a reply to:
Thank you for making a very informed post with links, sources, and facts that support your OP.
I can agree with the points you make. However we do not see eye to eye here. You agree and can't deny that elements of the USA have funded them
indirectly. Part of how they are able to come away with clean hands.
They funnel money to other allies. Then those "allies" fund those very groups. Leaving US with squeaky clean hands. Sneaky bastards!
Western actions have contributed to the overall mess that is the Middle-East. I do not deny that, but i think it is wrong for people to state that
the USA was directly responsible for the establishment of ISIS and other extreme Jihadist groups in the region.
They got their hands on our hardware. And people say, opps! That was a total accident. We did not mean for these guys to get their hands on USA
military gear. Besides its the stuff we left behind, as it was breaking down, and we upgraded our gear, so what they have is antiquated hardware.
There are indeed private Bankers who are playing both sides of this in what they consider common sense foreign policy of destabilization. That just
so happens to fall under a conspiracy. So there is a hidden hand playing both sides of the fence here.
While I thank you for bringing such facts to light, you may be slightly naive to the under the table deals and workings of some splinter groups making
deals with the devil. These groups are funded by fragment groups of our governments, which I can not back up with links and facts. Its kind of an
unwritten knowledge that some of us have here on ATS. We lost faith in our governments, while they can play innocent, as it was done behind closed
But you can search the link between Big private bankers and their links to Germany in the past. Those same families have not changed their MO in this
day and age either.
They are dangerous groups, no doubt. And I find your OP to be very helpful, while at the same time, protecting the official statements and status
So I will do my best here to post a few links to support my claims.
CIA–al-Qaeda controversy
Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary in the UK from 1997–2001, believed the CIA had provided arms to the Arab Mujahideen, including Osama bin Laden,
writing, "Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and
funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan." His source for this is unclear.[2]
Big Banks
Funded the Nazis
Just some context of our History.
America's Allies Are Funding ISIS
They use many different ways to get funding.
How the Terrorists Got Rich In
Iraq and Syria, ISIS Militants Are Flush With Funds
CIA created al-Qaeda and
gave $3 BILLION
ISIS is the big brother to al-Qaeda.
And I thank you for your informed post. But there is more to this than meets the eye.
Private Bankers have been known to do this kind of stuff in the past. And seems to fit their MO.
Blood Bankers
Tried and tested over the ages. While keeping our hands clean, they are able to get away with this as they are "Private" groups. With clear
All Wars are Bankers' Wars
After the revolution, the new United States adopted a radically different economic system in which the government issued its own value-based
money, so that private banks like the Bank of England were not siphoning off the wealth of the people through interest-bearing bank notes. But
bankers are nothing if not dedicated to their schemes to acquire your wealth, and know full well how easy it is to corrupt a nation's leaders.
Some of these links are just context links, to support the fact Private Banks are indeed shady, and double dealing. Thus would lead me and others on
ATS to believe they are up to the same old song and dance here.
The Rothschild Conspiracy
So I thought I would at the very least support some links and sources in my reply post to you.
As I did find your OP to be very informed.. And not looking to discredit you, as my links and sources, yes I know they are skewed. And they do serve
another agenda, no doubt. But it is really hard to find unbiased sources on this topic.
It serves to murk up the waters, as to put everyone off the truth to this.
Id say together we all have bits and puzzle pieces to the whole of the "truth".
let keep the word conspiracy in context too. Unlike conspiracy theory.
con·spir·a·cy kənˈspirəsē/ noun noun: conspiracy; plural noun: conspiracies a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or
harmful. "a conspiracy to destroy the government" synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge; informalracket
"a conspiracy to manipulate the results" the action of plotting or conspiring. "they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the
course of justice" synonyms: plotting, collusion, intrigue, connivance, machination, collaboration; treason
Thus there is a clear conspiracy going on. unlawful acts that are causing harm. At some point these bankers behind closed doors came up with plans
to destabilize this region. 100% Conspiracy!
Granted there are tons of conspiracy theories, that do not hold up. As the conspiracy theory is different than a common conspiracy.
Lots of people on ATS get those two mixed up, and tend to put them in the same category.
Such as saying those who believe in this conspiracy are tin foil hat wearing paranoid type people. (Just is to used as phy Op against us.)
Conspiracy (criminal)
Also not trying to be anti American here. I have pride in my people, but lost faith in our corrupted system, that makes a problem, and then offers a
solution to that very problem they helped create.
Did they make ISIS? No not saying that. Just saying they sure did give them a helping hand.
The lower rank members of ISIS may be clueless to this information, and feel they are fighting for what they think is right. But the high ranking
members made a deal with the devil. When you make a deal with the devil, you get burned.
Out of room here.. Will con. in next post....
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