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Are white people mutants?

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posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Croat56
Hey you try defeating an entire empire by yourself.

MWa, good point. Er, I mean, 'excuses excuses, tsk tsk'. The french were able to do it. Oh man, that was actually a little too mean.

Well there are alot more french ppl then croatian ppl and we were greatly outnumbered and we still managed to send those ottomans back to turkey

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Croat56
Well there are alot more french ppl then croatian ppl and we were greatly outnumbered and we still managed to send those ottomans back to turkey

I don't won't to make too much out of the whole thing, but The Austrians stopped the advance of the Ottomans into the rest of europe, and no one was able to throw them out of europe all together until WWI. Also, the french stopped the muslims with a relatively small army at a decisive battle under the leadership of The Hammer, it wasn't the french population en mass.

Of course, the Spanish weren't able to throw the Moors out until much later, so at least you've got one over on them!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
The Austrians

Do you know how many Austrian towns we had to defend?

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Since Croatia was a province of the Austro-Hungaraian Empire, yes, we Croatians did help to stop the Ottoman Turks. Bosnia and Herzogovina were part of Croatia at the time of the invasion. They were conquered, and systematically converted to Islam, whereas the Croats remained Catholic.

Boy, have we gottten off topic.


posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
Okay enough with this I.Q. test mumbo jumbo. Although I will say that most of the inventions have been made by white people. Airplane, TV, Computer, toilet, Gun(except for gun powder chinese did that), Missile, etc.
Im not racist or anything just thought Id point that out.

LOL! Is that what they taught you in school? Who makes the curriculums (sp!) Uber-rich "whites" who are part of "secret" societies. They and their organizations directly and indirectly fund the companies that make the school books. That is why you never ever will read about the harems of Black women George Washington, all the founding fathers, and every single "white" slave owner... all had. Their ligitimate offspring to this day are irritated that their "illegitimate" children not only have paper records to prove this, but the science of DNA testing further proves this LOL!

The Airplane in modern history was invented in France. BUT if you would browse the rest of this site, you would know about ancient maps of the world, and most notably of Antartica - that were made from the air. Obviously ancient people possessed flying machines. The maps of Antartica from the air were/are in possession of middle easterners, and the Egyptians.

Computers were in use in the middle east, and northern Africa 1,000 years ago. The oldest computer was found in the early 1900's. In an ancient shipwreck. It was as advanced as anything made in the late 1800's to early 1900's... aka back when the first "modern" computers (like Edvac, etc..) were being designed.) Browse the rest of THIS site! OMG!

Guns... the Chinese had guns, as well as gun powder. BTW, by default this includes the Middle Easterners, and Egypt and Ethiopia - since the Egyptian Empire and Ethiopian Empire both at points in time ruled over parts of Asia and the middle east.

Missile - is just in a way a very large bullit. (sp)


Here's some more inventions for you to look up (start by browsing the rest of THIS site already LOL!

- The light bulb
- Battaries
- Advanced ocean navigation
- Maps of the entire planet - with South America, and Antartica included.
- Knowledge that the planet was round (while the superstitions "whiteman" thought it was flat.)

- Who was in the Americas first over 2,500 years ago?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 02:55 AM
"The Airplane in modern history was invented in France."

it was? what do you mean by modern history? do you mean this?


or maybe you mean a bit more modern?

I dont see anything about France in any of these articles. Do you?

airplane: A heavier than air flying machine, also known internationally as aeroplane, and in its technical classification as an aerodyne

source of definiton:


P.S. please do research before making false claims.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Tahlen]

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Tahlen]

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Tahlen]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SkipShipman
Think of a gradual migration north, along with the ice ages. Dark skin was a disadvantage because it would not produce Vitamin D from sunlight in the northern conditions. If one could think in terms of natural selection, darker skin peoples suffered rickets,


Again, the vitamin D problem that gradually leads to rickets occurs only in the most extreem case of "dark" skin. People who have skin sooo "dark they look purple". (Just like there's a saying "someone with skin soo white they look grey. ((not albinos)).

