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Racism and Ebola - A Bigger Conspiracy Picture.

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posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: retiredTxn
a reply to: poloblack

You may call it disrespectful, but I tell it like I see it. Second class citizen? Hah! So tired of hearing that crap. You started with the semantics, I just pointed out your lack of understanding. Everyone in this country, either in their families or their own self, knows about multiculturalism and has most likely been affected by it. I'm Indian and Irish. My granddaughters are half black. My two 3 year olds are Honduran. See, we all know just as much about it as you.

I'm far from being anti-black, but I do accept the fact blacks can be, and are racist, just like everyone else. As long as blacks continue to deny that fact, and play the race card at the drop of a hat, this divide will continue to fester. There is a lot more to racism, and yes, blacks are and can be racist. Quit hangin' with the in crowd, and expand your horizon's and accept that ALL races can be racist. Until this is embraced by everyone, the hate is just going to be propagated and we will never get beyond it.

I hope you get a good nights sleep, and think on this. That TRUE racism is letting yourself be consumed by it. Get beyond that and see the possibilities.

Good night.
I get what you're trying to convey. Yeah there are plenty of black people that don't like white people. I'm no fool, I know that. But that's not racism, man. That's not the definition of racism. And in the USA, that stands for ANY race that's not the majority. I'll give you an example, then I'm done. Let's take the Eastern Indians for instance. Over here, they can't be racist, but they can be prejudiced. But in India, they CAN be racist because they are the vast majority, it's their country, and they have the power to discriminate against anyone they please, even white people. Same as in China. If you don't get what I'm saying, oh well. And that bit about the multi-culturism, not quite sure where you were going with that. And one more thing, if you knew anything about me, you'd know I've never ran with the ''in'' crowd. My words and deeds in life reflect that. And you seem to think I like everybody that's black. You couldn't be more wrong. I don't like ALL of anybody, white, black or in between. One more thing, my maternal grandmother was part Native. Natives never referred to themselves as Indian. I said that because you said you were Indian and Irish. Native Americans are not Indians. I'm done and I bid you goodnight.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: Viking9019
I think that it's more about fearing getting Ebola and the ongoing mass immigration that is showing no signs of stopping that is getting people angry.

I honestly think that some people are looking for racism where is isn't any in this situation.

You don't really believe that there is no racism at play with this whole thing do you? Look around, browse a few MSM websites which allow the posting of comments -- that sorry excuse of a paper called the daily mail comes to mind; have a look at the comments.

What is the difference between a man who (and we don't even know for a fact that he LIED, these are allegations with no proof to back them up) about knowingly having Ebola --

What is the difference between the African who came back to the U.S and having Ebola and the CNN news cameraman who PUT HIMSELF IN UNNECESSARY RISK just to get a story and higher news ratings being flown back here with ebola? Isn't that equally as bad?

Race plays a role entirely, and I'm thoroughly convinced that a large majority of folks that are in fact racist, especially on the internet, defend their racist ways using tactics that revolve around "prove it" as if social aspects of our lives were a U.S court room.

Damn shame.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:20 AM
Just to clarify my above post --

+ People from ALL around the globe are angry at Duncan (deceased) for traveling knowingly/unknowingly (allegations) with ebola because he is putting "others" at risk; however, he would also be placing other's in his own home country at risk as well if he were to not travel -- it's equally as disastrous, or is it not because they are "just africans"?

+ A CNN news camera man contracted Ebola while covering the "crisis" without any protective gear what so ever, even while knowing this disease is highly contagious -- all for a news story and better ratings! And is then flown back to the U.S, no one bats an eye. An unnecessary risk for a dollar! and no one bats an eye, while Mr. Duncan returned to the U.S to be reunited with his family (and, if he was lying, possibly receive better health care -- like the CNN worker wanted)

It's human nature to want to survive, it's instinct. And if I was Duncan, and knowingly knew I had ebola, I would have lied as well to get into the U.S. and hopefully receive better healthcare that I know I would not receive in most regions in Africa. I really don't understand how the internet is ablaze with individuals who claim to have such a high level of integrity and honesty that vilify Duncan and claim he should of stayed in his own country, I don't for a second believe that 99% of you folks would have STAYED in those horrible conditions in Africa knowing you could catch a flight (legally, as he did) to recieve better healthcare

who are you kidding?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: Restricted
Oh good, another racism thread.

As long as you keep bringing it up it is alive and well.

The subject bores me to tears. I could care less about racism.

Grow the "F" up!

Just because the subject bores you to tears doesn't mean racism magically goes away, oppression suddenly stops because it offends you, and your tears flow to make people have a change of heart. By retorting grow the fck up is such a positive retort in dealing with a issue that has plagued humanity in different forms, albeit getting worse, in each generation. GUESS WHAT - it's still here.

