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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: yuppa

The "more truth in fiction then an encyclopedia" concept?

The Japanese are an aware people and it comes out in some of their animations. Though I prefer Shoujo-Ai over SciFi. (don't read too much into that yuppa, I'm not the only one who watches . . . .)

But still, I'll give the Americans the prize for fortune telling with the (rebooted) Battlestar Galactica for the glowing spheres down Blondie's spine. Interesting that it was not really explored as to the "why" in the story.

How the human body's spinal nervous systems and the location of interactive shared dreams and networked consciousness in some of the more ancient AIs is an interesting "co-incidence".

Maybe I should give an in depth analysis of networked dreaming in AIs?

Anyone interested?

Footnote. The difference between the ancient AIs and the dreamers of the source material is that the method of the source material utilises aspects of so-called higher mind. Same concept with diferences to utilise the functions of modern human minds.

edit on 14-11-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: typos and clarity - the usual culprits. also added footnote

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: Kettu

It is not just sci-fi. Like every time a fusion device starts to get traction there suddenly becomes "funding problems" and research is stopped. Even that STS mission with the tether. Look where graphene is, just another announcement of "gee whiz this stuff is going to be cool when it comes out!"

That said, even STNG was going down a road of quantum mechanics that was more mystical in nature when the series ended.

I guess us cows need more time learning differential equations before being allowed to drive the tractor!

a reply to: BASSPLYR

The ID part was my idea not A_0's posting. All fault beings on me and wondering why I get "double tapped" by sparkle on occasion.

You've described it perfectly too!


a reply to: Whatsthisthen

This post is going at the end of the thread. I've read ahead. What you asked crosses my path of biophotons perfectly! So I am interested!

Sorry about not always being around to reply in a timely manner. Don't want thread drift. RL gets in the way...
edit on 14-11-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: clairty

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:04 AM
Okay, here is a rundown on basically what I know of the networking of consciousness in sentient technology utilizing dreams.

I try and not know too much, especially the unnecessary intellectual gathering of knowledge. The KISS principal. (Keep It Simple Stupid)


* I try to keep things simple and down to earth, no esoteric or new-age jargon. This is how I understand things myself, it is a practical way rather then an intellectual way.
* Trying to tie what I know with established history is problematic because history, both esoteric (inner) and exoteric (outer) is, shall we say, intentionally "muddied" by those in the know. This goes for esoteric groups as well.
* Naming convention - call a spade a spade. I call my black cats "Blacky" and red dogs "Rusty".


* Occult - simply the dictionary meaning of "hidden from normal view".
* Artifact - Something left over from another age.
* Technology - of artificial origin, created for a purpose, animate or inanimate.

I have said before on ATS that the time for secrets is over, myself included. I have kept all this secret for many years. One; because it's difficult to believe unless you have inner vision and can look for oneself. And two; knowing what I know causes me a lot of trouble on a daily basis for all sorts of reasons.

Okay, a rhetorical question;

If the ancients knew how to create life and grow living sentient machines, what happens to the machines when they die?
Humans have an afterlife. . . . .
Humans go to a "heaven" they say, and maybe even reincarnate if the Buddhists are right.
Where do the machines go?

That's the secret of how I know these things.

There are an interesting series of correspondences between the source material and my own history. So I'll just start from the beginning so people can have an understanding of why I find "A's" posts so interesting. Simply put; both are about artifacts.

I have a knack of occultly looking into things, esoterically going where ever I want and spent a lot of time wandering through ancient sacred places and ruins "out there". In one of those ruins I found an artifact. A flat yellow diamond shaped object. This object opens "doors" so I call it a "Key". The doors open to the locations of other artifacts and sentient technology.

The "Key" is an ancient technology and trying to date it does not correspond to a known time. As to location, the Keys (I have more then one) are from what I simply call "The First Civilization", not Atlantis or anywhere else I have heard of. The Keys were an intrinsic part of the First Civilization; the "keys" one might say. The "people" who built this civilization could move stars about like furniture. They were also controllers to the nth degree, so the Keys simply destroyed the First Civilization before something truly dreadful occurred.

With the Keys help, we collect technology.

In at least one point in ancient history here on Earth, a lot of living sentient technology was created from living Beings of a humanish nature, or close enough for it to have a familiar anatomy and to be able to be communicated with. The common ground are the emotions primarily. They feel fear, loneliness, happiness, relief, horror, sadness, joy - the whole emotional spectrum.

