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New Prescription Rules for Hydrocodone Set to Start in October.

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posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

not blowing it out of proportion at all.

this effects all people in chronic pain on narcos....did you not read any of the posts?

no, its not the end of the world but it does turn into a major drag

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 09:35 PM
This will increase ER visits for pain, and worsen ER congestion. Big mistake. Lots of people legitimately need hydrocodone to make life just tolerable.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 12:56 AM
I don’t understand the point in this requirement. Then again, I don’t understand the point of the DEA either. The war on drugs was lost long ago; actually it was lost before a single shot was fired. The whole idea was ill-conceived from the get-go. Prohibition of drugs (including alchohol) has never worked. It just puts a lot of people in prison who don’t belong there, and consequently destroys their lives. For no good reason a lot of decent folks end up stigmatized and facing limited prospects for the future over it.

The truth is, if someone wants to use drugs (no matter what kind), then they’re gonna do it. Period. End of discussion. The fear of getting busted doesn’t even figure into it. Making the drug illegal simply drives the price up on the street; it doesn’t eliminate it. I’ll bet if they legalized EVERYTHING tomorrow it wouldn’t put a dent in the percentage of those who do drugs, as opposed to those who don’t. What it may do, however, is drive down drug-related crime, make it less expensive for those who are going to do drugs anyway, and bring in a sizeable amount of tax revenue from legalized sales. It makes absolutely no sense that the most dangerous, addictive drug of all (alchohol) is legal, while the rest is not. From something I read awhile back (can’t find the link now - google it if you wish), deaths related to alcohol consumption (liver failure, strokes, driving) hover around 100,000/year, while approximately 16,000/year die from all other drugs combined.

It just seems to me this new requirement would be a pain in the butt, an additional cost to many who can’t afford it as it is, and wouldn’t accomplish a damn thing. Then again, what am I thinking? Why get logical about this? It’s just another silly rule in the rulebook; who says it has to make any sense?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: sean

Sorry, but NO ONE needs heroin!

Motrin works much better for pain.

...and yes, hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxycotin, hydromorphone, morphine,ect.... HEROIN.

It doesn't kill pain as much as it distracts you with euphoria.

Motrin (ibuprofen) kills pain.

Drug addiction is a huge money maker, though..., we are all basically screwed.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: sean

Thank you to all the prescription drug abusers for making it more difficult for those of us that need and use the medication as prescribed to get. Two golden thumbs up to you my friends [/sarcasm]

This makes me so stinkin mad! I'm 57 and have 2 bad knees and use this medication, now I'll have to make an extra taxi trip to the clinic to pick up my hard copy, great.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:27 AM
You know how we all can get back at the system? Learn to deal with pain without the pills.

If you can't go 3 days without that burning, dried out, cold sweat feeling then you need to stop using and seek help.

I have been dealing with pain for the last 4 years almost 3 without pain pills and I would rather go through another 19 surgeries then go through the hell from coming off of them.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: lovebeck

I live in a very small town. It has 4 pharmacies total. I've literally tried them all. The excuse given to me most often was that they no longer stock the medication because of robberies. I even had one that absolutely refused to even speak to me about the medicine period...telling me it was per the request of the police department. Do I believe them? Not really, but what can I do about it?

The thing is, usually, I feel as though most of the pharmacies assume I'm a drug addict. I'm not. I suffer from Interstitial Cystitis with recurring Hunner's Ulcers. So while I may appear fine outwardly, I'm often in extreme pain that at times has made it difficult to even walk. I fought for years against taking anything that was a controlled substance. I've tried dozens of alternative treatments like fulguration and resections, bladder distillations....the ulcers always come back. Short of having my bladder completely removed, I'm left with the last option being narcotics.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: applesthateatpeople
What about cancer patients? Should they just take a Motrin and call it a day?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

My insurance will cover the generic...with me paying upwards of a $200 dollar deductible. They cover the name brand with a $15 dollar deductible.

I'm not willing to pay that much more just to make a pharmacy more comfortable. My doctor always signs the "dispense as written" on the prescription, yet I'm still hassled.

It is what it is though. Do I like people assuming I'm a drug addict? Absolutely not....but if it's the only way to not be in agony then so be it.