Now you Grow the F Up and deal with the fact that racism is a control mechanism against populations.

originally posted by: grandmakdw
Interesting then that Obama, a black President,

with a black wife and black children

whose african family still resides in Africa

would be part of a conspiracy to get rid of black people

Seeing as how he is the President and ultimately responsible
for everything the US does covertly.

Well, just interesting this claim is made

since the President would have to be in on it.

1. Obammy is a Kenyan Indonesian POTUS. He is not a "black" POTUS. By him being black as you say, he would have actually had to have participated in the "black experience". Last time I checked Mookie and the rest of the hood never had the benefit of going to boarding school in Indonesia and traveling the world before age 20.

2. Michelle yes is black, but I'm willing to bet their children did not grow up having a Black experience. In fact, anyone from Chicago will tell you that they grew up in Marina Towers, and lived a very sheltered life completely different from the Girl X environment one mile from their house in LUXURY.

3. Of course Obammy would be apart of an operation to kill black folks. What would make you even THINK he wouldn't? He hasn't exactly been that "friend" he promised to them now has he? All he is is a puppet with a tan. Wash rinse and repeat like his cousins.

4. I won't say Obammy is responsible for what is done covertly. He takes an office but is a puppet. Clandestine organizations having been doing their own thing since the 40s. If Obammy had balls and actually held his position to the cuff, he would be assassinated. Kennedy style.

5. Obammy has done more to hurt America than any other POTUS since Wilson. By everybody touting about "I live to see a black POTUS" has bought into the biggest bad acting con job any American POTUS has ever been able to pull off.

Hell yes, he would be on it.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:49 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: ArchPlayer

It is not an African disease.

Exactly. It's a disease that has it's origins in Africa.

And it isn't an American virus either, we just have the scientists working on a cure.

It is a US disease, with American entities like NIH, Bill Gates, and the CDC as well as the government holding the patents.

I take it you don't understand the reasoning for that do you?

Now its subconsciously being purported as a "black illness"

Only in your mind is that happening.

Keep in mind that overseas you are "black" if you have any color whatsoever.

And exactly what countries would those be that say this? I didn't know the Klan had it's own country.

I have read and seen some people come out and say countries should be for the people of them, I've seen Italy for White Italians, France for White Frenchmen.

You may want to stay away from the supremacists websites then, because that isn't what most people in those countries think...sorry.

It is a continent made up of countries that have been exploited by most of the Western world since the Roman Empire. It just got uglier after slavery and the scramble for Africa.

You do understand that it was those who were in power that sold others into slavery...which means that would be not only white's but blacks also made the slave trade work.

Since people of color are the majority, and there are countries like Canada promoting irrational immigration laws that work against people not white maintaining citizenship (ala it a privilege), is this a bigger clandestine movement to decrease the majority of colored persons around the world?

And Ebola was invented to do this...surely you can't be serious?

Your mind is so closed to what is evoking around you. DENY IGNORANCE.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Look.... if this was an agenda driven disease to kill a lot of black people, why would all these Doctors and Nurses of 'White' Ethnicity be going to Africa to help?

Don't be so silly.

Its a disease which came out of the Jungle and unfortunately it started in Africa because of their 'living' conditions. For the most part, they live in #! If you live in #, be prepared to get infected with #.

Why did/do missionaries go to Africa? To save the "savage souls" for Christ. There is a saying about Africa. When the Africans kneeled to pray to Jesus with eyes closed and the bible in hand, the whites took Africa from them. I just paraphrased the saying.

Now ask yourself, why is Africa a shythole? The most resource laden continent is a hellhole for their people. Yet Shell and the rest of Big Oil and Big Pharma and Big Corporations go there and do business.

Don't be silly and deny the fact that each nation has been under attack from Colonialists for resources for well over 300 years. Being infected with patent strains of (put disease here) is now commonplace and apart of government M.O.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Since people of color are the majority, and there are countries like Canada promoting irrational immigration laws that work against people not white maintaining citizenship (ala it a privilege), is this a bigger clandestine movement to decrease the majority of colored persons around the world?

CIA brought crack coc aine to urban streets of the USA. USG killed JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X, FBI actively smearing Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Eric Holder resigns shortly after visiting Ferguson MI. Naaa, nothing to see here. Go back to sleep.

Any person who includes Jessie Jackson and Sharpton in the same sentence with Martin Luther King Jr , needs to rethink their position......

Those two men are NOTHING like MLK........

They bring their own criticism with their racist actions.......

Ebola has nothing to do with race other then the fact that its FROM AFRICA......its named after the Ebola River where it originated for christ sake.......

If they stop people coming from AFRICA , where the disease is raging, thats not racist thats, COMMON SENSE......

