I got an idea for you...
Don't know if it would help,but I'll throw it on the table.
You can reflect and consider what exactly are the qualities that you found so attractive in this girl.
Now, consider that we each have a masculine and feminine side to us...
Carl Jung termed them the "animus" and the "anima", and most men have their feminine side sort of hidden inside, in a semi-conscious or
subconscious state (but still very much a part of them and influencing their judgements and actions).
Women have an inner man in the same state.
Through your life, that internal woman changes and develops, like you do on the outside.
We find our attention drawn to people of the other sex (this obviously works differently for homosexuals, but I suspect not too much) that are a
reflection of our internal anima or animus.
This girl, then, had qualities and things about her that are like the girl inside of you. How you would be, if your insides were expressed outwardly.
Probably things that are the opposite of how you are outside- like being brash and outgoing, daring to be individualist and standing out... being open
about sexual drives and desires.
You don't know everything about her, and perhaps if you'd been closer and had a relationship, you would have discovered things you didn't like or
feel attracted to- ways that she differs from that internal personality (that is often what happens in relationships- the end of the honeymoon
She is a symbol of a part of yourself. Try thinking about that. A girl just like her is within you!
and hey! she is a lesbian, isn't that great???