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Military Prepared for Ferguson Over 2 Years Ago - What Did They Know?

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posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Omg. Please tell me you are NOT serious with this?

It wouldn't take the gov TWO YEARS to pull something like this. What's the point of doing this in STL anyway?

So what, they had exercises and drills. Lots of cities and municipalities practice them IN THE EVENT something pops off.

Ferguson is bad enough as it is. Attempting to clump some absolutely ridiculous conspiracy claims in with it is ludicrous. If you seriously believe this, you need to see a doctor, or something.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: lovebeck

FINALLY!!! Thank you

There are not many places that haven't been 'practiced'

Veteran now, but we play games all the time. In the lakes, oceans, cities, deserts, wilderness, arctic, all of it. It's non stop because ((whether you like the military or not)) we are supposed to provide defense internally. But we've practiced for pretty much every type of combat you can imagine. We practice in America, other countries and open waters. It's everywhere

BTW...look up Red Flag and Cope Thunder - Maybe we're planning on a Nevada or Alaskan false flag too?

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 08:19 AM
So, the govt planned this 2 yrs ago, then had a cop shoot a kid and ensured the body was left in the street for what end? Heck, the military wasn't even that involved other than protecting the CP.

The only thing I saw coming out of this was public outcry and debate on the militarization of the police. Is that why the military did this, to demilitarize the cops?

Seems odd that TPTB who want a militarized police force to crush our rights would do this.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 08:52 AM
So with all that planning, the drills, the massive equipment, available boots to place on the ground, the fact Ferguson is only 12-13 miles from St. Louis and in spite of the fact Gov. Nixon declared a state of Emergency at least twice in the previous weeks and months, the National Guard was called for days ahead of the decision ..............not a single solitary smidgeon of any military.

That's what I call prepared and on the ready, except in this instance, a big fail.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: KyoZero
a reply to: lovebeck

FINALLY!!! Thank you

There are not many places that haven't been 'practiced'

Veteran now, but we play games all the time. In the lakes, oceans, cities, deserts, wilderness, arctic, all of it. It's non stop because ((whether you like the military or not)) we are supposed to provide defense internally. But we've practiced for pretty much every type of combat you can imagine. We practice in America, other countries and open waters. It's everywhere

BTW...look up Red Flag and Cope Thunder - Maybe we're planning on a Nevada or Alaskan false flag too?

I lived in Northern VA for 25 years. Next to the CIA headquarters, Dulles Airport, Pentagon & D.C. Not once did I see armored vehicles rolling around neighborhoods and soldiers marching with weapons. Now I live in Tennessee near Arnold Air Force base and Lockheed Martin, still never seen anything like that here either. It was rare enough for the St. Louis news to pick up on it and the people around there were slightly frightened by the event. I'm not the only one who found it suspicious obviously, so don't act like this is normal and a everyday event.
edit on 28-11-2014 by FearYourMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: FearYourMind

"They" also call anything not flying a tank. "They" also call every rifle an assault rifle. "They" also call every handgun an automatic.

It never ceases to blow my mind that whatever the military does somehow winds up being "proof" of something. There's a town in north carolina that's REGULARLY used to train troops for urban operations. Guess what? Never had anything planned there.

The military practices. A lot. And a lot of different scenarios. They practice dropping bombs on islands all the time. It isn't indicative of a plan to invade that island. Just because they practice something that has similarities to something else that happens doesn't make it a giant conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Since when does the Air Force roll around with armored vehicles and troops patrolling city streets? Ahhh....they don't, that's right.

And since you lived near DC, and talked about all the things you didn't see, it would only be fair of you to mention all the things you DID see, like NORAD exercises with fighter aircraft, AWACS, tankers, etc, and nearly constant military helo traffic, the firings and exercises at Quantico MCB and Prince William Forest.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Maybe the military just had it written down on their calendar wrong.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: KyoZero

Why'd you have to go and mention red flag? Our secret is out. Now they're on to us!

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: FearYourMind

False. You are making concrete statements as if they are factual.

"Looks like they had a hand in the whole Ferguson situation. This cop will probably go into a witness protection type program eventually. He was their player. He did his job and now he will be protected."

