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The Hypocrisy surrounding Christianity and Atheism

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posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 01:24 AM
You might find this documentary quite interesting -
Homosapien footprints and dinosaur footprints were found which went under massive limestone deposits. They dug it up and the tracks continued as per.

Forbidden science and archeology are fascinating. And we all know the vatican pilfers natural treasures and hoards them in secrecy. Unfortunately Evolution is false and you have all been fed a massive lie. All the dating methods are questionable. They hide everything from you of course they would try and hide the answer to life by distorting the truth.

You have to WANT to research the topic enough to find out. That's the problem. Most of you will focus on 'evidence' supporting evolution so however it is presented you will accept it. It's a massive farce and people are starting to realize, not just creationists.


edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Rex282

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: Rex282

originally posted by: Klassified
OP. This post is not aimed at you personally, but at the video, which I have just finished...

I have never seen anyone try so hard to convince themselves something doesn't exist. It's really quite simple. There is no god, and I don't hate him/her/it, because he/she/it does not exist. However, I, along with many other atheists, ant-theists, and anti-religionists, have grown weary of having the xtian version of a non-existent deity, shoved down our throats for the past 2000 years.

When atheists talk about "god", it's no different than talking as if a unicorn existed. It doesn't, but if I say I would like to ride one if it did, then I suppose by the video's logic, I must actually believe in unicorns, or I wouldn't be talking about them, or want to ride one. Sure, that makes sense. NOT.

Although you may say it was in a hypothetical context, you cannot deny the real emotion. Why is there real emotional attachment, some would even say obsession, over something that they SHOULD, feel indifferent about.

Let me come to your house daily, for the rest of your life, with Koran in hand, and do my best to convince you that that Allah, not Jesus, is the real savior. How long before you throw me out of your house in anger? Why get angry? Allah doesn't exist.

Another interesting observation. Have you noticed that hardcore Atheists seem to have a lot of vested energy in combating creationists? I wonder why that is.

This has been answered thousands of times on ATS. It is because xtianity has spent the last 2000 years vesting every bit of energy they have in conquering the world, by whatever means necessary, including murder, genocide, and torture. Of course, these days we have a kinder, gentler, xtian who wears us down with sheer volume of attacks against our sensibilities.

I am all for anyone believing whatever they want. But don't come knocking on my door, or telling me how I'm going to spend eternity separated from a god I don't even believe exists. I'm sorry, but evangelical/fundamentalist xtianity has earned the vitriol it receives many times over.

Thanks Klassified this should be a required prerequisite reading sticky post before any threads about Atheist are posted.The same baseless tirades against over and over will wear on any reasonable persons senses.The fact the many fail to see is it is far more detrimental to believe in a false God that is not real than to NOT believe in a false God...thanks for denying ignorance.

If it wears on you that much why are you even here in the thread and partaking? Just for the spectacle?

No I am here doing what the website Above Top Secret mission statement and motto is ..deny ignorance.I am not trolling as you are.


Can you hear yourself? YOU are trolling.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: Akragon

Yeah I was discussing that one with someone a while back and the person pulled up an indigenous buffalo type creature or rhino type creature that lived there and they look almost identical minus what look like stegosaurus fins. We also looked into the type of prehistoric dinos lived there and none had that attribute.

So we have a creature that still inhabits the area that looks almost just like it and no fossil record of a stegosaurus type of creature ever inhabiting there.

I am going to try and find that thread.


lost the thread I can't remember which one it was but I pulled up an image of a cambodian Rhino and buffalo.

That carving is interesting however what liberties they took only one can guess. Leaves behind a Rhino or buffalo or a stegosaurus???

Maybe it is a fictional creature because the carving doesn't match any of them not even the snake like critter it is wrapped in looks like a snake or is it a funky eel?
edit on 19-11-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

And "the truth" is of course... in the bible, right?

As opposed to people who have spent their lives researching these things, and have various degrees in archeology/paleontology... etc etc etc

We're supposed to just take the word of a few fanatical religious types... Not people with actual educations in the fields involved, but rather some religious fanatical YouTube Christian missionary hero...

You do know the bible doesn't even say that the earth is 6k years old right... this whole thing was fabricated from the genealogies in the book back in the 1400s

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
Unfortunately Evolution is false and you have all been fed a massive lie.

We've already been over this repeatedly. You just continue to spout the same thing over and over even though you don't even understand what Evolution is. You spent a whole other thread on that topic where you were proven to be wrong in your claim. You keep saying that you're honest but you clearly aren't. I even gave you a perfectly clear and undeniable example of evolution which is right in front of you and you ignore it as if I never showed you. Now, does that prove that everything withing Evolutionary theory is right, no. But it certainly proves that not all of it is a lie. But you can't except that because because you refuse it. Face it, you are locked into your Biblical Mindset and you're too afraid to even question anything anymore.

Plus you're still using more stupid YouTube videos as if YouTube videos are the apex of Human Knowledge and Truth. There is just no possible way to get through to you is there. You are truly the definition of a Zealot, you know that??

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Akragon

That is looked at around the 28-29 minute mark of the "Flinstones Archeology" video. The fins are just something decorative in the background. You can see if they are part of this creature, it has a nice beer belly going. I think the video shows that it is most likely a Cambodian rhino like Grim posted a pic of.

