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I'm looking for someone who can explain this!!!

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posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: SpeakerofTruth
a reply to: VitaArcanum

Vita Arcanum? If I am not mistaken, vita means "vital" or "life," depending on what language it is referenced in. "Arcanum" is almost always a reference to something of the mystical or occult. Odd that you should awaken speaking those words. Very interesting.

Indeed I do tend to have those odd stages right as I wake up. Like 2 nights ago I woke up mumbling the number 54 over and over again. No idea what it means rather then a date? 5th of March or if turned around 4th of April... I am interested to see what will happen on that date.

Or.... as always could mean something odd and occult. Also when I saw your stars I was like WHAT?? Thought my computer was broken

Overall I tend to have these odd occurrences lately which seem to transpire with the odd clock times as well like 7:11,9:11,11:11,10:10, 11:10 etc.

Speaking of 7:11 I got to go get some milk be back soon

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:25 PM
I also forgot to mention to some of you, I do tend to drift off randomly into a dream like state during the day. Just like randomly pulled in where I get a flash of something or a voice of someone different each time. No schiz or any other medical condition, I sleep around 8-10 hours a night.

I rather not disclose yet what I seen in the so called phenomenon. It seems that it might be real or just a dream?
Either way I am not liking it so much....

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 07:28 PM
Also Did you guys know? that there is a hidden library in one of the deserts, not the Library of Alexandria that was burned down or the false library under the Sphinx. But.... an actual library of some sort out there! It truly twists my mind to find out all this, rather peculiar and interesting, not to mention it looked very old... yet some what advanced?

Could be just a dream or that I'm going insane?Right?

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 11:44 AM
I'm seeing more of a "looking at clouds" scenario here.

I can see it in your wrist, but not until a user posted the picture with it outlined.

I think its kind of like when you're looking at a cloud, and its just a cloud, then someone says "Hey! That cloud looks like an elephant!", then that's all you can see...a cloud-shaped elephant.

I think that in your mind, you have seen the symbol. Your mind created the symbol, and now that's all you can see...when in reality, its just what it is...a "cloud" so-to-speak.

As far as waking up to you speaking about weird things. I do that all the time. A lot of people do. People talk in their sleep. Its very common. The words, or numbers, are just random things from your memory. At some point you most likely saw those words, or that number, and your brain was firing it off while you were sleeping...and when you spoke them, the noise and vibration of your own voice, woke you.

The human brain is a tricky thing.

If the symbol on your wrist were a more pronounced one, or even distinctly legible, I'd be more apt to tell you to pursue some personal truth, but in this case...I don't think there is one. I think its just a coincidence meeting a coincidence that fired off the perfect storm in your mind to make you believe something that's really not there.

These are just my thoughts on how I perceived the information given, so take it how you will.

Also, this is my first post on ATS. Good to be here. Its nice seeing like-minded people in one place. I've some things I wish to discuss about some experiences once I get comfortable with the people here. I've never talked about them before because I've always felt they were just my imagination, or that I was crazy, or that it was nothing and my mind telling me it was something. Seeing a community of people discuss these things openly has lifted some weight off of my shoulders. It will be nice to unload some of that when I'm ready. Thank you all for this wonderful site! I'm learning so much!

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: VitaArcanum
i see it!! it is very faint but i see it i dont know why people are not seeing it. (try viewing the picture in a closed room with no outside lighting to nullify the glare) and its there!!! I SWEAR!

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: VitaArcanum
Also Did you guys know? that there is a hidden library in one of the deserts, not the Library of Alexandria that was burned down or the false library under the Sphinx. But.... an actual library of some sort out there! It truly twists my mind to find out all this, rather peculiar and interesting, not to mention it looked very old... yet some what advanced?

Could be just a dream or that I'm going insane?Right?

There is a long tradition of burying important texts in the desert to avoid losing them. The trick now is to find them and preserve them:
Lost Libraries of Timbuktu

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: VitaArcanum
Also Did you guys know? that there is a hidden library in one of the deserts, not the Library of Alexandria that was burned down or the false library under the Sphinx. But.... an actual library of some sort out there! It truly twists my mind to find out all this, rather peculiar and interesting, not to mention it looked very old... yet some what advanced?

Could be just a dream or that I'm going insane?Right?

There is a long tradition of burying important texts in the desert to avoid losing them. The trick now is to find them and preserve them:
Lost Libraries of Timbuktu

The thing is now.... How do I find it? It's not like I can just follow my instinct go to a random desert and just start walking

posted on Oct, 19 2014 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: ladykhyra
a reply to: VitaArcanum
i see it!! it is very faint but i see it i dont know why people are not seeing it. (try viewing the picture in a closed room with no outside lighting to nullify the glare) and its there!!! I SWEAR!

Yeh I have no idea why people don't see it... also since you seen mine can I see yours

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