a reply to:
What a great post, OP, and it's generated many other great posts, relating interesting occurrences and adding to yours by attempting to explain it.
Fascinating reading.
I do think we inhabit the same locations, and the different "times" are separated by a thin veil, so that we're all here, actually at the same
time, or in a parallel
location, but experiencing a different
Some think of it, or use the word "dimension" to describe it. But perhaps those time
dimensions, all exist in the same locality.
There was a movie years ago, though I cannot remember the name of it, demonstrating through story, just this theory. Nicole Kidman was the lead
actress is the focal, identifying point I remember. She was a mother of two children, allergic to sunlight, so she had to keep them inside with
blackout curtaining on all windows. In the end, it turned out she and the children were ghosts, and she had killed them. I cannot remember the
circumstances, other than her husband was killed in a war, can't remember which one, maybe WWII. She was living in this time period, the time period
the movie story was set in, but there was a "modern times" family living there, in the ending, in the same place, but in
this time period.
That's one theory, that explains your experience. Another theory would be you somehow arrived in a past event, though inhabiting the present, so to
speak. What you seem to explain it as. Another possibility is that you arrived in a future event, as sometimes, I think, our present drives us to a
future most like the past. In other words, it's not unthinkable that with a major, global life changing event like a war, or a nuclear detonation
that culls most of the world's population, eventually, through the explosion first, and fall-out later that would spread, and carry disease,
primarily, cancer along with it, that the remaining population, absent the present power grid, for instance, might revert to life like the past, and
have public execution as a function of entertainment, which is what the Coliseum with lions and gladiators, and lions where criminals judged to the
death were thrown, served as in Rome…..
In that case it could have been a future, you experienced and arrived in the middle of.
Fascinating to consider, no matter what one arrives at, in opinion…