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Are white people mutants?

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posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 11:31 AM
It is hard to have discussion over this when racial comes to open. It is too much for lot of ppl to accept exisitence of different races, saying which race is good or bad is the same as telling which color to paint your car is better or which astrology sign is best, it hasn't any sense.
Many don't want to see that races do exist. Difference between them is significant. Mutations of gene can be done. Gene can be altered, so it is ok to put it true mutations of genes can through time make a separate race.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Molloy XX
The reality of racial differences:

This garbage is not worth responding to in any detail. The so called 'racial' characteristics exist in a blend from each supposed race to each supposed race. While there certainly are some differences between some populations, there aren't any that are consistent throughout the entire supposed 'race'. The pseudo-science of the eugenics movement and even the junk scienceof books like 'The bell curve' need not be paid heed.

Yea your wrong buddy, People of Ancient Asia(China,Tibet,India etc.) and North and South America fit in with the natural order of earth

Is that why they too destroyed their forests, filled their lakes with refuse and polluted their streams with waste and air with smoke from fires? Humans have allways polluted their environment and altered it.

It is too much for lot of ppl to accept exisitence of different races,

Why should someone accept the existence of somethign that doesn't exist? What defines race? How is this factor preserved?

Gene can be altered, so it is ok to put it true mutations of genes can through time make a separate race.

It very well could, its entirely possible that one day there will be different races of man, but so far, there don't appear to be any. All populations are constantly intermixing and exchanging genes. Genes even pass across entire continents, jumping from one population to the next. If there wasn't this gene flow, if there was isolation and selection for different factors over biologically long periods of time, then races probably would start to form. One doesn't need to be 'uncomfortable' with 'race issues' in order to logically reject the existence of races.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 11:52 AM
Nygdan, If you read up on eastern cultures especially ancient China you will find that when there civilization first came about they beleived that they were part of the earth and that one should not harm the earth for the earth is part of them. The same thing goes for most Native American tribes. They beleived in taking what is necessary and that they were intertwined with the earth.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Molloy XX
The reality of racial differences:


FACT #1 - #28:

Now apply the SAME test except to "whiteman" vs "yellowman".

Now go read the bookRising Sun.

Now go watch the movie Pulp Fiction.

Now go read the book The Bell Curve.

Up until the 1970's these same scientists said it was a fact whites are superior to yellows. Yellows are animalistic. (classic scene in movie "Pulp Fiction" showing actual cartoons that used to be on American TV, and in American movies - showing a yellow, doofy, buck tooth, gooker, chinkoman, with a "muzzle-like" mouth, moving like a low form animal. Low forehead. Ape-like shuffle. Extreemly stupid looking, stupid acting. The scene where a young Bruce Willis is being told by his Father's war buddie about the gookers. Watch what the kid is watching on TV.)

From the late 1980's to NOW these SAME scientists say it is a FACT yellows are superior to whites. In the racist book "The Bell Curve" it says blacks are like apes vs whites. And whites are like apes vs yellows. Funny thing is the news ONLY talked about the black vs white racist part of the book. NOT the racist white vs yellow part of the book.

In the book "Rising Sun" (forget about the movie, had NOTHING to do with the book!) when the cop interviews the professor at the top college. Whenever you have a class full of "white" kids and 1-3 or a few "yellow" kids enroll, the "whites" feel superior. But if 1/3 of the class becomes "yellow". Then the "white" kids feel inferior and on purpose drop out. Terrified that the fact will come out that skin color doesn't automatically make you smart. You have to study!!!!

Here we all are here in present. Your skin color does not make you automatically smart or dumb. NOTHING does. The only thing your skin color does is decide whatever natural protection you have from the sun. Even if you're super-pale, modern technology has invented sunblocks. Suncream, to keep the life-giving sun from KILLING you off. Muhahaaa LOLOL!

Even if your superdark, just eat seafood, drink SOY(milk), or ricemilk, or goatmilk, All healthier than cow milk. But cow milk as last resort. Get all the vitamin D you need. Plus lots of other nutrients everyone needs!


In American schools, black American kids outperform white American kids from kindergarten all the way to 3rd grade. Then social stigmas take control. You're automatically dumb if your skin is dark! They give up, which makes it easier for "whites" to succeed.
"Yellows" had strong family, to counteract American stigma of dumb gookers. They never gave up. They never made it easier for "whites" to succeed. What happened? Now the stigma is yellows are automatically smarter than "whites". Whites now give up, making it easier for yellows to succeed.

