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ISIS video appears to show beheading of US reporter Steven Sotloff

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posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: Ironclad2000

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: Power_Semi

Not all are going to join ISIS many have gone to deliver humanitarian aid.
It is just making sure when they return they were doing this and not cutting someones head off.

He's right too.. There is such a lot of finger pointing and miss-trust in the community towards those young Muslims going to Syria and Iraq. But the point is, we don't know which ones are going to help the humanitarian effort (for which I have a great deal of admiration towards those that do) and the ones going there to join ISIS.

This is why the Australian government is cancelling passports.

Personally, I believe we should let them all go if they want to and then make it clear that they can never return home. But keeping them here is making them a risk to the rest of the community because they are getting more and more worked up about not being able to go overseas to kill Christians. Honestly do we want people like this living next door to us?

I'd rather have them over there doing it (where they can eventually be taken care of by US bombing raids and bullets.) than here in my own cities and towns.

Since it is not politically correct to round them up and deport them (and again, I am only talking about the ones who are publically proclaiming allegiance to ISIS), perhaps letting them go over there, never to be allowed to return, will at least solve the problem in part on the home front.

Very true. In western countries we can't just round these guys up and put them to the firing squad, but if we let them go to Iraq and Syria, they can face the firing squad of military bombings and drone strikes.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
Why is it with every new bit of news about ISIS who whoever they are and Jihadi johnny I get the feeling that we are being totally played?

You are not alone.
edit on 3-9-2014 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
Why is it with every new bit of news about ISIS who whoever they are and Jihadi johnny I get the feeling that we are being totally played?

Does anyone else feel this is gathering momentum right along the lines it has been planned beforehand.

All this means is a complete waste of our tax revenues on weapons and nothing spent on improving our infrastructure and social care etc.

Probably because their is an element on ATS that refuse to believe that evil\horrible\bad things exist in the world unless its controlled by America.

Terrorist attack, beheading, crime, horror? Nah, crisis actors and CIA operatives everywhere.. Its impossible that it could be the most likely situation which is one group of people that hate another doing something horrible to those they hate.

if that is what gets you through then great but refusing to believe their are bad evil people doing horrible things to each other is just as dangerous as refusing to believe their are no conspiracies.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: Power_Semi

Not all are going to join ISIS many have gone to deliver humanitarian aid.
It is just making sure when they return they were doing this and not cutting someones head off.

I'm sorry but it's really simple in my mind - the UK governments sole purpose should be to protect the people of the UK.

Not to worry about whether they are abusing the rights of other people who have allegedly gone over there for other reasons.

The fighters are muslims, and so if a UK muslim goes over there it should be assumed period that they are going there to fight and they should be banned from returning.

Why should everyone else in the UK be put at risk to protect the rights of these people - in other words, why should we have our safety risked to protect the rights of someone who has actively and of their own volition gone to a war zone?

If there were christians slaughtering people and cutting of their heads as part of a Christian state and we had people from here going over there for any reason I would say the same thing - # them - they made their choice to go, so why should we all take the risk that they are "good people" who went for other motives?

This is a war zone so leave it to the war mongers and the professional aid givers to go and sort it out.

If you go you should revoke all rights in the country you went from to protect the people of that country - just in case.

We all have a choice, but my choices and the safety of my children seem to be compromised by the choices made by people cast from the same religious mould as the nutters.

I DO NOT have to respect the religion, choices, or thoughts of anyone else no matter what the spineless politicians may say - you go if you want it's your choice, just don't come back.

The other thing to note is that these people never refer to themselves as part of the UK like the guy in the video - it's " we the muslims" - are they British or aren't they?

They seem to see themselves as secular and excluded from normal British life, like it's Islam first and everything else after.

Sorry but for the MAJORITY of people in Britain it's the other way round.

They need to get with the program or get out.
edit on 3-9-2014 by Power_Semi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: DarknStormy

I have seen those videos as well. Absolutely gruesome.

My personal opinion regarding the new set of beheading videos is that the purpose behind them is a bit different this time around. Everyone should know by now what these individuals are capable of. They don't need a 5-10 min video showing the entire beheading, its not an incredibly quick process severing a head with a knife, as demonstrated before in earlier videos. This time they wanted a media ready, to the point, widely accessible "threat" video. Done.