The basketball player Charles Barkely for example is dark skinned. But his skin would have no trouble producing enough Vitamin D. Same with someone with the skin tone of Laurance Fisbourn.

*I'm out of time. More later.*

smaller hips that interfered with childbirth. Lighter skinned people among these survived because they produced sufficient Vitamin D under these gradual contions of norther migration. Think of this as a layering process favoring a specifc trait over time. Other characteristics of the Caucasian race if you will, were also a matter of who survived and who didn't within those conditions of climate and social interaction. We should not impose our world view upon studies of how such things actually came to be. On question about mutation, it was not necessarily mutation which can happen under say conditions as infection, it was who survived and passed on what traits under what conditions.

On a side note one may realize how genetically engineered DNA is created, by insertion of genes through a virus and other means. Such events may happen under natural conditions of infection although randomly. White skin is simply a badge of survival under conditions, as dark skin is also an adaptation to conditions. All other things of a negative value are the usual cultural and social delusions.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 09:42 AM
50 years from now perhaps ATS will have us white people(Indo-European) will be listed in the Crytozoology section..

[edit on C:Sunocu01e1 by Opus]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Tahlen
"The Airplane in modern history was invented in France."

it was? what do you mean by modern history? do you mean this?


or maybe you mean a bit more modern?

I dont see anything about France in any of these articles. Do you?

airplane: A heavier than air flying machine, also known internationally as aeroplane, and in its technical classification as an aerodyne

source of definiton:


P.S. please do research before making false claims.

[edit on 29-1-2005 by Tahlen]

I made a mistake. And I stand corrected. I was going by my memory. I got first modern airplane confused with first modern car. I have a lot of stuff up in that attic in my head heheh. It was the French who created the first modern car. (the French also made the 2nd modern car.) Not the first modern airplane as you correctly pointed out.

First car

But forget the French. Since I originally posted all that stuff to show the "white" race did not invent everything, or all the major things. (Unless the French are now not considered to be "white"? LOL.)

Proof of Ancient flying machines

More proof of Ancient flying machines

Brutal irrefutable proof of Ancient flying machines

[edit on 1-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

[edit on 1-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 03:54 PM
Originally posted by OpenSecret2012

Originally posted by SkipShipman
Think of a gradual migration north, along with the ice ages. Dark skin was a disadvantage because it would not produce Vitamin D from sunlight in the northern conditions. If one could think in terms of natural selection, darker skin peoples suffered rickets,


Again, the vitamin D problem that gradually leads to rickets occurs only in the most extreem case of "dark" skin. People who have skin sooo "dark they look purple". (Just like there's a saying "someone with skin soo white they look grey. ((not albinos)).

The basketball player Charles Barkely for example is dark skinned. But his skin would have no trouble producing enough Vitamin D. Same with someone with the skin tone of Laurance Fisbourn.

*I'm out of time. More later.*

*Ok I'm back with more time*

smaller hips that interfered with childbirth.

Smaller hips has nothing to do with the amount of protection your skin gives you from the sun. Hip size has nothing to do with melinin. It is very well known in Europe many women died during childbirth from the doctor having to crack their hips open to make room for the baby. They would ask the parents to choose who should live - the mother or baby. The Eurpean doctors even had a special machine/tool for cracking open the hips of pregnant women with hips that were too small to give birth.

Lighter skinned people among these survived because they produced sufficient Vitamin D under these gradual contions of norther migration. Think of this as a layering process favoring a specifc trait over time.

As some one mentioned on one of the past posts, then explain why Eskimos (or Inuites) who have black skin are able to survive near the North Pole?

And why when Ghenghis Khan was invading Europe he was leader of 3 armies - two of them made up of people with black skin. (The Khara Khitai, and the Kusanas.) People from India/Asia, and from modern day Africa. When they were pillaging, ravaging, and plundering, the eastern, and centrial Europeans, non of the black skinned Indians, or Africans, were keeling over from Vitamin D defencies during the years they spent taking over Europe.

Only those with the skin tone on the most extreem side of the spectrum aka "skin soo dark they look purple" would face gradually getting ill from lack of vitamin D. This is in ancient times. And would only affect them if they did not have access to seafood, and/or dairy products.