Seriously political correctness is LITERALLY going to be the death of the US and I dont mean as a Nation I mean actual people DYING because of PC stupidity

Well actually.....Jesse Jackson is a CIA mole. Sharpton is an opportunist. MLK was funded by the Rockerfellers. The only difference between the three is that MLK was sold out by his father and once he got enlightened and actually started organizing blacks to have an effect on the economy (Memphis garbage workers strike) he was offed. he bit the hand that fed him.

The other two never had the nerve and enjoy the perks of the job.

But you should ALWAYS question MLK. He was a pacifist and literally curbed blacks from rising up against the white corporate power struggle.

All 3 are inferior to Adam Clayton Powell Jr.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: guitarplayer
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Ebola does not care what color your skin is everyone is a potential host it kill indiscriminately.

There was a recent article on ATS about Ebola and AIDS being similiar in structure. Ebola and AIDS ATS which says that

The viruses that cause AIDS and Ebola, two deadly, contagious and highly feared diseases, spread through the body using the same mechanism

If that is true, while Ebola can kill indiscriminately, you cannot dismiss the fact that different strains can be created to target people based on genes. People of African descent have Delta32+ gene. Caucasians not of African descent have the Delta32- gene. The strain affected Blacks of AIDS specifically targets that postivie gene. I posted a link in the original post or do research on Dr. Boyd Graves findings on the subject.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: majel42

Like Restricted I am disabled, my illness is progressive, degenerative and incurable. It affects more women than men AND the majority of suffers are Caucasian, it is much less common in other ethnic groups. Do I think that the disease has been manufactured to racist and sexist because it affects mainly white women ? Where is the spokesperson for white, disabled women, we have obviously been targeted and as the disease does not affect other ethnic groups in the same way, using your logic, it must have been devised by one of those to wipe out white women ?

Ebola affects mainly black people because it's origin is in Africa, where the population is unsurprisingly mainly black ! Bird Flu affected mainly Asians because the outbreak was in Asia.

Being disabled means you get discriminated against all the time, you learn to live with it, as I presume Restricted has had to and I have had to. You have a black President in the US, black senators come back and argue discrimination when you have a disabled President.

Diseases may prefer certain races, it doesn't make them racist, diseases are living entities, all they are trying to do is survive and spread and they will use the local resources to do that, in Africa that means the black population.

AIDS and EBOLA are not just degenerative diseases. These are MANMADE diseases. It has been PROVEN they were created. The US and like companies in previous OP just don't have Patents on them FOR NOTHING.


posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: steaming
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Each year the Western world give Millions of pounds to indivual African Governments, They -Africa- find enough cash to then Buy Weapons, ie Tanks, Fighter planes etc.etc.etc. A Disease / Famine crops up in Africa and the UN start telling the Western World 'You Must All Help',. WHO shout the same argument, yet nothing is said about the Massive Corruption In Africa. Charities that support African citizens need have been collecting Money from us since I was at school, I am now 68 years old, so how come the Charities are still asking for More ??????

Have you ever wondered why African nations are given millions of dollars of money, but only by military weapons versus taking care of people? BECAUSE THEY ARE FORCED TO. If you look at Zaire/Congo, anyone like Lummumba who wants to take care of people are killed in cooperative efforts by Western governments, and puppets are put into place to do the Western bidding. From Idi Amin to the Hutu Tstusi conflict. The only "uprising" not funded was the Mau Mau revolt, and you see how far that got.

It's a game, its a scam. Deny ignorance.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: ArchPlayer

originally posted by: majel42

Like Restricted I am disabled, my illness is progressive, degenerative and incurable. It affects more women than men AND the majority of suffers are Caucasian, it is much less common in other ethnic groups. Do I think that the disease has been manufactured to racist and sexist because it affects mainly white women ? Where is the spokesperson for white, disabled women, we have obviously been targeted and as the disease does not affect other ethnic groups in the same way, using your logic, it must have been devised by one of those to wipe out white women ?

Ebola affects mainly black people because it's origin is in Africa, where the population is unsurprisingly mainly black ! Bird Flu affected mainly Asians because the outbreak was in Asia.

Being disabled means you get discriminated against all the time, you learn to live with it, as I presume Restricted has had to and I have had to. You have a black President in the US, black senators come back and argue discrimination when you have a disabled President.

Diseases may prefer certain races, it doesn't make them racist, diseases are living entities, all they are trying to do is survive and spread and they will use the local resources to do that, in Africa that means the black population.

AIDS and EBOLA are not just degenerative diseases. These are MANMADE diseases. It has been PROVEN they were created. The US and like companies in previous OP just don't have Patents on them FOR NOTHING.


Not it hasnt, link your sources

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

I wonder if the people crying about racism actually understand they are in fact 90% of the problem. So many foolish people buying into a progressive lie.

