Despite being open to it, some things about the UFO/ET thing make me think it's unlikely they exist in the real world. At this point I don't think
ETs exist in our proximity but I do recognise there are some unknown sky phenomena/sightings which I, of course, lack explanation to. As there's a
lot to do about the subject on this site I was wondering what your views are on my concerns and doubts regarding the existence of extraterrestrials
and their vehicles.
First, why do eyewitness accounts vary so wildly?
If I'd be to believe that aliens are here, there'd be so many species it's (to me) beyond any credibility. I can imagine 1 kind or several from the
same planet or even galaxy given that they can fly or go anywhere they please. I mean, some other races/species could hop along but it just seems...
no-ish. Especially if their intentions regarding us human beings differ so much which is apparently the case according to some theories and
testimonies. I mean, if I'd go on a safari and I'd let a friend hop along but he went with the intention of hunting some wildlife while I'd just
want to see them, I wouldn't invite him or her a second time if he or she insists on killing wild animals.
With regards to the species: there's the well-known grey type alien. Then there're reptilians. There're even Hitler's wet-dream-like creatures
who're almost annoyingly perfect with a very light skin, beautiful face and light-blonde hair who seem to be the archetype of nazi racial ideology or
northern Europeans. We have different grey alien types if I may believe the descriptions and we have hybrids as well. There're really tall being or
even giants and generally enough to fill an undoubtedly extremely fascinating extraterrestrials zoo but it's just an overload!
It just makes it all seem less credible to me.
Second, I'd like to mention that even within one species, the descriptions can differ so much. If 10 people'd describe a mouse they saw and every
one of them was sane and not trying to be funny in the most childish way, they'd focus on different aspects of the creature 'mouse' but there
wouldn't be any green mice, or fire-spitting mice, or flying mice, etc. With aliens it's not like with mice. If there're aliens abducting or
interacting with people, wouldn't the accounts be a lot more similar? Regarding their spacecrafts, what they want from us, where they reside even
(underground? the moon? the hollow earth perhaps?*)
theory: volcanic eruptions are actually just covers for aliens to leave the earth's inside without being seen! Everyone's too busy running,
The descriptions and opinions are all over the place. I'm more inclined to believe in shadow people or ghosts as there's more consistency to their
descriptions and the encounters with them. But aliens really seem to be an extra-odd branch of the paranormal thing. Outrageous descriptions of
sightings, encounters and telepathic communication seem to create a mist of craziness around the somewhat more credible or believable theories and
Third: the evidence seems lacking. ''All'' we have (not denying existence of unknown/unexplainable vehicles or things in the sky) are UFO
sightings but we don't have much clear footage and ''MIB'' doesn't really cut it. As of yet, there's no un-debunked proof of an alien body
being found. The things that remain are few and far between. Admittedly I've stopped reading about it years ago and recently picked it up again and
find this site fun and all, but is there currently any really compelling evidence?
I also don't really buy the 'ancient civilisations mentioned them-argument'. Peoples all over the world and throughout time and history made
abstract or otherwise not true to nature images with often a purpose of magic, story and legend telling, describing glorious victories or depicting
aesthetic and beauty ideals. The purpose isn't to literally represent reality and as such, facial and bodily features may be exaggerated or otherwise
changed into a more art-like shape. Enlarged eyes etc don't surprise me much as the eyes and mouth are what people initially look at when they
see/meet someone. It's important for understanding each other. And as to flying saucer-shapes... are you sure they didn't intend to depict a
floating vagina or something?
I must note that I don't deny eyewitness accounts; that's not up to me. I don't quickly doubt the sincerity of such stories as people'd discredit
themselves more than anything and many people seem genuine and sincere. I acknowledge that there're some really strange phenomena but I have issues
with the explanation attached to it.
Fourth: I seem to notice a certain religious argument when the legitimacy of evidence or a theory is being questioned:
''Their technology is way beyond what we know and can imagine!''
I call it an ''it's magic!-argument''. We cannot understand how or why God would do or not do something, despite how logic-defying it may seem.
Because we just can't understand it and there's an underlying premise that God knows everything and can do anything no matter what. The same
argument seems to creep up with UFOs and such but then it's not God, witches or magic but technology. It's not very convincing. It almost seems like
a badly-written story, where all of the troubles and Mean Villains stop being Mean or the troubles stop being troublesome because there was a huge
build-up of riddles and problems and then *woosh!* the tooth fairy appears and BAM! *glitterglitter yay!* it's all over. It's almost disappointing.
The viewer might ask: but
why? ==> well, it's awesome tooth fairy magic, you silly! Even when it's logically impossible. (logically within
the story, as in: even with magic, logic stays an issue)
Last but not least, it seems a relatively new and western-world related thing. As far as I know it's only really a thing in the USA. Didn't the hype
start around the 1940s-1950s, right in the middle of a technological boom and rising worldwide tensions and the threat of the end of the simple world
looming? (you know, where you actually felt like you had some control over your surrounding, instead of the new technological horrors and the dreadful
possibility of Russians throwing God-knows-what kind of futuristic semi-sci-fi secret weapons at us) It also seems a bit like the UFO designs follow
human trends in terms of car, train and general device design.
I'm actually asking what the people on ATS think. I'm not debating here as I don't even really have a standpoint; I'm inconclusive and don't
believe I could or want to win or even argue such a discussion. As of yet I'm open to the whole idea but I was wondering what your take on it is. I
also must admit that I'm starting to read about the whole thing again after some years even though I read quite extensive amounts at the time. Now
that I'm catching up a bit again it occurs how anecdotal it all is.