Other characteristics of the Caucasian race if you will, were also a matter of who survived and who didn't within those conditions of climate and social interaction. We should not impose our world view upon studies of how such things actually came to be.

Actually, there were no, nor currently are not any, characteristics of the Caucasian race. Because there is no seperate Caucasion race. There is only 1 race - the Human race. There are so-called "Caucasians" who have the exact same blood type as the most "dark" skinned Zulu warrior. How is this possible if they are suppose to be seperate races?

BTW in ancient times the main factor determining who survived, and who did not, especially in the lands that would later come to be called Europe - was which male had the strongest sword arm. Which female could most likely produce the most kids. If there was a dark skinned male in the group, and he had a nice sword arm, he would survive very well in their society. If there was a dark skinned female in the group, and she had wide hips, (a measurement of childbearing potiential) she would survive very well.

All ancient Europeans come from German tribes. All ancient German tribes come from Iran. Keep going back and everyone's mother and father is "black". Thus technically you, me, everyone are all "black". You love your parents right? And they love their parents right? And their parents loved their parents right? (even though you did not know them). And on and on. The family ties, bonds, luvvvv existed all the way waaay back.

Race seperation is strictly polictical. Ment to divide people. Ment to act as a smokescreen so the majority of the population will not think about the things that matter more - like class seperatism, corrupt politics, etc...

On question about mutation, it was not necessarily mutation which can happen under say conditions as infection, it was who survived and passed on what traits under what conditions.

Again, it was far more about like attracting to like. It was far more about "pale" skinned people finding it more necessary to move northward than "darker" skinned people who had no problems with the sun and could remain where civilization started.

If Mariah Carey lived in ancient times, she would not have been able to remain with her family. No matter how loving they were, how plentiful the food and drink was. She would have been forced to migrate further north as a matter of life and death. Because the sun would hurt her pale skin. Her older sister on the other hand, who is far darker than Mariah Carey, could remain with the family and not be forced to migrate northward.

On a side note one may realize how genetically engineered DNA is created, by insertion of genes through a virus and other means. Such events may happen under natural conditions of infection although randomly. White skin is simply a badge of survival under conditions, as dark skin is also an adaptation to conditions. All other things of a negative value are the usual cultural and social delusions.

Then why is it that right now, in modern times, people with super "dark" skin can and are still making kids with "light" skin? But people with "light" skin cannot make kids with "dark" skin?

"White" skin is a recessive trait that ALL people with "dark" skin have. Which means sooner or later if they shagg enough some of their offspring will have "white" skin. (Like Mariah Carey for example.

"Dark" skin is a dominate trait that not a single "White" skin person has.

Take 100 Zulu men and 100 Zulu women, and let them shagg and shagg for 500 years and sooner or later "light", "white" skinned kids will be produced. Like attracts like. Those "white" skinned kids will be more attracted to each other.

Take 1 million Nordic/Scandinavian European men and women, and let them shagg and shagg for 1 million years, and there will never ever be a "dark", "black" skinned kid produced.

It is all about dominate and recessive genes. Blame nature. Blame the Gods. Blame God..... for making "white" skin recessive.

Last, skin color does not decide if one is automatically smart or not smart. Studying, and working hard does.

[edit on 1-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Quote: "Doing construction work in that Middle Eastern Sun. His skin had to be dark enough to not get sunburn. No hardware store back then to buy PH block.

Rome under Emperor Constitine converts to "Christianity". If we can't stamp out this Religion - we'll make like we're joining it! Then twist it and control it from within! Muahahaaa!"

Congratulations! You just answered the $10,000 Question! Your Prize is on its way! Wow - Jesus looked like an ARAB - Imagine that!

Quote: "Biologically we're all the same race. Human race. Any human can shag with any human. 100% shaggable compatible. Politically we're all different races. Politics works to divide, make smoke screens, distract, from what's really keeping everyone down - class warfare, on and on."