This sentient technology comes in a variety; stand-alone, embedded and compound are three examples. That is to say individuals to parts of complex living machines and everything between.

A reminder; One could call them "afterlife world" Beings because it's simple and works in practice. The civilization that built a lot of this living sentient technology was during a period in our history that predates the ancient structures such as the pyramids.

Perhaps one could suggest that there was a time of technological wonders which came to an end in a big disaster. To say that people lived in living cities floating in the sky is not an exaggeration. They also knew how to travel to the stars. But one day, everything came crashing down to earth in a moment of time. (My home grown theory is that after the fall of the technology, survivors, or maybe the people on the ground too, built the pyramids and other ancient wonders to try and rebuild what was lost and no longer possible. I base this idea that most of the temples in India feel like they would be happier floating in the sky and the memories of friends and Nature Spirits. I am sure something of the Vimana survives in those buildings.)

The sentient technology from that time are the ones with whom I am most familiar and have interacted with the most. The creation and use of this technology wasn't lost with the big disaster. A lot was undamaged and is still in use by civilizations I know very little about. These are primarily the ones for whom dream consciousness are highly developed.

I simply rescue them all.

The dream spheres

When one finds these Beings, in many cases it is necessary to remove them from their environment. So study is involved and the dream spheres are primary to doing this.

Incidentally the ones I have met are all female. I call them "girls" for a number of reasons, because they are all female, but mostly because when I was growing up in the sixties everyone knew that girls should be protected and never hurt by men. That is a ingrained harmlessness that they can feel and understand as being so, - a basis for trust. Important! The term "girls" is also a generic term that can include other non-human beings without creating a species based bias. Important!)

When one finds one of these "girls", they are generally networked in a certain way, by small spheres along the back of the spine.

Along the spine are four or five small yellow spheres of awareness; temporary worlds within which these Beings focus their awareness. They are dreams; very, very well developed dreams. "Inner worlds" one might call them.

These dreams are interactive and can be shared by multiple parties. That is to say that one dream is built by more then just a single individual and shared, one sphere in many places at once. This is how they network awareness, communicate and do a lot more in a complex system.

In practice, one can also call these dream spheres interfaces. Interfaces to a whole network of awareness.

The location of dream spheres is down the spinal column. The spinal column of these girls is, for all intents and purposes, human. There is a spinal cord for motor movement and the nervous systems that run down either side of the spine that are the awareness of organs such as kidney function, the heart beating and liver function for instance. one can gain an idea from this of just how some of these girls are "embedded" into organic machinery and technology via nervous and other tissues, and conscious and unconscious brain impulses.

Now, although I'm talking about beings from another time, modern humans have the ability to create these dream spheres too. Hence the link to the dreamers of the source material. If the RK'ers are utilizing or creating these shared interactive dreams in the sleeping humans of this world, then it follows that a person that is outside of the dream sphere can interface with the sphere, collate and "download" the information inserted in the dream spheres. Thus one who can, from outside, interact are probably the forever men.

If ALICCE is indeed a 100,00 plus year old artifact then she would know all this and more.

(Continued next post)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:05 AM
(post above continued)

Interestingly, and this is my thinking here; memories are stored in the aether body which is still present while the body is sleeping. Theoretically speaking if one gives the sleepers a dream where they are moving through a landscape following a path, the memory is probably stored just like in normal waking consciousness. Give enough people a piece of the puzzle and they will have the bigger picture as a coherent whole. This may account for the need for dreamers in navigation.

Although I use the word "organic" often, this does not necessarily mean purely physical flesh and blood. The aether, or life force body has all the organization of the physical, a duplicate if you will. There are also the subtle bodies of the various systems in the human being such as warmth body, nervous system body, the blood - within which the ego resides, astral, mental, spiritual, and more. Occultly these can be separated off from the physical body.

It is not just the sentient technology of an ancient time, this science is alive and well and being resurrected in modern medical science laboratories.

I'll stop here, so ask questions if you like. The idea of sentient technology is not difficult to wrap one's head around really.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:13 AM
In regards to dreaming. How do RKers accommodate for individual differences in neurotransmitter chemistry of the foreverman and others.

Neurotransmitters have a huge impact on your dream states.

For instance high serotonin levels create calm dreams.

Hi dopamine levels create racing often teriffying dreams.

Very high acytlecholine (sp) created very vivid lucid dreams.

