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Do Democrats Break More Laws?

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posted on Sep, 16 2014 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
" Do Democrats Break More Laws? "

I bet non-elected Democrat voters and supporters and workers do.

It's not just the politicians !!

Yep, but this reason is easy, they always want more of what belongs or comes from others like entitlements, so in order to get it, they just do a lot more bashing and grabbing.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE
'Liberals want to ban guns', is a canard.
Almost all the movements to control guns are based on rational desires. We do not think that 10 y/os need to trained with machine guns. We don't think that guns should be in schools. We don't think that infinite capacity magazines are needed for hunting. We don't think that anyone has the right to act in a threatening manner or to brandish weapons for mere political speech.
We do not want to die or have children die because other folks possess guns.

Guns are a fulcrum that needs to be propped up but not made prominent.

I think that every home should be in possession of a gun. I think that all people, without major emotional or criminal issues, should be trained to handle firearms. I think that open carry may be a necessary evil. I think that concealed carry should be very strictly regulated. I do not think that common weapons should be registered to owners but that all guns have their distinguishing characteristics recorded. EVERYBODY has a background check because it makes effing sense.

I am a fully crazed liberal in many ways but I recognize the worthiness of most of the NRA agenda. Some is guttersnipe bilge wash.


posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: largo
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE
'Liberals want to ban guns', is a canard.
Almost all the movements to control guns are based on rational desires. We do not think that 10 y/os need to trained with machine guns. We don't think that guns should be in schools. We don't think that infinite capacity magazines are needed for hunting. We don't think that anyone has the right to act in a threatening manner or to brandish weapons for mere political speech.
We do not want to die or have children die because other folks possess guns.

Guns are a fulcrum that needs to be propped up but not made prominent.

I think that every home should be in possession of a gun. I think that all people, without major emotional or criminal issues, should be trained to handle firearms. I think that open carry may be a necessary evil. I think that concealed carry should be very strictly regulated. I do not think that common weapons should be registered to owners but that all guns have their distinguishing characteristics recorded. EVERYBODY has a background check because it makes effing sense.

I am a fully crazed liberal in many ways but I recognize the worthiness of most of the NRA agenda. Some is guttersnipe bilge wash.

I would love to see an infinite capacity magazine lol. Besides, why does anything and everything gun related always come down to hunting? It has nothing to do with hunting. restrictive gun control and banning of guns has been ruled unconstitutional on multiple occasions. Just so you know, anyone that buys a firearm legally, has a background check, and it has been that way for decades. Unless you buy it from a private seller, like your father gifting one to you, or buying one from your uncle who needs cash to pay an extremely high insurance premium. If you go to a gun store or a gun show, gun dealer, gunsmith, wal-mart cabelas, bass pro, gander mountain whatever, you have a background check period. If you buy one online it has to be shipped to a dealer, and you get a background check their.

Now, the more important question in regards to this post in this thread.....what has it to do with the topic at hand?

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

The only reason you see it more from the left is first because of a confirmation bias and second because they are the majority power group. Think back to 2001 - 2008. The Republicans started an illegal war for crying out loud!

That is a LIE.

Sounds like someone's bias clearly speaking.

All anyone has to do is look up the Iraq War Resolution.

Introduced in Congress on October 2, 2002, in conjunction with the Administration's proposals,[2][7] H.J.Res. 114 passed the House of Representatives on Thursday afternoon at 3:05 p.m. EDT on October 10, 2002, by a vote of 296-133,[8] and passed the Senate after midnight early Friday morning, at 12:50 a.m. EDT on October 11, 2002, by a vote of 77-23.[9] It was signed into law as Pub.L. 107–243 by President Bush on October 16, 2002.

Since congressed authorized military action citing MANY reasons how could that be an 'illegal' war ?

Further more how can it be 'illegal' when prominent Democrats who by the way are still in power get a free pass ?

Hell might want to check out Biden, and CLinton there they both voted 'yea' for that 'illegal' war.

And the current sec. state Kerry.
edit on 17-9-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 07:42 PM
NO! They are ALL equal opportunity law breakers. On most levels, they are both the same faction...that is why nothing ever changes for the better no matter who gets in office. The party system is a ploy to keep us all arguing...the good ole divide and conquer scenario.

