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Mars Attacked

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posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: AlexDJ
Should this sound so unbelivable that mars was attacked? Just think for a minute, if anybody remembers Romans said that Mars was the God of War, do you think they say it because just they like it and was "cool because its a red planet"? it has more truth than people thinks that Roman saying and they were more right that todays science! But heck sounds like ufo fringe talk so it should be labeled like creazy talk.

Actually Romans knew more than we do.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the colour of Mars is the reason it is associated with war but not just by the Romans but the Greeks and others.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: wmd_2008

Maybe the problem is not bursting my bubble , maybe the problem is you cant inflate more yours
ever think of that?L

Thats the problem today with science and religion, their bubbles cant strech more because it doesnt fit their "human perspective".

Bur heck who i am to inflate more the bubbles isnt?

edit on 30-11-2014 by AlexDJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: ZetaRediculian

Aliens sell books. Its what is known as a trend and from what I have seen so far, he is very trendy.

"How do you know that he doesn't already have money?"

because its not going to be a free book?

So if someone has "x" amount of money they then have to altruistically work for free. I suppose the publishers arent going to charge him for printing, right?

Wow this gets better and better.

By the way you posters who keep bringing up money. Tell me how much money is enough or not enough.
Care to use your same line of reasoning in coming up with a formula one can apply so we can use that as a first line of response whenever someone posts on ATS

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:52 AM
Well this is amusing. I take it that the bloke whose theory this is has a new book out? It might explain a few things, including the ludicrous nature of his theory.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: AlexDJ
Should this sound so unbelivable that mars was attacked? Just think for a minute, if anybody remembers Romans said that Mars was the God of War, do you think they say it because just they like it and was "cool because its a red planet"? it has more truth than people thinks that Roman saying and they were more right that todays science! But heck sounds like ufo fringe talk so it should be labeled like creazy talk.

Actually Romans knew more than we do.

The planet was named after the God.

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Care to use your same line of reasoning in coming up with a formula one can apply so we can use that as a first line of response whenever someone posts on ATS

Sure. People buy books and believe everything they read in those books. They then post on here that they read something in a book. The Alien Forum is very popular and very active because aliens. People that write books about aliens understand this. If aliens weren't so popular, there would be less alien books and less posts about them.

Supply and demand

So if someone has "x" amount of money they then have to altruistically work for free. I suppose the publishers arent going to charge him for printing, right?

Of course not. That wasn't my point. That was the other guys point. "How do you know they don't already have money?" which is absurd as you pointed out.

My point is that its like every other thing that sells. Sex sells. Diet fads sell. Aliens sell.
edit on 1-12-2014 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:10 AM
I too believe that Mars was attacked. Not because I have a book to sell and not because some scientists has said so, but because in the MER images there are huge areas of broken machinery lying around. It also does not look like they have this kind of technology at the present time. I believe NASA knows or suspects that this is what happened in the past due to these pieces of machinery in certain areas. In fact, this may be one reason why they are hiding some of the truth from us.

What evidence is there? Well, what evidence is possible other than images from the Mars robots because the kind of sensors which are up currently there are not going to tell us if there was a war in the past are they? It does not look as if the radiation levels are particularly high though so maybe it was an energy war as some people have suggested and similar to Star Wars and Star Trek kind of thing.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 04:12 PM
Every time I read this kind of stuff I remember the words of Wernher Von Braun

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 03:21 PM
So I started reading this book (partly) because it has not been soundly debunked yet, as far as I've been able to tell... and despite the author being religious and him talking about that is pointless and does NOT lend an air of credibility (imo), and so indicates poor judgement when trying to present new, paradigm disturbing evidence... despite that he seems like he knows what he's talking about concerning the science itself.

I know... the tabloid look and the laugh factor attached to Hoagland, etc., make this problematic, and the author doesn't help matters much with his unscientific worldview... but the science itself is there for anyone to see.

Working for Sandia and Livermore during the end of the last cold war... partly on h-bomb testing, specifically, he has a specialized background in h-bombs and their effects. He also has insights into the psychology of nuclear annihilation ...which likely both helps and hinders his views... but not the evidence.

The argument he is laying out is logical... and he admits (thankfully) that is is a hypothesis only, but that he's privately convinced that an artificial h-bomb of several gigatons went off in an air burst (or two) a couple million years ago and ended Mars... which he thinks had a civilization of human-like folks.

He postulates that it was an outside force that did it (because why would native Martians end their own world so completely? Maybe- but Earth might end itself all due to Earthlings) and wonders if some aliens send nuclear megabombs toward any alien sentience they find... explaining the Fermi Paradox, etc., and if so, it might be smart to go there, find out, and defend ourselves. If no aliens, then it might save us to know we've done all this before... with poor results.

He also answered some of the religious concerns in the comments on Amazon, saying that "if you found out we might be in a cycle of self destruction and/or are facing hostile aliens, you'd get depressed and go crying to god for comfort, too"... or something to that effect. Personally, I'd not have that impulse... but whatever, at least he's self aware. But despite my thinking his beliefs silly, it doesn't detract from the core science which is indisputably odd.

So... it doesn't only rest on the Xenon, U and thorium isotopes that are only produced from high energy nuclear reactions and that the U and thorium could be used as an outer wrap to increase the energy released ... there's the surface of Mars being radioactive, not deeper down as one would expect if natural (gleaned from bed rock meteors), the areas that look like ruins, patterns of isotope dispersal that match up with modeling and ...well, I have much more to read, but this is NOT complete wackiness... the base science and anomalies seem valid... where he goes with it might be wacky, but he, at least, admits that.

He did publish a paper with just the science in it and this was a book, so I can't really fault his personal litter... I don't agree with his worldview, and I'm not qualified to pick apart the particle physics, but the science points to something odd on Mars... and that's one of the reasons why science is so useful... one can communicate across gulfs of understanding and explore new ideas and weigh their probability.

Our pool of understanding is small and we only have a small sampling of planets to compare to each other, so maybe the Mars radiation was caused by an unknown natural event... this book and core idea is not total hooey, though... it IS based on evidence and that evidence is interesting and unsettling. *Shrugs*

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