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European Union Conspiracy - Britain on the Brink

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posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
The education level of migrants into the UK is generally higher than our own population, which is what puts them at a disadvantage. However commenting on how some nationalities such as the polish don't mix is just hypocritical. I took advantage of free movement and lived in Europe for 5 years. The number one group who doesn't bother to learn the language or respect the culture of the country in which they reside is the British.

I am telling you what I see with my own eyes. Take a look at Victoria Bus Station at 2am in the morning. See all the well educated migrants pulling suitcase trollies through the night and hoarding in doorways, etc. These are not highly educated Europeans, they are poor economic refugees! Of course there are some very educated people coming here, but that is no longer the norm. What about the little communes in the woods in London areas, surely you have seen that? What about 10 Polish people living in a two bedroomed terraced dwelling. All this is very real.

I am not singling out Polish people because many others behave the same way. It was an example. Yes, I agree that Brits behave no better. It is a real problem and it will not go away until it is addressed. If we continue the way we are there will be no nation left. We will just be an Island with huge homeless, health, education, employment, social and welfare problems with no social cohesion.

Or perhaps we will magically see the great vision of multi culture unfold where everybody is happy with enough resources to manage the millions of extra people living on our Island? Remember, we are an island. Europe is a continent. Geographically, we are at a huge disadvantage when there is a huge influx of people.

Honestly, I would not mind being neighbours with Polish people or anybody else. Like I said, it is what it is doing to our quality of civilization in terms of health, education, employment, housing, welfare and quality of life. Living in England now is like being on a constantly over full tube train with no relent or escape.
edit on 30-11-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: spelling.

edit on 30-11-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: extra bit.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 06:54 AM
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: multichild

One look at the head of the EU who arranged tax breaks (legally) but morally wrong for corporations and ceos etc eg the elite to know that with a head like that, the eu is rotten throughout with those who complain like UKIP and another Italian group being outvoted - how can people outvote what is utterly wrong? I watched the greeds and conservatives smugly laughing about this but Andrew Neil, whose show they were on discussing this point asked - how many of you/family members benefit from these tax breaks either directly or by the dividends you receive?

People only need to think about how much money we pump into the EU every day of the week to simply realise that they couldn't do without our financial input as well as all the financial 'output by our buying european goods - and paying for their purchase.

Its as simple as that. Our being in the E"U also gives america a foothold alongside its NATO inclusion that many regard now as not so beneficial to the people of europe.

Bear in mind that Switzerland is not a full member yet manages to trade easily within the EU so why shouldn't britain? If you have goods that can only be bought from yourself - people will buy if they want your goods regardless of where you live. Oil is one of those examples - the Saudis aren't eu memnbers yet every eu country buys from them.

One of the worst things that happened was that Scotland didn't go independent - so queen keeps her throne for a little longer p[lus all her goody bags. But for the people of England of which I am one, that little gesture alone would have taken us out of the hands of the power gurus and meant we could have kept the money we earned and ploughed it back into things like education, upped our health care facilities, coastal erosion and a number of other things that are neglected and run on a shoe -string.

Through royal dictate we had am empire for which we are still paying the price with maintaining a commonwealth and payment to the eu - we actually don't need either to trade and be a successful nation.

Our way of life is important to me because we are a fair minded people and live a relatively quiet life sending our troups abroad (which is out of our hands) more today for corrupt purposes than ever before, but that is not actually something that impinges on our Britishness. The open door and allowing other cujltures to dictate to us over our way of life is a problem, but although tolerance is our usual means of acting - there are somethings that are a step too far into our culture and the women's freedoms that our strong women have fought for and won.

When we went into Europe with the tale that we would be able to buy foreign products from our shops yet not a lot changed immediately we all pretty much knew it was a con. Today sure I can buy eu products but also a lot of things from countries outside of the eu. None of this I would envisage would change were we out.

