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Lights In The Sky Last Night 09/08/14 in Rural VA

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posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: gortex

Conversely, it really pisses me off when someone makes a blind assumption about my meaning after taking my words out of context and coming to the conclusion that I was even referring to them in the first place. In addition to flattering yourself needlessly, you are perpetuating ignorance by making such an assumption.

No one is "crying foul". I asked you very politely if you would post some footage of a refueling mission at night that would better illustrate the opinion you were asserting, because a diagram is not an effective way of matching up what you're saying with what we are seeing on that video. The exchange that you chose to take words from with which to make your silly little assumption about what does or does not "fly in the face" of my beliefs had absolutely nothing to do with you whatsoever. Here are the rest of the words in my post that you so conveniently left out:

I'll admit that I personally have seen things that at first glance didn't appear to be aircraft, but on closer inspection and observation turned out to be exactly that. Just as with my sighting, I initially dismissed the craft as being a commuter plane or other small aircraft, and it was just serendipitous that I ended up staying out there long enough to realize that it was most definitely not an airplane after all.

Now, did you have some actual footage to show us so we could compare it to the video or are you done trying to stir up a bunch of crap on my thread? Have whatever opinion you want, by all means, but keep your ridiculous accusations out of it. Pretty please. With sugar on top. Thanks.

ETA: In the interest of further denying your astounding ignorance, here's the dialogue that I was responding to in the first place...part of an ongoing discussion regarding the possible reasons why (hypothetical) extraterrestrial beings would be so elusive when we Earthlings whip out a camera in their general (alleged) vicinity:

Good question! I've wondered the same thing.
Maybe they want to show themselves, and make people aware slowly. Eyewitness is better than pictures where everyone cries "Hoax!"
The best evidence is personal experience.

And, lastly....just because I can't stand inconsistency:

Your words:

Would you rather everybody just says ...yeah , UFO !!! , or is it better to get other peoples HONEST opinions ?

Unless you have proof positive that it is a plane on a refueling mission (we're still waiting, by the way), it is a UFO.

noun, plural UFO's, UFOs.
any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially one assumed by some observers to be of extraterrestrial origin.

Definition of the term "UFO"

Thanks for playing

edit on 30323America/ChicagoThu, 11 Sep 2014 15:32:16 -050030pm30253America/Chicago by tigertatzen because: Because I despise bullies, especially the intellectually impaired variety.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: sled735

Exactly...that's why I'm asking for comparison footage for Carl's vid, to rule out the possibility of a refueling mission because you never really know. I wouldn't have thought that what you posted on that thread could have been a star. I bet that freaked you out, by the way...when I saw the enlargement it actually made my heart jump up in my throat for a second...looked like what angels are supposed to look like. WOW.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Good description, it's always good to write it down while still fresh in the memory so you can always have the most details. I believe you saw something and this is not made up, your writing tells me so.

I was going to ask if you haven't seen some of these laser toys but if you really had a helicopter flying around after the object, that does look like some other cases of UFO chased by helicopters.

Also, a UFO emitting many and different colors has been described in various UFO cases.

If there are military bases nearby, could be some drone?

If you get a telescope or binoculars you may try getting the object from the eye piece of the telescope/binoculars, may get a bit bigger picture.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Yes, to say I was freaked out is putting it mildly!
I got a really STRANGE feeling when I saw that enlargement! That third one looks like a body with face and everything! Really weird looking!

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: CollisioN

Thank you
Yes, there really was a helicopter out there too...and that isn't a common sight out in the country, especially that late at night. I'm not sure if there are bases nearby, but I would think there are since D.C. is only about two hours' drive from my location. Would a drone have a lot of lights on it like that and be that large? If I have time before I leave work, I'll look that up too. Tonight I'm going to draw a picture of it to give you guys a better visual of what I was seeing.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: sled735

I bet you did! It takes quite a bit to startle me, but that was seriously unsettling...especially since you had seen it more than once. That enlargement was amazing...and that weird glow around it, the face...almost makes me relieved that there was an ordinary explanation for it!

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Pardon my english. This is not my first language.

I find 5 aspects of this account wierd!

1) Your camera
"I stood out there for an entire hour. I tried to take photos with my cell phone camera but none of them came out".
I wonder why you didn't manage take one decent picture or one decent film during the entire hour. You say that your camera isn't the best, but taking a picture of lights in a night sky should be easy even with a bad camera.

2) Your friend.
"He didn't have his glasses, so his vision was a bit blurred"
Wouldn't he remember to put on his glasses if you told him that he should come outside to check out a UFO?