DON'T let society cast stigmas on you! Work hard, study, do your homework! F---k what anyone, ANYONE, thinks about you. Don't think that your automatically smart, or dumb. F--k what the social scientists, (who I've proven keep changing their minds!) think!

And the reason black Americans have "28% white blood and genes" in them is because DUH there wasn't segragation unofficially. Officially yes. Unofficially no. From George Washington, and on, ALL slave masters shagged with their dark-skinned, African, women! It's why black Americans invented the pharase "motherf---er". Because that's what happend all the time!

"White" women were treated like property. But not as bad as blacks. But there're TONS of examples of black men escaping and while women joining them. Both sick of being treated like property! And they shaggggged and shagggged. The relationship between white women and black men is 100% the reason why white American women have ALL the rights they have right now present day.


OMG that "FACT" you write about "Negros" having thick, horny, skin, that's hard to break (may as well call it a HIDE) is soooo f---in funny! And you post it as a FACT LOLOL! I guess Superman is a "Negro" or "Negroid". LOLOL!

[edit on 1-1-2005 by OpenSecret2012]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 10:48 PM
I had heard that the darker people lived near the equator, and after millions of years, they evolved into darker skinned people, and the light-skinned people were near the North Pole, like from Norway, Sweden, Greenland, etc. They evolved into light-skinned, blonde, blue or green eyes, etc. That still doesn't explain why the eskimos are dark-skinned, but maybe they left a region near the equator and migrated to the north for some reason, and they haven't had time to evolve into light-skinned people, yet. Just a thought!

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

His skin had to be dark enough to not get sunburn.

Black people's skin gets sunburnt also. The extra melanin protects from harmful cancer causing radiation, not 'sunburn'.

Yeah? So having dark skin gives protection from skin cancer. Another example of dark skin being better than light skin - from a biological stance.
Cancer takes time to happen. It doesn't form in minutes, ir in 1 hour. Sunburn does! "Black" people are not all black. Technically NOONE is black. Just Darkbrown. These darkbrown or "black" people come in different shades.

In America Mariah Carey is called "black". In other parts of the world she is more accuratly called "white". Brad Pitt has more sun protection in his skin than Mariah Carey, but he's called "white" in America. In the rest of the world he is called "BLACK". (Look up the black Russians, black Irish, black Italians. Black Russians are best example!).

Since all "blacks" are really not the same exact shade, then yeah some "blacks" can and will get sunburn. But it STILL takes longer for them to get sunburn vs "white" people. Why? Why?
How come the super-dark skinned people who live on the equator in Africa and Middle East DON'T suffer from sunburn the same as a "white" person who travels to the equator? Why? Why?

Its from their darker skin protecting them from sunburn. Dark skin does protect vs sunburn. Super-dark skin "sooo black their purple" means the owner of it almost NEVER experiences sunburn ever.

Rome under Emperor Constitine converts to Christianity. "If we can't stamp out this heathen religion, we'll make like we're joining it! Then twist it and control it from within! Muahahaaa!

Constantine said that he was converted by, i beleive, a vision sent from god, and apparently the people in his court were somewhat put off by his piousness.

Doesn't matter what reason Constitine said he adopted Christianity. The fact is based on his (and Rome's) actions afterwards is they added tons of pagen practices to Christianity. They diluted the religion. They changed it from the inside out.

Rome went on to conquor most of Europe.

Rome didn't do this after christianity. By the time constantine was emperor, it had long since more or less 'conquered' the world (its world anyway).

Constitine is the sole one responsible for bringing Christianity to the barbarian Europeans

"he changed the course of European civilization by becoming a Christian."

And I never said Rome took over Europe after adopting Christianity. I said Rome conquored Europe and spread Christianty into Europe -> then Europe changed the idea how Jehushua looked to fit with European ideas of beauty -> pale aristocratic skin. The common people worked outside, and so had darker skin. The aristocrates were the ones paying for the paintings of Jehushua. The artists had to please them or else not get paid, or lose their heads.

Later when the classical artists were commissioned to do their famous paintings of Jesus on the churches, halls, and castles, they had to make a picture pleasing to the ruler

I don't think a conspiracy is necessary to get populations of people to make their gods look like them.

Where do you see comspiracy? It's a bleedin fact!
- Jehushua was NOT from the ruling class. He was a laborer. He apprenticed under his earthly father to become a carpinter.

