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Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All!

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posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: introspectionist

I actually do think that our enemies are our helpers, those who enlighten us. And it very much is a dialectic, thesis-antithesis-synthesis. This article puts it well:

We may regard those who hurt us as our adversaries, yet they are also our friends, because they force us to grow wiser. Our adversaries are the impetus or impelling force that helps us evolve. These adversaries bring awareness to our deepest fears and unconscious beliefs. When we can bring awareness to these hidden parts of ourselves, the things which we avoid can become our gateway to growth and healing. Our antagonizer is our helper. The people who you struggle with will only be forcing you to dig deeper into your inner wellspring of lightness, love, and inner peace. The gems you find inside yourself will bring an even higher awareness, allowing others to respond from a more empowered loving space. When you start recognizing the divine within yourself and in everyone, then everyone you meet becomes a divine teacher showing you exactly what you need to learn next on your life journey.

And this video puts it nicely too:

I think this applies to any person or group, and thus the entire Powers That Be is included in that. Your own parents are included. And this is why a truth seeker is a people hater, someone undergoing enlightenment is a people hater. However, in the enlightenment process I believe that overcoming one's fear, and thus hatred, is key. But people who love their parents and siblings are not people currently undergoing enlightenment, and in most cases they are not people who have overcome a great deal of fear, i.e. saints, but rather young souls who have a small ego.

the ego grows in parallel with its own negation or correction. Without correction, a person only has a minimal level of egoism (this is what is revealed in him), but as soon as he starts correcting himself, new layers of egoism appear (are revealed).
edit on 301031Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:30:19 -0500201419pAmerica/Chicago2014-10-17T16:30:19-05:0031 by introspectionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:33 PM
Perfect explanation.

We don't so much as push our own beliefs, but rather push against those that contradict all logical analysis...

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

Oh I'm not? You started a discussion using an article which stretches the facts and outright lies about a study which was published on pubmed.
See here:

The researchers noted that they were surprised to find that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventional ones.

“Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers didn't write that anywhere in the study. You didn't bother to look that up, did you?
You couldn't be bothered to do any research at all on this article. You just posted it as if it were gospel.
That makes you just as bad, if not worse, than a conventional thinking soccer mom, sitting on facebook and sharing MSM articles with their parcheesi clubmates.

I, however, posted a pubmed article which found conspiracy theorists to have a low self esteem and low crystallized intelligence and you ignored it because it lacks substance...?

You are no skeptic. You are one of the so-called "sheeple" you profess to be saner than - except you wear a skeptics mask.
Krazysh0t had you pegged 100% in his post.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:47 PM
Does that mean if you tell crazy people conspiracy stories you can make them saner?

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: MrPlow
a reply to: OrionsGem

Oh I'm not? You started a discussion using an article which stretches the facts and outright lies about a study which was published on pubmed.
See here:

The researchers noted that they were surprised to find that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventional ones.

“Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers didn't write that anywhere in the study. You didn't bother to look that up, did you?
You couldn't be bothered to do any research at all on this article. You just posted it as if it were gospel.
That makes you just as bad, if not worse, than a conventional thinking soccer mom, sitting on facebook and sharing MSM articles with their parcheesi clubmates.

I, however, posted a pubmed article which found conspiracy theorists to have a low self esteem and low crystallized intelligence and you ignored it because it lacks substance...?

You are no skeptic. You are one of the so-called "sheeple" you profess to be saner than - except you wear a skeptics mask.
Krazysh0t had you pegged 100% in his post.

Okidoke since you are so adept at stuffing your foot in your mouth I will present you the line that you claim does not exist in the study.

Lets first link you to the actual study found here:LINK

If you had bothered to actually read the study (which you accuse me of skipping) you would see that this line:

“Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist,”

is in the RESULTS section of the study.

Or did I hallucinate that after taking my sheep pills?


PS: I have decided to illustrate todays interaction for you in pictures, since you obviously dislike reading.




Hope that cleared things up, thanks.

edit on 10-17-2014 by OrionsGem because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-17-2014 by OrionsGem because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-17-2014 by OrionsGem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: pl3bscheese
a reply to: OrionsGem

Surely you're not talking about my link? No assumption. It is the study referenced.

The words are taken out of context, in order to convey a message not given in the actual study.

In other words, this is sensationalism, and not journalism.

The actual study makes no conclusion that conspiracy theorists are more sane, or thinking more critically.

It talks of their locus of control being externalized, and their belief system having to do with their flavor of conspiracy theories they tend to favor.


Sanity is the general concensus of society, its what is "normal". As sanity is subjective.
This study shows that conspiracy theorists are the majority and hence more "sane".
Less aggressive, more rational.

Its right there in black and white, unless you're in a river in Egypt.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

I think this is hardly a shocker, although it is good to hear that studies have highlighted a facet of "our world" which is often overlooked, even by those who participate in discussion of the arcane mysteries we concern ourselves with around here.

You see, the natural human condition, is one of wonderment, interest, and curiosity. Our ability to evolve to this point as a species, along with some other atributes which are purely physical, has been augmented by our capacity to comprehend the things around us in a unique depth, not accessible to many of the other lifeforms making up the biomass on this planet. This facet, in combination with our well developed sense of self preservation, the fight or flight feeling we get from things which may affect our lives negatively, means that we are naturally developed in a way which promotes inquisitveness, and a determination to be sure of our surroundings.

In days gone by, this manner of thinking would have seen individuals who were most proficient with it, escaping or defeating a threat which some other members of their social group, may have totally failed to recognise, like well hidden predator animals, rival social groups on a raid, and so on.