The carving above it looks like it may be a buffalo.

That location is the Ta Prohm temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

I don't know too much about it, but there's a starting point for more research.
edit on 11-19-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Don't bother with Tech he already posted a new thread stating evolution is false yada yada with the same videos from this thread.

BTW props to you for the video I pulled it from the other thread so with his new thread he will have ignored it three times.

He is back on the loch ness monster as evidence kick. I believe he has abandoned this thread like the last two or is it three now.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

i think he wants to make sure that we don't have a situation like in one of your previous threads, where you copped out, and used the fact that the video was someone else's work, to get out of defending the fallacious assertions contained within it.....after this, you proceeded to run away from the thread, because of the backlash from that cop-out.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:46 AM
Just a quick question for you tech unique. It may seem off topic but your reply will tell you a lot about how you really feel about religion vs Scientific approach.

If one of your children was having a seizure, would you rush them to the hospital or to the church. Explain your choice of answer

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 05:59 AM
"If one of your children was having a seizure, would you rush them to the hospital or to the church. Explain your choice of answer"

Does having questions about a certain aspect of science preclude you from any and all scientific advances? Or is questioning actually the basis of science.

I hate the term pseudoscience. All science is pseudoscience until it's been proven. What has happened in the scientific world, where you're ridiculed for questioning the status quo?

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 06:15 AM
In my city there is a church that doesn't believe in modern medicine and they've made it into the news a few times when their prayers didn't save a child or two from life threatening illness.
edit on 11-19-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

and they absolve themselves of responsibility for their lack of actual action, and hide from their guilt, by calling it "god's will", if the child dies...this way, they can get out of feeling like the murderers they are....

cognitive dissonance is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Daedalus

Somehow they've evaded charges of negligence thus far. I can't honestly say how many of that congregation do not go to the doctors etc. But obviously they have made a name for themselves getting in the news at least twice. Thankfully the church my parents attended when I was a child was not like that at all. Otherwise I would be dead thanks to an erupted appendix. Makes me wonder though how many other churches promote prayer over medical practice and how many are held accountable or not for negligence.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: mOjOm

Even if you're right, they would still apply to Creationists as well. You see, it makes no difference if you try and deflect your dishonesty onto someone else and claim "Well they do it too". You're still equally at fault.

We have a winner.

"The hypocrisy surrounding Christianity & Atheism"...
Summed up in one post.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

I'm not dishonest.

Then why did you claim Christian children are being beheaded, by using a source that lied about a poor Muslim child who was killed by Assad?
Why did you not condemn the source & apologise for using it when I asked you 3 times to explain yourself?
Why did you disappear from the thread instead of engaging in conversation about your dishonesty?

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

What do you guys think about this?

Nothing at all, its a video in your thread without a simple synopsis of whats in the video, did you watch it?

Another interesting observation. Have you noticed that hardcore Atheists seem to have a lot of vested energy in combating creationists? I wonder why that is.

Any thoughts?


To notice that would require the claim of a poster being a hard core atheist and not what I assume they are by what they post.

Any examples or is this observation based on your assumptions of others beliefs?

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

You all don't realize but you have been indoctrinated and brainwashed

Thanks but I already knew that.

Do you have any realization about yourself ever or are you just one of those special people that can see into the soul of others and just know what they are and whats been done to them?

That is a very real thing and you have probably been so brainwashed and indoctrinated that you can't even see it.

You're really getting scared aren't you, I mean who in their right mind would say such a thing unless they are so lost and conflicted internally and are just awaking to their own brainwashing?

You are just waking up to your own indoctrination and feel disappointed, used, so you need to impose your negativeness on others.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:19 AM
The OP just hates anything that isn't his religion or anything that contradicts his religion, as his threads show.

The irony is staggering....

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: TechUnique

As I said if anyone is the victim of brainwashing/indoctrination here that would be you.

Are you finding this whacked out stuff on your own or is it being taught to you via some online course or your church.

Seriously man if you actually believe the stuff you keep presenting and pushing you need to find a good head shrink before you completely lose your grip on reality. The stuff you are spouting is unhealthy for you. Honest question here. Are you some part of a christian cult?

I suspect they are having an episode of psychosis, numerous threads in the last few days all the same, a youtube video and defensive stance towards any opposing opinions and questions.

I simply believe they surf Youtube, watch conspiracy vids to get their fix of doom and end times predictions and because its all sound just too right they need to come and share their delusions here all the while telling just about everybody else reading how ignorant and brainwashed they are.

Look at the reply to you...

Lol I don't go to church I read the bible. You are so ignorant.

Yes you were ignorant of where they are getting their delusions from hence you asking the question.

That fine addition at the end of answering your questions just shows the type of troll suffering from psychosis a reader must deal with if you want to discuss anything with them about what they supply in their own thread.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Why did you disappear from the thread instead of engaging in conversation about your dishonesty?

I think their silence on that just sums it up for me.

I was going to post in the other thread just to quote that post of yours and ask OP to address this issue.

But the silence of them in a few threads now is quite sickening if they are not suffering from some psychosis and are just having an episode the last few days, hence the reason for their posting habit of the last few days.

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