- Then he became a regular carpenter - for the majority of his life. Where do carpenters in the middle east work? Indoors? Or outdoors? Is the middle east sun hot and intense? Go ask the Saudies, the Indians, the Arabs. What do laborers who work outside in the HOT sun wear? A full suit? A big coat? Or just a loincloth, so their sweat can cool the majority of their body?

- What would the skin of any middle easterner look like if they spend 20 or so years working outside in the intense middle east sun, wearing just a loin cloth?

- Then the last few years of his life, he walks around in that intense middle east sun! He never used a camel, or horse, or mule, or donkey. (Just one time for a few mins to enter a city.) How would someone look like if they spend months and months walking around a desert-like enviorment?

Which of this is not true? Which?

Ohh, and....

Daniel (7:9) "like the pure wool"

Enoch (46:1) "There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool..."

Num. (6:5) He shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow".

Rev. (1:14) "His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire�

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Killak420
they were part of the earth and that one should not harm the earth for the earth is part of them. The same thing goes for most Native American tribes. They beleived in taking what is necessary and that they were intertwined with the earth.

Sir, I am not unversed or unread in ancient history, neither when it comes to the chinese nor the native americans (in the north nor the south). They altered their environments in a destructive and often unintentional way. I do not doubt that they beleived that they were a part of it. i do not doubt that they had respect for it. They still polluted it and altered it.

Yeah? So having dark skin gives protection from skin cancer

And? I was merely pointing out that it probably didn't come about because of a sunburn benefit, but rather a skin cancer and melanin producing benefit.

Doesn't matter what reason Constitine said he adopted Christianity.

It does when his motivations are whats being questioned.

The fact is based on his (and Rome's) actions afterwards is they added tons of pagen practices to Christianity

What specifically did Constantine add that was paganistic?

And I never said Rome took over Europe after adopting Christianity

You previously said

Rome went on to conquor most of Europe.

If I misunderstood than I apologize but I see nothing that indicates this isn't what you meant.
[quopte]then Europe changed the idea how Jehushua looked to fit with European ideas of beauty -> pale aristocratic skin
I do not disagree that europeans make jesus look a certian way. I however don't feel that there is any need for a conspiracy, even a disorganized ones. When white people think about god, they think of a white guy. When its blacks, they think of someone who is black, certainly when tehy are left to their own devices. Heck there are even black santa clauses. i don't think that it requires a pale nobleman threatening a painter, who's never seen jesus anyway, to make him paler.

Where do carpenters in the middle east

I have not been trying to make an argument for jesus being a white guy with or without a tan. I'd tend to think that he looked like most people in that part of the world have allways looked, and I suspect that that is roughly similar to what the aboriginal jews and palestinians look like.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:27 AM
Race is not judged by skin color alone, but by bloodline. I remember 2 Negro twins were born, back in 96, one lacked pigment and his skin turned out a pale white. He was still classed as a negro, (or African American if your PC). Race is hereditary, and is more than skin deep.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 08:02 AM
I think its all really interesting. Heres a few things I have learnt. People have migrated the planet in waves. If you think the land an ocean that transported people in waves, then think of some debris being washed against the same bay "europe" some of that debris will stay and become part of the natural order of things. Humans are Equatorial by nature. Its only our ability to tame our environment that allowed us to head closer to the poles. Since our origins we have adapted both cognitively and physically in fact in every way. When you breed parrots ie Budgies you can alter colours generationally. The Australian Government as part of the British Empire conducted experiments on Australian Aboringinal peoples, They dicovered that Their Aboriginal characteristics could be bread out in 8 generations, As offensive as I find this kind of behavior, the lessons are there to be learnt
As you can guess I am Australian and as a mediteranean type skinned person I would find it an Advantage to have darker skin and a higher resistance to skin cancer which Australia has one of the highest rates in the world. There is also the basic fundamentals of existence. which is to ensure the survival of "MY" gene pool and if colour, eye shape, hair type, height, or anything is andvantage to ensure this surviuval then Ill have it please My credit card number is 8888888888888

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Molloy XX
He was still classed as a negro.

In teh south in the US they used to have to look at the color of the cuticle and skin under the nail to determine race

Race is hereditary, and is more than skin deep.

I think that everyone here is aware that more than mere skin colour is used when people talk about race, but since race doesn't even exist it can't very well be hereditary. None of the racial characteristics, just like skin colour, are held by all members of any 'race' and only members of that 'race'.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by OpenSecret2012
If the true picuture of Jesus was used in all books, paintings, right now. Then YES, YES, YES, many would STOP following that religion! Skin color does matter to them! Pat Buchanon, Storm Thurmond, Ross Perot, Al Gore, Tipper Gore, Kerry, Bush, everyone including most dark skinned people, would never worship a dark skinned saviour!

