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Possible Alien Encounter? Or Something else

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:58 PM
This story takes place roughly 16 years ago, and had been completely forgotten until a recent conversation with family caused me to think about it more. The interesting part of the conversation is that for years i have always thought that it was a dream that I had and not reality... and it wasnt until i brought it up and that i realized as outlandish as the memory was my mother had the exact same memory. With the same outlandish imagery. For the record I am not sure what exactly was experienced, but I am a believer and extremely open minded. I am posting this mainly to ask if this sounds similar to anything anyone else has read about. I was about 10 when this all happened.

I am going to break this down into two parts, the night before and the night After.

I remember I was getting ready for bed and my mother was brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Our bathroom was on the second story of our house and had one window facing out the back of our house towards a forrest. We lived in the middle of no where a good 30 minutes from the nearest country store or even main road. My mother came and got me because she noticed a Bright, deep red, flashing light out the bathroom window that hadnt been noticed before. We stood there for a while staring at the light, it was a deep red and it was pulsing at a steady rate. It never moved or changed color or intensity.. just a steady red pulse. Almost identical to what one would see now on any type of tower or Power line... except that It was below the tree line and and seemed- from where we were- to be coming from something on the ground and not on a pole or elevated at all. I would guess maybe 3 seconds on, 3 seconds of, consistantly... just to give an idea. We stood there for a while talking about what it could have been and decided that the next day we would go investigate together and make a "day" out of it. Im not sure if it was still there when my mother went to bed, but it never stopped while i was there watching it. Nor did it change in any way.

The next day at some point- i honestly dont remember if we left early in the morning or if it was mid day or even evening- we went into the woods behind our house. We walked for what seemed like a long time in the general direction of the light we had seen. We eventually came to a clearing that was completely cylindrical and completely burnt. The air smelled like fire crackers... there were no trees in the burned area, no leaves, no pine needles everything was completely scorched. Its hard for me to give even an approximate diameter but for the sake of this thread i would imagine that you probably could have parked two semi trucks with trailers in the center of the circle. It was large. We didnt stay there long, i rememeber my mother saying that must have been the light we saw from the window and the more we "talked it through" the more visably uneasy she got before saying that we needed to just head back. This is where the story gets really strange.

On the way back we passed through a gulley much like a small, dry, stream bed that we did NOT cross on the way there. My mother at this point was pissed thinking that we had some how gotten turned around even though we had walked those woods hundreds of times and never crossed over such a stream bed- and had never gotten lost. Not far on the other side of this gully there was an old barn. It looked like an old tobacoo barn. It was dilapidated and the wood was weathered to the point that it was almost black/very dark grey. No sooner than we had walked up to barn, a barn that neither of us had ever seen, than something ... well a few somethings... came out of the barn.

I realize how far-fetched this is going to sound so please bare with me. I remember several small, very short (maybe 2 or 3 feet), "things" coming out of the barn. They almost looked like cartoon characters. They were green, they had large eyes, and what looked like beaks. They were not "humanoid". They almost looked like Small green Penguins with funny looking hats. Again, yes i realize how this sounds. They walked out single-file. And that is where my memory ends. I dont remember getting home. I dont have any other memory at all after that point.

When My mother and I were talking about this the other night- this is why i thought it was a dream. Because the imagery is just so absurd. What struck me is odd is that my mother has the exact same memory... all the way up to the barn that we had never seen, and to my knowledge never saw again. She described them as little green ugly men with glasses and pointed heads. Though i dont remember them looking like "men" at all... She also has no other memory of that day after that point. She doesnt remember coming home or anything. Once we realized that we both had the exact same memory, and both remembered it as being a "dream"... it creeped us out.

I had a lot of "high strangeness" in my child hood with dozens of unexplained memories. I am at a point in my life now where i am trying to make sense out of any of this. I posted another thread not too long ago about a specific night terror I had growing up... and it was in talking to my mother that this incident came up, and i quickly realized that indeed it had happened. Or at least something had happened. She remembers getting ready for bed, noticing the flashing light, getting me and watching it with me. She remembers taking me the next day to look for whatever it was... fully expecting to find nothing. She remembers the large burned circle, getting creeped out, and then stumbling onto the barn.... But the fact that she remembers the little things coming out of the barn- and remembers it as a dream... is what pushed me to make this thread. The only thing i could think is that maybe we had some type of encounter?

