirst, and other body generated cravings


Hearing things/ events happening very far


Seeing things/ events happening very far

Manaḥ-javah (manojvitva):

Moving physical body wherever one wants


Attaining/ assuming desired form

Para-kāya praveśanam (vikranabhav):

Entering another persons body (spirits are believed to enter a person's physical body whose astral body is weak, but the power mentioned here is different and superior)

Sva-chanda mṛtyuh:

To die only on one's wish (like that of Bhishma from Mahabharat, like that of many sages who left their bodies by their own wish)

Devānām saha krīḍā anudarśanam:

Witnessing the pastimes of demi-gods (or Witnessing the events of 3 worlds as pastimes like god does)


all these attributes are said to exist for Vampires, who are semi-immortal....unless beheaded, so ISIS is the Vamps mortal enemy too

Wow I didnt know Isis was an enemy of vampires that was a wow moment for me, let me tell you why.

I had a very strange dream last week that I traveled to ancient egypt well I was traveling with my wife as well, we had some kinds of dungeons and dragons weapons my wife had a bow and I was more of a melee type, anyways we came upon a half snake woman woman in combat with a vampire of some sort trying to suck her blood and molest her. So we did what any adventurers would do and started going to work on the vampire kicking his arse left and right. Well the woman got away from him as we went to work on him and eventually he was felled by our arse kicking. After the battle was over we asked the woman who she was and she claimed to be the goddess Isis and appeared in the form of a woman. I then told her I had herd of her legends and asked her is she wanted to come to the modern era with us. She suprisingly agreed and we time traveled back to the modern world, while in the modern world my wife and I took her on a tour of a local city and showed her the city from the view of a train ride where we spoke of the modern world. Now that was a strange dream to me and I havent dreamed of the gods of egypt before but I find it interesting you mention she was against vampires then in my dream she was fighting one, strange indeed.

edit on 3-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

the problem is - these - and other such are post facto accounts from none witmesses

sleptics always ask :

if these acoutnts were true - why does nothing remotely comparable happen today ?

Because you don't see them, and most importantly the people who can do it don't reveal themselves because that's how they lose the power. Matthew 6:1.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

In 2012 Mother Earth shifted dimensions/chakras during Her evolution. This brought in the mergence of "Yin, The Devine Feminine" She went from 3rd chakra (Solar plexus-yellow-Power, Will, Assertiveness -YANG) into the 4th chakra (Heart chakra-green-caring, compassion, Self-Love- YIN)..

I see "Akasha" in Your name.. Have You been? or is it "Booya Kasha"? The Akashic Records are available if One KNOWS the route...


P.S. Remember Your 'other Self' may not be on the same path as You're currently traveling, this will make their experiences different.--- YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY

Om Bava Shaviya Om

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 10:11 AM
There are hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of books and movies which describe people with supernatural abilities. From Harry Potter to Luke Skywalker to Misaka Mikoto and everywhere in between. Is it so hard to think that people in ancient times were perhaps just as imaginative as we are today?

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Wow I didnt know Isis was an enemy of vampires that was a wow moment for me, let me tell you why.


to dig deeper, ISIS is only the latest radical form of Islam...who prefer beheadings as a way to snuff individuals..

perhaps there is a deep collective memory involved...Brahm Stoker did not invent Vampires or death by is an ancient collective conscious thingy which Islam and now ISIS is bringing more into the daily dialogue of living in the present time


posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 11:26 AM
In this post I will call the energy flowing thru the body chi. It is from my point of view the same thing as Prana/kundalini/light that causes heat/cold/vibration in the body for those who can achieve higher energized/Vibration states in their body.

I did a bit of research on tibetan monks who were able to create psychic heat to dry wet cloth in the worst freezing storms. It has been said that from that power arise the others as the fire of yoga or unity with the universe takes place.

From my point of view I think their bodies are flowing chi thru their bodies to where it is needed to heat up the body. I have experienced lower level heat version of this and it happens naturally in my body without any need to controlling it.

Some spiritual people sit in rooms in t-shirts where other people wear heavy sweaters or even jackets since they feel cold while the spiritual people sometimes have to much heat inside and need to cool down.

The bliss the body feels from being caressed by energy feeling the flow of life thru the body and the tingles when the energy touches every part of your body feeling larger than your body.

To have some fun I will choose this video to show spiritual messages hiding in plain sight for those who have not noticed it.


edit on 3-12-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
I think they do, as I said I have had some experience with some of them in dreams, perhaps not in this body but in another. There are some out there who have awakened some powers however I personally feel that there is a nerfing force at work making these things more difficult for us to see or behold. There have been plenty of accounts of people with multitudes of powers in various places, however they dont show up and take over the world. One such superhuman is only known as the immortal BABAJI living somewhere off in the himilayan mountains. Just because they arent part of our society doesnt mean there not out there or possible. I think even NASA is working on transfering counsiousness into avatar bodies for space travel. there are a host of things dealing with super powers and technology which I think are relavent to this thread which when any of us find the time can share.

I agree with your post. In my Reiki group there are empaths who have a very keen 3rd eye that are synchronistically intuitive and I do not see our group as very advanced. We just do a little laying of hands on each other and push energy into each other to help each other out. Even at our level we have been able to help each other over distance. That there is others that are more advanced by playing around with the energy for decades (maybe even longer) is not a big stretch for the logical mind when I can go from 0 to what I know now in under 3 years in my spare time while working.

Namaste (I bow to the divine in you)
edit on 3-12-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 11:49 AM
You might also look at:


posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: JimNasium

Can't resist sending you this video.

edit on 3-12-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

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