Where is this other merging universe? And how does it fit already in a Universe that is full.
If the fabric of space and time could as easily be dismissed then stars and planets simply wouldn't exist.
Everything exists as it does now because of a continuous balence that cannot be thrown off.
Matter is compressed in order to make up *space* without compressed matter there would be no * Space*. Atoms wouldn't be atoms they would just be
solid clumps.
Water from the ocean would fall from the sky. The world would explode along with the milkyway as every galaxy collides with solid objects.
This honestly is a never ending debate, Same paradoxal questions that get shot down everytime.
Paradoxs do not make up the building blocks of all of existance. Because massive contradictions never mean that such an instance is going to be 100%
accurate, its probably going to be less than accurate actually because we have to think up loop holes.
Such as quatum theory needs to cling to the idea of multi-verse theory. Just one problem. Where is this other place?
And if it exists where can we point to it? What reason does it exist? What is its purpose in maintaining balence in our universe? If you cannot answer
this questions straight on and have to think of some gimmicky loop hole just to make it seem remotely possible.
The universe dosn't like loopholes, And would be sad if the universe actually did opperate on the concepts of a theory with loop holes around
something that just is to rediculous to even be possible.
People laugh when i go off about aliens, This is just... Well im glad people on here show me some respect at least.
Don't take this multi-verse theory to hard if your trying to explain inter-dimensional beings you are doing it wrong.
a dimension is never a place it is a point of perspective... that's it.
No alter universes no secret hidden world orbitting beside ours on some metaphysical plane.
Matter can transform in reality enough without all these gimmicky theories sturring the pot.
Isn't it good enough that mass can take any state? Liquid gas solid and energy? How about the 5th state? Donno what the 5th state is? Lets call it
unreactive sludge. Black holes create this and it is in such abaundance that it is the jelly holding our universe together. it allows galaxies to form
because of decelerated light, setting the speed of light at a constant variable.
Tho the speed of light can be slightly different from galaxy to galaxy.
There is so much energy and mass in the universe that if all the dark energy suddenly decompressed itself the universe would expand by a rate of 9 or
more. Basically there would be no empty space. The entire universe would just be one solid object spanning in all directions. But the thing is, Its
not even remotely possible to acess that much energy. The scale is simply to big. And nothing could of started it either, Because it's impossible to
trace when the first dark matter partcle was created. Why? Because it already expanded an eternity ago.
How are we going to trace the moment of birth of the Universe when the milkyway 100% isn't the first galaxy to be floating here. and i say here as a
very general term because Where is Here? We know from our perspective we are always in the center of the universe where ever we travel. We can only
judge based on our estimates of the life expectancy of the surrounding nabouring galaxies. What im trying to say, is that reality is much weirder than
the mundane view.
I'm not saying that things that can be described as *from another universe* don't exist. I'm just saying trying to narrow it down that specifically is
incorrect because it is not real in that way. But more or less there is only ONE universe. The one we live in.
We do we have to assume that just because an E.T has poltergistish abilities that is from another universe altogether? If so how did it even found
*Us* so to speak. The milkyway is moving you know and inside of it is us also moving along a band of stars. How do these alter universal beings know
exactly where to find Earth from their alter universe where matter can decide to break some imaginary rule collective humanity placed on the
expectiations of physics. i don't know i just find it harder to believe. The only loop hole i can think of is the universe has tears in it that lead
to other universes. Sounds good when you first hear it but when you actually think about it. It would also likewise be impossible because such
activity would destabelize the core of the universe. What would happen in reality if such an instance occured.
Is all universes would be merged into one. Why? Pressurized equalibrium.
If said multi-verse theory was actually real. It would of destroyed itself by now. Why? Because it would be impossible for each universe to be
pressurized to exactly the same ammount.
Have you ever tried filling up an ice cube trey? The most empty, the universe with the biggest *space* would suck all other universes into it until
the pressure has equaled out. it does this because like the ice trey when you crack the seal everything pours through the *cubes* or * Universes*
Filling it up and falling in the direction of universal pressure.
It is a paradox because even tho multi-verse negates itself even if it were to occure. Its fundamentally based on hopes and dreams rather than
concrete science.
Spirits gouls and ghosties? they exist very much in our universe alone and we don't exactly need to obtain them from something humans want to seperate
themselves from. It's hilarious because the last thing people want to admit is there is aliens out there that resemble poltergeists, And that scares
people because they want to believe some higher power fom some unknown force in some alter reality will fight them in the clash between light and
It would be awesome if the entire universe revolved around what we believed lmao. But it dosn't. And will never conform to us, We have to conform to
it, not the other way around. Sorry for the harsh words. But hey i could be completely wrong and we could be among the first chain of universes to
take the hit and be dragged down to i guess what spiritualists would call the *lower plain* that would constantly be sinking until it fills up. Also
space is currently pressurized. If space had tears leading outside of it, More tears would form until it was just a rip across space in time taring
the walls of existance apart.
I'd rather like to think of it as, Turbines and lego blocks. And all the existing physicall mass is * turned on* Where as the non-existing compressed
mass is *Turned off* as it replenishes energy from entropy.
edit on 31-10-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)