posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to:
eh fair enough perhaps its time for some not political correct advertising(no idea how this would really work and highly dobut it would be implemented
or even legal but hey some times shame works) start a frigging national add campain that says hey if your thinking about shooting up a school either
go commit your self to an institution or do the world a favor and put that gun barrel in your mouth and save the world alot of strife and greif. like
i said not likely to happen but if more people either told these people get frigging help(highly stigmatized for some)or just off your self and save
the world their bs.
part of the problem is that every time this happens its exactly what SOME (dont want to over generalize) of the perpetrators want to happen, they want
their story aired so others can see how "sad" or "hurt" they were,they want their name flashing across national news papers to get the recognition
they did not get in life in their deaths. they feel alone and isolated and that they will amount to nothing and so they see the news polarizing all
these shootings and getting all kidns of attention in social media and realize its their last shot at any kind of "glory" or of finally getting
people to listen to their complaints(real or imagined).
Next time this happens(and dont fool your self there will always be a next time) report on the shooting but do not use the killers name,do not show
their picture on the news,ERASE them from our history do not give them the glory and recognition they seek make them anonymous ghosts and let the scum
fade to obscurity and then dump their corpse in a landfill.
this is not to say do not try to learn from these incidents or how we can stop them mind you, but we need to do some of the easier things to do to
stop these things and taking away the fringe benefit of glory and airing their complaints in my opinion would go a long way to reducing the number of
incidents like these that occur.