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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 04:26 AM
"We now know how to travel to the stars. The Air Force has just given us a contract to take ET back home." - Ben Rich, former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks.

As a Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors of the Stinger missile and he speaks on Camera about Area 51 and advanced propulsion systems being tested there.

As a Senior Research Scientist at Lockheed Martin - Boyd Bushman reveals that Defense Contractor - Lockheed Martin has researched antigravity technology, specifically gravity manipulation by means of magnetic fields, and he shows that he experimented at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas facilities, proving that magnetic fields affect the gravitational field and because of that, bodies don't fall with the same acceleration, a result different from the classical experiments made by Galileo with no magnetic fields present.

SECRET UFO Propulsion Systems - Senior Lockheed Martin Research Scientist - Boyd Bushman SPEAKS OUT

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

I saw this on my travels Blog by ATS moderator BigFatFurryTexan

Although he doesnt post the patent ref. it is easy to find using google

**Warning-The now customary knock on door is implied if you care to dig too deep- I viewed patent as it is in public domain**

Interesting to note below quote from "Ron"- whoever he is:

"NANO MICROSPHERES That is the key word.. look it up on google they have many uses… ‘Apparently’ they were first made out in space… well since this was BEFORE the ISS was in orbit, one has to ask where in space was this stuff manufactured? That is not the focus of this thread… nor the fact that it was ‘hinted’ to me that ‘visitors’ were involved.
. But this mystery led us down an interesting path… Turns out that back in the day of the early shuttle flights there were in fact secret DoD shuttle missions… No the launches were not secret, kinda hard to hide those (but not impossible), but the MISSIONS were. I have a list of those missions.. and even on Wikipedia it will show that several of them, the RETURN weight is STILL classified… So seems they brought something back, round about the time this material was ‘discovered’"

Secret missions to retrieve/manufacture things in Space....Hmmmm -the theme seems to be an old ATS favourite- the article even links back to an ATS thread on another relevant to our current interests favourite: Anti-Gravity :

Lots of smoke. Cant see the fire.

edit on 15-10-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 05:01 AM

Evidence of a Secret Colony on Mars has sparked the interest of UFO Researchers around the world. Recent whistle-blower revelations from President Eisenhower's great granddaughter and others give renewed credence to the evidence that planet Mars is being prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY in the face of imminent catastrophic events that may decimate the population of planet Earth. This film presence the best evidence available that there is indeed Life on Mars.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: Arpad

And I've seen on a few occasions for several years now that amber light that goes from horizon to horizon very, very quickly. (no it's not a mistaken satellite, I'm seeing all those years.)

I saw that in NE Wisconsin (about 40 minutes south of Green Bay) two years ago. It started about 2 minutes after the International Space Station passed directly over my house and I really want to know what it is! I can't imagine a person was flying that thing the way it was making sharp turns, but Zaph claims that it's manned. Do you want to know what is funny? I'm a professional photographer and I was too much "in awe" watching it to get out one of my 4 cameras. Go figure.

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 08:14 PM
"UFO SECRET: FROM HERE TO ANDROMEDA" opens with the possibility that humanity may not survive due to Global Warming, an ensuing Ice Age or Mass Extinction. The question is, "Why hasn't humanity embraced sustainable technologies like Solar, Wind, and Helium-3 Fusion to beat Global Warming?" Why are the oil companies holding us hostage? Why hasn't all of humanity awakened and taken measures to ensure our survival? Find out why so many UFOs are suddenly appearing all over the world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do Governments know about UFOs? Will humanity find a new home in the universe? Join UFO Researcher and Environmentalist David Sereda as he embarks on a journey in search of a way to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away to find a new home for humanity. Along his journey he explores Sustainability, UFOs, Crop Circles, Space Propulsion Theory, Spirituality, and Human Ethics in order to solve the greatest riddle in the universe: How can one travel faster than the speed of light and go anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye.

BTW they mention MT. Shasta in this one and my family and I saw some UFO craft up there camping on our land, it became surrounded by a massive glowing light and then dissapeared. LOL my dad was screaming its turning the light on us! Was a very fun sighting during the night. It was as bright and as large as the moon to the naked eye. BTW US has a military base in MT. Shasta too hint hint.
edit on 15-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:29 AM
I'm pleased to see that the stealth/cloaked/invisibility topic has found more light shined upon it and how it relates to this subject. Earlier in this thread, I brought up the importance of this technology and how powerful the status is at the top of the pyramid.