I totally agree with you. The ideal ideology of Christianity would be to follow the religion based on its religious ideology (way to many that sentence). However we know this is not the case. People follow Christianity based on a representation of life that they will never obtain. It's an unobtainable paradox.

[edit on 1/4/2005 by Simulacra]

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Molloy XX
The reality of racial differences:

I think Nygdan is right when he says that this garbage isn�t even worth responding to in depth. But I�m going to go over it briefly. Your post is flawed.

1.) Every one of your sources are bunk, I've actually spent the time to trace them and see no relation to them and your post. You should sit in the corner for that one.

2.) These 'facts' were created by a man named Louis Agassiz. A prominent racist in the scientific community. See, Molloy XX...Intellectual tricks can always fool those receptive to racism. He created a pseudo-science and created a large separation between 'blacks' and 'whites'. Matter of fact, he actually labeled africans/african-americans as a 'degraded and degenerate race'. The whole scientific community fell for this lie until a Harvard professor by the name of Stephen Jay Gould wrote a book called ''The Mismeasure of Man

In his book he challenged such ideas as 'The Bell Curve':

Gould exposed ''The Bell Curve'' as devoid of serious facts or new arguments. Gould said the book was ''a manifesto of conservative ideology, and its sorry and biased treatment of data records the primary purpose - advocacy above all. The text evokes the dreary and scary drumbeat of claims associated with conservative think tanks - reduction or elimination of welfare, ending of affirmative action in schools and workplaces, cessation of Head Start and other forms of preschool education, cutting of programs for slowest learners, and application of funds to the gifted.''

Gould said the book presented an ''apocalyptic vision of a society with a growing underclass permanently mired in the inevitable sloth of their low IQs. They will take over our city centers, keep having illegitimate babies (for many are too stupid to practice birth control), commit more crimes and ultimately require a kind of custodial state, more to keep them in check (and out of our high IQ neighborhoods).''

Among other things

Unfortunately Stephen Jay Gould passed away in 2002. I encourage to read his books and enlighten yourself as opposed to believing a nearly 200 year old pseudo-science based solely on racism and classism

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 06:52 PM
Gould's death was definitly a loss, for the reasons you mentioned and more.

The worse part of it is that people might not stand up and rationally challenge some of the racist goons that try to push that tripe on the rest of society. Groups like the Pioneer Society that was a big funder for The Bell Curve garbage is, as far as I know, still active, and still widely understood to be utterly racist. Not just because of the bell curve book, but from before that.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Molloy XX
Race is not judged by skin color alone, but by bloodline. I remember 2 Negro twins were born, back in 96, one lacked pigment and his skin turned out a pale white. He was still classed as a negro, (or African American if your PC). Race is hereditary, and is more than skin deep.

Now how about when those 2 twins grow up. The pale skin one moves to another city, or state, or coast. Everyone who meets him thinks he's white. He doesn't tell them he has a dark skinned brother. Then what? This blows away your point. There's 1 race. The human race. That's it.

In ancient times many pale skinned kids were born from dark skinned parents. Like attracts like. The pale skinned kids got together and started shagging. They migrated. They shagged some more.

Here's something more for ya - a "Negro" and a "caucasoid" can and do have the exact same blood type. There's "negros" who don't have the same blood type as other "negros". There's "cacasoids" who don't have the same blood type as other "caucasoids". Race isn't heriditary. Race is political.

Biologically we're all the same race. Human race. Any human can shag with any human. 100% shaggable compatable. Politically we're all different races. Politics works to divide, make smoke screens, distract, from what's really keeping everyone down - class warfare, on and on.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Yeah? So having dark skin gives protection from skin cancer

And? I was merely pointing out that it probably didn't come about because of a sunburn benefit, but rather a skin cancer and melanin producing benefit.

Ok. I agree with ya a benifit of having dark skin is protection from skin cancer.

Doesn't matter what reason Constitine said he adopted Christianity.

It does when his motivations are whats being questioned.

You say Roman Emperor Constatine stopped slaughtering the followers of Jehushua because he had a vision. I say maybe, or maybe he saw he wasn't stopping their religion. Either way he decided to stop hunting them. And made friends and "became a convert". And decreed all of Rome and its citizens were converts since he's the top dog. Either way the end result was the same - he took over this new religion.

The fact is based on his (and Rome's) actions afterwards is they added tons of pagen practices to Christianity

What specifically did Constantine add that was paganistic?

