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Poll for all members (skeptics, debunkers, and believers) of ATS: Have you ever had a UFO sighting?

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posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 04:33 PM
Back in 1987 or 88 I saw something I couldn't explain. I don't know that it was extraterrestrial; for all I know it may have been some 'secret' aircraft--this was before the internet of course, and honestly I haven't thought about it in years. Here's what happened.

I was a teenager, in rural Kansas near Kansas city. I was on my way home from somewhere with a younger cousin and her mom on a summer night; it was dark but not super-late. We saw an odd diamond-shaped pattern of lights in the sky--I can't remember now what color they were, though I think they were plain yellowy-white. All 4 sides of the diamond were the same length, and there were lights at each point of the diamond with another light in the middle of each side--it was definitely a diamond shape, not a triangle and not a helicopter. We had the windows down and we could hear it. It sounded like a jet. However, it was very, very low, lower than I've ever seen anything but a helicopter, not too far above the treetops. We stopped and watched it for a few minutes. I was fascinated, but my cousin and her mom were freaking out. After a couple minutes the mom completely panicked and drove away like a maniac.

Like I said, I have not idea what it was, it may have a reasonable explanation, but I myself don't know what it was.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: riiver

Interesting. Around the time of the Hudson Valley UFO sightings, though half a continent away, and you mention what you saw was clearly diamond shaped, whereas the Hudson Valley sightings were mostly triangle shaped.

From what we know now the Hudson Valley sightings were probably some faction of the secret space program.

If you could hear the one you saw, I would hazard a guess and say it might have been just some kind of regular military black project.......the secret space programs have been using anti-grav for a few decades and it is quiet, and it goes without saying any off-world or subterranean groups have at least that kind of tech, all which is silent.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 04:52 PM
Yes, one time, right after 9/11, while US airspace was closed, both my boss and I witnessed something at a very high altitude. It's movements were nothing like anything we had ever seen, both vets, he navy, me air force. Middle of the day, clear blue sky, and both were straight up sober. We looked at each other and said WTF. This happened over Denver CO.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 04:58 PM
Summer, in I think 1995, plus or minus a couple years. Camping in northern California. Disclaimer: I was around 10, so who knows how accurate my memories are.

At night, two lights converged from opposite directions. They resembled satellites in their motion and appearance, except that they were red. At the point where they met, each turned instantly 90 degrees so that they were now diverging from that point at perpendicular angles to their previous trajectories. I probably watched them until they were occluded from view, and there is nothing else that I remember about that story.

My best hunch is that it might have been some kind of laser display, but I've always thought that would have been a weird place to have seen such a display.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Yes, one time, right after 9/11, while US airspace was closed, both my boss and I witnessed something at a very high altitude. It's movements were nothing like anything we had ever seen, both vets, he navy, me air force. Middle of the day, clear blue sky, and both were straight up sober. We looked at each other and said WTF. This happened over Denver CO.

So you are saying, you being air force, that this was nothing even close to resembling what you knew to be at the time in the military's fleet?

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:05 PM
Had this posted in another thread so just a cut and paste...

1st..about 1998, 2230hrs ish, Waitakere, Titirangi, West Auckland, above the Nongotaha pumping station.

Outside with a group of friends and saw what looked like two horizontal carousels, opaque, not solid, white and rotating in different directions but through each other in a mist that had formed above approx the station. They stayed in that spot for at least 20 min until others got bored with it and we went inside. No cameras and no cellphones with cameras back then..doh

2nd.. about 2001, Kariotahi beach, West of Waiuku, Sth Auckland, approx 1900hrs summer.

Broken cloud about 2000 ft asl. Looking skyward as I often do, glimpsed a silvery angular object tumbling a few hundred feet above the cloud cover. Only saw it twice briefly as it past through the gaps in the cloud going in a sw to ne direction at about 100 kts.

3rd..Late July, 2015, approx 0245hrs,Whakatane,

Broken cloud about 1500 ft asl. Just getting out of my car at home after a security patrol, glanced back down my drive way 275 deg true, and noticed what looked like a really bright orange street light about 20 deg above the horizon, slowly moving in a ne direction towards me. Distance about 7 km.
Had my camera in the car just for these occasions but knew by the time I got it and set it up object would have disappeared into the building cloud that was going towards the object (dam it), so just watched it instead for about 30 sec.
Interesting as when it started passing the cloud cover, the cloud cover diffused the brightness of it and for a few seconds it looked circular/Orb shaped. I presumed this was a typical orange orb often seen. Also it seemed to float in random way but i thought that was my eyes playing tricks. It was only doing about 50 - 100 kts as far as I could tell.

4th..2015 During the last Perseid meteor shower, approx midnight, Waiotahi beach, Opotiki.

Just getting out of the car for a smoke etc, looked skyward ,clear as night, looking for meteor activity and from about 20 deg due east to 20 deg due west a bright white light/dot flashed between those to points so fast it lasted about half of a second, solid bright no tail or sparks. Speed 100,000+ kts, a total guess. This one could have been a meteor bouncing off the atmosphere, though Ive seen so many of those, this was different. Speed was incredible.