Again, I stress to anyone doubting the brutality of this group, go watch the 60min ISIL propaganda video. I believe its on Livelinks still. Emptying a 30 round AK-47 magazine into a persons head at point blank range has a far more dramatic and horrific effect than cutting a head off with a knife. Pulling up alongside cars filled with families on the highway and literally cutting the car in half with AK fire doesn't exactly have the same result as you'd see in the movies.. Especially when the camera views the inside of the car showing the aftermath.. For the doubters, there is even a beheading in the video similar to what you see in these other videos, again, I believe the purpose is time. I assure you, anyone comfortable doing what they do in the video has no quam cutting heads off.

I think some of you get too accustomed with immediately assuming everything is a façade or fakery that you ignore logic. I am a natural born cynic, I do believe that we are fed loads of BS through the media on an hourly basis. That being said though, you can't dismiss the facts of what has transpired in Iraq & Syria in recent months or years. This type of war and threat dates back much further than modern day media or western political motives. If you truly believe that these are actors, green screens, props, costumes, etc.. I'm afraid you may have very fantastical, paranoid & illogical point of view on things. In your opinion, are these individuals really dead? Do they live out the rest of their lives in a super secret witness protection program and abandon their families? For all the people supposedly involved, they sure know how to keep a tight lid on things.

Or maybe, its not as uberly complicated as you may think. Maybe, what you see is quite accurate to what is really going on, and the real issue is the age old phrase, "how can we make the most from this particular crisis?". Which perfectly explains everyone's current position of, not doing anything, because they truly don't have a solution yet.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Terrorist attack, beheading, crime, horror? Nah, crisis actors and CIA operatives everywhere.

I would say GIP operatives everywhere.

The civil war in Syria, whose Alawite regime Saudi Arabia's Sunny monarchy has long plotted against, and the prospect of a war with Shiite Iran over its reported drive to acquire nuclear weapons, preoccupy Riyadh while, Abdallah, Canute-like, strives to keep the democratic wave from breaking on its shores. Read more:

Saudi Arabia now "has the opportunity to regain its leading role" in the region after it "subsided in favor of Iran and Turkey following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the U.S. invasion of Iraq," in 2003, observed political analyst Abdullah al-Shummari. Read more:

His elevation to chief of Saudi Arabia's vast intelligence network, and the unlimited funds it controls, came only one day after the embattled Damascus regime was battered by the loss of four of President Bashar Assad's most important security chiefs in a bombing inside the heavily guarded national security headquarters. Read more:

Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiyyah) or Wahhabi mission[1] (Arabic: ألدعوة ألوهابية‎, al-Da'wa al-Wahhābiyyah ) is a religious movement or sect or form[2] of Sunni Islam[3][4][5] variously described as "orthodox", "ultraconservative",[6] "austere",[2] "fundamentalist",[7] "puritanical"[8] (or "puritan"),[9] an Islamic "reform movement" to restore "pure monotheistic worship",[10] or an "extremist pseudo-Sunni movement".[11] Adherents often object to the term Wahhabi or Wahhabism as derogatory, and prefer to be called Salafi or muwahhid.[12][13][14]

You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: AnAbsoluteCreation

The thing is, you can see straight through their lies and they don't seem to care.

Which makes me think that something big is about to "happen."

Maybe people are under some sort of psychological subliminal spell that dome of us didn't fall victim to?

All they would have to do is sit back and watch the internet to find out who the spell didn't work on and target. Kind of makes you wonder.


I seriously just laughed out loud sitting at my desk here. I really hope, because others have different opinions than you, you don't think what you just said is true. I really, really hope you're using some kind of off the wall sarcasm.

In all seriousness, the video has been proven to be true and we have a problem on our hands of another terrorist group. Killing innocent civilians from other countries and people who aren't the same religion as them is one thing. Threatening an entire country and population is another. I hope Obama makes the call to wipe them off the map but I'm not holding my breath.
edit on 9/3/2014 by OptimusCrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: magnacarta
a reply to: DarknStormy
This type of war and threat dates back much further than modern day media or western political motives.

As the incredible Winston Churchill said:

The further back I look, the further forward I can see.

In other words - to see the future just look at history.

This will never end until one side or the other is victorious.

