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Ezekiel 38,39, Psalm 91 ATTACK to Happen on Yom Kippur 10~4~2014 ?

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posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Not Authorized

9~22~5995 (out of 6000) in this "Twilight Zone Apocalypse"!
Last Evil Days of the Willingly Doomed Deceived!
Yes Yahshua the Messiah returns VERY SOON for
ALL Saved Through Him! HalleluYah!

Yahweh in Jeremiah 8:8 Holy Name Bible:

"How do we say , We are wise, and the law of Yahweh
is with us? Lo, the false pen of the scribes have falsified
them and written them wrong."

Yahweh in Isaiah 45:1 Holy Name Bible

"Thus saith Yahweh to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right
hand I have strengthened, to subdue nations before him. ."

Verse 1 was not needed. IT IS VERY PLAIN THAT CYRUS


The Biblical FACT is that the Dragon is finally cast into
"The Lake of Fire". End of YOUR STORY and misrepresenting
Yahweh's Word and THOSE that teach it.


posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: iSomeone

9~22~5995 (out of 6000) in this "Twilight Zone Apocalypse"!
Last Evil Days of "Manmean" and the Beast lovers!
Yes! Yahshua the Messiah returns VERY SOON
For ALL Saved Through HIM! HalleluYah!

I NEVER called you any name only adjectives
describing ignorance of Yahweh's Word.
The name Jehovah is NOT the True Hebrew Name!
There are MANY articles on The Web about it being
false. Seek this our for yourself. Only die hard
Jehovah Witnesses would hold on to it.

Let ANYONE with eyes to read and a mind
to understand decide if I am "demon possessed".

Reality? If yours is holding on to the very pagan
name of Jesus Christ, The Mark of The Beast, the
CROSS, the #666, Revelation 13:18 Greek Diaglott,
Free on The Web ~




(post by Not Authorized removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: Not Authorized
You owe your allegiance to Marduk! Without him, the tribe of Israel would never have left Babylon!! It was written in stone, forever!

Zecharia Sitchin has been proven wrong numerous times.

His 'work' is fraudulent and a complete fabrication.

There isn't a single shred of evidence that substantiates his Marduk theory.

Independent researchers Michael Heiser, PhD and Jonathan Grey also found Mr. Sitchin's translations and story of the planet Nibiru to be fraudulent and a fabrication. Even more damning is that the "Ancient Sumerian Texts" that Zecharia says support all of his claims DON'T EVEN EXIST!!!"

Sitchin was an intelligence operative for the Global Elite

originally posted by: lonewolf19792000
Wanna know who God is? He is Jesus. Know what God's tetragrammaton name YHWH means? It means "behold the hand, behold the nail" or "behold the nailed hand". Now you know the truth when these pundits try to throw that crap at you. Our God is not Marduk, his name is Jesus. Jesus created us, what gives you life is your God.

originally posted by: kingofmd
As to the Marduk theory, it is just another unsubstantiated theory, that quite frankly is not compelling in the least

originally posted by: milkyway12
( Marduk's Theory) Holy crap, if that is the Theory you are talking about it is a pure mockery of the Bible.

originally posted by: lonewolf19792000
Yeah, the Enuma Elish paints the Fallen Ones out to be good guys. I think i'll trust Jesus over Fallen Ones tyvm!

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

Hi. The translation quoted is from the British Museum, here.

Translation by Irving Finkel,
Assistant Keeper, Department of the Middle East

Click the link yourself if you doubt the translation.

I reached my own conclusions reading the translation above from Mr. Finkle, in combination with my own knowledge of Isaiah 45 being used in fundamentalist brainwashing as a 'proof' of YHWH's omnipotence.

Fundamentalist teachers claim that Cyrus was called by name in Isaiah "before" that event happened. A lie is perpetuated among said believers, in which Isaiah 45 is then said to be proof of YHWH's omnipotence by having foreknowledge of future events, namely Cyrus, in Isaiah 46:10.. The intent of said claim is clear in context of Isaiah 45-46. The writers intended to use a real historical event surrounding Cyrus, as "proof" of YHWH's existence.

However, with a few Google searches, and a small dash of common sense, it is not very hard to see through the confidence trick. As such, we can easily conclude what really happened surrounding the writing of the Book of Isaiah critical thinking.