Most seem to throw out terms like "stealth" and "cloaking" with ease, yet treat them like imaginary, sci-fi terms while underestimating the reality and weight these concepts carry. It is one of the most guarded and dangerous technologies that exists.

Some may speak about a certain airframe or project having advanced stealth or cloaking abilities, and there may be many forms and variants of this tech, but the ability to be truly "invisible", with all the massive implications is largely ignored.

It goes well beyond any single aircraft. Imagine if you bolted this invisibility tech onto even any conventional craft. Consider the advantage. How about a person? Being able to go anywhere or infiltrate any situation being visually undetected. Think about the implications of this tech being applied to ANY type of vehicle or human in motion.

Now go beyond that. Consider all of the ways you could incorporate this technology into stationary objects. Cameras on telephone poles, transmitters, entrances to buildings, doorways, etc, even whole buildings and facilities themselves could be easily be hidden as if they didn't exist at all.

It is the capstone on the technology pyramid. Once it is in place it matters not what you produce behind the veil as no one could even detect it or ever be the wiser.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:41 AM
Time travel and teleportation technologies are real, and the United States government has used them since at least the 1960s. So say our guests lawyer Andy Basiago and former special assistant to President Nixon Bernard Mendez. They know, because they say they were a part of these programs that sent them through time and space to the past, the future, and even to Mars! And they weren't alone. They report being with many others, including a young Barack Obama!

Laura Eisenhower, great-grandaughter of President Eisenhower also joins us to corroborate their stories of a secret space program hidden from the ordinary citizens of Earth.

Whistleblowers on US Govt Time Travel & Teleportation

Cloaking Technology ~ Time Travel and other Secrets inside the secret government facility S-4

In this special edition of Special Edition of the Unified Field host Justin Brown does an in depth interview with Michael Schratt that covers:

The largest UFO sighting in history, the Hudson Valley Boomerang sighting an ongoing sighting over a period of ten years of a huge boomerang shaped UFO some report was a craft more than 900 feet across

Black budget programs and the amount the US government is spending on black budget projects each year.

A virtual tour through the entire five levels of S-4 facility of Area 51 (the former biological weapons laboratory near Papoose Lake converted to a Top Secret military installation alleged to be investigating, testing and reverse engineering alien spacecraft) and a detailed description of the contents of its 9 hanger bays containing ARV's (alien Reproduction Vehicles), the extraterrestrial J-Rod's T45 time travel vehicle, as well as the original Roswell craft and more...Dan also describes the development of a 3-D model of the whole facility.

Describes what Ben Rich former head of Lockheed Skunkworks said about technology we already have.

Stealth and cloaking technology of elcetochromic panels that are used for daytime stealth technology by forced projection transferring an image from the background of an aircraft onto the forward panels of an aircraft blending with background rendering it virtually invisible

Amazing classified technology for the B2 that electrically charges the leading edge of the wing to reduce the radar cross signature and also electrically charges the exhaust gasses to reduce the infrared signature. Rendering the infrared, radar, acoustic and visual signature down to almost zero

Thomas Townsend Brown's hypotheses of electrogravitic propulsion technology for spacecraft that by electrically charging of the leading edge of a wing and then negatively charging the trailing edge creating electrostatic.

Werner von Braun warning of Project Blue Beam an alleged program to unite governments of the world to a one world order by using threat of a fake alien invasion. von Braun told Carol Rosen his personal assistant that there would be wars to build weapons of mass destruction and if that did not work, there would be terrorists and if that did not work, there would be the threat of asteroids and then von Braun said the last card they would play; would be a fake alien attack.

The 1954 meeting between President Eisenhower with extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base where a treaty was signed and President Eisenhower was given an 8" by 8" by 8" object called the Orion cube that projects an image about 10" above the cube depicting future time event scenarios. The Orion cube was reportedly at sS-4 and later at Scottish rite Masonic loge in Washington DC

Difference between alien and extraterrestrial ~ Extraterrestrial shares our own human DNA genetic makeup and are future human who has come from our future. While alien are a different species that does not have human DNA.

