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Ukraine Admits Its Gold Is Gone

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posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: tavi45

Don't think anyone said Putin took there gold. However Putin is stealing the land and resources from Ukraine so it's close.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: tavi45

I meant provide a source that shows that Putin took Ukraine's gold.

And provide a source that isn't Zerohedge that proves the US took it?

See how that works?

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

But why would anyone let a fox guard a henhouse. I don't think the US can account for it's own gold.

The Germans failed to get its gold back, can`t wait for the Swiss to have a go at it.


Are you sure..? I think Germany already repatriated much of its gold from america not very long ago.

I ask this because yesterday it was in the dutch news that the dutch government received 130 tons gold from New York a few days ago.

It would be a nice thread to speculate about the reasons why the dutch government (and other governments) decided to do this. I am not the naive kind of guy but I would strongly advice the dutch government to take core samples of some goldbars.


EDIT: The source says 120 tons but I am pretty sure it is 130 tons..

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: tavi45

Don't think anyone said Putin took there gold. However Putin is stealing the land and resources from Ukraine so it's close.

How is that so? When Russia took Crimea, Ukraine did not have a legitimate government. Rebels had taken over the country and were "playing" leader and the Crimea people gladly accepted Russian leadership as it was more stable and secure.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: zatara

You`re right about the it, in the Dutch news it`s 130 tons.

Spokes man of our Federal Bank says "it`s not wise to keep half of it in one place, maybe during the Cold War, but not now anymore."

Right after WWII up to the 70s they have bought frequently gold to get more and that went to the NY faults right away. DNB has been buying and selling lots of times gold to make a good deal of money of it in the past.

The NY faults are build to withstand earthquakes and nuclear attacks.


I also heard them say, "they thought it might help give the Dutch citizens some sense of ease."

Here some more about the German wanting to have some back :

The Real Reason Why Germany Halted Its Gold Repatriation From The NY Fed


posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

The reason the gold transports didn't continue was the German elections one party was pushing for repatriation of gold. Even though it is an increased expense on the bank when that party failed to get any seats this allowed bundesbank to cancel it without objections. As a Bank they no longer have to spend the money to bring all the gold back. Obviously for them a win win since transport of that much gold is expensive. They need to approve a gold storage sight at airport including guardo and vault. Than hundreds of armored car trips hundress of flights than again security issues at arriving airport. Again hundreds of armored cars not to mention expansion of current vaults involVing construction. In short they are saving millions by leaving it where it is.

PS don't believe anything zero hedge says I suggest you look into who it is. Traders read it because of the outrageous things he says everyone knows it's not actual news the stories are always based on rumors. Notice no one is every quoted he writes it like he has a source which he diesnt.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 12:39 AM
Just for your information: based on the current gold price , $1 billion equals about 26 metric tons of gold - which is about 1.3 cubic meter or or 48 cubic feet. You cannot simply move several billion dollars worth of gold with some vans and couple of guys...

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: windlass34
Just for your information: based on the current gold price , $1 billion equals about 26 metric tons of gold - which is about 1.3 cubic meter or or 48 cubic feet. You cannot simply move several billion dollars worth of gold with some vans and couple of guys...

speculation of this first occurred when someone posted on their blog that they saw what they assumed was gold being loaded onto cargo planes. take that for what you will.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

speculation of this first occurred when someone posted on their blog that they saw what they assumed was gold being loaded onto cargo planes. take that for what you will.

And yet we have this thread pretty much saying that it was a fact, but in fact this was said by someone in their blog that they saw this happening when there is no proof that it actually happened.

So denying ignorance just went out the window because of someones blog that actually has no proof. Gotta love ATS.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 05:14 AM
The USA has been asked time and again to have its gold audited by outside observers but hides behind "National Security" to block the requests.

When you have the worlds biggest deficit you need to provide collateral to the hidden banking system and that's were all the gold has gone and includes huge amounts of Germanys gold.

We are dealing with a nation who had to dump the gold standard in 1972 because France asked for payment in Gold and not fiat so anyone that thinks the USA has this gold is fooling themselves.

Israel and its bankers have the gold and did you ever ask yourself who the world owes all this debt to because its not China who owe money themselves so it must be the money fairy like I said.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: tavi45
Don't think anyone said Putin took there gold. However Putin is stealing the land and resources from Ukraine so it's close.

Last I knew was that the Ukraine owed Russia money for its gas bill and at least the people in the Crimea were given a vote on joining Russia but I don't remember being asked to join the USA after the war and yet we have about 200 US military bases on our land in Europe and the USA keeps telling us what to do.