Ive been debating on posting this... because i have seen on other threads how people have been ripped apart for such wild speculation. But i am hoping that people can have an open mind... and maybe this will sound even remotely similar to any other case that has been speculated about. IF this sounds at all similar to something you know... i would absolutely be fascinated to hear/read more about it. Im trusting that at the very least I can post this and not be ridiculed... as I have stated I realize how outlandish this, especially the last part, sounds. I am a very logical person. I am simply trying to come up with any type of an explanation for what we saw.. not matter how out of the box it is.

Thanks in advance for any replies!
edit on 023014408pm30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Nov 14 2014 by Jbird because: added alien per OP request

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: itswhatev

I realize how far-fetched this is going to sound so please bare with me. I remember several small, very short (maybe 2 or 3 feet), "things" coming out of the barn. They almost looked like cartoon characters. They were green, they had large eyes, and what looked like beaks. They were not "humanoid". They almost looked like Small green Penguins with funny looking hats..

and maybe this will sound even remotely similar to any other case that has been speculated about.

Itswhatev, thanks for sharing your account and it could be nothing but your description did put me in mind of the UFO occupants described in the Tuscumbia incident from Missouri in 1967 - this case also involved physical trace evidence.

Witness sketch:




posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 08:46 PM
Thanks for sharing. I have shared a few of the many weird experiences I've had on here without catching too much flak.
I have no reason to doubt you think you saw what you saw. There are many cases with multiple witness seeing the same event and giving completely different accounts of what they saw.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for that info! ... That sketch does seem similar but the eyes were completely different. I remember the eyes being almost completely round, and very yellow. Almost like a large barn Owl with Yellow eyes.... and over the years i guess i have tried to convince myself that indeed thats what they were. Afterall, they were coming out of a barn. But they didnt fly out, they didnt fly at all... I honestly dont even think they had wings, and if they did they werent readily apparant. They waddled. Slowly and deliberately. And if i am remembering correctly one initially came out of the barn... and then several others followed. Again, all waddling. They had short little "Feet" maybe only 5 or 6 inches long from the bottom of their body to the ground... Their heads were also different. I remember that it looked like they had little hats on, almost like "robin hood" hats but more pointy. My mother describes them as having conical shaped heads... and doesnt remember hats or anything like that at all... But she is certain they had large, round, Yellow eyes.

THe body shape is very, VERY similar... though these were more compact/round and not as elongated and proportionate. She also remembers that body shape, and the short stubby legs, and that they came out one by one and waddled.

Thank you for the link though, our of any "ufo" story ive read this picture seems to be the closest so far, though i never remember seeing any ship or anything even close to it. And the light that we saw was only the one red color... the same or similar to the beacons on top of highrise buildings or tall towers.

I just wish memories were more reliable and not as easily influenced as they are- my problem is ive always wanted to know for sure what it was that i experienced ... while the reality is that i will never know lol

ETA: after doing a quick search and reading a little more info on this specific event you linked to, I am wondering if indeed i did see somthing similar. Reading this Link about the "space penguins" definitely gave me the chills. I wonder if there are other encounters with similar beings. Up until your post i dont think i had ever even read of another account of something even remotely similar.... thanks again!

edit on 363015409pm30America/Chicagov by itswhatev because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: skunkape23

There are many cases with multiple witness seeing the same event and giving completely different accounts of what they saw.

Yes, memories are tricky like that. You tend to remember what you want to remember... and your mind has a habit of filling in the blanks for you, even if you dont want it to. What stuck out to me most was how similar - even though the finite details ended up being different- her memory and mine are from the same event. And that until recently we both thought it was a dream or something that never actually happened.

