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Selective Black Outrage (Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown)

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posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: StarGazer77
a reply to: feldercarb

The cry of 'abuse' is to perpetuate the victim narrative.

Simply put.

I question if there is more than just a victim narrative but an agenda to have more influence on the "black" population. Why has Al Sharpton seemed to pick people who are poor and lack understanding. Tawana Brawley was in a bad situation and easily manipulated. Crystal Gail Mangum, who did not even identify males who had been at the house at the time of the incident. Trayvon Martin who may have been stealing. Micheal Brown who may have assaulted a shopkeeper. These are all tremendously flawed people. These people are not people that most people would want to emulate. There has to be better people that would be worthy examples of mistakes occurring against "black" people. But, I wonder if those people who would be better examples would follow Al Sharpton's lead?

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:23 PM
There is no selective outrage.
I see you're the type who sees nothing wrong with the picture.
It's around 30 million black people in america, it's time for Us to become an independent people.
If you only knew, you would run as far as you could from america.
Separation is the solution...

And let me further add that God himself, the most powerful MAN in the universe says he will not be satisfied until this place is destroyed due to the mistreatment of black people, now if you want to go against that, then you are on the wrong side regardless to who you are or what color you are.
a reply to: StarGazer77

edit on NovX61000 by MX61000 because: (no reason given)

edit on NovX61000 by MX61000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Stargazer, so the only whites that feel outrage in these cases are "those that feel guilty"?

Wow, you certainly don't have any predicated judgements on the issue, do you?

And thanks for identifying your race, so that we'll know that your opinion carries weight rather than just letting your words and evidence speak for you.

Was there anything different about the Martin and Brown cases that set them apart from other white-on-black shootings?

Could it be that the young men in both these cases were themselves unarmed? Could it be because they were obviously targeted because of their race?

Could it be that these are the apex events for long-standing discriminatory actions by the majority on the minority and that the minority is just getting sick to death of them at a deep visceral level? No, rioting is not a positive or productive social statement, but tell me honestly Stargazer, are you really stating that you see no reason for deep-seated anger on the part of the Black community in this country?

Actually, if you just answer the last question I'll be good; thank you kindly.

Rev. Jesse Jackson, is that you? You say: "Could it be that the young men in both these cases were themselves unarmed? Could it be because they were obviously targeted because of their race"?

Could it be the young men brought it on themselves, showing thuggish behavior? Especially in the case of Michael Brown, assaulting a store owner over cigars? Could it be that both "victims" autopsies showed they had marijuana in their system and this made them do something that they ordinarily wouldn't do, like assault the shooter first? There's a whole myriad of issues besides the two questions you ask.

edit on 12-11-2014 by UnBreakable because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: signalfire


Here are facts that the 'victim- wranglers" fail to address:

During Reconstruction, and up until the late 1950's blacks outnumbered their white counterparts in marriages and 2 parent households.

Blacks were 'conservative'; not only politically, but socially. You didn't find black teen moms, pants sagging, thug culture, low education or dying at the hands of other blacks.

Blacks faced REAL racism and discrimination.


Fast forward to the 1960's through the 1970's....

Blacks began to lose their 'conservative' values, joined the feminist movement- utterly dismantling the strong nuclear family, and accepted welfare to replace men in the homes.

These 'progressive liberals' built "projects" for blacks, and in sweeps the drug culture.

Blacks are selectively outraged by whites, even though blacks are killed every 28 mins or so by other blacks.

This alone shows that issue has nothing to do with skin color or racism because of it.

It is the acceptance of liberal social policies that leave black males raised by single black women and a glorification of thug-life, given by a liberal music media.

The CULTURE, not skin color , is the reason for the plight of blacks today.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:26 PM
I love these threads.

Once in a while, you will have someone posting from the perspective of a black person seeming to agree with what is generally the perspective of a certain selection of white Americans. To be specific, under educated Americans that get their news from Conservative media.

Then everyone gets to climb on, talk trash about black people, make wild claims, and feel good about it, because the OP was a black person.

These threads generally disregard the fact that a multitude of black leaders openly discuss the epidemic of black on black crime.

Have fun screaming about black people. Makes you guys look -awesome-.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: UnBreakable
Could it be that both "victims" autopsies showed they had marijuana in their system and this made them do something that they ordinarily wouldn't do, like assault the shooter first? There's a whole myriad of issues besides the two questions you ask.

there is a myriad of issues but come on...

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:28 PM
It seems to me part of the problem in Ferguson is there is a history of a mostly white police department treating the mostly black community in an unfair way. I think that's where the rage comes from. The leaders in that community - both black and white - need to come together to find understanding from everyone for everyone. That is when Jesse and Al need to be talking about instead of creating more friction. IMHO.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:34 PM
I see plenty wrong with these instances, but it is not that black people are targeted because of skin color.

The problem is that most blacks do not want to accept consequences for unproductive actions.

These actions include:

Out of Wedlock birth
Repeated criminal offenses (no longer marketable for jobs)
Glorifying thug-culture

And separate??? Really??

The top 10 violent cities in the U.S. are Democratically ran, and I'll go ahead say it, "black" -ran. The economics are poor, most people in them live in poverty, low education, and LOTS of violent crime.

