posted on May, 20 2015 @ 05:21 PM
I actually quite liked this video. It was quite informative and interesting. It is hard for me to get a strong handle on the entire spectrum of
intent of this man, but I am leaning more into that he is trying to help and is essentially just doing his job. And in a sense he was actually giving
fair warning to citizens of Ferguson and helping to explain certain things, and he may not have had to do that at all - I am not sure. But the points
he raised seem valid to me. For example, right at the beginning he starts discussing misinterpretations of the bible and how a lot of that is playing
itself out in law and the Constitution, particularly in more Christian extremist states like Texas. I have heard a lot of YouTube videos who jumped
all over this video when that CNN thing happened, and people were saying that he was slandering everybody. He did mention Sodom and Gomorrah, but in
the context of how that biblical story has been twisted into what are now our society's laws in regards to charges of sodomy i.e. acts of
homosexuality and the like. He said right at the beginning that "gay means happy, it doesn't mean wrong"! And he said it quite loud - I did not
interpret that as slander against gay people at all, in fact he seemed to be supporting them and suggesting that the hardcore bible people were more
so the modern-day terrorists.