I think the return of power to our government, the closing of the borders to obligatory immigration, the saving of the huge sum we pay into europe would be beneficial to the english people. Already our trade has changed and new businesses that don't all sell to europe but via the internet sell all over the world have steadied the advantages of being in the eu already. We are already seeing the effects of the eu slow-down, one example is the foreign students here in the summer to learn the language and experience life here, bookings are so down many of the teachers for these colleges are not being signed up for next year. I suspect this trend goes across the market with the eu in virtual recession.

I could never see europe as a separate state working because the people are so diverse and the corruption that a huge cumbersome government there would hold was never to the advantage of the ordinary europeans. It also gives the power hungry psychopaths in charge of big blocks of country's the chance to play war games with, again to the ordinary man and woman's disadvantage.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

Just had a quick look, the figures are astounding, although that figure above is incorrect, anyway, Britain exports 50% of its products to the EU, and 51% of its imports comes from the EU, Britain also pays in more than nearly any other EU country, I suggest those who really want to know, spend some time on Google, especially the Brits on this forum.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

I disagree there may be some homeless polish immigrants, but statistically they have a higher rate of higher education that British people. Combine that with a strong work ethic. and you have competition for work. But free movement is available to all of us, I worked in bars for 5 years abroad and earned far more than I do working for a bank in the UK.
I don't think mmigration is the issue. For me it's the lack of accountability in the European parliament. They haven't had there accounts signed off for years.
We need more accountability from the parliament which would lead to massive savings for everyone.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

I just don't understand what the end game is with the EU. What is their vision? Is it this? All over Europe the richer nations' people are getting very cheesed off. I can't stand UKIP. I love multi culture and even I am very concerned. Also, what is this migration doing to the poorer EU countries? Are they becoming even more intellectually, socially and financially impoverished and in even greater need of subsidising by the richer members?

Honestly, I am not joking about London Victoria. People are arriving there on a conveyer belt. They are not better educated than we are. Those people are poor economic refugees. Life in their own countries is bad enough for them to come here and be on £6 an hour (even if highly educated!), living in very cramped conditions. There is a huge problem of people who are not getting welfare and do not have a job. You can bet that criminal behaviour will result when survival is at stake. Lack of proper hygiene facilities in these camps, too, is a sure petri dish for disease.

So why is not the EU vision happening for these poorer members? Why instead of overburdening some countries don't they provide resources for these countries to catch up?

Also, the EU Commissioners, who make all the important decisions in Europe, are not democratically elected. They are bureaucratically CHOSEN. Where is democracy in all this? It is sabotaging democracy having such a method of representation. Are they the civil servants (Whitehall) of Brussels?

Come on you EU enthusiasts, time to answer the critics because the critics are rapidly turning into the majority of the richer nation members' native populations.

I'm not being a hater. I am not anti EU even. I am being a realist. It is vital now that we take a fresh look at the EU and strive to find solutions because real political and economic instability is happening on a wide scale and ultimately it could be the demise of the "precious" Union.

edit on 30-11-2014 by lonesomerimbaud because: various.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: multichild

majority of people in the UK, are happy to live a peaceful life, where we work for a living, and help those arounds us who need it the most, as we have done for hundreds of years quite nicely

Live a peaceful life? Huh?
So shall we start with Britains role in creating Israel, or the Falklands war, or invasion of Iraq or Libya,
Dare I bring up Ireland and self determination?
This is coming from an Aussie who saw his Govt sacked by the Governor General in 1975.
Yep the Queens military man sacking our government.
100's of years of prosperity to the 'alien" I think not

But in the bigger scheme of things we'll all be losing to multi-culturalism sense of identity and eventually the Nation State

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Falklands? We were invaded and we protected our people.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

I take it your going to ignore what the Australian government has done to the aboriginal people? Or are you going to blame the childstealing of the 70' on the UK. And wasn't it a politician who made up false claims of sexual abuse in aboriginal communities to steal their land a couple of years ago.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: multichild

a reply to: Dabrazzo

Hmmmmm does V for Vendetta ring a bell? With rising immigration all across Europe I am pretty sure we will the rise of a real life version of the Norsefire Party.
edit on 30-11-2014 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Asynchrony
I'd rather the UK not join the EU. It would sink into the depths of the sea as all the English people decline under the pressures of immigrating peoples not required to be English to live there. It would then begin to look like Mexico. They would rename England to Mexi-K.