Threads like this are in fact part of the problem. The black culture has enslaved itself with the progressive ideal. If this had happened in Japan do you think the Japanese would be crying racism?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Your mind is so closed to what is evoking around you. DENY IGNORANCE.

You should have done that when you decided to make this thread.

You do seem awfully misinformed maybe you should do a bit better research before telling others to Deny Ignorance.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Have you ever wondered why African nations are given millions of dollars of money, but only by military weapons versus taking care of people?

And you have evidence that this is happening, because honestly I don't think you can back that up?

In fact here is a good little article discussing where aid money is spent.

Again do some better research.

Deny ignorance.

You keep saying this, yet all you are doing is promoting ignorance...why?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 02:49 AM
I highly doubt that there is any relation between EBOLA and RACISM.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: ArchPlayer

originally posted by: majel42

Like Restricted I am disabled, my illness is progressive, degenerative and incurable. It affects more women than men AND the majority of suffers are Caucasian, it is much less common in other ethnic groups. Do I think that the disease has been manufactured to racist and sexist because it affects mainly white women ? Where is the spokesperson for white, disabled women, we have obviously been targeted and as the disease does not affect other ethnic groups in the same way, using your logic, it must have been devised by one of those to wipe out white women ?

Ebola affects mainly black people because it's origin is in Africa, where the population is unsurprisingly mainly black ! Bird Flu affected mainly Asians because the outbreak was in Asia.

Being disabled means you get discriminated against all the time, you learn to live with it, as I presume Restricted has had to and I have had to. You have a black President in the US, black senators come back and argue discrimination when you have a disabled President.

Diseases may prefer certain races, it doesn't make them racist, diseases are living entities, all they are trying to do is survive and spread and they will use the local resources to do that, in Africa that means the black population.

AIDS and EBOLA are not just degenerative diseases. These are MANMADE diseases. It has been PROVEN they were created. The US and like companies in previous OP just don't have Patents on them FOR NOTHING.


Not it hasnt, link your sources

I posted links to resources in the first OP. I am not posting 1,001 ATS links on the topic, or 1,000,001 links from sites and scans documenting the nefarious role of the US government in apartheid. I even directed to a book - Medical Apartheid. DENY IGNORANCE.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: ArchPlayer

Your mind is so closed to what is evoking around you. DENY IGNORANCE.

You should have done that when you decided to make this thread.

You do seem awfully misinformed maybe you should do a bit better research before telling others to Deny Ignorance.

Oh really? I'm not the only one thinking this. People are dying and targeted for their color. This just in on ATS: ATS Ebola was given to Africans on Purpose


(post by ArchPlayer removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: tinkortwim
I highly doubt that there is any relation between EBOLA and RACISM.

That is like saying slavery wasn't about racism.

America want's African nation's resources, and considering America was founded on decimating colored people's population, the racist intent behind it could be a byproduct.

Again, this ATS article is interesting: ATS Article

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: ArchPlayer

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: ArchPlayer

originally posted by: majel42

Like Restricted I am disabled, my illness is progressive, degenerative and incurable. It affects more women than men AND the majority of suffers are Caucasian, it is much less common in other ethnic groups. Do I think that the disease has been manufactured to racist and sexist because it affects mainly white women ? Where is the spokesperson for white, disabled women, we have obviously been targeted and as the disease does not affect other ethnic groups in the same way, using your logic, it must have been devised by one of those to wipe out white women ?

Ebola affects mainly black people because it's origin is in Africa, where the population is unsurprisingly mainly black ! Bird Flu affected mainly Asians because the outbreak was in Asia.

Being disabled means you get discriminated against all the time, you learn to live with it, as I presume Restricted has had to and I have had to. You have a black President in the US, black senators come back and argue discrimination when you have a disabled President.

Diseases may prefer certain races, it doesn't make them racist, diseases are living entities, all they are trying to do is survive and spread and they will use the local resources to do that, in Africa that means the black population.

AIDS and EBOLA are not just degenerative diseases. These are MANMADE diseases. It has been PROVEN they were created. The US and like companies in previous OP just don't have Patents on them FOR NOTHING.


Not it hasnt, link your sources

I posted links to resources in the first OP. I am not posting 1,001 ATS links on the topic, or 1,000,001 links from sites and scans documenting the nefarious role of the US government in apartheid. I even directed to a book - Medical Apartheid. DENY IGNORANCE.

Deny ignorance indeed, Ebola was discovered in the 70s in an area close to the river it was named after......the EBOLA River....

Just because you subscribe to some theory that the US is using Ebola as some sort of virus to kill off Africans is ridiculous....

You throw out this divisive diatribe on other threads about the virus........

Despite anyones rebuttal backed up by evidence and hard data, you continue on your war path undaunted by facts......

Thats your decision to make.........but dont get ugly with people who clearly see you making this whole thing a race issue

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