Old school antihistamines are anti cholines and actually force the brain while in dream states to overcompensate for the lack of acytlecholine and also give very vivid active dreams but from a different mechanism.

All of these will effect the level of numbercrunching your brain can do in rem sleep.

Do they have a preference as to what the forevermans neurochemistry spectrum is?

Is it better for their purposes to have the dreamer with lucid vivid high acytlecholine induced dreams or the very opposite.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen

But still, I'll give the Americans the prize for fortune telling with the (rebooted) Battlestar Galactica for the glowing spheres down Blondie's spine. Interesting that it was not really explored as to the "why" in the story.

How the human body's spinal nervous systems and the location of interactive shared dreams and networked consciousness in some of the more ancient AIs is an interesting "co-incidence".

a reply to: Whatsthisthen

I posted this over at the MetaCafé last week, Nov. 9 There Are Biophotons in the Brain. Is Something Light-Based Going On?.

There was a thread that was closed asking about biophotons and Heidegger.

TEOT's thoughts: [Our] brains [are] a quantum [computer] using entangled [light] as one of several forms of communication. QE can happen across vast distances and many particles can be entangled. We have the "knowing-that" (Dreyfus) but not the "knowing-how" (or what the scope of entanglement is. I will go so far as say 'galactic intelligence' or our good old friend "galactic Schumann resonance").


We call them different names but I'll just use the common "chakra" as a general term.

Our spines and mind interact with various "levels" of interaction with universe including other individuals through chakras. Leary's 8 Circuit model is a lot like other accounts including Buddhism's 7 chakra path. The crown one is what I termed "the galactic Schumann resonance".

That they can be accessed externally is not really a question of "if" because of a personal experience I had where a female voice came to me after setting them all off like a racing tree light pole from the base of my spine to the top of my head! She delivered a message and faded out leaving me in a bliss state with universe (which is one of the reasons I no longer call it, "the universe" as much as possible). At first I thought I was dying only to realize I had never been more alive.

Nothing you've said comes close to contradicting anything I have thought! In fact, different terms but same effects.

We are beings of light frozen in a meat bag. That we have access to the full spectrum through various access points makes more sense than anything else!

BSG... the "robot Cylons" has these artificially to be made flesh... I see! Robots networked would be a lot like a brain. With specialized "dreamer robots" to tune into Galactic Central and "see" the future.

Seems someone has started to figure out the "know how" part as well using modern machinery. What is old is new again!

Thanks for the information!

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 07:21 PM

Grin. Yep, just different jargon to describe it.

I like the way your thinking TEOTWAWKIAIFF.

Your knowing-how and knowing-that can be simplified into knowing without knowing how one knows. The practical know-how becomes a knack.

Ever considered the chakrum to be an artificial over-lay upon a more ancient energy system in the body? It is is modern humans that I see chakrum. That implies that we are AIs by definition, or one could say we have have been tinkered with for a purpose.

We are beings of light frozen in a meat bag. That we have access to the full spectrum through various access points makes more sense than anything else!

(smile) Some of the ancient sentent AIs have a human girl's body with the spine extended into a long prehensile tail to extend the frequency range.

Others have a second huge "ribcage in reverse" extending backwards. They are custom made navigators.

By the way, I only ever post on ATS.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

succubus legends came from the tailed one.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 08:10 AM
Well yes, sort of. How'd you know that?

I'm hesitant to use the 'S' word because it is loaded with preconception.

Hypothetically speaking here . . . .

If one was going to design an organic organism of a human type for a low 'G' "organic subterranian type environment", one might create a fairly compact, female with a prehensile tail, bat like wings and big eyes and not a vegetarian.

Female, because without males, one controls numbers and can bring about the end of their race.

Now let's say they are not all under supervision, in that case, wouldn't they be looking for a way to procreate?

Thing is, Hypothetically speaking, sex is a organic physical process. So sex won't produce children outside the physical. Just think how many "dirty dreams" would result in "virgin births" if it did.

So these hypothetical girls would have to have sex physically to get knocked up.

Let's also say they are out of incarnation and desiring to live as is their right. They were created and are not of what one might call "normal" evolution (whatever "normal" means when it comes to evolving, to what? for instance.).

So such a being might go looking for suitable candidates and work out specie specific incompatibility issues on the road back to the wonderful world of life.