- He formalized it. Adding rituals, and the groundwork of what we now call "The Church". The rituals, traditions, on and on.

- He set the stage for the introduction of Christmas, Easter, and all the other pagen holidays now associated with Christianity - which have nothing to do with it in their roots. (Read the present issue of US News & World Report that talks about where the holiday Christmas comes from.)

- He set the stage for the rest of the paganism - the idea Priests can't ever marry. Nuns can't ever marry. The idea of having nuns, and official priests, cardnials, bishops, pope, and a church heiarchy.

- More paganism - the new idea that the devil has red skin, horns like a goat, a pointy tail, is armed with a pitch fork, has two hind feet like a horse or goat, fangs, pointy ears, and claws. No where in the Bible does it say he looks like this. In fact he was the greatest, most beautiful, creation ever made (which is what led to his downlfall, his ego got too big.)

- More paganism - the Bible never gives the name of the guy we now call Satan. Read the book "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. "Satan" comes from a Middle Eastern word "Shaitan". When the Bible was being translated into English, the "pious" Christian Europeans hated the "heathen" Muslums, Hindus, dark skinned noble savages, on and on. So they assigned a word from the language of the heathens to be the name of the evil angel. "Devil" is a synonym for "Manslayer" or "mankiller".
Lucifer? Just latin for "light". Like lucent, illumanicant, lumanous, and yeah llumanated, illumanati

In the part of the Bible that gives this bad angel's entire biography, he's called "The Son of Dawn". Closest thing to a name he's called. Revolation calls him "The Dragon" when it talks about the war in heaven and what happened. English translators looked at "Son of Dawn", dawn means early, light, bright,.... and shortened it to lucifer which means light, bright, on and on.

Pagan means not pure, false, fake, not the real thing. Pagan holidays. Paganism. Constitine took over the Christian church, and introduced paganism into it. He took it over from the inside out. Proof his intentions were not good was him not changing his pagan ways - womanizing, war mongering, ravaging, pillaging, plundering, raping, and everything else a Roman Emperor does.

And I never said Rome took over Europe after adopting Christianity

You previously said

Rome went on to conquor most of Europe.

If I misunderstood than I apologize but I see nothing that indicates this isn't what you meant.

OK, let me be 100% specific. Emperor Constitine is responsible for Rome stopping hunting the followers of Jehushua. Rome is responsible for bringing the idea of Jehushua to Europe.European painters are responsible for our current idea of Jehushua as a pale skinned, aristocratic, long haired, (mostly blue eyed), hippie-long haired guy, in spotlessly clean cloths, who was liked and loved by everyone until the last 2 hours of his life.

[quopte]then Europe changed the idea how Jehushua looked to fit with European ideas of beauty -> pale aristocratic skin

I do not disagree that europeans make jesus look a certian way. I however don't feel that there is any need for a conspiracy, even a disorganized ones. When white people think about god, they think of a white guy. When its blacks, they think of someone who is black, certainly when tehy are left to their own devices. Heck there are even black santa clauses. i don't think that it requires a pale nobleman threatening a painter, who's never seen jesus anyway, to make him paler.

The painter traveled and studied various statues, sculptures, and paintings in other counries. The painter sooner or later had to paint the skin color of the subject. The painter knows he should use a dark color. He knows what the majority of people in the Middle East look like. He also knows Middle Easterners are looked at as heathens by the people paying him to make the painting. He knows how they look isn't in sync with what's seen as beautiful and handsome by the people paying for the painting.
"Hmmm... do I paint the right skin color that I know is the right color? Or do I paint what the guy paying my salary wants to see, who can have me killed, which means I'll never get to shagg ever again?".

Where do carpenters in the middle east

I have not been trying to make an argument for jesus being a white guy with or without a tan. I'd tend to think that he looked like most people in that part of the world have allways looked, and I suspect that that is roughly similar to what the aboriginal jews and palestinians look like.

I agree. He also wouldn't look like our current social definition of a white guy. (If Mariah Carey can be called black and she's a pale skin. And Brad Pitt can be called white and his skin is darker than hers...) Jehushua was a carpenter by trade. A construction worker. In the Middle East. For the majority of his life. Working in a loincloth.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 03:48 AM
Time to disect this misinformation. Fear certainly is genetic... or is it spiritual... anyways....

Originally posted by Molloy XX
The reality of racial differences:

FACT #1: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word "sapien" means "wise." The name was originally used to speak of the White man and synonymous with "europaeus." As a result, many later taxonomists and geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not different genera. (39)

Irelevant to anything constructive in this discussion.