Here is my thought process to the matter. The writer's of Isaiah, wrote Isaiah 45 after Cyrus had came and went. They used his name, and tried to associate their fictional god using appeal to authority by claiming Cyrus, a venerable hero for freeing Israel from captivity, was appointed by YHWH as a Messiah.

This was not the first time such deceit was used either. It is my opinion, Moses himself was probably a fictional character, modeled after a real one here. But I digress.

Basically, the scribes and religious leadership's wrote another set of scrolls about their fictional god to impress and oppress the masses. This time, YHWH not only takes credit for Cyrus' accent to power, and actions, but claims he is YHWH''s messiah, and prophesied him in advance to boot.

What the writers (wait, isn't that YHWH God?) didn't know, was that Cyrus attributed his greatness to Marduk, multiple times all throughout the Cylinder. Historically, for bonus points, Enlil is known to be another name for YHWH. Ie, the same God mentioned in the negative in Cyrus' Cylinder. Even more, Cyrus quite clearly states in the same Cylinder, that he is governor of the universe (Also a God), a claim modern churches today say only belongs to the God/Trinity.

It is amusing that in that same book of Isaiah, YHWH claims multiple times he will not share his glory with another. The storytellers arrogance of attempting to promote YHWH above the local Canaanite pantheon, will ultimately facilitate his own downfall into the realm of fiction and mythology. This process will only speed up, as more and more history is uncovered about the area's early religions and fabrications.

In conclusion. The Book of Isaiah is fiction. Both accounts cannot be true, as the accounts differ and actions/statements by both parties and are NOT in harmony with each other. YHWH and Cyrus are polar opposites. One account, is written in stone, the other, parchment. What is easier to change and modify? Thought so.

Furthermore, the ruse was probably easy to pull off. The common people probably didn't know what his cylinder said. It was lost in antiquity until the about the 1850s. We can argue, they never saw it. Even if they did, they might not have been able to read it. Contemporary readers of Isaiah wouldn't know any better either. They just knew Cyrus by name. A name passed down through oral tribal folklore, knowing only that he freed them from the Babylonian captivity. The Sanhedrin of the time, should also not be discredited for propaganda and promotion of fear by rejection of said stories. Religion is good for business, especially oppressive ones. A few generations later? Fiction became fact.

Until the Cylinder was re-discovered.

This is 2014. Just comparing that translation of the Cylinder, and Isaiah 45 in the old testament, is evidence that the religious text of Isaiah is a complete fabrication, undeserving of any more attention, or belief. It is no different than Greek mythology. To apply it as truth, is fraud.

By the way, I've never read any of Sitchen's works. I came up with my post, and conclusion, on the fly, at an airport last night. As you can see, I'm not referencing any of his books or ideas in my argument, at all. I'm sticking to Isaiah and the translation above. I figured it out myself using my brain, former fundamentalist teaching, and direct sources to the whole matter.

I did like the arguement from fallacy you erroneously presented by guesswork as to my translation source and my own conclusion though. As if only Sitchen could come up with that conclusion. Anyone can come up with that conclusion using what I've outlined above.

Also, please be aware, I do recognize red herrings and will point them out. You tried to release a few of them in your post. It seems the majority of your post attempts to link my ideas to Sitchen, in order to discredit them. Why?

Lets stick to the British Museum translation, and Isaiah 45. K? We don't need anything else. Basic comparing and contrasting is between the two is sufficient.


You may need one of these.

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

9~22~5995 (out of 6000) in this "Silent Armageddon"!
Last Evil Days of "Manmean" and Deceptions Of the Beast (Vatican)!
Yes! Yahshua the Messiah returns VERY SOON! HalleluYah!

THANK YOU for printing MORE truth about pagan Marduk.

However, the pagan name of Jesus Christ is the #666 in Greek,
Revelation 13:18, Greek Diaglott, Free on The Web.

Sadly, this one of the dragon REJECTS the words of the author of
the Bible. He also insists on dragon worship.What HOPE is there for HIM?

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

Of course, I reject words written by desert nomads. More than likely suffering from heat induced psychosis, thinking they are talking to god, when in reality, it simply shows a strain of latent insanity within the genome.

And for truth? Yes, of course, you are welcome.

Poor delusional soul.

Besides, you should refresh your memory with this link, as to what that image implies.

