a reply to:
I am so happy to read that Paka is doing better!!!
I don't know you, but I got teary eyed just reading this thread.
Not just your dog's accident, but all these encouraging, positive, kind responses.
Faith in Humanity restored!
My first dog, a tough Doberman, got hit by a bus when I was walking him one day. He was on a leash, but he saw something across the street, pulled
away, and I was too weak to hold on to him ,so he got away.
I heard the sound.
That horrible, gut wrenching thud.
Our building was only 4 buildings away, less than a minute, so I ran home crying (I was 14), to tell my parents to come get Soldier, because he got
hit by a freakin bus.
Then whilst we all go down to get him, there he comes running, towards us.
He was hit by a bus and he was fine!
The vet said he had only a couple broken ribs.
Dogs are tough.
Hang in there.
But please find out what's wrong with his heart, and whether he had that condition before the accident, or the accident caused it.
Please let us know. I hope that everything will be okay for you and Paka.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
edit on 18/9/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: I got so verklemmt I messed up my spelling