A HUGE part of the problem is those who are in chronic pain are constantly shamed for being on narcotics....usually by those who know nothing about the diseases we suffer from. We all deserve to have a decent quality of life. We shouldn't be stigmatized for needing help.

**I realized afterward that it sounded as though I was accusing you (Sremmos80) of shaming me. I apologize if it came out that way, it was not my intention. I'm speaking in the broader sense of how society treats those who suffer from chronic pain.**

edit on 29-9-2014 by U4ea82 because: afterthought

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 02:03 AM
A few years ago I went to see a pain Mgmt Doc for chronic back pain. Pain would keep me up at night and the only way for it to go away was to get out of bed and walk around. Movement seemed to make it better but relaxing and sleeping made it worse. They gave me muscle relaxers, an assortment of opiates, different NSAIDS, sleeping pills, and I was getting depressed because 8 month of lack of sleep I was going crazy. To the point that I was afraid of going to bed at night knowing I was going to wake up in 4 hours in severe pain. I had 3 epidurals, facet injections, cortisone injections and nothing worked. Living in Cali I finally went and got my MMJ recommendation and the first night of using it I had the best sleep ever!! woke up with no pain. IT WAS MAGIC!! I also did 12 sessions of massage therapy (2 per week for 6 weeks) All I have to say is screw all those pills and medical BS that I went thru. What a bunch of crock!

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: applesthateatpeople
a reply to: sean

Sorry, but NO ONE needs heroin!

Motrin works much better for pain.

...and yes, hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxycotin, hydromorphone, morphine,ect.... HEROIN.

It doesn't kill pain as much as it distracts you with euphoria.

you have no idea what you are talking about.
pain is different for everyone too. there mind and A&P is different.

person A might be able to handle x amount of pain while person B cant.

as far as what you say about motrin....what i have to say to that is

again. NO IDEA what you are talking about.

lets use myself as an example. industrial injury. lost a finger and ripped up my hand. now i have crps.
i am on a bunch of meds and my doc wants me to get a spinal cord stimulator. im pretty sure if motrin worked so well thats all i would need. why go through a surgery and such if i can just take a motrin.

im sure you will retort with how much pain youre in for this or that. you may be able to manage with motrin. to that though i say if you can manage with motrin that you are not in extreme, chronic pain. thats the bottom line.

people would not be getting neuro stimulators and pain pumps and such if they could kill pain with a motrin.

im talking extrem pain, all day, every day,.
that is an impossible situation to be in...

as to what you said about it distracting with euphoria......youre wrong about that too.

if someone that is not on meds takes one of my pills then yeah, they will be euphoric and looped out.

i take oxycontin and roxicodone and i NEVER get loopy and euphoric. all those feelings stopped long ago.

i take them because they are the only thing that kind of works and takes the pain level down.

i cant believe you really think that motrin works well for that kind of pain...
you have no idea my friend. none at all

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

If you go more then 24 hours without your medications do you start to feel the burn from withdrawals?

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:01 PM
Interesting thread.

I have never taken these drugs, lucky me but have great empathy for those who do need them to live a quality life.

My Dad was a long-term cancer patient and he was never "comfortable" taking pain meds as he felt he had spent so much energy trying to keep his children off drugs...tough old bird!

Pertaining to the "pain management" subject: a friend's sig-other recently completed some "course" (like 6 months at the most) that apparently now qualifies her as a "pain managament specialist." She was a massage therapist before, not an RN or other. She claims she will be paid BY The insurance companies to travel and "assess" the need for pain management prior to a Dr's visit as an independent contractor.

They will refer "cases" to her, she apparently will visit and assess. Then they may/may not get a Dr's visit for a potential prescription based on her opinion.

Is this the new wave of "healthcare?" Non qualified people who have GREAT power over the medical treatments of others? They act as if they are Dr's at the pharamacy are an hourly employee at the counter. Not speaking of the Pharmacist but of some who are pretty full of their newly-expanded powers who bag your purchases.

It all seems very invasive and and NOT "medically sound" and just plain ugly for those who truly do need the meds.