Wow! Once Again - Outstanding! Reason & Logic at its Finest! Yes we might all look different - but its only
SKIN DEEP - but we are all ALIVE Sentient Beings w/ Consciousness & Spirit! I have had enough of the
"My I.Q. is Bigger than Your I.Q." - Game! We should all treat each other with RESPECT!

[edit on 1-2-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 11:48 PM
"I made a mistake. And I stand corrected. I was going by my memory. I got first modern airplane confused with first modern car. I have a lot of stuff up in that attic in my head heheh. It was the French who created the first modern car. (the French also made the 2nd modern car.) Not the first modern airplane as you correctly pointed out. "

"First car "

happens to me after a heavy night of drinking


[edit on 3-2-2005 by Tahlen]

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by MankoW
If Eskimos are really brown then we're stuck in this...
Color skin has then never with sunlight explanation...
But somehow people are darker with lower geographic width and vice versa.
Better is too ask what is the meaning of racial differences, it has to be some good reason.
Those migration theories are fishy, because it is not likely for people to migrate so far. Those theories we all originate from one are also at least nonsensical.
It is too much bible like story.
It is most probable to having few races on different locations.
Races didn't mingle alot till recently, that' a fact.

How old is 'Eskimo' (Arctic Peoples) as known today? It is difficult to give their cultural history a date for numerous reasons.

As is well known, humans of any color are immenintly adaptable to any Earth environment. Blackest black African could be born in Arctic environment raised by Arctic Aboriginal People and be just like them. However if you have a group of dark-skinned people moving further and further into northern climes over a series of thousands of generations, there will be a _propensity_ for the ones with fairer skin to survive. This is due to the body's need for Vitamin E which is processed via ultraviolet light's reaction with body's skin.

In warmer climes the sunlight is more direct and stronger. Thus more melanin is needed to protect the skin from damage from ultraviolet radiation, while at same time it still processes Vitamin E. But as you go further North or South, ultraviolet radiation diminishes and need for Vitamin E stays the same. Thus over 10,000x years the skin tone of a small band of wanderers who probably climbed into northern Europe (possibly during extreme cold era) grew lighter. Mutation of eye and skin color could have 'popularized' the humans lucky endowed with them increasing number of mates and progeny. (eg Chances that all people with blue eye coloring are eventual children of even 1 mutant is very high).

Just because Eskimos generally are Asiatic does not mean that Caucasian did not develop due to environment. Eskimo is not employing technology of cave man / proto humans!
Eskimo technology for survival is extremely extremely strong and developed, albeit constructed with natural materials, and Eskimo (just using this term for all Arctic people) as a race could have moved into unpopulated lands of north by employing super Stone Age technology.

For Eskimo to live, they employ domesticated animals, metal (yes, rudimentay metals that are traded from southern locales) and are able to live in area of Earth that usually never sees anything growing on land.

Caucasians, or humans that mutated into Caucasians, NEVER populated lands of the extreme climate of the Eskimo. They developed, possibly even as a small community of people over thousands of years, in Lapland and Nordkampf areas or around Baltic.

Also, extreme climate of far north forced humans to wear animal skin, reducing exposure of UV rays even further, requiring maximum obtainment of UV from few areas of skin.

With poor exposure to UV, or very bad diet, people can develop Vitamin E deficiency, one of possibly results is rickets disease.

When was this though, no one knows. It could have been before development of homo sapiens, +/- 50,000 years ago.

However as it seems very hospital to life area of Africa bore first humans who probably didn't even employ animal skins at first, I doubt they lacked Vitamin E compard to need for protection against UV - needing dark skin.

Then again who knows, but the fact that Eskimo is not white does not eradicate the affects of enviornment on development of skin color, because evolution of human traits requires long time, probably longer than Eskimo has populated extreme north.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 11:37 PM
of course us whities are mutants. we were all born with two buttholes.

posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
Okay enough with this I.Q. test mumbo jumbo. Although I will say that most of the inventions have been made by white people. Airplane, TV, Computer, toilet, Gun(except for gun powder chinese did that), Missile, etc.
Im not racist or anything just thought Id point that out.