What I tell people, if look often enough you will see something eventually guaranteed. Also Ive found over the years is that many people see things but tell no-one until someone else mentions it.

edit on 21/11/2015 by Ngatikiwi because: edit

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Yes, one time, right after 9/11, while US airspace was closed, both my boss and I witnessed something at a very high altitude. It's movements were nothing like anything we had ever seen, both vets, he navy, me air force. Middle of the day, clear blue sky, and both were straight up sober. We looked at each other and said WTF. This happened over Denver CO.

So you are saying, you being air force, that this was nothing even close to resembling what you knew to be at the time in the military's fleet?

The altitude of this thing was very high, and like someone else posted, 90 degree movements after a hover, didn't resemble any motion I had seen a known aircraft to perform.

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 05:51 AM

I have seen a couple of weird night sky anomalies.

A) Slow moving light on the horizon - suddenly going warp speed - exit right.

B) slow moving triangle with a greenish tinge -

( that is what made me do a double take and doubt my own observation -no noise - silently drifting east to west ... Also

I regularly witness ISS - and I am well aware of the myriad of satellites that are in play ...

Avid sky watcher with an astronomical telescope as well as binoculars ...

The green tinged low flying thing - still haunts me .

edit on 11-12-2015 by Timely because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Actually I could hear it. It sounded like a jet, but it was way, way too low for a jet. I forgot to put that in my post. This was, like I said, near Kansas City. I'm not sure if there are any military bases nearby but if so it totally could have been something like that. I was hoping, actually, that someone would chime in and say, "Aw, that wasn't a UFO, it was a (blah blah blah, some military plane that we know about now) because all these years I've wondered wth it was.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 05:45 PM
When I was homeless I slept in my van next to a motel somewhere in Griffin, GA. One time I was resting in a quiet night and to my surprise I saw some type of skinny, lanky, tall figure with a big head staring at me peeping out the window, I think it was some type of extraterrestrial life form watching me, they've always have had me in close surveillance, maybe it was that or just some scrawny creep looking at me? Who knows.
edit on 15-12-2015 by ReichstagFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: cuckooold

What I'm looking for here is for members to contribute whether or not they have have had a UFO sighting they can not explain…

Raises hand from back of room. Overall, I concluded It was technical, but It wasn't earth tech. it wasn't from here.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

Oh wow, just noticed this post and wonder if actual poll results are available. My answer to the question is yes. That is only gosh darn reason I ever got involved with ATS, that's what my first post was about darn it. I know what I saw, would be super impressed if it was military but seriously doubt it.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: PlanetXisHERE

originally posted by: BubbaJoe
Yes, one time, right after 9/11, while US airspace was closed, both my boss and I witnessed something at a very high altitude. It's movements were nothing like anything we had ever seen, both vets, he navy, me air force. Middle of the day, clear blue sky, and both were straight up sober. We looked at each other and said WTF. This happened over Denver CO.

So you are saying, you being air force, that this was nothing even close to resembling what you knew to be at the time in the military's fleet?

That would be a very fair statement, to this day, I have never seen an aircraft perform those maneouvers

posted on May, 24 2016 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: cuckooold

Multiple times, most of which are in Williston, Vermont by a body of water known as Lake Iroquois (which is actually classified as a pond). "They" seem to really like Lake Iroquois for some reason.

I've seen some freaky sh*t - one time I was down at the boat launch and watched an orb-type of light do spirals and drift back and forth and in and out of visibility (it was also a brightly-lit night from the moon).

My sister was actually so freaked out she said 'let's get out of here'. So we started walking and about 5 minutes into our walk a VERY bright and low-flying object zoomed over our heads (maybe it was 75 feet up, couldn't have been more than 100) and left a bluish streak BUT it was dead silent and moved so incredibly fast. To this day I am amazed by this encounter and the lasting impact it's had on me.

I've not only seen them in Vermont, but also New Jersey, Maine, and New Mexico.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 01:22 AM
Had one last night again,the orange orb ufo.

posted on May, 25 2016 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Really? You're leaving it at that?!

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 04:14 AM
No never had a sighting.

I thought I saw a super massive green UFO disc around the night sky in Melbourne, Australia and I nearly crashed the car. Turns out it was just a blimp flying over a stadium at night

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

I've seen something. But I couldn't tell what it was. So, I think it was a ufo of some sort; it had two red blinking lights. It wasn't super high in the sky, you could see it with the naked eye (idk if that matters)

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

Just saw you for the first time in the rant forum and noticed your signature section and this thread, so that's how I got here.

Yes, I remember it vividly. It was August of 1977 up in city called Albany, New York. It was approximately 11pm at night, I was driving home on a New Scotland Avenue and there little to no traffic. As I was driving, I had this compelling feeling to look out my drivers window.

That's when right to my left about 100 feet in the air I saw a very large, silent cigar or even cigarette shaped object. Approximately 300 yards in length and at its right end, about the first 50 yards of this thing was totally lit up like a bright white light. The remainder of the object seemed to a gun-metal gray. It was just there, I kept driving, was to shaken to stop or anything, the roads were empty and I just sped up, made a turn and went home.

i did some years later mention this entire incident to a MUFON rep at a symposium and he indicated that he had also seen something similar in the '70's. I've never seen anything like it or anything that I would say was a UFO.....but, what I saw was real, clear and to this day I think of it, but for some reason, I just honestly have never did anything about it.


posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 06:40 PM
No. But after 25+ years of research into mythology, paranormal, and related fields I do believe something is going on.

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