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I fell down the rabbit hole. The truth is hyperdimensional.

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posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 05:44 PM
I have been a victim of workplace mobbing for the past 5 years. I am also very stubborn and curious so I was able to mentally survive a torturous psyche onslaught day after day. Why did I stick around you might ask. Part of me wanted to see how far I could take things. I wanted to know what was really going on and what lies behind the veil. This string of events has given me an absolute answer to one of the many great mysteries in life - are we alone? No, we are not. "They" are all around us. I'm not speaking of aliens from another planet, but hyperdimensional beings or entities that we cannot perceive. They are all around us. Have I ever seen one with my own eyes? No. But I have experienced their ill intent firsthand. I know this post doesn't really elaborate on what I have been going through but this is way more than just ordinary grade school bullying. In my research on the subject I came across an article that perfectly nails my life experience over the past 5 years. Rather than explain the hyperdimensional agenda I'll just let you read the below article that sums up my findings to a point. I'm an educated man and I've never been so sure of something in my life. This is one of the few and rare truths that permeate our lives. In the article please see section "2. Hyperdimensional matrix reality" more specifically. Most gangstalking is influenced by this inconvenient truth.
edit on 20-10-2014 by genma because: more info

edit on 20-10-2014 by genma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:13 PM
Yes!!!! Finally someone else that explained exactly what I am currently going through, I admire you for saying something.

I have never wanted to speak up because I would be labeled as "crazy"
At least now I know I'm not alone.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: genma

Welcome to the multiverse with hundreds of channels,this timeline and reality is about 1/3 way down,heaven and hell are closer than you think and look a lot like this world,Im a 16 year veteran of the wizard of oz and his minions macinations,but Im not going to spruik too much as to wonderland I dont need a black limo in my drive LOL.Know though your not alone

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: genma

Without diving to far down your rabbit hole, how about you just tell us the one or two occurrence that convinced you you are being gang stalked by Demons? I know that it might take some 'overall' evaluation of separate events that when added up altogether paint a stronger picture than any one single thing.

Paranormal investigation is a lot like that. It looks at all the evidence combined to reach a conclusion.

But there is always the one or the other thing that occurred, putting things over the top for anyone that is confronted by actual malevolent spirits.

if you feel like sharing that it would hep others to understand where you are coming from and maybe provide you with some ideas. You are looking for some ideas, right?

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: genma

Can you give us more about the stalking and whats taking place in your life.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:25 PM
So what I took from the article you linked is that interdimensional beings are subverting others' free will, causing them to act in ways that 'harass' you, for some unknown purpose.

From the linked article:

Synchronicity: things happen (an engine starts up, someone coughs, a vehicle horn honks, etc) precisely as the target does something (e.g. moves around or exits his apt, etc).

Providing the targets aren’t imagining this, how could stalkers consistently coordinate their actions to align perfectly with a target?

...And this doesn't sound absolutely insane to you? Because it seems to me like classic textbook delusional paranoia and/or schizophrenia.
edit on 10/20/2014 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:26 PM
imaginary daggers seem to work. of coarse you first have to imagine your target.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

I agree but wanted to give someone who said so little and used someone elses article to discribe his life, the benefit of the doubt.that article sounds like full blown schizophrenia.
edit on 20-10-2014 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:36 PM
So if this is true, then there has to be a way to manipulate them or IT to do the complete opposite in a positive way?. I know some people that have the worst luck in the world consistently, and it kinda Reminds me a lot of what was in that link.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Ok here goes:

1.) From the time I enter the office at 8am until the time I leave at 4pm my coworkers stare/glare at me. Sometimes it's all very subtle but you know it's happening. My office doesn't have cubicles. It's more of an open workspace but we all have desks with low walls. They will often cough or make a sudden loud noise behind me to get a reaction. I catch it 99% of the time. If I feel confident enough I will turn my head really fast and catch them in the act. I am a hypersensitive so they know this kind of stuff really gets under my skin. They are trying to induce a fear response which I have given many times. It seems like it empowers them. This one guy in the office had very low self confidence until I came along. He drains my energy now.

2.) Complete strangers that I've never seen before in my life will often do the same thing as described above. I may be out doing an errand or walking downtown and people will do their best to make me feel inferior. This includes more blatant staring, coughing, or showing off in front of me for no reason.

