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The guy who killed bin laden...right...

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posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: coastlinekidu was under the impression bin laden died some years ago thanks to kidney disease.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:28 AM
i see what's going on...

...the winners of war write the Story.

this guy is going to be our children's history text books 100s of years from now.

where will the tellers of a different tale be?

focus on what's important in life.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:30 AM
It was a staged raid where they possibly killed off an impostor or nobody at all. We never saw the body and Bin Laden probably died years before. They just showed too much secrecy in disposing of the body so fast without details. And they COULD easily have taken him alive, instead they just decided to just kill him. He was worth way more as a publicity and PR trophy alive, not to mention pumping him for information. Then some of the raid team members die shortly afterwards.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:35 AM
bin laden died alright. I was at the K-Mart that day to purchase batteries and a phone that didn't require electricity and saw the whole thing.

Electric power in the Tennessee Valley was out that day because of the Tornado swarm that hit Northern Alabama days earlier.

but it happened...and an ATS campaign isn't going to change the dialogue.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Dutchowl

And they COULD easily have taken him alive, instead they just decided to just kill him.

And where exactly could he have been held that wouldn't have seen a serious attempt to free him?

Also being the leader of a terrorist organization that has killed many Americans you can almost guarantee that when they come they aren't going to be to taking you in for a trial.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: coastlinekid

The story is so preposterous and insulting to my intelligence one can only conclude this. That the PTB are so full of themselves they figure since they got away with 9-11 they can conjure up any B.S Psy-Op story and the people will eat it up like cake. Because they figure the stupid outweigh the intelligent and who can blame them. Complacency keeps the logical fallacy alive and the cartoon real. There is no Easter Bunny no Tooth Fairy or Santa either.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea ?

CIA asset boogie man OBL thats who

"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. "But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. "The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ." - Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook

The Document that “Licenses” Al Qaeda as an American Operation
edit on 8-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: amicktd
a reply to: ThePeaceMaker

All I can say is I was a Communications Supervisor on a submarine at the time with access to all information coming in and out of the sub regardless of classification. Sorry I don't feel comfortable sharing anymore information, because I like my freedom.

While I know your stance all to well and commend you for not going any further and getting yourself in deep crap, You never really know for sure. You could have been fed BS info as well, they did it often to see who will leak info. Unless you seen him then you never really know given all the BS stories the government came up with after 9-11.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

And where exactly could he have been held that wouldn't have seen a serious attempt to free him?

On an aircraft carrier. Or Gitmo. Or anywhere in the US of A. Like the hundreds of other AQ terrorists we are holding or held.

The US could have simply surrounded the compound and taken it apart until they extracted OBL. This was in allied territory, Pakistan, which was supposed to be helping us find him. The whole farce of sending in a kill team using stealth choppers to insert them cloak-and-dagger fashion is just another absurd factor in this farciful tale.

"Killing" OBL was just wrapping up a loose end in a decade-long charade.

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge


I met an ex Army ranger years ago that claims...

"we had Saddam cornered during Gulf 1 and needed the green light to eliminate the target, we were told to stand down due to the Geneva Convention under assassination"

There is really no way of knowing if they even were looking at Saddam down a rifle scope. Or a body double , or were just being given bad intel or even disinfo and being tested.

edit to add: If it were Saddam and he fired the second Gulf war would never have happened. Hence the blood would not have kept flowing with the Oil under false intel "WMD's" . Or should i say blatant lie / excuse. Bush Sr knowing this wanted Saddam kept alive and well. Then you start to see a pattern here.
edit on 8-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2014 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: DarthFazer

Agreed, but you have to admit that something goes on , that stacks the deck way beyond complacency.

Unknown to most, reasons that cause most to glaze over in abject fear to anything new, programming that goes beyond this planet is indeed in play, it is beyond insulting to me that people do not see this, especially since it is the only place left to look, where everyone is NOT looking.

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: coastlinekid

If this is the guy that got him, where's his twentyfive mill?

Don't tell me!

Out of love for country, this brave soldier has waived the
twentyfive million dollar reward saying, " I was just doing
my duty ".

What a crock of #### !

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 03:34 AM
Navy SEAL Who Allegedly Shot Osama bin Laden: He ‘Died Like a Pu**y’

Well there ya go, just read this article. Either this guy is a hack or out right ignorant. He does not sound very intelligent at all. He makes a awful patsy.

“You can quote me on this bulls***,” O’Neill said in previously-unreleased audio that aired on CNN Friday evening. The tape was recorded by freelance journalist Alex Quade.

O’Neill, who will give a tell-all interview to Fox News next week, claimed to have used details of the terrorist mastermind’s death to provide comfort to 9/11 families: “I tell them, ‘Alright, Osama bin Laden died like a pu**y. That’s all I’m telling you. Just so you know. He died afraid. And he knew that we were there to kill him. And that’s closure.’”

“Regardless of the negativity that comes with it,” O’Neill added, “I don’t give a f**k. We got him.”