They all have their hand in the till at one time or another. Just about all of them must be "perves" of one kind or another or why else the need for that Bohemian Grove secret meeting every year. We should have drones fly over just to see what is what already. Kids burned in effigy? I hope that is the least of it...who knows. From stains on dresses of an aid to who knows what all else. Cuban cigars are illegal...wonder if that is what that other Prez was "playing" with. I think the only President that wouldn't go to the Grove was Nixon and he was no prize either. Geez, all those "secret" meetings, even overseas. Gotta wonder.

I wonder why so many politicos live to be so dang old? What are they doing. Scientists say old mice get younger and healthier when infused with younger mice blood...him. I wonder if all the politicos crave cheese when they get old, LOL.

They all promise peace and yet we are always at war with someone. They promise a chicken in every pot and yet while our financial goose is cooked the rich just keep getting richer. They promise less govt. and yet they tell our kids what to eat now at school and how not to play any game or make any motion that mimics a gun. They tell us we need gun control while they go around with a cadre of armed folks at their side and even have armored cars to ride in.

They say t*rrosits hate us because of our "freedoms" while we are told to speak in caged zones now, we HAVE to wear seat belts and stop at road side checks and have to get mugged by TSA while they fly in private jets.

There is a lot more that could be listed. Suffice it to say, it is all a game and the game is rigged and us peons are the pawns, period. The laws are made to protect the rich and they are above it all. The laws for the average Joe are an entirely different set to be sure.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

IRS goes after conservative groups
Legalize pot is more heavily supported by the left
Dems want amnesty for people who already broke the law
Black panthers at voting locations...a liberal DOJ does nothing
A black man is shot...DOJ jumps in immediately
IRS...computers, hard drives, emails vanish but that shouldn't be possible
Acorn...enough said
People voting twice, or more? Usually voting democrat
Lying to congress? Democrats or those supporting them including NSA, Louis Lerner, etc.

Take away gun rights
Make smoking illegal or impossible
Dictate what you can and can't eat
Trying to stop congressional investigations...IRS, Benghazi, etc.

nice scandal list.

one and two are not proven.
3 was actually carried out by reagan and bush, both republicans.
4,5,6 are good points
acorn, found innocent and actually set up. james o'queef found to be dishonest (repeatedly).
voter fraud:
lying to congress. have you forgot bush and his fake war so soon?

gun rights expanded under obama.
smoking laws are at a state level.
dictating foods you can and cant eat goes way back, its called the fda.
stop congressional investigations? when the reps were in power, they did the same thing.

however, i do notice the ones that shout the most about how gay sex is immoral usually get caught doing it. also that they are republicans.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 09:40 PM
I'm not sure what your point is. If there was an effect, would the law obsessed republicans be more morally justifiable in your eyes?

A question I've wondered is: 'Do republicans manipulate statistics to support their agenda more?'.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 10:20 PM
Not a lie. The evidence used to convince congress for the war was heavily doctored. a reply to: neo96

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

They break laws all the time, mostly because the media doesn't care, just if Republicans do. Since the media are nothing than a branch of the Democrat party, they install fear into everyones minds as to what Republicans want to do, while everything the Democrats do are great and wonderfull, pretty much goes back to the GoldWater days.

Distort the truth through the use of the media itself and get elected forever.
edit on 17-9-2014 by warren408 because: better sentencing

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: neo96

Dude. What are you talking about, "free pass"? Why do you assume that I'm giving free passes to anyone? Don't get all defensive because I throw your pet political party under the bus to show that its not just Democrats being shady. BOTH parties are problems. Democrat or Republican, I hate them both. I don't give free passes to ANY politician, ESPECIALLY if they are an incumbent. So you need to stop getting so defensive and go reread my posts.

As for your point about bias, I am NOT a Democrat. I've told you this MANY times. Please get it through your head.
edit on 18-9-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 02:53 PM
You forgot they like to traffic arms to cartels and terrorist groups. (IE California State Senator and Eric Holders fast and furious)

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 07:31 PM
YES..FAR MORE LAWS.. The Trump Administration will bring them to justice in 2018.

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