posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 02:55 AM
It is a fact that dictatorships may lead to vast improvements in economical and social welfare. For example, take Germany.
When Hitler took over, his country was a mess. As he liked to say "the Marxists had 14 years and look at the mess they brought us - now give us
four!" . And as promised, Hitler and his National Socialist government banished unemployment within four years. In 1933 there were six million
unemployed - and by 1937-38 there was a national labor shortage (!). He introduced concepts like "a car for everybody" (Volkswagen). The mortgage
rate was lowered, building of houses stimulated and housing for the working classes was subsidized up to 90 (!) percent, and in many cases the
employer would take care of the remaining 10 percent. In 1937, more houses were built than ever since the Great War (14-18). They constructed
motorways (Autobahn) throughout Germany (many are still in use today). They had excellent scientists. They had very good health care. Some in this
forum even believe they had anti-gravity and time travel facilities
.. but they DID build the first "mass produced" long distance rocket
(V1, V2), had advanced technology, already had nationwide TV in the 1930s etc. etc.
Also, if you need any proof the population supported Hitler, simply look at the way the population treated him. Masses were cheering when Hitler
paraded in his open car (not even the Pope can do that today). Every movie you have from that era that has him in it also shows cheering, waving and
"sieg heiling" people.
I could go on, but I believe my point is made well enough: the simple fact that a country prospers economically, that a dictator CAN improve living
standards dramatically and that the people seemingly like their dictator does not mean that the people in such countries are free.
And like Germany just after the war, Libya is a mess now. Let's hope the Libyan people realize their situation and unite again to rebuild their
country. Also note that it took 40+ years for Germany to become one undivided nation again and that it took another 20 to make both parts (almost)
equally wealthy. It's a slow process.