If this had been a "family" story told over and over again throughout the years... i would think it would be inevitable that our memories would eventually start to line up. But including tonight prior to be posting this, in all sincerity, I can say that we have only discussed this maybe twice in my life time. The first time being the other night when i brought it up as one of those weird memories i had.... and she was shocked, saying that she remembered it- and had always passed it off herself as being a dream. She was certain that the night before with the red light had happened. And she was certain that the next morning we had indeed gone out to look for the source of said light- but just assumed the rest of that was her imagination. Until i brought it up.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

Generally, you story runs true to form for many close encounter reports. Having a portion or portions of both of your memories being blanked is typical. I will also add that it seems that both of you also had false memories implanted. I suggest that because you both found yourself on unfamiliar terrain on the way back to your house and couldn't understand how that happened. In addition, the mysterious barn that you didn't know about and never saw again evidently is a false memory. I suggest that it replaced a true memory of actually seeing a ship on the ground. The little men/creatures may have been just true to life or they may have been false memories to some extent too, but I'm assuming that your mother's memory of them being "little men" is a more correct and very typical description of the little folks of the UFOs. All in all, you story, as I've stated several times here, is a typical close encounter if not abduction story. About the only thing missing is not noticing a lose of time between when you would have assumed you returned to the house and when you actually did return. But if you weren't truly abducted, taken into the ship and given the (again) typical physical medical exam, perhaps there was not substantial amount of time lost. I can assume that memory blocking and false memories being implanted is not necessarily a lengthy process nor involves being taken into a ship.

You failure to properly deal with the event emotionally and rationally for a long period of time is also indicative of some mind tamper that prevented you from recognizing the full scope of the event even when it was so bizarre. In 1964, a couple of generations ago I underwent what was to become the typical abduction experience while driving alone at night on a rural road. When I got home I remembered seeing a bright light low in the sky and then I remembered driving away from that area. I was very puzzled when I reached home about five minutes later that the clock was over two hours later than what it should have been. I couldn't figure it out. I was almost ten years to the day that it dawned on me that I had undergone an abduction experience. We humans whether common folk or high-minded scientists have no capacity for understanding what the intelligence and technology can be introduced into our lives. To paraphrase the words of the famous science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, what we can't understand or even imagine when it directly involves us as observers or participants must be denied, buried or consider virtually magic. At any rate, congratulations, you are a contributing factor to the making of the UFO myth, whether you wanted it or not. Another notch up from the ground floor of ignorance where all too many folks insist upon lying with their faces in the dirt rather than looking up with deep wonder and interest at the stars.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:03 PM
If it makes you feel any better, I have clear memories of seeing midgets wearing teddy bear costumes, a "shadow" cat with batman ears, little "Jawa" type men in cloaks, and a giant praying mantis, when I was a kid.
It is understandable why many people are reluctant to relate the high weirdness of some of these experiences.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Aliensun

Wow thanks for that, i had never even considered that it may have been an implanted memory of some kind. But i guess if i assume everything else is true that is just as much a possibility. It would make sense as to why there are parts of the memory that seem so irrelevant that stick out so much more than what I would assume to actually be relevant. A few more details I left out ( because i didnt think they added anything to the main point of the story) We both remember there being a very old wagon or cart that was just a dilapidated as the barn sitting ajacent to it- and directly in front of the cart there were two Gravestones. This wasnt a graveyard- but there were two grave stones. We remember that after we got through the gully it was the gravestones that initially caught our attention. We also both remember that one of the stones had a female name one though neither of us remember what it was. And that it was at some point while we were "inspecting" these gravestones that we noticed the beings. Thinking back about it i could probably tell you with more certainty about the gravestones and the wagon than details about the beings. Again I left these details out because didnt want to side track the story... But if indeed it is an implanted memory... maybe it was just another detail for us to "focus" on instead of remembering what actually happened..... Very interesting!

Its also interesting, IMO, to note that aboutt 6 years ago that whole piece of land was clear-cut for timber. They cut down close to 150 acres i believe of timber to be milled and now the land is used for cattle grazing. The family that purchased the land directly after us selling it is the same family that still owns it. I went to school and grew up with their daughter. I remember talking to her about it shortly after it was cut and asked if the barn or the graves were ever stumbled upon and to her knowledge the never found any type of buildings, wagons, graves etc. Nor did they find any type of gullies or dry stream/river beds.