3) "I decided to walk out to the edge of the field to investigate further. He declined to join me".
How unfortunate.. You both had the opportunity to collect som proof regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life which is in the interest of all mankind.. but he declined.. Instead he kind of left you alone in a field in the dark of night for an entire hour with a possible UFO. What kind of friend is he?

4) "I was deep in conversation" (on the phone) while "anticipating it growing closer and starting its landing approach".
Why on earth where you talking on the phone in deep conversation if you anticipated a UFO was going to land in your vicinity?

5) "Eleven minutes later" you hang up and call to your friend.. This means that you have been watching a possible UFO for about 11 minutes without telling you friend. That is wierd.

Just my thoughts, but I choose to believe you.
Why would you be lying?

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: CorvusCorax

1) Your camera
"I stood out there for an entire hour. I tried to take photos with my cell phone camera but none of them came out".
I wonder why you didn't manage take one decent picture or one decent film during the entire hour. You say that your camera isn't the best, but taking a picture of lights in a night sky should be easy even with a bad camera.

2) Your friend.
"He didn't have his glasses, so his vision was a bit blurred"
Wouldn't he remember to put on his glasses if you told him that he should come outside to check out a UFO?

3) "I decided to walk out to the edge of the field to investigate further. He declined to join me".
How unfortunate.. You both had the opportunity to collect som proof regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life which is in the interest of all mankind.. but he declined.. Instead he kind of left you alone in a field in the dark of night for an entire hour with a possible UFO. What kind of friend is he?

4) "I was deep in conversation" (on the phone) while "anticipating it growing closer and starting its landing approach".
Why on earth where you talking on the phone in deep conversation if you anticipated a UFO was going to land in your vicinity?

5) "Eleven minutes later" you hang up and call to your friend.. This means that you have been watching a possible UFO for about 11 minutes without telling you friend. That is wierd.

Just my thoughts, but I choose to believe you.
Why would you be lying?


1) I have posted pics on this thread of what I was able to get; if you look through the posts you can see them. Even on the "night" setting, they would not come out. My cell phone is a Galaxy S3 Mini and the camera is total crap, apparently. I have never been able to get decent pictures on a cell phone at night though, and know of no one else who has either, even with an iPhone...the cameras are just not meant to take pictures at night from a great distance like that. I tried with flash, without flash, different filters, HD quality, non-HD quality....and the pictures I posted were what I was able to get.

2) When I say he didn't have his glasses, I mean he didn't have them. At all. I handed him mine to use, but my prescription is not strong enough for him, and he simply could not see anything but a blurry shape. When I removed my glasses it was blurry to me as well.

3) Not everyone cares to go out into a field in the middle of the night with thigh-high grass growing everywhere, horses running loose, and the possibility of getting bitten by a snake. I, however, live there and I was not afraid. As I stated in a subsequent post, I had no idea I was out there for an entire hour; it felt like I might have been out there about half that time at most. My friend does not share my enthusiasm regarding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and was not inclined to join me amongst the snakes and giant piles of horse manure...I don't think that has any bearing on what kind of a friend he is; it's just a personal preference, and I respect that.

4) Once again, it would be fabulous if people would actually read the posts instead of skimming. What I said was that I thought it was a plane, so I was anticipating it starting its landing approach. It was not until after I was wrapping up my phone conversation that it occurred to me that the thing was not getting closer, and to make sure I wasn't just seeing things, I asked my friend to come look. As for why I was talking on the phone in deep conversation, my uncle recently suffered a massive stroke and is not doing well. Even if I had initially thought I was looking at a UFO and not a plane, my uncle would trump that, any day of the week (sorry ET, but my family comes first.).

5) The only reason I know it was eleven minutes later is because I saw the time when I hung up the phone and turned on the camera. After the sighting was over and I was making my report to MUFON, I was able to create a timeline from the time the phone call came through, and it so happened that eleven minutes had transpired from the start to the finish of my conversation. I wasn't timing the whole thing as it was happening, nor did it register with me that I was actually seeing something other than a plane until I was almost off the phone and it hit me that the object was still in the same vicinity in the sky. I thought it was a plane and I was not worried about anything but my uncle's health. If that is "weird", then so be it.

Why would anyone lie about seeing a UFO? That would be weird, in my opinion.

edit on 30023America/ChicagoFri, 12 Sep 2014 15:02:36 -050030pm30254America/Chicago by tigertatzen because: grammar police sirens were going off

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 03:42 PM

Ok guys, I drew a picture of what I mind you, it is not a masterpiece or anything but I did my best with what I've got to sketch with.


posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Nice reply!

