And no, I did not get photos or video although I tried...just to get that question out of the way. This is not the first UFO sighting that I have
experienced, but it was definitely the longest duration and I had an amazing view of it across the Northeast pasture, unencumbered by trees or cloud
cover. I have also never seen this particular type of the past, it has been red/orange "orbs" and things masquerading as stars in the
I had a friend over last night and we were sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee and talking about (of all things) genetic manipulation and "super
soldiers", and had the music blaring quite loudly in the background, so when I got a call on my cell phone I just decided to step outside where it
was quiet to answer it. The phone call came in at 2236 EST. As soon as I stepped out on the porch I looked up and saw what I at first thought was a
plane, far in the distance to the NE, with blinking lights and a sort of soft backlit glow. As I was talking on the phone, I had my eye on it,
anticipating it growing closer and starting its landing approach. After a few minutes, I realized that it wasn't getting closer. I was deep in
conversation but still kept my eyes on it to check its position, because it was really weird that it wasn't getting any closer.
Eleven minutes later, it was
still not growing any closer to me so I ended my phone conversation and stuck my head inside the house to get my
friend's attention, asking him to come outside and tell me what he saw out there. He didn't have his glasses, so his vision was a bit blurred, but
he said it looked like a plane coming in for a landing...except for the lights, which were the "wrong colors" and were blinking way too rapidly to
be an airplane. He also said that it didn't appear to be moving. I decided to walk out to the edge of the field to investigate further. He
declined to join me (chickened out, really).
What I saw: A dark, "blurry edged" sphere with what appeared to be a flat band or strip encircling it like a belt or a ring (think Saturn) and on
this structure were very bright lights; red, green, orange, white, blue, yellow and purple, flashing in sequence like those annoying christmas lights
people are so fond of putting on their houses every year. The object appeared to be hovering and as I watched it displayed sort of a "bouncing"
behavior, as if it were buoyant, then resumed hovering. It never changed position other than the bouncing. The dark sphere appeared to be spinning
in a counter-clockwise direction, while the ring of lights was spinning around it in the opposite direction. There was one light that seemed to be on
the bottom of the object, larger than the rest and appeared to be strobing or pulsing in no discernible pattern.
The outdoor conditions: The sky was brightly lit by the Full Moon, clear with just a scattering of clouds to the SW. It was about 57 degrees with a
slight intermittent breeze...just enough to make me wish I had a heavier sweater, but I wasn't about to leave that field.
Other stuff: There are 20 horses on the property and they are usually spread out among several paddocks (they roam free on the property), but eleven
of them were crowded into the NE pasture and were chuffing and stamping a bit, acting agitated and dancing around in circles. Also, the dogs in the
pens outside were whining and jumping at the fence, acting agitated as well. There was also a strange sensation of a "humming" in the air, although
I couldn't actually hear was more like a vibration that I could feel all over my body.
I stood out there for an entire hour. I tried to take photos with my cell phone camera but none of them came out...the camera isn't the best, nor is
it made for taking photos at night. I tried to take video footage, but again, nothing would show up. I tried numerous times, from different angles,
with the light on, without it, with flash, without flash, etc. luck. And no, I didn't have access to another camera, or binoculars, or a
telescope, or a camcorder, or a news crew, or the Hubble...or anything other than my cell phone (just getting those pesky questions out of the way to
save the poo-poohers the trouble of attempting to pick me apart like carrion buzzards on a dead bunny). I wished mightily for cool techno toys, but
apparently the genie had taken the night off. So all I have is my testimony, sorry to disappoint.
At the fifty-minute mark, one lone helicopter showed up and made a beeline for the object. I couldn't tell if it was a black helicopter or white or
polka-dotted, but it was definitely a helicopter and was definitely approaching the object with a singular quickness. A couple of seconds after I
spotted the helicopter, the object shot straight up into the sky and the lights on it suddenly went crazy...flashing so bright they hurt my eyes and
no longer in sequence, but wildly and in all directions at once. The white strobe on the bottom became impossibly bright and then the object
disappeared. Just "poof!". Gone. The helicopter circled around a couple of times and then started flying in the general direction of my house.
At that point, I suddenly felt very exposed and became nervous enough to go back inside, whereupon I immediately put in a report to MUFON.
I checked the sky numerous times again before I finally went to bed, but saw no reemergence of the object. I'll be back out there tonight, watching
for it again. I can't explain it, but I felt like it (or they)
knew I was out there and that I saw it (them). So hopefully I'll be lucky
enough for an encore. Did anyone else see something last night? Here is the link for MUFON; my case number is 59679: