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Noam Chomsky UN Speech Israel/Palestine.

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posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 03:07 AM
I watched the OP's video

And i'll comment and say this

"why would I give a crap what Chomsky thinks politically?" This video is used over and over and honestly aside from his work in Linguistics and being repeatedly lauded for uber-liberalism by other uber-liberal academics who currently mainly are all derived from a self possessed population of beatniks and hippies who never wanted to leave school...

He's the embodiment of a pov from a generation, whoop de doo, it doesn't actually make him right... The Nazis had great scientists too lol (i'm actually pretty good myself) that changes nothing in regards to the fact that my politics will always be slanted to MY agenda, i'm particularly not sure why i'd want to pay attention to a guy with a view point that benefits me in no way when he is one of the worlds greatest linguists anyway... that's like saying if I DID NOT wish to buy a washing machine because I already know it wont fit through my door, I agree to a 12 hr seminar from Tony Robbins on why I need one...

Marxist, anti-govt peacenic and on top of that he's capable of using the language to manipulate among the best in the world

He may even be right in regards to the whole issue of morality, the problem with that though is, historically it's a crappy pov that leads to doom for those who practice it... It's by and large IDEALISM, and he is by and large just a very well spoken IDEALIST. I don't care what he has to say very much, win the debate on points none of that wins the very real fight that is going on...

You know who Chomsky is?

He's Hershel from the Walking Dead, he almost got every one killed trying to cure zombies, then he was decrepit and lost a leg then finally died after spending 2 seasons trying to make Rick more of a pacifist and in the end Rick had to win a war against a Psychopathic Governor with a Tank, then deal with cannibals and frankly... You don't want Hershel in that situation you need DARYL, okay... It's a war Chomsky is a useless person and even opinion in any war he's the guy who will get you killed...

Of course Palestinian sympathizers are going to keep posting what Chomsky has to say, if it was up to him we'd have surrendered the Eastern Seaboard to the Soviets too... he's the worst freaking opinion you could ever take in a fight... He'd be the guy that would argue that Daryls crossbow presents an "unfair advantage" against Zombies and that maybe the group should lay down weapons because everyone was meant to die and the new world seems to be inhabited by zombies and we should let nature take it's course...

Brilliant men are sometimes on some levels complete idiots...

It's a war a war that's not going to end until someone looses and if I was stuck there in that ugly part of the world, i'd rather have a dumbo like Mike Tyson's opinion on how to handle it than Chomsky's

And all this talk about treaties is ridiculous too... there is Today and Now only, nobody involved in this fight was even alive and of an adult age to have any bearing in this fight, it's a territorial dispute, nothing more, nothing less and Israel is winning and Hamas wont let it stop, usually the loosing side surrenders... the Palestinians want this cause to the Death... there is a strong degree of choice involved here by philosophy and behavior and it's nothing the world can do anything about. And my choice of reference isn't just for humor... Martyr philosophy is extremely zombie like behavior and a side that keeps mindlessly walking into the crossbow fire can't win.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

My amazement stems from the fact that you even got starred for that meaningless play on words there.

I'm sure given the length of time that Noam Chomsky has studied and participated in peace efforts around the globe that he knows slightly more about the politics and reasoning of global warfare slightly better than yourself haha.

I also noticed you didn't actually raise any issues with the facts he gave during the video

edit on -180002014-10-31T12:18:09-05:00u0931201409102014Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:18:09 -0500 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

You are a proven hypocrite. How about you tell me what land the Palestinians were willing to give the Jews for an Israeli State in 1947, when the Jews accepted a peaceful 2 State solution and the Palestinians rejected it.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

You are a proven hypocrite. How about you tell me what land the Palestinians were willing to give the Jews for an Israeli State in 1947, when the Jews accepted a peaceful 2 State solution and the Palestinians rejected it.

Which would have worked because we know how well Israel keeps to their agreements.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 12:19 AM
My take on Chomsky and the general global "Cliff Notes" version of the world government book.

"Failure to understand the intense hostility to socialism on the part of the Leninist intelligentsia (with roots in Marx, no doubt), and corresponding misunderstanding of the Leninist model, has had a devastating impact on the struggle for a more decent society and a livable world in the West, and not only there. It is necessary to find a way to save the socialist ideal from its enemies in both of the world's major centres of power, from those who will always seek to be the State priests and social managers, destroying freedom in the name of liberation."

The Soviet Union Versus Socialism
Noam Chomsky 1986

Now it appears the western left is also against the very institutions they claim to protect, as Noam pointed out the same fractal at work in the USSR system. But that coming controlled collapse of western national capital/finance (and its national institutions) will result in the required part of the final destabilization to bring about a truly global scale "solution", in time of the running of that cycle. It is formulaic, it played out in all three world wars, including the Cold War—and all of the cycles resulted in? A world government presentation in formation.

Meaning, folks, this is not rocket science here:

Article: Opening Session: The Limits of Governability, or Systemic Failure

The global crisis was considered in the context of the failure to find an alternative model to global governance following the end of the Cold War. As a result, the modern world is much less stable than the world that existed during the confrontation between the two superpowers. Moreover, the destabilization is not yet complete.

As brilliant as they are, pros like Chomsky still never seem to draw the summarizing conclusion: world government. Yet it is obvious, the final destabilization cycle is obvious and the formulaic outcome is also obvious: again, world government.

I guess they don't want to state the obvious until it is fully too late, or the don't want to spoil the ending for everybody.

