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Cannibal restaurant 'with roasted human heads on the menu' shut down by police.

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posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

Is it any wonder why Africa with all it's vast resources is the poorest place on earth. It is not the land failing the people it is the people failing the land.

Look at Liberia during it's wars........This has happened before and not that long ago.
edit on 14-11-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Not really no.. they call themselves Afrocentrists so that's what I'll call them, normal black people that just enjoy African history or whatever, I'd just call them normal people. Whatever you say you can't deny that there's a huge undercurrent of ideas of racial superiority within the movement of people that choose to refer to themselves as Afrocentrists, magical melanin, the evil scientist Yacub creating white people, all that stuff is peddled by people that call themselves Afrocentrists so that's what I'll call them.

If a majority of Christians are fundamentalists or don't really adhere to the teachings of Jesus, guess what, I'll still call them Christians. Same goes for Muslims, Afrocentrists, Feminists, whatever. Deal with it.

Maybe separating them into moderate or radical Afrocentrists could be an option. Still, these ideas of racial superiority is pretty common among Afrocentrists as I understand it.

This will be my final reply in this matter, it is off topic, if you're offended, deal with it as I don't really care. Sick and tired of people that seem to be actively seeking out things to be offended by. You know what offends me? Racist Afrocentrists without a smidgen of self-distance or awareness of their own racism.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: Spider879

Not really no.. they call themselves Afrocentrists so that's what I'll call them, normal black people that just enjoy African history or whatever, I'd just call them normal people. Whatever you say you can't deny that there's a huge undercurrent of ideas of racial superiority within the movement of people that choose to refer to themselves as Afrocentrists, magical melanin, the evil scientist Yacub creating white people, all that stuff is peddled by people that call themselves Afrocentrists so that's what I'll call them.

If a majority of Christians are fundamentalists or don't really adhere to the teachings of Jesus, guess what, I'll still call them Christians. Same goes for Muslims, Afrocentrists, Feminists, whatever. Deal with it.

Maybe separating them into moderate or radical Afrocentrists could be an option. Still, these ideas of racial superiority is pretty common among Afrocentrists as I understand it.

This will be my final reply in this matter, it is off topic, if you're offended, deal with it as I don't really care. Sick and tired of people that seem to be actively seeking out things to be offended by. You know what offends me? Racist Afrocentrists without a smidgen of self-distance or awareness of their own racism.

THEY DO NOT CALL THEMSELVES AFROCENTRICS!. your problem is you like so many others like to bundle people making no distinctions regardless of who are what they actually represents or stand for because you are too freaking lazy to find out.
The Hebrew Israelite are Black Hebrew supremacist having zero interest in Africa or Africans,only that narrow strip of land called Israel,the NOI is all about Mecca and being Black Muslim supremacist who believe Allah is coming to take them away in UFOs much like the rapture of Christians, they exhibit disdain for actual pre-Islamic African culture ,so off course I am freaking offended by YOUR laziness to make those distinction.

Here is an equally retarded apparently White male giving voice to their ridiculous bull sheeet

This is not

edit on 14-11-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:37 AM
Someone probably already posted this, but I wonder if they found this guy there when they raided the place...

Hunger Games actor says he wouldn't mind sampling human flesh...

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:41 AM
Well hell

Who needs 'Zombies' for the Zombie Apocalypse?

They're just straight eating each other. Self fulfilling prophesy.

I'll be heading back to my home planet now.....

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

Evil at it again! Cant evil take a few vacations from time to time or even forever? Nop, cause evil is human. Not like it will burst your bubble..

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: _damon

It won't "burst my bubble" buddy.
Of course evil is human.

I'm not even sure what you mean, to be honest.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 07:53 AM
It probably appears that I just created this thread and then dipped out. I did not. I've been reading the replies here, catching up this morning because I didn't make it back after work last night.

Thanks to all who have replied thus far. Some raise some good questions and made some good points.
I don't really have time to go into it right now, and am not sure I would if I did have time. I'd rather just take the various opinions and run (sorry, I'm stealing from ya'lls brains

At this point, I'm really just wondering where it was they acquired the "meat" for cooking? It seems that is being overlooked by some who claim that eating the flesh of man is "normal" or "has been done for ages" (which it has).....there is a HUGE difference between eating an already dead guy to survive and eating a murdered guy for the sake of "I like the meat"....