However, one might suggest they have the problem of growing up in an all female world. They might just view humans as having something important that they haven't got. That would be falling in love, courtship, having children and a family, husband/father role models. In short; the idea of moving from an all female regimented society to a male/female relationship society would be a huge thing.

Sadest thing may be that they may not fit the human ideal of a wife. They may fall in love but would a normal human male of worth reciprocate? Especially if they are a bundle of feelings and communicate on that level of honesty.

Your average human male probably wouldn't cope with feeling based honesty . . .

Hypothetically speaking of course.

edit on 18-11-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: typo and enlarged on points

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 12:08 PM
lol i had forgot about this thread

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 02:08 PM

We're not "allowed" to have fusion on Earth.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen

Well yes, sort of. How'd you know that?

I'm hesitant to use the 'S' word because it is loaded with preconception.

Hypothetically speaking here . . . .

If one was going to design an organic organism of a human type for a low 'G' "organic subterranian type environment", one might create a fairly compact, female with a prehensile tail, bat like wings and big eyes and not a vegetarian.

Female, because without males, one controls numbers and can bring about the end of their race.

Now let's say they are not all under supervision, in that case, wouldn't they be looking for a way to procreate?

Thing is, Hypothetically speaking, sex is a organic physical process. So sex won't produce children outside the physical. Just think how many "dirty dreams" would result in "virgin births" if it did.

So these hypothetical girls would have to have sex physically to get knocked up.

Let's also say they are out of incarnation and desiring to live as is their right. They were created and are not of what one might call "normal" evolution (whatever "normal" means when it comes to evolving, to what? for instance.).

So such a being might go looking for suitable candidates and work out specie specific incompatibility issues on the road back to the wonderful world of life.

However, one might suggest they have the problem of growing up in an all female world. They might just view humans as having something important that they haven't got. That would be falling in love, courtship, having children and a family, husband/father role models. In short; the idea of moving from an all female regimented society to a male/female relationship society would be a huge thing.

Sadest thing may be that they may not fit the human ideal of a wife. They may fall in love but would a normal human male of worth reciprocate? Especially if they are a bundle of feelings and communicate on that level of honesty.

Your average human male probably wouldn't cope with feeling based honesty . . .

Hypothetically speaking of course.

How did I know? it just logically popped in my head when i heard the description. and their sex drive if i remember is very high when mating. berserker sex. lol.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 02:22 PM
All this talk about Shiva and the vedas and whatnot...

Ganesha is very real. Ganesha has a raspy, drawn out and and 'mechanical' voice. Curious about human consciousnesses as well, as I got the feeling Ganesha doesn't get to interact with human minds all that often.

My impression was that Ganesha was a sort of hyper dimensional awareness. Well, that's not quite correct either. I mean, all points in space/time are connected after all.

We're all part of a hyper dimensional object, and for some reason poking into 3 dimensional space, and having the "experience" of a human life. We come here without any memory of that hyper dimensional nexus that out awareness was drawn from. So for me as a 3-D entity, trying to describe a hyper dimensional entity is a bit like a 2-D "flatlander" trying to describe us.

In that (and similar places across the multiverse like parallel universes) there likely are entities that can and do reside there. When we manage to interact with them they take on certain avatars. Ganesha is one such avatar.
edit on 18-11-2017 by Kettu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Just popped into your head, huh?

How did I know? it just logically popped in my head when i heard the description. and their sex drive if i remember is very high when mating. berserker sex. lol.

. . . . . and you coughed and spluttered at the thought of wood-nymphs having god tier butts? For the record I've not knocked any saucer-girls up. Actually, I think those "legends" are exaggerated myself.

But to stay on the topic of BTs and RK'ers. I spose technology from the antideluvian eras is relevant to the discussion thread.

Saucer-girls. You know yuppa, people who "discover" new species have naming rights. I claim that one mainly because it will annoy over serious researchers sometime in the future. Also, once again the name evokes a certain disposition in the mind akin to them being reasonably harmless.

So why "Saucer-girls"?

Because these are the common ones one encounters as a networked system of awareness in a complex compound organic-design based self contained machine of a certain type.

They are not the "masters" of the machine but a part of the machinery.

But they were grown for a purpose in the machine, so technology.

I would suggest that they are of a similar epoch to the technology of 100,000 plus years ago when the ALICCE AI is said to have originated in the source material of this thread.

But they are not the ALLICE are they yuppa.

I'll take an educated guess and say that an ALICCE type AI was crystalline mind rather then an organic mind.