You'd rather the UK not join?

That's a bit late for that worry - the UK joined the EU nearly 42 years ago, you know.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 04:57 PM
I think there are huge number of issues of EU membership that need addressing. But there is also a lot of confusion and obfuscation involved. From what I can gather back in the 1970s Britons voted for membership of a European Economic Community with no barriers to free trade. They did not vote for a European Superstate ruled from Brussels.

But it seems the free movement of labour issue is being painted by all political parties as the major problem?

Is it?

I suspect our National Health Service would collapse without the large number of staff from the EU. I also suspect that the English Premier League would be a much better place if we deported all those foreign managers and players who are really no better than the British boys. There are loads of them taking our jobs and unable to speak much English other than a generic but dull interview about how "... it is an important game, we will try our best...".

Good riddance I say. I'm sure you all agree.

Well except if it's your club's manager or player. Then it's different innit.

Perhaps you can't see the analogy I'm making? Perhaps you can?

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 05:21 PM
Will the British people ever get the vote
look what happened in Ireland they made them vote until they got the right result

This video is from 3 years ago but it is still relevant what Lord Monckton says

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

I take it your going to ignore what the Australian government has done to the aboriginal people? Or are you going to blame the childstealing of the 70' on the UK. And wasn't it a politician who made up false claims of sexual abuse in aboriginal communities to steal their land a couple of years ago.

Of course.
Don't you know by now that the root and source of all the world's ill's are the fault of those bastard Brits, or English to be more precise?

Everything else is conveniently ignored or glossed over.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: stormcell

Even in the farms and local warehouses, the same thing is happening. Employers are bussing in international workers who live and work on site, earning £6/hour for working, while payingg £5/hour for a bed.

Sorry, what? charging an employee 5 quid an hour to sleep? Do you think that's even legal?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 06:16 PM
Bumping this as it's very relevant with the EU referendum coming up.

Anyone thinking of voting to Remain really needs to watch this.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: pikestaff
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

Europe needs the UK market - more so than the UK needs Europe.
We're not voting for EU membership here, we're voting for the continuation of Britain or the end of Britain.
Interestingly it's Scotland that will probably decide the vote given the closeness of opinion in England and Wales - they may well get their wish of conquering England after all, albeit through their European allies.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: pikestaff
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

Europe needs the UK market - more so than the UK needs Europe.
We're not voting for EU membership here, we're voting for the continuation of Britain or the end of Britain.
Interestingly it's Scotland that will probably decide the vote given the closeness of opinion in England and Wales - they may well get their wish of conquering England after all, albeit through their European allies.

Christ now we want to Conquer England. That's a new one.

edit on 12-4-2016 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: pikestaff
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

Europe needs the UK market - more so than the UK needs Europe.
We're not voting for EU membership here, we're voting for the continuation of Britain or the end of Britain.
Interestingly it's Scotland that will probably decide the vote given the closeness of opinion in England and Wales - they may well get their wish of conquering England after all, albeit through their European allies.

Christ now we want to Conquer England. That's a new one.

Didn't Robert Bruce threaten to annexe Northen England - after he murdered one of his rivals in cold blood to become Scotland's king? The Scots also have a long history of trying to ally themselves to France to defeat England, no?

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: pikestaff
The UK paid 18.6 Billion pounds to the EU last year, leaving would obviously save that amount, what Britain earns from exports to the EU I have no idea, what money comes back from the EU general fund, I don't know either, I will have to do some Googling this morning.

Europe needs the UK market - more so than the UK needs Europe.
We're not voting for EU membership here, we're voting for the continuation of Britain or the end of Britain.
Interestingly it's Scotland that will probably decide the vote given the closeness of opinion in England and Wales - they may well get their wish of conquering England after all, albeit through their European allies.

Christ now we want to Conquer England. That's a new one.

Yep, it seems that there is nothing that we will not try and blame on you pesky Scot's.

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