Since we're the spineless cowards who bend over backwards to these barbarians for "political motivations" (i.e. to win votes for the current incumbent batch of pervert, thieves, and liars) then we have no future except death and the extinction of our blood lines.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Power_Semi

You're absolutely right. I wouldn't trust those Muslims going over there as far as I could throw one. If they go over there, they stay.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: roth1
There was evidence Saddam was feeding terrorism in Israel. He had expressed hatred of them and of the west. His methods of gassing people in his own country and wrongly imprisoning people are popularly referenced. One of the things politicians talked about starting I think in the Reagan years and proceeding to the Clinton and Bush years was WMD's. There're videos on youtube of Gore condemning Saddam because of the threat of WMD's. Saddam also at numerous times defied UN sanctions and teams who were sent to investigate buildings and complexes for WMD. Lastly, he attempted to invade Kuwait and annex it in the first gulf war, and as result proved he could be a serious problem in the region.

I'll be honest, I didn't support the war in Iraq at the time. And even today I'm not convinced Saddam is comparable to HItler. Was it worth it? I'm not sure. I don't know enough. I know hte world is a mess. There's wrongdoing everywhere. Some people point to Africa and ask why we didn't go there when there was genocide in the 80's and stop it?

I just have to admit I don't know everything and sometimes have doubts. I hope our leaders know. Our military and defense departments have the best chance of anyone to know. I believe they know a lot more than me.
edit on 3-9-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 01:27 PM
Question: why are they killing reporters? If they really wanted to be effective and terrorize tptb, why not behead a few of the top bankers or a few politicians?

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: mrsdudara
I have a question. Are the people in that area not allowed to own weapons? Why is it that ISIS or ISIL (depending on what side you take) seem to be the only ones with guns over there? Why don't people arm themselves and fight back? Why don't the countries they reside in stop them? This whole thing just does not make any sense.

because when you have several hundred who execute people in the street you will find it difficult to stand up to them if you only have a small handful who are willing to take the risk to make a stand. that is why terrorist succeed. on top of that if you do not go along with their ideology they will just execute you also

it's the atrocities that we are seeing that must be stopped and there are those who will defend the freedoms all people SHOULD enjoy and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 03:20 PM
Propaganda machine is in full steam ahead.

Believe nothing the US government says, unless you haven't learned your lessons from Vietnam and all the senseless wars following it.

Criminals in charge of this government will do anything to convince you to support war. Do not fall for the same tricks again.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: paxnatus

You are very welcome. To others who have posted I am not a blood lusting man. I have advocated the end of all war for sometime, this threat however is particularly evil, on par with Hitler and Stalin. If we do not eliminate the threat they will be on our streets. I know we are collectively jaded but we must act now.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

They are no where close to being on our streets, no foreign entity had ever come close to that and isis is no different.
Isis would have to take over many countries in the region they currently inhabit before they would have the man power and means to come at the biggest dog of them all that is the US homeleand.

And i think you give them far to much credit comparing them to Hitler and stalin, maybe saddam would have been a better comparison.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

They will strike homeland arbitrary it will not be organized military units. Why is this far fetched? Aq already took out the twin towers. You minimize and give to little credit to this deadly movement. It is this miscalculation that may very well lead to many deaths and a lengthy and drawn out war.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: xavi1000
a reply to: thesmokingman
You cant block video , its all over on internet.

I did not say it was blocked....I said that after the Foley video came out, I believe it was the UK that was threatening those that DID view it or redistribute it, with legal charges.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: OptimusCrime

Glad you got a laugh.

On the other hand, I am often saddened by the fact ghost people like you cannot put the obvious pieces together that indicate this is all manufactured chaos. I mean, it's been written about via Cheney, Bush, and Wolfowitz a Project for a New a American a Century. It's been spoken about by former military generals ( Wesley Clark). But none of that matters because all you're doing is reacting like a child to a television screen.


posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Sremmos80

They will strike homeland arbitrary it will not be organized military units. Why is this far fetched? Aq already took out the twin towers. You minimize and give to little credit to this deadly movement. It is this miscalculation that may very well lead to many deaths and a lengthy and drawn out war.

Al Quada didn't bring down the twin towers. Just saying.


posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: ImDaMan
Question: why are they killing reporters? If they really wanted to be effective and terrorize tptb, why not behead a few of the top bankers or a few politicians?

Because the elite bankers are their bosses.


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