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Fast Food in Denmark Serves Something Atypical: Living Wages

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posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 08:18 PM
just accept that you live in a fascist system. A system where business and government collude to rob the middle class and workers. Anyone can see this, it is clear and evident. Yes, Denmark, eu, Canada, are not quite as fascistic as we yet, some far from it. The ones with the most worker protections are the ones furthest. yes, its been the case with politics for A millennia....its also been the case with unregulated wealth. This is a system that you are supporting. Bravo.

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: pexx421
just accept that you live in a fascist system. A system where business and government collude to rob the middle class and workers. Anyone can see this, it is clear and evident. Yes, Denmark, eu, Canada, are not quite as fascistic as we yet, some far from it. The ones with the most worker protections are the ones furthest. yes, its been the case with politics for A millennia....its also been the case with unregulated wealth. This is a system that you are supporting. Bravo.

Unregulated wealth??
Business and government collude?? (The coal industry might have something to say about that.)

Bravo, once again your ignorance has reached new heights.
The US already regulates wealth it's called capital gains, and taxation, but despite these two money grabbing government programs some people seem to be able to have the life they want without complaining . I told you once before taking all the money of the wealthy wouldn't pay the national debt. That pretty much negates that argument.

Worker protections... ie Unions, hey how are those working for you. Membership is shrinking, what will be you answer then. You can't even fire a POS government worker stealing public money without it taking over a year while they are on the payroll. Teachers can't be fired because of tenure despite the fact they are dumber than a sack of hammers and can;t pass their own test let alone apply their own CC test . How many pot smoking beer drinking videos do you need before you question the quality of Unions at car companies today?

You need to live in some place like Russia for a while to appreciate the US. Then see if you can get online and complain about Russia and it's Communist Government. LOL

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace
No, all I need do is sit tight here in the us till the unions are gone and were paying everyone 5dollars a day.

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 09:38 PM
And you, my friend, are unable to hold a debate without ad hominem attacks and being obnoxious and offensive.
edit on 3-11-2014 by pexx421 because: typo

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: pexx421
And you, my friend, are unable to hold a debate without ad hominem attacks and being obnoxious and offensive.

You offer nothing in the way of intellectual debate on this subject, you don't address anything I have mentioned or the examples of people making it, including your own brother, despite your view of the current system, . Poor me gets old, because you have nothing in the way of lifes experiences except complaints because it makes you comfortable. You have yet to explain why so many illegals walk so many miles to come here, is it because of minimum wage of the opportunity you say doesn't exist?

Instead you prefer to drone on about the inequality, the non existent opportunities, corporations in bed with the government, and want to cite the quality of other countries, when it's all BS.

Your own brother by your admission is making the life he wants and has seized the opportunity.

Inequality has always existed and always will, get over it.

All those trillions off shore from corporations is because they are colluding with government. Yeah right...

If all these other countries are so great why not go there and report back?

You teach people how to treat you, your brother knew he could charge $30hr and pay you $16 because all you would do is complain. You trained him well about yourself.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace Honestly, MG, and I hate to say bad things about other people, but you just come across as a dick. You make judgments about people you know nothing about. Since when is looking at the situations of people around me and feeling sympathy for them the same as "poor me". Not once have I complained about my personal situation. I am quite happy. You, on the other hand, contrary to just about every other American, or citizen of any country that knows America, appear to be completely ignorant of the military industrial complex, or of the power and influence (total) that corporations and money have over congress and our fascist government. The fact that since 08 over 95% of our nations gains in wealth have gone to the top 1%, and that pretty much every change made in legislation is paid for by some business interest....really, I just have to cry BS. You, sir, are a troll. I have given many examples of corporate control of government in this and other threads you have debated with me in. You don't address those issues, you just come back with ad hominem attacks, slurs, and insults, and made up stuff. I really feel no more need to waste my time with you in this thread, as so many others must feel as well, as they have all stopped responding to you too... I should follow their example and stop feeding the troll.

edit on 4-11-2014 by pexx421 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: pexx421

One thing is for sure if you feel slighted in anyway just notify a mod. and if they feel anything is over the line they will cancel my account, and/or delete any post they feel are offensive. You can call me anything you like but the truth is the truth, I can prove anything I say. Lying isn't necessary, I have lived everything I talk about.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: pexx421
a reply to: MarlinGrace Honestly, MG, and I hate to say bad things about other people, but you just come across as a dick. You make judgments about people you know nothing about. Since when is looking at the situations of people around me and feeling sympathy for them the same as "poor me". Not once have I complained about my personal situation. I am quite happy. You, on the other hand, contrary to just about every other American, or citizen of any country that knows America, appear to be completely ignorant of the military industrial complex, or of the power and influence (total) that corporations and money have over congress and our fascist government. The fact that since 08 over 95% of our nations gains in wealth have gone to the top 1%, and that pretty much every change made in legislation is paid for by some business interest....really, I just have to cry BS. You, sir, are a troll. I have given many examples of corporate control of government in this and other threads you have debated with me in. You don't address those issues, you just come back with ad hominem attacks, slurs, and insults, and made up stuff. I really feel no more need to waste my time with you in this thread, as so many others must feel as well, as they have all stopped responding to you too... I should follow their example and stop feeding the troll.

I've been reading your debates every since your participation in a thread of mine recently and I've been watching your and MG go back and forth and I'm going to have to agree with your perspective and your data.

The problem is people want to make you the problem for being the one who points out of the problem. It's people who can't think past their emotions and make it personal. For instance, if your position is against theirs, the. Your against them and your character becomes the topic of conversation.

Here is an example of how we need to be able to create space between the person their agenda their ideas and the topic at hand.

You can't expect low level thinking people to be able to ha e this ability.

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