What do you REALLY think would happen if blacks 'separated'?

edit on 12-11-2014 by StarGazer77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: CatLady3912
It seems to me part of the problem in Ferguson is there is a history of a mostly white police department treating the mostly black community in an unfair way. I think that's where the rage comes from. The leaders in that community - both black and white - need to come together to find understanding from everyone for everyone. That is when Jesse and Al need to be talking about instead of creating more friction. IMHO.

Is the fact that there are mostly whites on the Ferguson Police Department 'racist', or is that most blacks there are either not applying or are qualified to join the police force?

Further, how does that answer the issue of why there is selective outrage when the shooter of a black person is not black?
edit on 12-11-2014 by StarGazer77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:40 PM
Al sharpon can't even read the teleprompter correctly and he gets his own show, "laughs".

a reply to: CatLady3912

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:44 PM
You have no clue whats really going.
All I have to say is when it begins, you remain on the side your on.

a reply to: StarGazer77

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: MX61000
And let me further add that God himself, the most powerful MAN in the universe says he will not be satisfied until this place is destroyed due to the mistreatment of black people, now if you want to go against that, then you are doomed my friend, regardless to who you are or what color you are.
a reply to: StarGazer77

Uhmmm....a link please??

edit on 12-11-2014 by StarGazer77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:45 PM
Very good OP. I don't think it matters who shot this youth, he did not deserve the death he was given. If he did something wrong, the cop should have brought him in. The last few shots were not needed.

Would this have gotten so blown up if a black person shot him. I doubt it.

You cannot use the actions of this cop to judge the other cops down there. It doesn't matter what color you are, people loose their temper and people get crazy sometimes when they do. I am in no way trying to justify anyone's actions. Some people are overly racist and these kind of people should not be in the police force. I am not sure what transpired in these incidents you mentioned as cover ups happen all the time and neither of the kids in your example should have been killed.

But then again, dead men tell no tales. I fear that this is why these two are dead.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:45 PM
I don't know what to say about Martin, but the Michael Brown situation is related to the violent death of Moammar Gadafi.

its almost as if Michael Brown is some type of appeal for Gadafi..and if no charges are filed against Wilson, Gadafi's death is justified.

Gadafi was powerful...its not just, he's dead and the story goes away.

considering the number of black males that have been shot and killed by police since August 9th...the attention on Brown makes no sense.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: AgentShillington

Its Buttercookie/QueenofSpades...comes in here spouting the same thing every time. She'll manage to get herself banned and then comes back months later to beat a the dead horse all over again. People lap this stuff up around here like slop.

She has nothing original to say, just the typical right-wing rants about black people. How they were soooo much better off before the evil libs got a hold of them. Cuz ya know, if the were truly smart, they would do whatever conservatives tell them!

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: MX61000
You have no clue whats really going.
All I have to say is when it begins, you remain on the side your on.

a reply to: StarGazer77

Why does it seem like you are choosing to be divisive when it comes to race, and are looking for some sort of "race-war"?

Let me put something in perspective for you. As a black person, I would NEVER want to see a race war in the U.S.


Whites make up about 80% of the U.S population, while Blacks make up only 12%.

Just a little math....

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:48 PM
Be Yourself and Accept Your Own, remember that...

What? You scared???
Even they are dissatisfied with this world.
I can see now, this is going to get ugly, and I'm no talking about this conversation...
a reply to: StarGazer77

edit on NovX61000 by MX61000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: AgentShillington

How do you know that I am uneducated? How do you know that I get my news from conservative media? Please tell me the percentage of "white" people that you feel falls into your category of "certain selection of white Americans"?

Just because someone does not agree with you does not mean that they are uneducated.

Sometimes you need to glean information from all sources of media to get a clearer picture of the situation.

I don't feel that we are "screaming" at "black" people, but more trying to understand the vast complexity of the situation confronting all Americans.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Very good OP. I don't think it matters who shot this youth, he did not deserve the death he was given. If he did something wrong, the cop should have brought him in. The last few shots were not needed.

Would this have gotten so blown up if a black person shot him. I doubt it.

You cannot use the actions of this cop to judge the other cops down there. It doesn't matter what color you are, people loose their temper and people get crazy sometimes when they do. I am in no way trying to justify anyone's actions. Some people are overly racist and these kind of people should not be in the police force. I am not sure what transpired in these incidents you mentioned as cover ups happen all the time and neither of the kids in your example should have been killed.

But then again, dead men tell no tales. I fear that this is why these two are dead.

The officer should have 'brought him in?"

At what point? When he was being assaulted or after Brown ran away after the assault?

Both Brown and Martin are dead because of their sense to assault people out of anger. You can't do that and expect no consequences.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: AgentShillington
I love these threads.

Once in a while, you will have someone posting from the perspective of a black person seeming to agree with what is generally the perspective of a certain selection of white Americans. To be specific, under educated Americans that get their news from Conservative media.

Then everyone gets to climb on, talk trash about black people, make wild claims, and feel good about it, because the OP was a black person.

These threads generally disregard the fact that a multitude of black leaders openly discuss the epidemic of black on black crime.

Have fun screaming about black people. Makes you guys look -awesome-.

And I love People who think they are more intelligent everyone else.

You should gather these people that convinced you of your advanced wisdom.

Please continue to dazzle "Them" with your advanced enlightenment.

Cause around here...You're just another poster.

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