Last time J-Rod was ever seen ~ Schratt gives a detailed description of J-Rod, an extraterrestrial from our future who came here in a time travel paradox to cure a genetic defect to emerge in human DNA 45,000 years in the future. Schratt describes what happened to J-Rod in 2003 in Abydos, Egypt when the J-Rod was brought in a clean sphere to Burisch and he told Burisch that he wanted to return to his family.

Project Aquarius, looking glass, project Galileo, weapons research and development

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 1

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 2

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 3

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 4

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 5

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 6

Secrets inside Area 51's S-4 Facility Part 7
edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 02:27 AM
Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials. The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs. The development of means of weather control. The development of time travel and teleportation technology

Al Bielek - The Alternative Future Time Lines & Time Travel .

William Cooper - The UGLY Truth(BTW this guy was assasinated for telling the truth)

A Bill Cooper Lecture in which he explains Aliens (their presence among us, our collaborations with them, the Alien Treaties), Secret Governments, the Trilateral Commission and an insight into Sercret Government plans to leave the Earth. A great lecture - poor video quality but there's no need to see....just LISTEN! Mr Cooper was a true American Hero, may he rest in peace. Speaks of Jesus creation by ET's and time travel.

PHIL SCHNEIDER (BTW this guy was assasinated for telling the truth too)

Michio Kaku Time 4 Cosmic Time

Michio Kaku (2014) "Coming Breakthroughs"

Travel & Stargate Portals

Time Traveler From 2037, Live, On The Air - Art Bell Show

Future of Space Travel and Prospects of Discovering Alien Life

Special Military Forces of the Ancient World
This documentary as well as all of the rest of these documentaries shown here are about important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education about government time travel.

Time Travel In The Bible - Part 1

Time Travel In The Bible - Part 2

Time Travel In The Bible - Part 3

Time Travel In The Bible - Part 4

Tesla and his involvement in the Philadelphia project and time travel and him being the first one to create a real time machine , time travel and the NWO and Aliens they created and then came back through time travel to try to enslave us and the world wide Free Masonic cartel ,huma slave/ sex and the Modeling industry trade and my dealings with the beautiful Russian Spy Anna Chapman and the French legion and the Star gate programs and project Mountauk .

Masonic World Cartel And Time Travel

Masonic Cartel and Time Travel Part 2
edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2014 by worlwidemind because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 06:52 AM
..i'm going over all this VERY carefully
(still on early pages here & page 4-5 in the other one)

there is *something* to all this.. but from what i can make out, it seems to be some kind of "cover story"

(apparently... he's not the only one who claims to 'travel' out there?)
source link posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 03:49 PM

he-who-cannot-be-named: The edge of the Universe is a bubble like skin of energy that's dead still. Its a pale blue colour and milky.

source link posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:48 PM (i had not seen this topic until now)

unit76: when i do my little inquiries into what's coming down the pipe i 'see' two things

going out as far into the u'verse as i can.. i start to see it makes like, a single (huge!) blue colored"cell" (under magnification?)

i keep seeing like, y'know how we used to get the packet of bubble-gum w/ the trading cards? it's like that, but it's got all these weird UFO-type things (various configurations) on it (and you can somehow 'be' them?) and the writing is like, korean or something?

years back, i 'saw' people dressed all in black, sitting around tables like a cafe, drinking latte's, "chatting" about conspiracies (this was before all those matrix movies & stuff started coming out)

i poke bugs up my nose for my insanity, what do you do?

the part where they interact in your dreams is real..
but i'm not "buying" these bubble-gum sticker fantasies being peddled by these bottom-feeding dream-stealers

if there's anyone out there who's picked-up on all the subversive content littered through this tale.. if you require that little 'push' over the edge, please source the material by a Dr. Richard Allen Miller (talking on breakaway civilizations) and just know the man is a Crowley Fanboy
edit on 16-10-2014 by UNIT76 because: ..smells like brimstone in here?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Varelse
This that you write here, bears repeating, I think:

Most seem to throw out terms like "stealth" and "cloaking" with ease, yet treat them like imaginary, sci-fi terms while underestimating the reality and weight these concepts carry. It is one of the most guarded and dangerous technologies that exists.

