I don't give a damn that the 'average american' is supposedly shielded from the behavior at gay parades. If they can accept their country
bombing the crap out of others - without even going into the details - they can deal with some gay butt sex.
Seriously, deal with it and move on.
This BasementWarriorKryptonite is not very bright, intelligent, nor illuminated. But it does demonstrate public education programming so textbook of
today. It also shows Entitlement thinking and beliefs..also the stock in trade of todays public education in emotions and non thinking.
Gay ses is so tame in the grand scheme of things, so why is it focused on? It's just gay sex.
This so obviously goes way over your head. Zoooooooommmmm!!! Like Warp speed over your head. It is sex and sexuality and it is not just gay is
also non gay sex. The gay community is not that special.
Someone out here is attempting to bring back the fertility religions of ancient times...where people defined themselves by the religion of sex and
sexuality..particularly around holydays and festivals. Not difficult to see if one knows some history...which is carefully avoided in public schools
today in favor of political emotionialism and professional victimization.
I guess the best answer I can come up with to reconcile this is in your post. "The average Christian is asleep at the wheel on this", but I
think not just Christians.
Now here I will agree with is not just Christians..but many non Christians brought up in this one way system trying to make intolerance into
Our priorities are all up the fluff and we go bananas over sex, while watching our government's militaries kill and maim other human
Now this...BasementWarriorKryptonite...shows your lack of education..lack of thinking...lack of history.
You do know that with the Ancient Greeks...homosexuality was the preferred belief system...superior to heterosexuality. The writings of Socraties,
Aristotle, and Plato make this clear.
They were throughout the Greek did not stop the slaughtering and killing going on.
I can make the same point about the Roman Armies as well as the Pagan armies of many of the Ancient Armies.
What you are describing about nations militaries is not a new thing. I am not saying I approve of it..but merely note the lack of knowledge or history
in your posts. You seem want to post this stuff as if the Homosexual community is above this history...
Not at all..they were right in the middle of it. They were never above this ..but right in the middle of it. Most of us know so little history ..that
we never make this connection. This ignorance cannot be accidental..but deliberately cultured and desired to be in this manner..that we do not know
and many of us never taught.
I feel as though there is a big shift in how people are, as in they aren't as 'asleep' as they used to be. I'm not going to push anyone, but
I'm no longer prepared to sit back and let those people destroy others.
Wow..BasementWarriorKryptonite..this is deep..intellectually deep. Not!!!
History??....who were the brown shirts??? The German SA who helped Hitler come to power. Who and what were they??
They were a dominantly Homosexual group who became the Nazi Party and eventually the storm troopers of the Nazis...the SS.
This is seldom brought out historically for what is is. The Thinking of the day was that only Homosexuals with their high emotional levels could carry
out the brutal deeds required for state control. And carry it out they did...
However...Hitler had Ernst Rhom and much of his inside leadership killed off in the "Night of the Long Knives." Not for their homosexuality but for
the political threat that they represented to the power structure and where the Nazis intended to take Germany. the early days..the Homosexuals were right in the middle of this. They were not something separate.
If one knows...certain aspects of history ...these people crop up in positions of leadership and surround themselves with like minded people..and
change the course of history. The line of Kings of England as well as other nations this is also to be found. Not separate but right in the middle.
It if folly to try to imply that this community is separate from history. ..but often right in the middle of it..including in the middle of all the
violence. Only a public education in emotional entitlement can dumb people down so far that they no longer can realize this about the history. And I
am talking here about Believers as well as non believers.
My point in all this is that you be very very careful about what you think is destroying others. It is not thing but a license by entitlement to
become the very thing one dislikes or disapproves of in others.
They're going to be accountable to us and everyone else from now on. This world doesn't have room for it anymore. I'm sure you agree that it
just doesn't.
Yeah...this was the thinking in the French Revolution...the world doesn't have room for it anymore. The French Revolution....the first scientific
revoliution...where they killed off 20% of the French in five Frenchmen were executed for various reasons...but mostly for population
You're smarter that I gave you credit for the other day, so you know what? thanks for you post, too.
You are most certainly welcome. I hope this helps you and some of the other posters here to do some thinking rather than emoting.
This is a fast moving thread and my schedule does not always accommodate a timely response to yours or other posts.
But I will try to make it when time constraints allow.
Thanks for your posts once again, But seriously BasementWarriorKryptonite try thinking some time..not emoting. Know some history as well.
edit on 13-9-2014 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)