She doesn't strike me as someone who would be "qualified" to assess much of anything, sorry. This is in Texas BTW.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: thesaneone
a reply to: CardiffGiant

If you go more then 24 hours without your medications do you start to feel the burn from withdrawals?

i wouldnt call it a burn but yeah, after a day or so the sick feelings start.

i feel like i have the flu. cant regulate temp. im hot and cold or cold and sweating at the same time.
i get sick to my stomach.

its not just the narcotic meds that do it either. i take lyrica as well and the same thing will happen

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: irishchic

Pertaining to the "pain management" subject: a friend's sig-other recently completed some "course" (like 6 months at the most) that apparently now qualifies her as a "pain managament specialist." She was a massage therapist before, not an RN or other. She claims she will be paid BY The insurance companies to travel and "assess" the need for pain management prior to a Dr's visit as an independent contractor.

They will refer "cases" to her, she apparently will visit and assess. Then they may/may not get a Dr's visit for a potential prescription based on her opinion.

Is this the new wave of "healthcare?" Non qualified people who have GREAT power over the medical treatments of others? They act as if they are Dr's at the pharamacy are an hourly employee at the counter. Not speaking of the Pharmacist but of some who are pretty full of their newly-expanded powers who bag your purchases.

It all seems very invasive and and NOT "medically sound" and just plain ugly for those who truly do need the meds.

She doesn't strike me as someone who would be "qualified" to assess much of anything, sorry. This is in Texas BTW.

^^^^^^^^^^well all that sucks. i hope people just getting into pain management dont have to go through that.

nobody will be qualified to assess peoples pain after 6 months.

my doc had to go through like 6 years of specialty training after she became an MD.
the doc giving me the consult for the stimulator is the director of the pain management department of the hospital...

those are the kind of people that are qualified....
a lot of it is hit or miss too. what works for me might not work for you. sometimes it takes months to get the meds adjusted correctly.
no way after 6 months someone will be qualified.

there are too many different types of pain from near unlimited causes.

after 6 months she will be able to assess the needs of someone that has a herniated disc? what about neuropathic pain? diabetic nerve pain?
phantom pains after an amputation?

i really dont think so

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: U4ea82
a reply to: applesthateatpeople
What about cancer patients? Should they just take a Motrin and call it a day?

My mom died of stomach cancer.

Becoming a dope addict did not help her at all...

She actually told md she considered taking a bunch of vicodin to be done with it all...

I work at a methadone clinic... we get many cancer patients who are mad as hell their doctors tricked them into becoming addicts.

Opiates is an epidemic.

Ohhhh, and NOTHING ever helped her pain...

She tried to switch to marijuana... but died before she could.

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: applesthateatpeople
a reply to: sean

Sorry, but NO ONE needs heroin!

Motrin works much better for pain.

...and yes, hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxycotin, hydromorphone, morphine,ect.... HEROIN.

It doesn't kill pain as much as it distracts you with euphoria.

Motrin (ibuprofen) kills pain.

Drug addiction is a huge money maker, though..., we are all basically screwed.

Really ?

That is probably the cruelest thing I have ever read.

Paging Dr. Karma

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: CardiffGiant

As I said, I work for a methadone clinic.

And the only people I have ever heard say "motrin doesn't work for me" are ADDICTS.

Your post reminds me of some of our patients.

I have had a few surgeries... opiates never helped.

After my hand surgery, I bought some Advil. Worked great.

Seriously, you sound hooked.

Look into treatment. Opiates will only harm and enslave you.

I have been working with opiate addicts for 17 years. I know what I am talking about.

Anyone who is taking opiates daily will become a full blown addict.

A hell of a lot quicker than you know.

edit on 29-9-2014 by applesthateatpeople because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Mind if I ask why?


posted on Sep, 29 2014 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: applesthateatpeople
a reply to: CardiffGiant

As I said, I work for a methadone clinic.

And the only people I have ever heard say "motrin doesn't work for me" are ADDICTS.

Your post reminds me of some of our patients.

I have had a few surgeries... opiates never helped.

After my hand surgery, I bought some Advil. Worked great.

Seriously, you sound hooked.

Look into treatment. Opiates will only harm and enslave you.

I have been working with opiate addicts for 17 years. I know what I am talking about.

Anyone who is taking opiates daily will become a full blown addict.

A hell of a lot quicker than you know.

Motrin can cause gastric ulcers and renal failure, and aggravates heart failure. People with broken bones--particularly multiple rib fractures-- can frequently take a couple of months to heal. People with cancer in their bones can hurt like Hell for what time they have left. The majority of people with bad fractures that take opiates daily do not become addicted.

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