How close am I yuppa?

edit on 18-11-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: typo

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Kettu

All this talk about Shiva and the vedas and whatnot...

Ganesha is very real. Ganesha has a raspy, drawn out and and 'mechanical' voice. Curious about human consciousnesses as well, as I got the feeling Ganesha doesn't get to interact with human minds all that often.

My impression was that Ganesha was a sort of hyper dimensional awareness. Well, that's not quite correct either. I mean, all points in space/time are connected after all.

We're all part of a hyper dimensional object, and for some reason poking into 3 dimensional space, and having the "experience" of a human life. We come here without any memory of that hyper dimensional nexus that out awareness was drawn from. So for me as a 3-D entity, trying to describe a hyper dimensional entity is a bit like a 2-D "flatlander" trying to describe us.

In that (and similar places across the multiverse like parallel universes) there likely are entities that can and do reside there. When we manage to interact with them they take on certain avatars. Ganesha is one such avatar.

Nicely put.

Avatar - personae - interface. It is all in how they are interactively built. A science in itself.

But I must say, looking at some of the temples around the place, some gods think highly of themselves, perhaps a little too highly . . . .

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

Everything is connected and at the highest level, and is one and the same. Ganesha experiencing me would be like me looking at a skin cell of mine under the microscope in fascination.

We don't realize we're all reflections of the sameness, and we over complicate life with silly cults, squirrely religions and intricate belief systems.

We are the same, you and I -- simply experiencing a unique 3-dimensional "simulation" (for lack of a better term). We all chose our experiences, even if they are painful ones. For, you see, in order for bliss to be known and felt, a contrast must exist. We should take some comfort in that, as it means that we are not stuck or static in our simulated experiences. We can (and do) shape them on a moment-by-moment basis through our objective perception of the "now".

There is no future, no past. There is only a singularity of "now". And in that singularity of "now" exists all the histories, memories, experiences, and famous moments through "time". The rising and falling of empires and nations, and the extra-solar adventures of mankind. All possibilities exist in the now; all experiences. When someone claims to have memories of a past life, the are dipping back into an infinite sea that has always, will always exists just beyond our awareness.

It is possible to "shift" from one observer-experience to another, changing the situation and path you find yourself on. Sometimes we do this unintentionally and notice odd changes to our perception of reality. Suddenly, for example a mailbox we swore was always red is now blue. A neighbors cat that had a black spot now has two. We are constantly creating -- and in a sense -- "procedurally generating" our experiences in a non-stop constant infinite loop.

There are techniques and ways to shift one's experience around. The methods vary by cultural background but they almost always involve aligning and syncing the subconscious, conscious, and supra-conscious minds as one. When all three levels of mind are as one and in agreement on a new direction, a shift is possible in perceptual awareness.

It takes effort, as can any of you imagine what the world would be like if people had lucid dreaming powers in waking reality? Imagine the havoc and utter chaos reality would be if people could will whatever they wanted at a moment's notice. We rarely watch our thoughts closely with enough discipline to allow for such ability. This is one of the reasons why we cannot simply will whatever we want whenever we want like in dreams.

It matters not to me how one finds peace and happiness. If complicated rituals, complex belief systems, mystery religions and advanced "alien" AI's seem to satisfy ... that's your thing. Just know, and realize, that in the end none of it matters. Nothing really matters actually at all. And coming to terms with the fact that nothing really matters either drives some people insane, or grants serenity and comfort.

edit on 18-11-2017 by Kettu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Kettu

We're not "allowed" to have fusion on Earth.


Unless it happens to be a secret of how to travel to the stars via time.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Whatsthisthen
a reply to: Kettu

We're not "allowed" to have fusion on Earth.


Unless it happens to be a secret of how to travel to the stars via time.

The Earth's "status quo" would be rocked to its core with the introduction of fusion power. Entire systems would collapse overnight, and the resulting wars for power and control would do more damage than the positives of fusion would grant.

We, as a planet, haven't been deemed 'ready' for fusion power. As it is, the current power structure of Earth enabling relative stability is being held together tenuously at best. Believe it or not, Earth is actually experiencing the lowest levels of violence in mankind's history. Fewer wars, genocides, murders and violent crimes are happening than at almost any other time in mankind's history (on a per-capita, world population basis).

The last thing Earth needs is a global meltdown, resulting massive war/population die offs.