Some may speak about a certain airframe or project having advanced stealth or cloaking abilities, and there may be many forms and variants of this tech, but the ability to be truly "invisible", with all the massive implications is largely ignored.

There is a book by Walter Beech, entitled: The Physics of Invisibility: A Story of Light and Deception, about the struggle here to create such an ability and references invisibility, historically, throughout time, starting with the war between the Lord of the Underworld, Haydes and the Titans, from Olympus ( actually, so this is "noname's" reference,as well.)

The book is available on Google Books right now. I can't quote from it, as to copyright, but it's available in PDF format there to read and worth it. You will be amazed, frankly, at the historical references going back to the earliest recorded writings about invisibility.

You are so right on about this technology. This bell, I'm afraid, though, has already been rung. And no, no one here addresses it with the weight it deserves. For anyone attaining this, has attained the ability to defeat any enemy, do whatever they want, morally correct or not, and get away with it. When you speak of the top of the triangle, it's interesting for after this thread, a picture from an NSA hierarchy of information, shows a double black triangle at the top of the hierarchy…..

Let me say something about space dog, aka noname or snipped. No one seems to have gotten the joke about his name even. He chose the name of the dog in the Jetson's cartoon. He told us a story of being left here as "forever men," forever enscripted into slavery so they could leave, also more of a poignant insult than anything. It's clear he had avionics experience. I think the story was sort of an allegorical tale to prompt discussion, perhaps, by certain unnamed groups. The story is possible. But he isn't escaped to Olympus, I don't believe. He's still right here.
But this story circulated, and mirrors stories from mythology to science fiction.

What about it goes beyond anything is invisibility cloaking technology and what this means. And it means something formiddable.
edit on 16-10-2014 by tetra50 because: grammar

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: UNIT76

i'm going over all this VERY carefully
(still on early pages here & page 4-5 in the other one)

there is *something* to all this.. but from what i can make out, it seems to be some kind of "cover story"

Look, I'm a good citizen of the free world. You have 2 choices. 1. He has some new type of personality disorder that was discovered right here or 2. He is piloting a giant nuclear powered triangle and traveling the stars.

Do you experience sleep paralysis by any chance?

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 12:45 PM
Still wondering if the best stealth wouldn't just be using a means of hypnosis to make most vehemently disinterested in it. Like how the guy in demolition man took the precaution to program wesley snipes from being able to kill him. Or the clue might be why the black guy was soo annoyingly against putting on the glasses in they live.

My neighbors see me gazing up and never wanted me to hand them the binoculars for a look. Hell my one neighbor got angry and slammed his door.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 01:41 PM

How about I tell you this? on your passing, you can when you get to the Creator, say 'I want this'. Voila, you get that. Its energy, all energy.


posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: tetra50

I'm with you there, Tets, regarding invisibility... and it is NOT sci-fi and likely hasn't been for quite some time.

When we look at the totality of the tech that is dribbled out to us mouth breathers (Well, I include myself anyway, though most on this site are at the least nose-breathers) in just the last few years alone, the implications are ...astounding.

Add to this totality the certain-to-exist black projects and all seemingly ridiculous details contained in this tale and more are not just likely, but supported by existing tech.

I remember walking through a neighborhood when I lived in a "disturbed" rental and hearing footsteps crunching on the gravel behind and smelling "beer breath"... and little things happening like a wall mounted mailbox getting slammed shut with nobody visible near it... at the time I thought the "ghost" had followed us outside, but thinking about it, some military guy in his special forces garb after a few too many beers seems as likely... or likelier, and the girl I was walking with WAS a looker.

Weird world we inhabit... and it just gets weirder.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: ZetaRediculian
a reply to: UNIT76

i'm going over all this VERY carefully
(still on early pages here & page 4-5 in the other one)

there is *something* to all this.. but from what i can make out, it seems to be some kind of "cover story"

Look, I'm a good citizen of the free world. You have 2 choices. 1. He has some new type of personality disorder that was discovered right here or 2. He is piloting a giant nuclear powered triangle and traveling the stars.

Do you experience sleep paralysis by any chance?