3.) When I drive my car it's even more obvious. Complete strangers will exhibit super human awareness of my location. People stare at me through their review mirrors and make superiority gestures so that they know I see them. They see me without even turning their head to look in the side and rear mirrors. It's uncanny. Also, why are my windows and mirrors so clear when everyone else's on the road are somehow darker and harder to see into? It's more than just a layer of tint.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: genma

I'm pretty sure we are all extradimensional beings. Don't mind the herd, it has always turned on outsiders, dragging down the independent ones and burning them at the stake. Your fear is like blood in the water to them, I doubt they even understand what they are doing. It is as mindless and spontaneous as a feeding frenzy. If they strike, respond. Until they strike: channel the light, and they'll get disoriented, bring calm into the center of your life and they'll ignore you, beam happiness into the world, and they'll respond more positively to you, although you may get some strange looks from guys more towards the top of the pyramid. They aren't used to seeing a normal person define their own reality even to a very small extent. They think that your first act upon discovering the ability to steer your own life will be something hedonistic and selfish, so when you simply neutralize the negative feedback against you, it puzzles them.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:46 PM

"They" are all around us. I'm not speaking of aliens from another planet, but hyperdimensional beings or entities that we cannot perceive. They are all around us. Have I ever seen one with my own eyes? No. But I have experienced their ill intent firsthand.

In a hyper-dimensional matrix truths get reused by different parties "Ill intent" becomes relative.
If you are paranoid about expressing a controversial opinion google around a little first to see if entities like the CIA, Masons, Ordo Templi Orientis, Catholics or the Scientologists are still using it. What might first appear to be a harmless observation by you might be blowing your nose in someone elses sacred pallium. You may have three or four interpretations for your observation but they only have one and likely paid dearly for that.

Does this help?

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: genma

The fact that you admit you experience a large degree of social stress and maybe even mental trauma indicates that your visions or beliefs are more likely delusions and hallucinations.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:48 PM
Ever consider that there are "other beings" who live in another dimension that feed on our energy (often, but not always emotional) or use our energy much the way we use natural resources? That these beings are not necessarily malevolent, but may be more like humans who are indifferent mostly but sometimes benevolent or malevolent to other life forms? That these same beings may live in a symbiotic relationship with us much like how fungi and plants share a symbiotic relationship? Just a thought...

If so, the key to getting the gang-stalking or bullying to stop is simply to put your foot down and not permit others to cause a reaction in you.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: genma
Did you ever think that maybe the reason people look at you odd at work, is because you're whipping your head around to look at them every time they cough or make a sound? I would be giving you funny/rude looks also.

As far as your car windows being clearer than others', it's called tint. That's it. Nothing nefarious or demonic or hyperdimensional (what does that even mean?) about it. Just tint. You can get it done at most shops, or buy the tint at Wal-Mart and do it yourself.

Honestly, it sounds to me like you've got some issues that would be better discussed with a doctor, than by posting about online, but what do I know. I could, after all, just be another hyperdimensional coughing demon....

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

No mention of auditory or visual hallucinations by op-so no not scizophrenia,you would be amazed what they can remotely do with people to make your life uncomfortable if they wish to but op does not seem to be in one of those programs, the world is a video game more than you think.There is something perhaps demonic going on here but thankfully not too nasty compared to what whistleblowers,people with real spiritual powers or abilities or others that fall foul get.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: genma

Well my friend your suffering from what appears to be the onset of schizophrenia, the compulsion involved a normal person would never notice someones movement or coughing and think that has something to do with them. I am not being mean im sorry your going through this but it is treatable .take care brother
edit on 20-10-2014 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 06:58 PM
I have to agree with TechniXcality. But, first let me ask you something. Does the place you work have anything to do with financial information, medical records, or credit-related material?

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 07:00 PM
Change your energy.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 07:03 PM
I do agree that we create our own realities and that I have no one to blame but myself for what I've been going through. Thing is, I know I can stop it if I really wanted to. I know I have that power. My pitch can swing from quiet and timid to overly powered and confident with relative ease. I just don't know if I'm ready to stop it. I need to know what else is out there and want to see where it will take me.

Let me give you another example. One day I came into the office extra confident and exhibited domination/power over the energies in there. There's this one guy that is always trying to keep me on my toes with a fear response. However nothing he did worked that day. I was a rock. By the time lunch came I got up from my desk to head to lunch and glanced his way. He was pale, shaking, and obviously annoyed at me for not falling for his tricks. It's as if I drained his energy and I didn't even do anything directed towards him that day. It's as if the entity was coming off as starving, cut off from his daily source of food.

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