posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to:
If wanting a religion to take ownership of their disgruntled members or risk the chance of being deemed "the enemy" or being kicked out of the
country makes me a bigot then fine, call me a bigot. What does it make you?
(mods please wait to drop the censorship hammer and let this play out. Only fair I be allowed to defend myself once challenged)
Again, you know nothing about the motives of those behind this.
You're right, I don't know any details. But I sure have a damn good hunch along with 30 million other fellow Canadians. Care to put some money down
on the outcome of the investigation?
And what the hell are you on about, a religion "going rogue"?
Did I say going? I should have said gone. What other religion regroups in such as a way as this one? Sets up a caliphate, attacks nations, encourages
martyrdom or still lives in 12th century? What other religion is behind all this "terrorism" bs since 911? You tell me what other source there is
responsible for the recruitment of young minds to leave their democratic countries and western luxuries to go abroad to fight for Jihad? Well? Who?
the Pastafarians? Give me a break.
Do you also blame ALL CHRISTIANS when a CHRISTIAN middle class teenager shoots up his school? Do you also then start screaming about all Christians,
shutting down churches and closing Christian schools? Should all Christians be deemed a "threat" when one person who follows the religion kills
Another one who seems to be under the impression that your example and religious nut zealots are the same thing. No I don't blame Christians when
some kid shoots up a school because he's messed up. Are you saying that "extremists" or terrorists are just "messed up" kids. Are you actually
comparing the jihad movement to those of kids who have issues? Probably not, you just didn't realize how dumb of an argument that was.