posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to:
Blue Shift
Some have said they are further than we think. Even Astr0 went all "wink* and *nod* when talking about it here on ATS in the California sighting
thread. My triangle sighting was after talking for 20 minutes on the subject to some random dude at the bar who said he was pilot doing "the milk run"
(up the AK panhandle stopping at large towns dropping supplies... complete fabrication and he knew I didn't buy it... besides, the pilots hang out at
another bar)
I have already postulated, several times, that they have one working and being put to use.
Heck, Lockheed explained how to make graphene back in 2012 or so (boss let it slip in an interview how to CVD methane on a copper foil) but they
couldn't monetize it. It would be a shame to let fusion slip because of money!
Screw MTV! I want my CFR!!