All in all, you story, as I've stated several times here, is a typical close encounter if not abduction story. About the only thing missing is not noticing a lose of time between when you would have assumed you returned to the house and when you actually did return.

That stuck out to me too... I dont remember returning at all. In fact neither of us do. Before i posted this story i spoke with my mother again just to get her side on more time and it wasnt until i asked her "do you remember coming home" that she realized she doesnt either. Its as if thats where the memory stops... we see them coming out and then- nothing. Neither of us remember what happened to the beings, or us. Neither of us remember how or when we got home or how long it took us. I suppose if there was missing time we wouldnt even know about it.

Thank you so much for your input and for sharing your own experience!

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 09:17 AM
seems to have all the hallmarks of a legit encounter. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your story with us here. it takes a lot to type up something like this and send it out there for everyone to see. i've had experiences of my own but still don't feel comfortable posting about them.

i think the responses in this thread have been great so far. very informative in relating your experience to those that others have had along to same lines.

if i were in your position i would probably consider doing some hypnotic regression to see what else i could remember or see if perhaps those possibly implanted memories change when you try to recall them in a hypnotic state. it would be interesting if both you and your mother did a regression to see how the stories match afterward. not to suggest doubt but, i know if i were in your shoes i would want as much information as possible about my experience, especially if it were corroborated by a family member to such a degree.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

I too think everyone's responses so far have been great! I really do appreciate all of it. I initially expected to have people point out the reasons why it DIDNT seem like an encounter, honestly. Just because there were no "greys" or "saucers" or "probing" lol to my knowledge anyway. But everyone's input have definitely, if nothing else, validated this at least a little bit in my mind. Its oddly comforting

I have wondered about hypnotic regression and have always wondered if that would help at all with not only this memory but others i have as well. Maybe it is time stop wondering about it and actually "put up or shut up" lol

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

Be careful if you pursue the hypnosis to make sure it is objective. No leading questions, etc, and you and your mother would have to be evaluated independently. I don't put a lot of stock in hypnosis in these cases. Your case, as others have pointed out, does have the markers of being authentic, as many many 'UFO' cases have this element of absurdity. You should read some Jacques Vallee, something like Passport to Magonia would be a good place to start. He points out that the absurd is a hallmark of these cases.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:33 PM
I'm with WTB, please carefully consider they hypnosis aspect before going forward. It's a slippery slope that subject.

THANKS for sharing your experience.

That red, pulsating thing....I've seen it--or something much like it--as well. Good view, too. What the heck is that?

I've also had my own high-strangeness "abduction" event that I discuss in the following thread:

The only reason I mention the thread, is that you will find a LOT of others sharing their experiences and thoughts on the subject in a way that you might find personally helpful.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Thank you, and to WTB as well

And yes that has been the one thing i guess that has ever kept me from seeing a hypnotist about this or really anything... because i know, or atleast believe, how easily influenced one can be in that state. I was hypnotized twice in college by the same guy. I went in skeptical and thought the whole " not everyone can be hypnotized" aspect was an easy cop-out... But i was actually really surprised not only that i was able to be put into a trance but that It worked. Granted, it wasn't for any type of regression or remembering of anything... It was for stress and anxiety and I came out of both sessions not only feeling great but with a completely different outlook on hypnotism in general.

But i would be afraid that my memories would/could be altered by the hypnotists own suggestions or preconceived notions about my own experiences and understand that is a very real possibility.

Thanks for the link to your thread, I will definitely look over it!

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:51 PM
I keep wondering how these experiences keep getting ignored for the scientific community over and over. I mean, this is one of several cases that involves multiple witnesses of some sort of contact with 'bizarre' beings and the subsequent time loss. I can't believe these things dont get the proper study of the scientific arcs in order to find an explanation on what's really going on. This is serious, very serious, the implications are overwhelming. Are we dealing with extraterrestrial intelligencies? What's their agenda? Why do they keep erasing witnesses memories? Who are they? What does the government really knows? Are we going to asume that alien species are interacting with human beings and no one officially knows jack # about it?

It's like people generally is dormant regarding the subject. I've recently read a thread of an 'abductee' on this very forum and it basically describes the whole frustration and sadness regarding its experiences, how not even the very family would believe.