....ok, back to lurking my own thread :/

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Most African nations are a mess; Lawless, barbaric, dysfunctional, and seem to be beyond repair.

Bit like the west you mean? lmao... I could pull up thousands of stories that fit the bill from the US alone! There are sick people all over the place, they are not just confined to afirca, I have a few friends from africa and they are great people as it goes.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 03:15 PM
Murder in the kitchen. As always.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:26 PM
I try to avoid judging entire groups of people from the actions of a few members, but it's getting pretty hard. I'm not racist, when I meet an individual from "that part of the world," I don't assume anything negative and judge them on only their own actions. But my overall veiwpoint is summed up nicely in the qoute found in the OP.
"What is this country turning into? Can you imagine people selling human flesh as meat," he added. "Seriously I’m beginning to fear (for me, *look down on* is more appropriate) people in this part of the world."
This is a candid expression of how I feel, it is not meant to inflame, insult, or persuade. I doubt I'm the only person who feels this way, and I think it's important that be able to discuss these sort of things like adults.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: dr1234
I try to avoid judging entire groups of people from the actions of a few members, but it's getting pretty hard. I'm not racist, when I meet an individual from "that part of the world," I don't assume anything negative and judge them on only their own actions. But my overall veiwpoint is summed up nicely in the qoute found in the OP.
"What is this country turning into? Can you imagine people selling human flesh as meat," he added. "Seriously I’m beginning to fear (for me, *look down on* is more appropriate) people in this part of the world."
This is a candid expression of how I feel, it is not meant to inflame, insult, or persuade. I doubt I'm the only person who feels this way, and I think it's important that be able to discuss these sort of things like adults.

It is good that you try to avoid judging groups of entire people,but like the Nigerian priest he was appalled by what was going on in that restaurant meaning the actions of those involved were certainly not acceptable behavior in fact most of the customers were consuming flesh without their knowledge, it would be like if I were to judge all Europeans for the actions of a few freaks who knowingly dine at cannibal restaurants and do have cannibal clubs.
before you kilk the link be advised

These kind of restaurants have to keep a low profile. You won't find them listed in any regular restaurant guides. They depend on word of mouth and personal recommendations to get their customers. It's not that they're afraid of health inspectors but that they know that an outraged public - whipped up by activists and tabloids - could quickly drive them out of business. When it comes to food what most people don't know won't hurt them.

Even more secretive are the handful of restaurants which occasionally serve long pig, or human flesh, to their more adventurous clientele. As in Stanley Ellin's short story, The Speciality of the House (with its succulent speciality, 'lamb Amirstan'), these tend to be special occasions happening only two or three times a year.

Obviously no modern restaurant could get away with serving human meat on a regular basis. A couple of years ago a Chinese restaurant in Brussels was closed down after horrified health inspectors found body-parts belonging to several women in the freezer. Police were forced to admit that such things happen more often than is widely suspected.

More recently, on September 3rd, 1996, bailiffs arrived at the Baalbeck, a Middle Eastern restaurant in the Woluwe-Saint-Lambert suburb of Brussels, to reclaim kitchen equipment that hadn't been paid for. One of the men noticed a hand hanging from a freezer. Police then found the mutilated remains of three women in various kitchen freezers.

In 1999 three men of Lebanese origin were found guilty of torturing and murdering the three women. The men claimed a religious motive. Two of the women were related to the men by marriage. They had supposedly been unfaithful to their husbands, and Islamic justice demanded that the women be punished by slow and painful deaths. The third woman, a 70-year-old Belgian, was a neighbour who had become suspicious about goings-on in the restaurant.

Now please note I am not playing a game of THEY DO IT TOO!! to excuse what happened in that town in Nigeria as those sick bastards IMO should be put down but judge them for what they are not where they happened to come from for it would be easy for an outsider to say the above is a reflection of European culture and values.
edit on 14-11-2014 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: Jakal26

What a nightmare? To know that your dinner once had nightmares.

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