Of possible millions of inventions in course of human history all inventions are development from previously-invented things or discoveries. Nothing is new but recycled is not just style term, but in realm of invention it can be easily said the same thing. All inventions are extrapolations from previous inventions.

As we all know, current battleground of Iraq is Mesopotamia, cradle of civilization. Ancient Sumerians are first (recorded) peoples who wholly created:

Post Office
Bronze Working
Iron Working
Map Making
Construction / Masonry

posted on Feb, 7 2005 @ 07:23 AM

It's more like what we do with dog breeds and other animals.

People are the way that they are for many reasons, some are naturally evolved but there is that there are many strains that were bred originally for either functional things, or just to look a specific way. No different to what we do to various lifeforms, and all the various reasons that we do those things. Not always good ones......

Where do you - anyone - think that people got that trait from?! To breed other lifeforms for specific characteristics - it has to have come from somewhere, other animals etc do not do that, they stick to the same plan as has always been here, and only 'weed out' those who would not be able to survive.
If it's not natural then it can't have come from nature. There would clearly be all kinds of other examples of other lifeforms breeding other lifeforms again for traits other than survival and working right, and there are not.
There are plenty of examples of people doing the opposite of what nature does though, and spending loads of time money and emotional stress keeping unsuitable genes alive. Then - say one of those people with bad codings gets a job as a proofreader, then they are expected to copy over every letter and punctuation exactly.
So if it's our biology it isn't important enough to be honest about it, but if it's a book it needs to be spell-checked exactly.

Don't get me wrong, I pull insects out of water lying around cause I can notice and 'hear' them dying or panicing if they fall in it,
but we really have collectivley done just about all the wrongs things in relation to genetics that could possibly be done.

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 03:05 AM
white are mutants,yea and black people have brown skin because they eat toomuch chocolate

aww man

thankyou for this,you made me laugh over a grumpy day

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by df1

Originally posted by Molloy XX
The reality of racial differences...

A number of years ago in a college sociology class we were administered an IQ test developed by blacks. The results of the test indicated that blacks in the class had a higher IQ than whites. The whites in the class howled that the test was bias. It seems that your "facts" are most likely guilty of a similar bias.

mind you, that sort of reinforces the racial differences argument

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012
[ As some one mentioned on one of the past posts, then explain why Eskimos (or Inuites) who have black skin are able to survive near the North Pole?

And why when Ghenghis Khan was invading Europe he was leader of 3 armies - two of them made up of people with black skin. (The Khara Khitai, and the Kusanas.) People from India/Asia, and from modern day Africa. When they were pillaging, ravaging, and plundering, the eastern, and centrial Europeans, non of the black skinned Indians, or Africans, were keeling over from Vitamin D defencies during the years they spent taking over Europe.
[edit on 1-2-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

When referring to the term "black skin", this would be in reference to sub saharan africans, not eskimos and the soldiers of Ghengis Khan, just as a point of order

posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 01:06 PM
While I am not trying to dump gasoline on this:

Skin colour is a bit different. You see, being white is only the absence of colour so to be white you need to have low expression of melanin. This is more about expression levels of genes. A person is white if they have no melanin so both parents must be white or one needs to have had a white parent (so has one gene which is not for black skin) has been passed on. If one parent is half white and half black and the other is white then the child could either be white or black (thought probably not as black as the parent). If both parents are light brown (meaning they have one gene for melanin and one for without) then the child could be white (if it gets both genes for light), light brown (if it gets one gene for white and one for dark) or black (darker than the parents) if it gets both genes for dark skin. It isn't really that the black is more dominant than the white gene. It is just that being white is like having a blank canvas and any gene which instructs to make dark pigment is going to show up over the white.

The evolution of the different skin colors is thought to have occurred as follows: the haired ancestor of humans, like modern great apes, had light skin under their hair. Once the hair was lost, they evolved dark skin, needed to prevent low folate levels since they lived in sun-rich Africa. (The skin cancer connection is probably of secondary importance, since skin cancer usually kills only after the reproductive age and therefore doesn't exert much evolutionary pressure.) When humans migrated to sun-poorer regions in the north, low vitamin D3 levels became a problem and light skin color evolved.

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