LOL Zeta, again. Not the first time you had me chuckling and trying not to spit my coffee through my nose, which doesn't work so well, especially if I aspire to being a nose-breather one day, as Baddogma refers to, which also, was quite a chuckle for me.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Arpad
Having given this a lot of thought, Arpad, I've considered that they've outlined the many ways the tech could be achieved, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have it. There are lots of other ways to approach this,as you suggest, and much cheaper, too. Many ways, perhaps, focused on the one to be blinded, rather than the one to be invisible.

Certainly, if you're a student of UFOology, there have been suggestions in the past that there have been mass hypnosis events, just as you describe, when a crowd of people or an entire city has had a sighting, creating a group amnesia.
That said, for many years folks thought this was partly what GWEN towers were partially installled to do, and in case of.
Hell, some people still think that's what they're about. Of course, I'm far too sensible for that (lol), although it's really not funny. I wouldn't give that thought much credence if it weren't for some highly regarded military personnel both here and in the UK that attest to strange, definitive sightings, themselves--not that I don't believe regular folk, of which I am one, and go on to suffer some very real pressure to shut up. One thing that's become very obvious to me is that TPTB absolutely do not want people thinking this is possible, or even noname spacedog's story, either, even though elements of his story are certainly found in ancienty mythology.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: ZetaRediculian
a reply to: UNIT76

i'm going over all this VERY carefully
(still on early pages here & page 4-5 in the other one)

there is *something* to all this.. but from what i can make out, it seems to be some kind of "cover story"

Look, I'm a good citizen of the free world. You have 2 choices. 1. He has some new type of personality disorder that was discovered right here or 2. He is piloting a giant nuclear powered triangle and traveling the stars.

Do you experience sleep paralysis by any chance?

You know which I option I prefer.

It all was a cover story, for attention. Much more credible accounts. The physics were overkill for technology we've had for decades I.e. needing sleeping people for star maps.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Remotely produced hallucinations... basically entering our psyches and playing around... are the stuff of paranoid nightmares, but as GUT showed me in his many posts, those inhabiting high (or really low, for the most part) places are certainly fascinated with that particular tech... and of course they are.

Whether or not they have operational status is the big Q ... but due to certain reports by folks not seeming to be too insane, I wouldn't be surprised if it was so... and I have this guess that that is old hat and just the tip of what is being done in secret lairs across this world and perhaps beyond.

But then I'll settle back into the comfy realm of consensus reality where this stuff is just the rantings of weirdos on UFO forums and relax... yeah...

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Jenisiz
One thing you keep bringing up is that human minds wouldn't be needed for FTL jumps... and I wonder why you are so very sure of that... if it were just a matter of keeping track of the motions of large bodies, or even smaller ones, I'd agree, but the "source" talks about keeping the contents of parsecs worth of space in some detail, and when we figure in trace molecules or scattered photons, we may be getting into the need for bio computers... or we may not... hard to know from the paucity of info.

Certain folks I know who are more than passingly familiar with information theory and computer science find the 'sleeping minds as resource' part of the story the MOST believable part of the whole thing.

posted on Oct, 16 2014 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: Jenisiz
One thing you keep bringing up is that human minds wouldn't be needed for FTL jumps... and I wonder why you are so very sure of that... if it were just a matter of keeping track of the motions of large bodies, or even smaller ones, I'd agree, but the "source" talks about keeping the contents of parsecs worth of space in some detail, and when we figure in trace molecules or scattered photons, we may be getting into the need for bio computers... or we may not... hard to know from the paucity of info.

Certain folks I know who are more than passingly familiar with information theory and computer science find the 'sleeping minds as resource' part of the story the MOST believable part of the whole thing.

I studied astrophysics in college. We did this often. Space is empty for the most part. Dark energy and matter make up over 90% of the known universe. With a pen and paper you can track bodies over vast distances rather easily. NASA has already demonstrated this in the past and still uses it to track constellations planets and plot their current trajectories down to the mm. I keep repeating it because I have 4 years of experience in this field...not a single night to concoct an astro'nomical' claim. One has to imagine how said civilization figured out how to map it initially. It'd require extensive traversing in order to be mapped in the first place using his method lol.
edit on 16-10-2014 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

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