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Ebola Spreading Worldwide?

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posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Mustard2243
It's starting to get scary, i do wonder if they are considering extremists turning themselves into some kind of bioweapon? Suicide Ebola sounds crazy but this is the kind of thing that they will try.

I'm laughing about how ridiculous it sounds but there are allot of Muslims in Nigeria, an S.E.B. attack.

I said something similar a few weeks back on the big ebola thread. Its very possible that is what is happening.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Mustard2243
It's starting to get scary, i do wonder if they are considering extremists turning themselves into some kind of bioweapon? Suicide Ebola sounds crazy but this is the kind of thing that they will try.

I'm laughing about how ridiculous it sounds but there are allot of Muslims in Nigeria, an S.E.B. attack.

From the sci-fi magazines and role-playing games, they used to have stories based on plaguemasters and plaguethrowers. The ultimate WMD isn't a liquid metal terminator, but a synthetic humanoid that uses fingertip bio-sensors to sample and analyze DNA, synthesizes new plagues using a built-in genetics lab, distributes them using sprays in a backpack and on the hands, capable of using Chameleon type camouflage to sneak it through airlocks and security gates, and takes pride in accurately predicting how long a plague will last.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: clenz

Every report I've read about ebola outside of Africa has come back negative, frankly I'm getting tired of hearing about it, so personally I think that, despite ebola being a very serious and scary disease, that maybe things aren't all that bad yet and everything is getting blown out of proportion. I'm in no way saying that we shouldn't stop it in Africa though.

Or, maybe you're being lied to.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Mustard2243

True - but it would take serious research to confirm. For example, Sawyer was set up and is being called a terrorist. Hogwash. He's the scapegoat patsy - and they didn't even have the guts to go after him until after he died.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: clenz

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: clenz
What about the other side of the coin? 8 months is a long time for a "raging" epidemic. What if no one is paying for it and no one is benefiting from it? What if it is all just a natural occurrence and no countries outside of Africa have it?

Every report I've read about ebola outside of Africa has come back negative, frankly I'm getting tired of hearing about it, so personally I think that, despite ebola being a very serious and scary disease, that maybe things aren't all that bad yet and everything is getting blown out of proportion. I'm in no way saying that we shouldn't stop it in Africa though.

That's just my opinion though, maybe I'm wrong and things will get crazy or something, after 8 months though I'm starting to lean towards that this isn't a super human destroyer that I keep reading about.

Great post. Thanks. ....Note that the epidemic is "raging" in West Africa, and it was covered it up there, allowing it to get out-of-control there. Even if no one is paying for it, and given that it could be entirely natural - the mining companies still benefitted, as did the VHFC and now, Big Pharma.

....The benefits are real, substantial and financial.

You're right, I didn't think about that aspect as I posted my initial response. I agree with this.

Thanks. Do keep posting.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: clenz

Every report I've read about ebola outside of Africa has come back negative, frankly I'm getting tired of hearing about it, so personally I think that, despite ebola being a very serious and scary disease, that maybe things aren't all that bad yet and everything is getting blown out of proportion. I'm in no way saying that we shouldn't stop it in Africa though.

Or, maybe you're being lied to.

I can't let the fear of possibly being lied to make me worry myself to death over this, the way I see it, if they were lying then the evidence would be all over the place as I believe you can't just cover up an ebola epidemic over here in the west. If I wake up sometime this year and find out 1 million people in NY are infected with ebola because they lied about the negative test results from that patient, I will eat crow, but I just don't see that happening.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: clenz

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: clenz

Every report I've read about ebola outside of Africa has come back negative, frankly I'm getting tired of hearing about it, so personally I think that, despite ebola being a very serious and scary disease, that maybe things aren't all that bad yet and everything is getting blown out of proportion. I'm in no way saying that we shouldn't stop it in Africa though.

Or, maybe you're being lied to.

I can't let the fear of possibly being lied to make me worry myself to death over this, the way I see it, if they were lying then the evidence would be all over the place as I believe you can't just cover up an ebola epidemic over here in the west. If I wake up sometime this year and find out 1 million people in NY are infected with ebola because they lied about the negative test results from that patient, I will eat crow, but I just don't see that happening.

I do agree with you. But I also think something is going on with this epidemic besides the synthetically generated panic. The question is, "What's really going on?"

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 08:01 PM
Since the ebola virus is transmitted through people's body fluids, so you'd have to come into direct contact with a victim and then put your hands in your mouth. The virus can also be killed with soap and water so aslong as people are diligent in preventative measures (wash all fruit, wash hands and surfaces a lot, don't touch people who are infected) I can't see a massive epidemic.

I feel like I'm being massively naive though.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 09:44 PM
Sooner or later it is going to hit America, in some way shape or form it will sneak in.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 09:46 PM
I believe its a false flag and like most/all??? false flags involve murder because they're evil. And all karma for their insane domination and manipulation of others boomerangs back and smacks them really hard in the head. So whatever their sordid little domination game is, its a fail as usual.

On the plus side had some days spent listening to Abraham Hicks and then just doing some positive self talk and things started meshing, just some nice coincidences and positive occurrences, so will keep this up. Think we have the power to start to envision a wonderful world where they step down in shame and join with us as we rearrange every town into eutopia and equality and preserve and restore freedoms at the same time.
edit on 25-8-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:13 AM
To loosely quote the CDC if it goes past it's bordered area, then there's no stopping it. Quite possibly what is really happening now. There are enough scares at least down to even another quarantine in the States-California.