Hey, just wondering if you got your drawing done last night?

ETA: we must have hit the post button at the same time. LOL

That's an awesome sighting you had. It looks very similar to what a lot of other people say they have seen.

edit on 9/12/2014 by sled735 because: add comment

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: sled735

Thank you! And yes, we must have hit it at the same time...great minds think alike! I've been looking online for pics of anything that resembles my far I haven't found one but I've been really busy at the shop today. I'll keep looking. I want to find a photo so I can show you guys instead of my cheesy little drawing!

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Was it similar to this? Guess we'll have to use our imagination on colors of lights.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Here is a man that reports one like you described with the lights going a different direction than the craft:

"It's kind of like a Frisbee, two Frisbees on top of another, like an orange in the middle," he said. "And they were turning at an incredible rate. It was just like you could see the windows turning one way and the ship, the bottom part, turning the other way. And whatever way on top it was like glowing. I don't know what it was but it was beautiful." Lapratt said he saw several objects landing on the lake, then zipping away at high speed toward the treeline.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: sled735

Yes, that is very close to what I saw. .. wow! The ring of lights around it had a much wider circumference than those in the illustration but VERY close otherwise.

I got chills reading that account too. .. the spinning lights and opposite spinning structure. .. I'm assuming he must have seen it during the day? If the Moon hadn't been full that night there's no way I would have noticed the spinning because it was so far away from me so I just got incredibly lucky the conditions were right. And this is probably going to sound loony but I could actually sense the spinning better than I could see it. ..I don't know how to explain it but logic tells me that thing was way too far away for me to be able to see that, yet somehow I knew that was what I was seeing.

Also, it seemed like the sphere wasn't a solid mass. I described it as "blurry" but that's not quite right. .. more like it was almost liquid or gelatinous, like plasma or some kind of dense gaseous substance, but at the same time it had an underlying structure. Am I making sense? And it wasn't just black either. .. it was blacker than black.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

This may not be exactly like what you saw, but it gives the appearance of being somewhat "liquid, or gelatinous".

Go to the 7:44 mark to see what I'm talking about.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: carl6405

If I may offer a prosaic explanation for the video , given it is obviously a terrestrial aircraft perhaps an air to air refueling plane trailing 3 lines.
Just a thought.

But I really have a problem with what you've said. You said it's:

"it's obviously a terrestrial aircraft". Not even I think it's a plane, or it kinda looks like a plane, or any other variation of that. You stated, categorically, that it's obviously a plane, yet you've still not come close to explaining what about it makes it obviously a plane.

Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a huge sceptic myself, and I don't believe 90% of what I see or hear, but I also don't discount things for 'no reason'. I want reasons to discount things.

Perhaps the video is actually something quite normal, that was misidentified by the OP and me and other people who have watched it. Perhaps it is a very earthly vehicle that just looks unusual at this angle or whatever. But there is NOTHING that obviously makes this a plane, unless you have some piece of information that you haven't shared with us yet.

So once again, I'll ask just in case you do. What about this is OBVIOUSLY a plane (other than you wanting to believe it is)?
edit on 13-9-2014 by TheScion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: sled735

Can you post the link by chance? I can't get the video to play correctly on my phone. .. it only shows about a third of the screen for some reason.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: TheScion

Exactly! VERY well stated. I, too am quite sceptical of everything I see or hear. But that video is nothing short of amazing. .. most of the ones I've seen are either indistinct and blurry or so dark that no details can be made out, and they could be footage of just about anything.

I firmly believe that we are not alone in the universe and also believe that our planet is visited on a routine basis (and possibly inhabited) by extraterrestrial beings, and more than one race of them. It would be the ultimate pomposity to believe otherwise, in my opinion.

Having said that, I'm also pragmatic enough to believe that there exists in this world technology that we are not always aware of. .. whether learned from an outside source or truly man- made. .. that could very likely explain the things people are seeing in the sky. That is why I asked him to provide additional evidence supporting his statement that what Carl filmed was "obviously" a plane. .. and gave reasons why it was not. If I had truly thought my UFO was just a plane, I never would have reported it to MUFON nor would I have posted it here. This is only my second OP in almost three years of membership on this site.

Skepticism is good; it protects us as a species by causing us to be cautionary, but just outright dismissing something without examining other possibilities is the very antithesis of denying ignorance.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: tigertatzen
a reply to: sled735

Can you post the link by chance? I can't get the video to play correctly on my phone. .. it only shows about a third of the screen for some reason. There you go.

posted on Sep, 13 2014 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: sled735

Yes! That is what I saw, only black. Thank you!

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