No the trouble is not Russia but the USA and it's aggression around the globe.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: VirusGuard

Last I knew was that the Ukraine owed Russia money for its gas bill

And they agreed on the payment of that money so your point is not really useful in this situation.

Russia, Ukraine agree on gas supplies until March 2015

Looks as though you need to find a better argument to use.

and at least the people in the Crimea were given a vote on joining Russia

And yet they weren't given the choice of staying with Ukraine, so it was a one sided vote.

No the trouble is not Russia but the USA and it's aggression around the globe.

And yet we don't see US troops or weapons in Ukraine, now can you say that about Russia...No you can't. So yes the trouble is Russia...your just blinded by your anti American feelings to see the truth.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 06:05 AM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

A simple man Putin was born...
He is now one of the Worlds Wealthiest men..

Consider this.. 25 years ago he was minor KGB Agent.

So where did comrade Putin's Billions and Billions come from?

We can't accuse Obama of becoming one of the Worlds wealthiest men.. now can we?

If you want my humble opinion the gold was gone before Viktor Yanukovych ever left power!
He now lives in Russia... coincidence.. I think not.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

And yet they weren't given the choice of staying with Ukraine, so it was a one sided vote.

I think they had a no change option in the vote but so many people voted and they would had stayed at home if they didn't like the question so on two counts you are wrong since they not only had a massive turnout but they also voted by a huge majority to run with Russia.

Next you could try with the vote results all being fixed but I would have to point out that the Crimea has been as quite as a sheep since the vote took place and you would see riots if people felt the vote was fixed.

Check mate

And yet we don't see US troops or weapons in Ukraine, now can you say that about Russia...No you can't. So yes the trouble is Russia...your just blinded by your anti American feelings to see the truth.

All the big guns in the Ukraine are Russian made, its no secret and both sides have them and they were imported long before fighting started.

I am not aware of US/NATO forces in the Ukraine but they do have what they term as advisers and provide intel assistance to the Ukraine and we have all seen the pictures of what appears to be blackwater combat teams in Kiev but in such small numbers that its not too important.

What I don't see is anything like a Russian invasion or masses of Russian troops in the Ukraine but will admit that some Russian military personal have hopped across the border to help the rebels without the official approval of Putin and who can blame them after the Nazi's started burning people alive in the east of the Ukraine.

Real time intel in a war is hard to come by, hell it takes months to even know if MH17 was hit by a missile or shoot down by air to air cannon fire according to western experts but don't worry I will let you know if and when this great Russian invasion of the Ukraine ever takes place, it will be a joy.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: rigel4

So where did comrade Putin's Billions and Billions come from?

I don't know, you tell me since if you know he has all this money then you must know where it came from right.

Qudaffiy did have billions or more to the point Libya had billions and Tony Blair helped them to invest some of these billions with Goldman but they lost 98% on the investment thanks to thieving little Tony.

Libya had world class hospitals, schools and fresh water in the good old days and now they have nothing after the USA came to their aid so I think the people of the Ukraine have seen this play before and it is not so much of a case as they are pro-Russian but a case of being Anti-American if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

ohh wow i gotta repeat myself? TAKE THAT FOR WHAT YOU WILL! if Ukraine says some gold is missing and the previous story about gold being loaded on to cargo planes we can make some speculative guesses based on this but no conclusions can be drawn.

seriously why do you try so hard?

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: rigel4

uhh he practically owns the oil and gas industry in russia.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 10:33 AM
Maybe the anti-Putiners were right after all, Ukraine sold the gold and Russia bought a lot of it could now be in Russia after all.

Ukraine Central Bank Admits Gold Outflow, Calls It "Optimization Of Reserve Structure"

A week after we reported that the head of the Ukraine central bank admitted in an unofficial, informal interview that Ukraine's gold is gone, all gone, moments ago the Central Bank revealed that, sure enough, the gold holdings in the civil war-torn country have tumbled, as a result of a decision in September to "increase the share of US dollars in a reserve basket", or in other words, to sell the gold.


posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
a reply to: rigel4

uhh he practically owns the oil and gas industry in russia.

So how does that work.. from kgb agent to an oil Pharaoh!

/end sarcasm

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

And yet we have this thread pretty much saying that it was a fact, but in fact this was said by someone in their blog that they saw this happening when there is no proof that it actually happened.

So denying ignorance just went out the window because of someones blog that actually has no proof. Gotta love ATS.

Yeah, sorta reminds me of a certain thread about 123% voting in Crimea...and look how many pages that lasted for..

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