posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 05:59 PM
Hi, first post. I've been reading ATS for awhile now but made an account to make this post since it's an issue close to my heart.
I was severely abused by my feminist aunt, who was like a second mom, throughout my childhood for being male. My mom, while not a feminist per se,
was influenced by my aunt to not truly view males as humans, but only as the enemy. This is what allowed my own mother to, without regret to this
day, sexually abuse me when I was 7 after her boyfriend left her and she was lonely.
Of course I support equal rights for women. But feminism has become nothing but an anti-male hate movement which is egregiously harming men and boys.
I will never, ever forgive feminism for it's role in the destruction of my life, and I will certainly never call myself a feminist.
I'm a Mens' Rights Advocate, a gender egalitarian, and a humanist. But NOT a feminist. Never.