Life has changed for many human beings on the planet. In quite a bit of the developed world at least, the issues presented by a predator animal are much less likely to be a factor in the life of a human being, although of course, these things do come up from time to time. But the human element that lead some of our ancestors to raid and loot members of different communities than their own, is still alive and well today.

Furthermore, as our social groups have become so much larger, and more complicated, individuals have arisen who have learned how to take advantage of those social structures, to further their own agendas, agendas which sometimes seem to run counter to the needs of the majority. These things in combination, mean that healthy skepticism of official explanations for events, is necessary, that the sort of thinking that lead individuals in prehistory to be more aware of their surroundings, to be able to read the writing on the wall, before the first wall was ever erected, are just as important to the modern human being, as they would have been for those who were fighting off predator animals in the lost ages before history was recorded.

Add to these things an understanding of history, and the fact that because we have history to learn from, we can SEE the effects of previous lies and horrors, inflicted by the powerful, upon the powerless, and it is hard to see why any person left alive today could possibly cast the concerns of conspiracy theorists aside without proper due diligence.

Simply put, we not a new wave of thinkers. There is nothing special about any of us, aside from the things that make each person special apart from his or her fellow human beings. What we are, as people who entertain the alternative explanations of events, who strive to understand the deeper, unseen structures of the world around them, and how it operates, is a group of people who have retained one of the most vital tools that our development as a species has ever gifted us with. I for one recognise how valuable that is, and I am reminded of it every day. When Beiber is in the news, when some poor fool of a kid self terminates in a truly spectacular fashion, when I overhear a conversation on a bus that makes me ashamed to call myself a human being.

Without people like us, thinking the thoughts that get us ridiculed by the unwary, learning the things that others simply do not want to know, this species would be a lesser thing than it is, comprised of less integrity, less intelligence, less awareness of itself.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

Awesome article. I myself have noticed that the so called
anti-official-story-skeptics do frequently tend to be hostile,
or just condescending and insulting.

Rebel 5

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: rebelv
a reply to: OrionsGem

Awesome article. I myself have noticed that the so called
anti-official-story-skeptics do frequently tend to be hostile,
or just condescending and insulting.

Rebel 5

There are rotten apples on both sides. That much is true.


posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem


posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:30 PM

Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All! page: 8

What does that tell us about truth in media?
If the "official story" wasn't propaganda there could be no sane conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Cauliflower

Scientific Study Reveals Conspiracy Theorists The Most Sane Of All! page: 8

What does that tell us about truth in media?
If the "official story" wasn't propaganda there could be no sane conspiracy.

It tells us everything we need to know.

It cannot and should not be trusted.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: Cauliflower

One must be aware always, that just as the official line on any one thing cannot, must never be taken at face value, it is also unwise to accept just any old theory to replace it. Scepticism must be applied to all theory, all stories, both official, and unofficial.

The truth will lay in the places between more often than not.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: rebelv
a reply to: OrionsGem

Awesome article. I myself have noticed that the so called
anti-official-story-skeptics do frequently tend to be hostile,
or just condescending and insulting.

Rebel 5

I see you liked the article but what did you think about the study? The article draws some conclusions and makes some statements about the study which the study did not make.

I don't have a problem with the study but the article written by Heyes of naturalnews I found to be fraudulent.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

While this study is seen as a breath of fresh air to some, it still sounds incredibly silly to me, at the same level as the study that said homophobes were actually gays in denial, just plain bollox. Too many variables arent included in the equation.

I agree that conspiracy theorists are more open minded and more critical, but there is no way to call them more sane than the common joe. True they still see whats going on and still use common sense to some extent but... The reason is simple, most get consumed by the sheer dominance of negativity that seems to surround humanity since its dawn, as they discover while researching. Not only that, confusion plays an important part too. This leads to pathetic behaviors not unlike the sheeps like denial or blind faith in absurdly comforting theories like new age, karma, reincarnation. Madness awaits your common theorist and revisionist because he feels alone and cant quite deal with all these incredibly hopeless discoveries on the human nature and the cycle of insane repetitions humanity have been through like forever. That or escapism and so on.

The most sane of all are those that can take everything with a certain detachment and self control. And they do represent a very small part of "conspiracy theorists".

Dont believe me? Take a look right here on ats or others similar sites especially one, you see more egotistical wackos than real intelligent and composed truth seekers. The reality is, conspiracy theorists failed. They became what they tried to avoid all along, just another kind of sheep. You still see the sky blue even if you are at a slightly higher altitude. Conspiracy theorists in general are akin to chicken or pigs. They laugh at the ignorant sheeps but forget the fact that they are still cattle themselves.
edit on 17-10-2014 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:02 PM
This is like the news confirming that water is wet.
Seriously who cares what an idiots thinks anyway?

If the morons that eat everything the governments give them without question dont want to be saved screw them.

They deserve what they get I have no sympathy for them. Years and years of trying to help these unappreciative short sighted sheep and all you get is disbelief, like their version of the truth is so believable.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

Well, they need to read a few snippets then from this site. Conspiracy theorists may be sane, but they are farrrrrrr from mature adults.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: OrionsGem

Well, they need to read a few snippets then from this site. Conspiracy theorists may be sane, but they are farrrrrrr from mature adults.

Why are you painting all CT with the same brush? Sure some CT are cooky, but there are crazies in every bunch.


posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

I'm not, just the ones on this site, and I include myself

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: OrionsGem

I'm not, just the ones on this site, and I include myself

Oh U so cooky mymymy!


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