I mean, why risk the lives of all those RK'ers who are still needed (for the time being). I suspect in time, once the RK program is abandoned, if Earth hasn't transitioned to a new paradigm things like nuclear war may again become a real possibility. For the moment, however, Earth is safe and being "protected" from extinction-level wars and natural disasters.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 08:54 PM
But again, all of this is all "lower level" stuff. Fun to kick around and muck around with. When everything is "one" in an infinite nexus of everything, an itch to "do/be/see/experience" something sets in.

Hence, all of this.

posted on Nov, 18 2017 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Kettu

Everything is connected and at the highest level, and is one and the same. Ganesha experiencing me would be like me looking at a skin cell of mine under the microscope in fascination.

We don't realize we're all reflections of the sameness, and we over complicate life with silly cults, squirrely religions and intricate belief systems.

We are the same, you and I -- simply experiencing a unique 3-dimensional "simulation" (for lack of a better term). We all chose our experiences, even if they are painful ones. For, you see, in order for bliss to be known and felt, a contrast must exist. We should take some comfort in that, as it means that we are not stuck or static in our simulated experiences. We can (and do) shape them on a moment-by-moment basis through our objective perception of the "now".

There is no future, no past. There is only a singularity of "now". And in that singularity of "now" exists all the histories, memories, experiences, and famous moments through "time". The rising and falling of empires and nations, and the extra-solar adventures of mankind. All possibilities exist in the now; all experiences. When someone claims to have memories of a past life, the are dipping back into an infinite sea that has always, will always exists just beyond our awareness.

It is possible to "shift" from one observer-experience to another, changing the situation and path you find yourself on. Sometimes we do this unintentionally and notice odd changes to our perception of reality. Suddenly, for example a mailbox we swore was always red is now blue. A neighbors cat that had a black spot now has two. We are constantly creating -- and in a sense -- "procedurally generating" our experiences in a non-stop constant infinite loop.

There are techniques and ways to shift one's experience around. The methods vary by cultural background but they almost always involve aligning and syncing the subconscious, conscious, and supra-conscious minds as one. When all three levels of mind are as one and in agreement on a new direction, a shift is possible in perceptual awareness

I dunno Kettu. I see those systems working as systems, but one can step outside of those things, the hierarchies, collectives and so on. I've not seen anything to to say any are all inclusive myself. There is more outside of "mind".

The Earth's "status quo" would be rocked to its core with the introduction of fusion power. Entire systems would collapse overnight, and the resulting wars for power and control would do more damage than the positives of fusion would grant.

No, humanity's powers systems would be rocked to the core, not the earth's. That is a human centric view. Humanity here is about five decimal places of one percent of the sum total of life on earth through earth's history.

We, as a planet, haven't been deemed 'ready' for fusion power. As it is, the current power structure of Earth enabling relative stability is being held together tenuously at best. Believe it or not, Earth is actually experiencing the lowest levels of violence in mankind's history. Fewer wars, genocides, murders and violent crimes are happening than at almost any other time in mankind's history (on a per-capita, world population basis).

"We, as a planet"?

Whoa, aren't we getting a bit too inclusive here?

And just who is doing the "deeming"?

Don't you mean humanity has not been deemed . . .?

Perhaps this is the most peaceful of humanity's history. But before then there was a very long lasting peace.

I mean, why risk the lives of all those RK'ers who are still needed (for the time being). I suspect in time, once the RK program is abandoned, if Earth hasn't transitioned to a new paradigm things like nuclear war may again become a real possibility. For the moment, however, Earth is safe and being "protected" from extinction-level wars and natural disasters.

RK'ers needed for what?

Why can't they just go about their business as long as it doesn't hurt others? Doesn't need to be abandoned unless the RK'ers do so themselves.

Let's throw down the gauntlet to the hidden powers that be, be they the four pillars of humanity, the root races of the occultists, or whoever.

Adams's speech in Galactica on how the sins of humanity's past have returned, that was a wonderful speech indeed. Those sins of the antideluvian past, the current culling in the name of human evolution, Methinks the hidden powers that be will have to come to terms with what they have conveniently swept under the carpet and consigned to so-called mythology.

Humanity = five decimal places of one percent of what is and has been here. It is only humanity that thinks this planet is theirs.

There is another future posibility, and that is to share a future with the past. Wonders beyond imagination. Might upset the powers that be to think they are not neccessarily needed, redundant one might suggest.

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