How has anything you've "sourced" proves that definitively enough for you to make the assertion that "they" had a hand in it? You're taking a little bit of information and taking a flying leap with it to your own conclusions.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 02:00 PM
Of course the government knew something. We all know that it's always just a matter of time before some "incident" causes the black feral beasts to rise up and do what they're good at; violence and destruction!

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: FearYourMind

Since when does the Air Force roll around with armored vehicles and troops patrolling city streets? Ahhh....they don't, that's right.

And since you lived near DC, and talked about all the things you didn't see, it would only be fair of you to mention all the things you DID see, like NORAD exercises with fighter aircraft, AWACS, tankers, etc, and nearly constant military helo traffic, the firings and exercises at Quantico MCB and Prince William Forest.

Of course they conduct exercises on bases and in the air. They never come strolling through the neighborhoods without warning. EVER. Find me another example of the military strolling through neighborhoods where children play other than the one's I've posted.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

No need. Local media reported on it before it happened. Told residents to be prepared to see military rolling through the streets.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Also, if you think it's perfectly normal and OK for the military to pop up in your neighborhood with or without warning then you have a screwed up mentality. "Oh look honey, there's armored vehicles and soldiers with guns marching down our street." That's suppose to be something we shouldn't be alarmed about these days? Quit acting like I am suppose to accept this and bow to it as if I'm living in a communist country.

Oh, they dropped bombs on Bikini Island, so it's perfectly normal and OK for them to practice on my street now. Right? No, I don't think so. Something isn't right about this and that's the point I am making. Coincidence that where these unusual practices went down is also where the heart of a rebellion is beginning now? Maybe, maybe not.

It's important to point these things out though. I for one, do not trust our government. I would never recommend joining the military either because they are being wasted like pawns in a chess game for the gain of a few. Nothing is about freedom anymore, it's all about deceiving the public, stripping our rights, keeping us slaves to oil and using "Terrorism" to get everyone on board with it. They've even managed to convince you that they can conduct military practices where your kids play anytime they want. You are a enabler for the NWO. Allowing the military to conduct martial law exercises on your street? This is something you consider acceptable? Really? Wow.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: FearYourMind

No need. Local media reported on it before it happened. Told residents to be prepared to see military rolling through the streets.

Not everyone watches the news and plenty of people were alarmed to see these vehicles and armed soldiers on their streets. It's unacceptable. This isn't China.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Do they not have enough areas on their bases to practice? This is ridiculous. They have mock towns to practice on. Do they need another trillion dollars so they can stay the hell out of our neighborhoods and practice elsewhere?

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Man you went off the deep end about this. Woulda just saved time and effort to say "the military should be confined to their bases at all times, no exceptions."

First you want me to find you examples of the military doing this without warning. So I point out it was on the news. So you say well not everybody watches the news. Okay well did you want them to go door to door? And yet somehow, despite not everybody watching the news, you obviously knew when NORAD was conducting drills in the DC area.

Newsflash: the military can't do it without the permission of the location. So if you want to be mad, be mad at the city for giving the military permission to do it. And keep that hate warm for the towns that actually INVITE the military.

You're right. This isn't a communist country. Or China. Otherwise you'd already have a knock on the door. And the military wouldn't ask permission to conduct drills. The military asked permission to do it. It was given. In the instances where it's not, it doesn't happen. Rail against your local leaders for letting the military do something you don't like, not the military.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Normal? No. Then again I watch the news. And wouldn't go off the deep end about it either.

You don't trust the government. Conditioning. NWO. Illuminati. I get it. You're entitled to your beliefs and convictions. I don't share them. And you don't know a thing about me beyond that, so telling me I've been convinced of anything is a waste of time and breath.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: FearYourMind

Point of fact: no, not all bases do. Quantico: combat town is two blocks by two blocks. Yea, that's realistic.

Point remains: military didn't do anything without permission. If you're going to go bananas at somebody, do it at the people who granted that permission.

I think I'm going to stop commenting now, before you have a coronary.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 03:39 PM
I think Ferguson was the inevitable result of a failed Nuclear attack upon America during the last week of May 2011, specifically from May 24 - 28th, exactly 3 and a half years ago.

who launched it? perhaps the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. didn't know then, but it seems clear enough now.

Brown, McSpadden and Wilson are all working together on behalf of a foreign power against the United States apparently.

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Benjamin Crump all agents of foreign powers...

...but this behavior is tolerated from what I can tell.

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