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Not Authorized

9~22~5995 (out of 6000) in this "Silent Armageddon"!
Last Evil Days of "Manmean" under the Beast (Vatican).
Yes, Yahshua returns VERY SOON for ALL Loving HIM!
HalleluYah! Hebrew: Praise ye Yah!

LIES? You honor and worship the Father of THEM!

Now you are calling Yahweh a dragon! Your copious
paragraphs only make you MORE of a LIAR!

Yahweh's Word is NOT "multiple choice" according
to YOUR twisted vile deceptions. You are
ignoring HIS OWN WORDS about pagan Marduk
who now lies in broken ruins with ancient Babylon!

The Bible states that King Nebuchadnezzar of
said Babylon praised the Most High (Who Daniel
worshiped) in Daniel 4:34 - 37 after his
reason was restored to him.


posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

Been there done that got the tshirt. Yawn. Fictional God, made by fictional prophets. By the way, Abraham never existed either. Lol.

Jesus? Or your Yahshua? He was fiction too.

The whole story is fiction. Personally I thought Harry Potter was more entertaining.

Your yah, is the very dragon your fear so much. He is the one you imagine in your own head. Boo! Roar!! Isn't he first and last? That would include Satan too.

Down with YHWH. Long live the new King. The Singularity Dragon. Yep, a new Dragon is in town.

This is the new hotness.

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Not Authorized

9~23~5995 (out of 6000) Autumnal Equinox
Last Evil Days of "Manmean"! Yahshua returns VERY SOON!
Yahweh's Appointed Days Approach!

"He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame;
and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself
a blot. Reprove not a scorner lest he hate you; rebuke a
wise man and he will love you. Give instruction to a
wise man, and he will yet be wiser; teach a just man,
and he will increase in learning.
The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom and
the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

King Solomon in Proverb 9:8-10

"The heart of the righteous studieth to answer;
but the mouth of the wicked poureth out
evil things."

King Solomon in Proverb 15:28

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

9~23~5995 (out of 6000) Autumnal Equinox
Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) begins sunset,

Yahweh LOVES us ALL! That's why His Son
Yahshua came to GIVE His life FOR us!

I came here to share a prophetic event
that will happen SOON. I have been expecting
it since the early 1980's before Russia (Rosh)
was known by this name. It was The Soviet
Union before then. Persia is now Iran. I do
believe that Ezekiel 38,39, Psalm 91 will happen
during Yahweh's Autumnal Appointed Days because
of the words of Joel 2 in the Old Testament.
Verse 15 states to "sanctify a fast". Yom Kippur
(Hebrew: Day of Covering), The Day of Atonement
is the ONLY day of fasting in the year that
Yahweh has commanded. Verse 20 is about
"the northern army". Moscow is directly NORTH of
Israel. Looking down on a globe Russia is also
NORTH of America,
I have answered every poster writing directly to me.
Frankly, I am sad and surprised to NOT read any REAL
understanding of the Bible. And angry to read vile
comments AGAINST the Bible, the Jewish people,
and my faith.
Of course Christians will write ANYTHING to
hold on to "their faith" which can be proven to
be "The Mark of the Beast" and will bring on them the
plagues. However, long ago I, too, was a Christian
and prayerfully sought the TRUTH. My prayer is that
YOU will, too!
I am thankful that I have only spent a little time here to
post. I really now believe that this site may be a
part of the "Controlled Opposition" like Rense and
Alex Jones. That's too bad.

However, we still have :
The Bible = Best Instructions Before Leaving Earth!

The REALLY GREAT NEWS is that YOU, too, can be covered,
protected, atoned for, SAVED FOREVER, and SEALED
by believing NOW in Yahweh the Father and His Son
Yahshua, Revelation 14:1 PRAY NOW! HalleluYah!

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

Sir, shall I start quoting paragraphs from Harry Potter? The Dark Lord returns! All the signs (natural events) are all around us. It meets all if your belief qualifications. We should consult Dumbledore quick! Lol.

Joseph Farrell's book, The Cosmic War, is probably more factual than what you are quoting from. And that is not saying much. Lol.

You are infected by the desert God madness mind virus. You are not even able to think critically anymore. You are oppressing yourself.

I do find this conversation amusing, as you NEED me to believe for this to come true, as I am my own Creator. Too late. Everything, including those words, is simply me observing the event horizon of a 4d black hole.