I'm glad to read that you only remember this only event and have no apparent traumas because of it. It was like a 'wtf' experience for you. But I won't be surprised if you have a large story of contacts with these entities, as usually happens.

It seems clear, if you're being truthful of course, that it was NOT your imagination, that 'something' happened, this 'something' involves 'external' intelligencies that in some way interacted with you and clearly erased your memories, at least part of it. Think for a second, if you were being completely in control of your senses, would you or your mother actually 'forget' about how you came back to your home? Would you both really believe for so much time it was some sort of dream? I hardly doubt that. These things messed with your heads. But sometimes, they just fail. 'Abductees' sometimes are able remember pieces.

In any case, what really worries me and in fact, angers me at some extent, is the complete inaction of the institutions (government, scientific community, and such) on the subject.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: JackHill

Thanks for your reply!

Now i know that I am being as truthfull as one can be from a 16 year old memory. Granted everyone has to take my word at face value, even if i give my word... My word really means nothing to anyone elseEven though i can assure you I am one of the most honest people you could ever meet. That and I think there are a lot of people who do lie for ulterior motives, which adds a lot of "question" to this whole subject and leads people to not take claims like mine seriously. But the whole purpose of this thread really isnt necessarily to get attention (negative or positive), or fame, or money etc. My motivation is from an internal desire to understand what happened to us that day.

But I agree that there really isnt any reason why neither of us remember anything from that point on- I asked her last night when we talked about it why she never mentioned it to anyone else in the family, Even my father? Why she never had any motivation to have it investigated further... if nothing else to figure out where that huge burned circle came from. I mean i was a child, she was an adult in her lat 30's.... And she had no Idea. She doesnt even remember being bothered by it in the days after... as if at the time, it never happened. I think about what I would do now as an Adult in that situation, if I had that type of experience... i wouldnt be able to just go home and forget about it - let alone for years. But she said she didnt even remember being bothered about it, and hadnt even really thought about it again until I brought it up. So yes at this point- especially after this thread- i think they did "mess" with our heads. And the more i think about it the more confused I am. I would love to just know why.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:21 PM
This is not new. In fact, it's a very well known pattern in several other cases. Abductees (or contactees, call it as you like) usually bury these memories very deep, like it was some sort of 'command' to do it. I say this because, again, NOBODY with their senses really up would 'leave it' and let the time pass after such bizarre and incredible experience. You will try to find what really happened, will come back there with some people if you're fearful, you will discuss with other witnesses to compare notes, in short, you will actively try to find answers, as fast as possible. In this particular case maybe not you, because or age, but you mother, a grown up person, certainly wouldn't react as nothing out of the ordinary happened.

But, again, the 'command' was successful and you both were instructed to 'leave it', to forget about it. Scary as it sounds, it happens, and again, the institutions created on modern societies that could eventually deal with these events, seem completely absent.
edit on 14-11-2014 by JackHill because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2014 by JackHill because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

How can you forget something so prominent in your life, i remember everything that happened to me that was not ordinary.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: itswhatev

S&F for sharing your experience with us.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: itswhatev
a reply to: karl 12

ETA: after doing a quick search and reading a little more info on this specific event you linked to, I am wondering if indeed i did see somthing similar. Reading this Link about the "space penguins" definitely gave me the chills. I wonder if there are other encounters with similar beings. Up until your post i dont think i had ever even read of another account of something even remotely similar.... thanks again!

Hi mate, no problem there and that Tuscumbia case really is a freaky one - there are more witness sketches involved in non-human reports here but I don't think any relate as well to your description.

Also thought Wtbengineer's suggestion to read Jacques Vallee's Passport to Magonia was a really good one as the sheer number of high strangeness reports like yours is pretty mind-boggling - it's available for free at the pdf link below if you've not seen it already.

PDF File


posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Saylesie17
a reply to: itswhatev

How can you forget something so prominent in your life, i remember everything that happened to me that was not ordinary.

As I already stated, abductees usually present this pattern; they will start to talk about a bizarre contact-like event even years after it happened. I suspect of some sort of advanced post hypnotic command: 'forget about it, continue with your life, nothing happened, it's all ok, just continue as usual'.

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