Now For Israel

Now since itty-bitty Israel could have been recovered a 100 times over with 100s of trillions in actual wealth from its Israeli-elite globally located owners, I will summarize it for these guys—something MUST be at work in Israel's constant chaos and instability, and it is, something is up. Israel is a prop of great global meaning.

Israel will be fully "nationalized" as the UN "Crown Jewel", ONLY when it is time for? world government.

They will be the carrot that leads all the pro-Israeli groups, like most of Christendom and Judaism, to that particular culmination. The UN, or whatever they brand it as in the end, is to be the administrative nucleus, the blueprint, the forum, not the whole of world government that emerges as the final cycle smoke clears, for global recovery.

Israel is used for its quasi-prophetic capability due to its prophetic alignment in its early history, and the magnitude of that potential for huge global influence and misperception is why Israel is to be saved for the end of the final global destabilization cycle, imo. World government presentation is also saved for the end of the cycle, although many see it coming now, yet few state it as clearly. No doubt it will get more prominent in media as the time approaches for real world government, at the close of the final destabilization.

Since this cycle takes years to run, we will have to wait and see if this is the case. Due to the magnitude of Zionist aligned global capital NEVER being actually used to recover Vermont sized Israel, is how you know it is a con of "Biblical proportions", it is a tool, it is a set-up, it is a well planned orchestration. They could have stabilized Israel for decades, decades ago, but it is more useful for destabilization and distraction enroute to its final placement in the world government pantheon of nations.

Not trying to ruin the plot of the movie here, but it is a global movie, some want to know, and the obvious may as well be stated now, since, imo, the global "brilliant" pros are who also limit the obvious trajectory of logic itself, to world government. Their job is setting the ceiling of insight until the monster is ready to be unveiled, imo.

To make a long story short, it is all about: World Government. Everyone has been working for world government since the swim of the spermatozoa that started the journey to: World Government, for the whole history of man. World Government is a milepost in the global trip to meet God, all at once, imo.

If a global analyst is not connecting the obvious final dot, it makes you wonder, are they really so brilliant? Or are they just bright enough to aid the distraction? Maybe they just haven't put it together themselves. Many cases, many reasons I assume, yet the show must go on.

I just want to go on record before it happens so I am not just a parrot of the obvious when that time comes. lol. I mean in time it will get more and more obvious.


edit on 1-11-2014 by 4444Winds because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-11-2014 by 4444Winds because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

You are a proven hypocrite. How about you tell me what land the Palestinians were willing to give the Jews for an Israeli State in 1947, when the Jews accepted a peaceful 2 State solution and the Palestinians rejected it.

Which would have worked because we know how well Israel keeps to their agreements.

Supposition. Let's stick to facts. The only facts we have are that Israel agreed, Palestinians from day 1 said NO to the 2 State Solution and immediately invaded Israel. If you want to tell me you KNOW how things would have turned out had the Palestinians welcomed Israel in peace then I will tell you that you are wrong. The only thing you know is what has happened in the aftermath of the war Palestinians asked for and started.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Supposition? Not really. Track record. That's what I'm basing it off of.
Israel has made it abundantly clear that their will will be the only one that matters.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

You are a proven hypocrite. How about you tell me what land the Palestinians were willing to give the Jews for an Israeli State in 1947, when the Jews accepted a peaceful 2 State solution and the Palestinians rejected it.

Haha, you still going on about that? And have you watched the video yet?

Ok, I'll play along, if we are to accept the way things happened as you say they did (which I disagree with but for the purposes I'll pretend to agree) then is that justification for Israel taking Palestinian land, arresting & detaining Palestinians (sometimes without charge), preventing farmers from tending crops, preventing fisherman from operating within agreed terms and basically just killing Palestinians whenever they feel like it?

All the above is in violation of UN law btw, particularly considering they are just an occupying force in Gaza/West Bank and Israel has also commited various war crimes with their so called 'defensive operations'. Furthermore, besieging a city (which Israel have done/are doing in Gaza) is a war crime in itself.

So also considering that Israel has nuclear weapons and a fully trained & professional army, do you think it's ok what Israel is doing?

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

I do not agree with everything Israel is doing. But Israel did not steal all the land at the conclusion of the war, as Palestinians tried to do, and would have done had they been victorious.

If you wish to say Israel is doing things that are wrong I will stand behind you and agree. You also need to recognize this entire situation was created by Palestinians, and has never been settled because Palestinians do not want to settle it.

Just because Palestinians have been in the wrong since the start does not mean Israel is always in the right. It does mean, for me, my sympathy towards the Palestinians is very small, as this is a situation they created, and have fostered. My sympathy towards Israel is greater because initially they chose peace, war was thrust upon them, and they are continually assaulted by a group of people who still do not desire peace.

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 01:29 AM

originally posted by: intrepid
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Supposition? Not really. Track record. That's what I'm basing it off of.
Israel has made it abundantly clear that their will will be the only one that matters.

There is no track record for an alternate version of history where Palestinians chose peace. That is the very definition of supposition. You are looking at the aftermath of 100 years of atrocity and 70 years of war started by the Palestinians, and then claiming you know what the Israeli people would choose had the Palestinians chosen peace.

It's like saying you saw a bar fight, guy A punched guy B, guy B punched back and knocked guy A out. So having witnessed it, you know that guy B was going to knock guy A out anyways. Sorry, you have no clue what guy B would have done if guy A did not start a fight.

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