The douchebaggery is off the charts, no way is this guy a "quiet professional" quite the later. A narcissistic egomaniac with a big fish story. He even starts out saying it is B.S and you can quote him on it. Are we just being trolled by a hack and media in general or is the PTB seeing how far they can run with this nonsense ? This really is up Faux news alley. Quiet professional now thats a good one.
edit on 9-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2014 @ 09:47 AM
The proverbial nail head has been hit, my friend.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 03:51 AM
I've kept up with the various versions of OBL's death it never sat right with me.You look at the timing of it right at the beginning of the presidential election dead or alive it gave Obama's poll numbers a rather slight boost.As for this guy's claims sounds to me that this operation was a full mission profile.A dress rehearsal,A simulation.Nothing more.Bin Ladin died years earlier and they simply needed to tie up the loose ends.Wishful thinking took care of the rest.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:12 AM
Normally special/elite forces select people that don't fit into the normal soldier profile. They look for people that can work without direction and show a higher level of intelligence. This is because of the nature of what they do and they will have to be able to think on their feet and often work in isolation. Take the normal soldier profile where they are moulded to work as a unit and eat, sleep and s*** on command! Now out of the million plus service men in the US Marine corps they are trying to say that this arrogant fool with his F*** yeah "jock" menatllity is the finest America has to offer??? COME ON!!!! Are they just lazy or just can't be bothered to think up something credible anymore!!! More of a Patsy than Oswald ever was!!!

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 05:47 AM
I am still holding onto some healthy scepticism regarding if this guy really was the "shooter", I do not doubt he was a SEAL and perhaps even a member of DEVGRU (who might have even been on Neptune spear), but I remember reading the article he done way back for Esquire magazine and thinking that he was full of it.

So as such I am still holding onto a pinch of scepticism when he comes out from the dark this time making the same claims. I know that there is lots of talk for team guys on-line who are saying that he is lying about the whole thing, this could just be them pissed of that he has broken his silence for the sake of money but we cannot dismiss the idea it is simply because he is a liar.

Ultimately at the end of the day unless someone comes out and corroborates his story it is his word against everyone else's. I do know that Matt Bissonette disputes his account of events and that military sources have said that it was the point man who delivered the fatal shot and not O'Neill. Even the identity of the shooter was supposedly kept from Obama, apparently when he asked the Team who took the shot the response was "we all did".

Now despite me having some reservations about the identity of the "shooter" I must say that I do believe that Operation Neptune Spear took place as they say it did, a DEVGRU team conducted a operation inside Pakistani territory that resulted in the death of Bin Laden.

This thread is awash with with some pretty ignorant claims, most of these are not the fault of members making them but of the media. The media just loves any story about Bin Laden and the now legendary team that took him out and over the years since 9/11 will print just about any BS they can just to sell papers. The truth his he was never on Dialysis and Bhutto just misspoke when she talked about the man who "murdered Bin Laden" (I have threads on both of these subjects if you care to take a look).

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:04 AM
So why send a never seen before black op helo in, risk a shooting fight with the Pakistanis, risk the embarrassment of a failed op when they could have just bombed the complex?

I don't know if this guy was in ST6 or the other guy who wrote the book, but what the Americans did in killing Osama was too risky to be a fake.

But that's what I love about this website, you claim deny ignorance, but cannot accept anything other than conspiracy.

Do you think they crashed the secret helo on purpose too so they could send some stealth misinformation to china?

The guy on the Sub knows, he heard it, it played out that night, radio comms, video link the lot and there were a lot of people involved, some of who talk to their friends and family.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: TheCrowMan

But that's what I love about this website, you claim deny ignorance, but cannot accept anything other than conspiracy.

You are on a conspiracy website so it has to be expected but I often think the same, the Story of Neptune Spear is thrilling enough without talk of psy-ops and cover-ups.

Too many people on this site thing everything is a conspiracy.

posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: TheCrowMan

So why send a never seen before black op helo in, risk a shooting fight with the Pakistanis, risk the embarrassment of a failed op when they could have just bombed the complex?

Same reason they would try to land a F-35 in the compound. Because the chopper don't work, it was expendable. And how do we even know if that was even US hardware at all ? Do you really think they would have a inept pilot fly such an important mission with a classified helo if he couldn't land the damn thing ? I don't believe he made an error. There is zero room for failure in these ops.

I don't know if this guy was in ST6 or the other guy who wrote the book, but what the Americans did in killing Osama was too risky to be a fake.

If it were a fake , it wouldn't have been risky. Because it was fake.

But that's what I love about this website, you claim deny ignorance, but cannot accept anything other than conspiracy.

So you generalize every member of ATS as in believing conspiracy theory and disregarding everything but conspiracy theory ? We are all independent people with our own thoughts ideas and theories. We do not share the same brain. That is a straw man argument of yours.

Do you think they crashed the secret helo on purpose too so they could send some stealth misinformation to china?

no , the chopper did not crash in China it crashed in Pakistan whom is one of our allies. How does China come in to this ?

The guy on the Sub knows, he heard it, it played out that night, radio comms, video link the lot and there were a lot of people involved, some of who talk to their friends and family.

Who is this guy on a sub you speak of, who were the lot of people involved ? Can we get some names links and not hearsay ? Are you talking about member amicktd ? Assuming you are.

I can attest that he was alive until at least late 2006. I'm unable to share how I know because its highly classified. Take it how you will. Just trying to help out.

If so he claims OBL was alive up until 2006. Nothing of what you just mentioned

edit on 10-11-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: DarthFazer

I like the way you think. Consider the "crashed" helo:

1) Having it crash lends an air of credibility to the mission - that the mission was fraught with danger. If the mission went too well, no one would believe it. For such a major operation to be accepted by the public, some hitch would have to be expected.

2) Leaving behind Stealth Technology from the crashed and subsequently blown-up helo - such tech is probably a red herring. Right now Russian and Chinese military scientists are furiously copying and attempting to make work the shape of those blades recovered from the compound. And probably wasting their time chasing after technology the US left behind on purpose that could never actually work in a real helo.

The "crashed helo" is a PR stunt lending to the believability of the mission to kill OBL. Just like having a big public brouhaha over who was the actual trigger man to shoot him.

Everything about this mission reeks of closure to one of the biggest false flag attacks in world history.

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