For what media benefit keeping up the cash flow on a dying medium of said propaganda control? Reign in more control over people who want to travel? Or just in general keep up with a fear based culture. Keep 'em at home, quite, non dissidents, while SHTF all around them.

A globalist-corporate benefit?
In the news recently that China manufacturing jobs are going to Africa-"Made in China" Now "Made in Africa".
If one may see Dr. Eric Pianka's comments about Ebola in all seriousness.Maybe Ebola is a way for them to "cleanse" indigenous of peoples, that may not be welcoming to this, of areas to prepare for more developed regions that could support factories.
Guidestones 1. "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
Developing and of course First World nations contribute better to less population.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: Unity_99

I don't see the greedy batards wanting to socialize with the lower class. They just don't. I don' t see utopia on the horizon. You have to fight fire with fire. Look out for yourselves, just as they do.

Still though I agree with the idea of mass positive thoughs superceding the negative. " all that you are is a result of all that you have thought" . Works both ways.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: dreamingawake

I do think that the elite - who involve themselves in politics have to put/invest their money somewhere and, where better than Pharma companies? So you can bet these shareholders will do whatever it takes to improve their dividends, regardless of the public lives they destroy. Other shareholders in their various fields will do the same. When you are wealthy you don't leave your money in the mattress it grows when 'well' invested.

I am curious about the Indian patient as to whether they had Ebola, India is a country, should it break out there, we should all have to watch carefully.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:53 AM
We need to quarantine Africa. I am sure some mathematician has calculated just how long it will take to spread over the entire continent of Africa. You know it is going to. Three maybe four years from now that country will be depopulated.
Maybe the blacks in America who hate it here will want to return to their native country origin? Is that the plan?

It is very disturbing that they brought the infected doctors in to the USA to Atlanta, and also to London. What were they thinking? An off shore boat should have been the destination. Doctors are not God. They just went to college four more years than others did. We have a doctor in our family, he just was tired of growing up poor, and joined the profession for the money. He went to West Virginia and made more than most doctors and surgeons in America, because no one wants to go there. I would think shooting the ill may come to pass. This is what they do for mad cow disease, and foot and mouth diseased farm animals. Swine flu was the end for the pigs who had it, they shot them. Scientific ethics may come into play to stop a raging population killer disease. Some things are just beyond our intellectual moralistic humanity. This disease may be it. Pray the disease stops or a cure is discovered immediately.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: clenz

Rarely do I think the sky is falling when it comes to things like this.........This is different and I believe will cause worldwide panic. It is not the disease I am worried about it is the the way people will react to it.

Look around the world and it people are a powder keg. Mass amounts of people are turning into survivalists. So many people looking for any reason to freak out is very bad thing. Prepping I believe will become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Great post. Thanks. S&


Flight restrictions hamper Ebola response: UN

"Three considerations are important to keep in mind for the public at large:

"Ebola is not spread through air borne contact;

"transmission is unlikely to occur through water or food;

"a person infected with the Ebola virus is not contagious until symptoms appear;

"Ebola is spread through direct contact with the blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with the virus," Dujarric said.

edit on 26/8/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: warren408

Yes, things get around - it's the nature of life, not to mention a predictable effect of global trade and travel. And everything responds to environmental change by adapting, mutating and evolving. Which Ebola will do eventually given all the deforestation and industrialization that's hitting Africa. So I think you're right - one way or another, in one form or another. ....But this particular one at this specific time? Probably not.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: violet

Its called waking up, they are far from awake. Not in the negative understandings and staying lords of a lower crappy realm. Perhaps they do get some of that. But they are cut of from Family/Happiness/Joy and their own fuller soul memories, for those would only activate shame and feelings of failure, for every soul they've ever harmed.

This is about waking up to your inner core, and wishing to turn around all the harm you've done, and mitigate it, and having enough understanding to commemorate and raise a candle to any you've harmed. Its called soul growth.

The elite are very small inside, their consciousness frozen and shrinking. It is a soul reduction to withdraw compassion and empathy and be able to harm someone deliberately. This is consciousness shrinking. They're not giants, their wraiths, slivers of self.

So, yes I envision more and more of them waking up and joining with the people, who I envision praying for, meditating, envisioning, holding as true with positive feelings, healings and intercessions and growth of awareness and Teamwork, with more and more choosing to side with the people for they don't want to spend ages in hellzones. Being hero's and turning it around.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 09:03 PM
Have been checking daily, but still no update from the WHO. ....Unfortunately, most everyone's cut off West Africa - so maybe nobody's sending reports any more. Still waiting to hear what's really happening in Nigeria. And WHO is having a lot of trouble getting people and other resources into the area.

Things are NOT looking good. At all.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: soficrow

I've found this site to have an upto date report everyday.

13 dead in Congo with another 565 suspected.

edit on CDTWed, 27 Aug 2014 05:48:08 -05000000003105x108x1 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: soficrow

WHO have shut down one of the ebola testing labs in Sierra Leone so i should imagine that will effect the official numbers when they do put them up.

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