FACT #2: For his mammoth work, The Origin of Races, Professor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition, linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone-bearing sites to verify his theory of pre-sapien racianation." In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even before evolution into Homo sapien stage. (12)
FACT #3: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in skull and brain development. (9)

Seems to be white supremacist propaganda. Hmm... Dr Coon you say! lol! 200k years more advanced, huh... that explains the supremacy!

FACT #10

All of these are white supremacist deceptions in order to justify a fearful, hostile, pathetic raciist mentality. A mentality adorned in the finest robes of malignant ignorance and futility. The mentally deviant fixation with preserving a race is bad, but understandable - i suppose. But it cannot be done. You see there are Dominant genes and there are Recessive genes - ill call this FACT A. The dominant, strong genes survive & the weak ones do not. Ask Darwin that one! See what I'm getting at. Nature, evolution, point towards the melanin.

FACT #11: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points, on average, below those of American Whites.

I would be happy to challenge anyone with arguments like these to any test of intelligence and wisdom. IQ tests are fine with me. Let me know.

Look this is the bottom line...
I am half black and half white.
So I guess I know what is going on with this disgracefulness.


A - melanin lacking babies can be created by two black people -----> albinism.
The reverse is not the case, 2 whites cannot produce a black, melanin rich child.
This is the basis of the truths that fright those who wanna be a w/supremacist.
This the explantion as to the origins of all mankind.... and to its destiny as well.

B - I could go on at length with more facts of what IS superior and inferior.... but I wont....

C - know this... I feel for you poor supremacists... I do!! How the hell are you supposed to preserve yourselves, when nature itself is against you... not an easy task!

[edit on 1/24/2005 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:02 AM
The only reason that whites scored higher on IQ tests is that they were written by whites, and are culturally and economic status biased. In the UK it was a news story within the last couple of years that the black nursing students had higher average IQ scores than the white ones. There is only one race, the human race. If white people are mutants, the mutation has not improved the lot of humanity at all, but more likely has done the opposite.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:37 AM
Okay enough with this I.Q. test mumbo jumbo. Although I will say that most of the inventions have been made by white people. Airplane, TV, Computer, toilet, Gun(except for gun powder chinese did that), Missile, etc.
Im not racist or anything just thought Id point that out.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 04:42 AM
"The only reason that whites scored higher on IQ tests is that they were written by whites, and are culturally and economic status biased. In the UK it was a news story within the last couple of years that the black nursing students had higher average IQ scores than the white ones. There is only one race, the human race. If white people are mutants, the mutation has not improved the lot of humanity at all, but more likely has done the opposite."

is it that big of a deal? not really as far as im concerned. IQ tests dont really prove anything to begin with. do a search on the boards and you will find out for yourself.

"C - know this... I feel for you poor supremacists... I do!! How the hell are you supposed to preserve yourselves, when nature itself is against you... not an easy task!"

I hate to break it to you but nature is against anyone. Tornadoes kill anyone, earthquakes kill anyone, animals attack anyone. So what is your point by saying this? that nature is against supremacists only? take a look at what you typed. Good reaction.

"Look this is the bottom line...
I am half black and half white."

You may be half black and half white. But from a personal view I would say your thought path for this discussion has bounced way out into left field. The topic is about whites being mutant. Not supremacy in colours etc.

"Its from their darker skin protecting them from sunburn. Dark skin does protect vs sunburn. Super-dark skin "sooo black their purple" means the owner of it almost NEVER experiences sunburn ever. "

who cares. i can never get sunburnt either. just wear clothes lol

i think this thread needs to be dropped. too many people dont realize that majority of populations dont care what colour you are. I am white and I believe that everyone is equal. I dont look at any other person any different then i do myself. Stop blathering on about what colour jesus christ was. stop ranting on about why super-dark skinned people dont get sunburnt and how their skin is superior. who cares? we are all a people of this world and we need to put petty crap like this behind us or we are never going to succeed in life. There are many powers that be in this modern world that ridicual against people of different origins. I say fight for all its worth to retain your right as an individual, but do not for once think that every person of that power is out to put you down.


[edit on 24-1-2005 by Tahlen]

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[edit on 24-1-2005 by Tahlen]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 06:34 AM
I'm sorry for not reading this whole post, but one person said that the albino gene is recessive, (not the dominate gene). So therefore, if there are 2 albino parents, there is still only a ...damn....its either 25-50% chance that a child would be albino as well.

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