Two members with opposite views (well, perhaps not on all things, I'm sure we could agree on a few things on exchanging
See how we start out with paying respect to each other, like this:
Thank you NeonKnight for sharing your thoughts, I'll try and respond to your questions
Well, the issue is really not either 911 or who killed jfk or UFO right now, it's really the media piece in the puzzle. It's about how the cover-up
works. Ofcause at first all intelligent people will dismiss the very idea that this could happen.
The hardest thing for decent people like you and I NeonKnight is imagining how not so decent people's minds work. Something must be said in this
aspect about comming to terms with the fact that evil men are not only born in Afgahn, and those that are born amongst us, climb the powerstructure
every bit as keen as those with moral to consider. To consider our surrounding world, cleansed of evil motivs, is something we can all agree on would
be unrealistic, and be the mindset of a child.
Everything is not rotten in society, quite the opposite actually, most is good. The problem arises when we do not want to acknowledge that 1% poison,
and decides to breathe it in because dealing with the poison is too distrubing. Really this 1% poison could be dealt with by us the people, but only
if we are ready to live up to our duties as a citizen: keep government in check, and take evidence of misconduct seriously, it is not the system, but
those who has taken control OF the system. The system is fine, really. The system could be fine again if we hadn't forgotten our responsibility as
the people. A society of sheep, will in time breed a government of lies.
I fear that things are going to get bad in our future, really bad. I write music, I had plans for my life. Now I have realized that none of those
plans are going to matter unless we wake up and see what's going on. The more I see people dismiss this hard evidence even before having looked at
it, the more I'm concerned, because I know that this will be the time in history when we will feel the consequenses from playing the role of the
ignorant public for too long.
"How fortunate for leaders that man does not think"
-- Adolf Hitler
I'm concerned, truely.
It's not that someone might have an alternative explanation for the evidence suggesting a coverup on 911, it's the fact that too many are so
confident in their trust in the system, that they will not look to see. This way it does not matter how many clues they leave behind, and how many
investigators dig up the truth, because when the people starts to love the system, their government, the authorities more than they are concerned
about the future of their country, they will simply ignore it.
I have shown the documentaries to people who feels like this, and they have walked away in shock. They didn't want to see the film because they
thought they knew what the film was going to be like. Just another conspiracy nut with a camera and no life.
The diffenrence with 911 is that we have retired defence ministers from Germany and Canada, we have UN politicians writing open letters to the public
encouraging them to put pressure on their countrys politicians to open up another investigation. etc. This time the conspiracy nuts are not your usual
To answer your questions directly:
� Yes I do believe that some people simply needs to believe we have been visited, just like others need to believe it could never happen. Both have
their reasons for this need, and both are the least likely to ever find the truth in anything. Investigation comes before dismissal, not the other way
around. In thinking about this I have found that some people put comfort over truth, and others put truth over comfort. This group feels more
comfortable believing whatever and only looks for evidence to support their comfortable belief and ignores everything else. The definition of a
fanatic is one who refuses to listen to anything else then that which he already believes is true.
� Once a man has realized that conspiracies are indeed not only realistic and real, but the very context of any history book, AND the evening news
(Except in the evening news the conspiracies are never about the establishment, but about those who they want to invade or conquor, WMD in Iraq is a
great example of a situation where we are asked to believe in the very concept we are otherwise thought to ignore and ridicule....conspiracies) he
must also realize that he has become a market for those simply seeking Yes I do believe that sometimes those who has realized that
conspiracies are happening, has happened, often becomes a guilible pack of sheep who will belive anything just as long as it is a conspiracy. Just
like the other group will believe anything as long as it is not a conspiracy involving their own government at present time. Conspiracies in history
is after all undeniable.
� Yes there is a lot of profit motivation in the conspiracy market, it would be very strange if this was the only market not influenced by profit
hunting. This is why it is worth taking notice that movies like "Painful deception" and "911 in plane site" have been made without copyrights. In
fact those who made these movies actually encourage people to copy them and spread the word and arrange big screen viewings of them. So if one is
prepared to put truth over comfort, the first thing to do is to actually watch the movie before judging it, even tho this should be simple logic, far
too many will argue on forums like this having only heard one side of the story, the official conspiracy theory. The only explanation I can find for
this "method" of finding out the truth, is that they cannot stand to see evidence that suggests that they are putting their faith in the wrong
people. They have taken a lesson too many from the ostrich.
� I think the "UFO conspiracy" movie would be easy to sell to those who needs to belive we have been visited. I also think the "UFO conspiracies
are not real" would be easy to sell to those who needs to believe in whatever government tells them is the truth.
� I expect the latter to be a joke of US origin of which I am not familiar, but humor is always appreciated
I am still willing to send you copies of those movies if you are prepared to actually watch and hear what the critics are saying about the official
PS. I have never been this concerned about the future of our world, and it worries me even further that so many are so confident they do not even feel
the need to be informed. Imagine the day our judges tell the prosecutors they will not need to hear their case, because the defence was so