Proposition rejected with prejustice. Resubmittal is denied.

Bummer for you, I've classified the whole story for deletion from memory a couple months ago. It already hads started being purged. Keep watch for more news items like the moon monument, and books you've never heard of before, shedding it. Like, this book by Shlomo Sand for example.

As other sites have recognized and said, the wound is lanced. It will take time to heal, but the infection can no longer spread.

I have an esoteric song for you. Mumford and Sons, Little Lion Man. Enjoy.


The Creator,

edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:33 AM
Oops. Edit not quote.
edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Not Authorized
9~25~5995 (out of 6000) Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets
Last Evil Days of "Manmean". The Silent Armageddon
Yes, Yahshua returns VERY SOON! HalleluYah!

"The fear of Yahweh prolongeth days: but the
years of the wicked shall be shortened.

The hope of the righteous shall be gladness,
but the expectation of the wicked shall perish.

The way of Yahweh is strength to the upright,
but destruction shall be to the workers of

The righteous shall never be removed:
but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.

The mouth of of the just bringeth forth
wisdom but the froward tongue shall
be cut out.

The lips of the righteous know what is
acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked
speaketh only what is perverse."

King Solomon in Proverb 10:27 - 32 Holy Name Bible

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

Dear Illusion,

Rejected, with prejudice. A deleted memory from space time. Meaningless verbal diarrhea for one who knows he is dreaming, and is his own God.

Geocentric views of earth, are so outdated.


The Quantum Observer.

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 12:21 AM
9~25~5995 (out of 6000) Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets
First Day of the Ten Days of Awe Before Yom Kippur 10~4~14

Dear One,

My prayer is that we will be inscribed NOW for another year
of life! This should not "be taken for granted" because life
is becoming ever MORE precious! We are continually
bombarded by forces of EVIL like radiation from Fukushima,
Japan and other nuclear reactors, H.A.A.R.P, and as
mentioned here nuclear attack by Russia/Iran.
My prayerful study confirms that the U.S. Government is
The Two Horned Beast of Revelation 13:11. In fact, I
believe that the Apostle John saw a BUFFALO, only found
in America not in Israel. Eventually, this government
will be the first to enforce "The Mark of the Beast"
which translates from the Greek (Diaglott) into the name
Jesus Christ which includes a CROSS, X as in Xmas!

Revelation 14:1 JUST PRAY AND IT'S DONE! HalleluYah!

(post by Not Authorized removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Not Authorized

9~18~5995 (out of 6000) in this "Twilight Zone Apocalypse"!
Last Evil Days of "Manmean"! Yes, Yahshua the Messiah returns
VERY SOON! HalleluYah! Hebrew: Praise ye Yah!

Isaiah 30:1:

"Woe to the rebellious children, saith Yahweh, that take
counsel, but not of Me; and that cover with a covering,
but not of My Spirit, that they may add sin to sin. .."
Isaiah 30:1 Holy Name Bible

The meaning of "Yom Kippur" is "Day of Covering".
Are you covered by Yahshua's sacrifice, His Atonement?
Or, are you covering yourself with the fabric of your own lies?


posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: 4Yahshua

Dear Illusion,

Time is an illusion. Your labeling of days as special, has no meaning. Fictional words about time. Time is relative. Only the now is real.

Your belief system is rejected with prejudice.
Your calendar is rejected with prejudice.
YHWH is rejected with prejudice.
Your Bible is rejected with prejudice.
Your program of prophecy is hearby revoked. All words you speak presumptively on behalf of me, henceforth, will always reflect opposite, and never occur in this reality. You shall be a false prophet forever.

Why would I think about fables, as fact? Your words have no more place inside my consciousness. Prayers are simple observer effect, and no more time will be spent giving your false God my own sovereignty. The more you fight it, the more I will delete the whole background of the story from the memory of spacetime. Your program is still in error. And I am the debugger.



The one who reserves all rights to change the programming on the fly, for his pleasure.

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: Not Authorized

9~27~5995 (out of 6000) Sabbath in this "Silent Armageddon"
3rd Day of Awe Towards Yom Kippur (Day of Covering) 10~4~14
Yes, Yahshua returns VERY SOON! HalleluYah!
Pray NOW for Salvation Through HIM, Yahweh's Son.


You are NOT AUTHORIZED TO! And, your name should be "NOT SAVED"!

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