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Connecticut declared in state of ‘public health emergency,’ prepares for quarantine

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posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

LOL, i read the explanation. Sounds like the North Korean Propaganda Minister wrote it.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: douglas5

not to derail the thread but you may wish to research it a little more, it's almost a line by line plagiarism of the inferno texts... but whatever.. it's been proven by non jewish people to be a fraud, if you wish to believe that it's real, I am done even attempting to talk to you because you'll believe anything..

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: butcherguy

LOL, i read the explanation. Sounds like the North Korean Propaganda Minister wrote it.

I agree.
That's why I said 'For what it is worth'.

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: douglas5

The amount of "official hysteria" over Ebola in the U.S. is astonishing. It is a hard-to-get disease that needs "direct contact", meaning medical personnel dealing with an Ebola patient are the ones most at risk. All the friends/relatives "being watched closely" (locked in quarantine?) have yet to show signs of having Ebola. And many of the states rushing pell-mell, like Connecticut, to set up "in case" regulations have NO - repeat ZERO - Ebola cases! And now Obama is mulling over appointing an Ebola Czar. Why? What authority will he have?

Besides, similar to the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, the Ebola virus continues to mutate, and will soon be much less lethal, where up to 68% of the people contracting it will survive. So all this wasted money, effort and hysteria will all be for nothing, when the current Ebola outbreak mutates below the lethal threshold.

All I'm watching closely is Dallas being declared a "disaster zone", and if this could lead to widespread quarantining of anyone/everyone in Texas who registers a slight fever. I live several hours from Dallas, and a LOT of helicopters were going by overhead last night headed in that direction. And God Knows that with Team Obama, they will use any and every occasion to sneak closer to Martial Law.

I read an article yesterday saying that Michelle Obama, her mother and Valerie Jarrett are the real power in the White House, circumventing everyone to get their way. How could they do that, I wondered? Then I remembered how the west wing of the White House was totally dug up during Obama's first term, for improved "utilities". Then hastily put back in order before the 2012 Election.

I've heard on good authority that in Obama's first term, Hillary Clinton was occasionally caught in the White House when Obama was out of town, sending out Executive Orders over Obama's name, to benefit State Department activities. If Hillary knows her way around the White House apparatus to post Executive Orders, Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama probably have the same knowledge - even if it's buried under the west wing - to send out directions and orders under YOUR EYES ONLY - FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES authority.

Although these bogus "orders" catch Obama, Biden and others by surprise, they are not likely to admit that they are no longer running the country, and that the White House is in total disarray. (Or, as one pundit put it, "The White House is best compared to the Titanic these days.")

The point being, all this Ebola hysteria could be coming from some unelected power-mongers in the White House, who are well versed in the "official apparatus of authority." Nothing more.

edit on 17-10-2014 by MKMoniker because: add content and clarify

posted on Oct, 17 2014 @ 11:44 AM
"In yet another curious coincidence surrounding the recent Ebola crisis, it appears that FEMA has been preparing for the appearance of a pandemic of deadly disease in the near future all along.

"The exercise, having been underway since 2013 is scheduled to continue to December 4th 2014. The exercise will involve eight scheduled events and/or webinars which will discuss questions surrounding continuity of operations for essential services, transportation impacts, disruption in communications and internet connectivity, disruptions to power sources and other related possible damages to the normal function of societal life. The exercises also deal with the aftermath of the pandemic including “coping with the deaths of multiple coworkers/loved ones,” “replacing staff,” and “replacing personal protective equipment for a potential next wave.”

"Regardless of the origins of the Ebola crisis, whether it be conspiracy or gross incompetence, there are a number of aspects to the entire situation which simply do not add up. While one would not argue that preparedness on the part of the federal government regarding a possible pandemic is a bad thing, its behavior thus far has exuded anything but preparedness. Considering America’s sordid history with national emergency exercises, the ongoing FEMA pandemic exercise cannot help but raise red flags."

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 08:10 AM

"Ron Klain, President Barack Obama’s new point man on Ebola, has no medical or public health background. But he does have a wealth of experience managing unruly federal bureaucracies in times of crisis. The White House says that makes him the perfect candidate to shepherd the government’s response to a deadly, growing outbreak."

(NOTE: Even in the paranoid, clannish world of Team Obama loyalists, they might have hired a genuine physician and medical researcher, like Rahm Emanuel's brilliant older brother, Ezekiel, who works for NIH

(NOTE: Assigning a non-medical loyalist as Ebola Czar is either just a tossed-off political crumb to show the White House is "doing something!", OR shows that Team Obama is truly not the least bit worried about Ebola.)

edit on 18-10-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarify

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: MKMoniker

I don't feel like deciphering your turd of a post. There were so many misleading info burbs without sources I want to cry. The fact is your burbs smell like your full of sh*t.

I know you are probably a medical doctor so I should not argue with your professional standpoint. The studies on Ebola are ancient. In the world of science things are rewritten and changed a lot over a decade until it is perfect. Ebola studies did not have this in depth study because there were not enough study subjects.

Ebola is contagious and can be spread through aerosols. This would imply that its mode of transmission is spread like the flu.

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 04:31 PM
Haven't read much of this thread but I'm watching Fox CT 5 news right now. Says a family of 6 is being quarantined, under state order, after returning from a recent trip from West Africa. They have no symptoms.

posted on Oct, 27 2014 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: vkey08

I was referring to the $ Public Outcry $
at The Club.
S A V V Y ?

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