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Ferguson Cop Points Gun at Journalists: “I’m Going to F***ing Kill You!”

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posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:23 PM
Everyone has a breaking point, You never know what you are dealing with, I wouldn't taunt someone pointing a gun at my face.

I know it is fashionable to hate and bash cops, but they deal with a lot of crap,

I have had my issues with them as well, and think sometimes they can be real dicks, but

Who ya gonna call?

That's what I thought.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:23 PM
I saw this via the Global Revolution stream after they went off-air last night. Yeah, this is as inexcusable for a cop as it is for a civilian. In no way, shape, or form is pointing a weapon at people while saying "I'm going to effing kill you" effective crowd control, let alone acceptable crowd control. That's a malicious threat, in any context. I fully agree that he needs to be removed from this assignment, because obviously he can't handle it. Stress is a part of the job for everyone there, but flipping out & making what is tantamount to a death threat is, like I said, unacceptable. Period.
edit on 8/20/2014 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Just like a soldier sometimes they need to be taken off duty, this crap catches up with them

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Every person who is out there demonstrating or looting, is far from an innocent victim

Looters are not innocent victims. Anyone committing crimes such as theft, destruction of property, or assault should have to deal with the fullest extent of the law.

Peaceful demonstrators are indeed innocent victims when being strong armed, tackled, arrested, shot at with non-lethal rounds that break bones and leave contusions (that's a really nasty bruise, by the way). Much less tear-gassed or threatened for their very lives.

And believe it or not, it's the Police Officers' JOBS to stand there, WATCH the people, LOOK for crimes being committed by the people, and to go after those individual people. It's their JOB as public servants and upholders of the law to continue doing just that until the people pack up and go back home, even if it takes days or weeks.

Hurting, threatening, intimidating, or even arresting innocent protesters is not their job; it's their abuse of power and the fulfillment of their desire to control people, making them do what they want. Kind of like most other human beings.. that have a knack for making each other do things, whether it's right or wrong, good or bad. It's a personal self fulfillment, it makes them feel strong and good on some level, just like all other human beings. Cops are humans too.
edit on 8/20/2014 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:27 PM
Oh, for heaven's sake! Here we have a snippet, a clip, a micro video. We have no earthly idea of the circumstances surrounding the reason for the LEO to have his weapon drawn. We THINK this...we THINK that...we hear the cameraman sounding like he's flaming the cop intentionally...we hear omg omg omg...but we don't know anything about the why or the wherefore. Assumptions without facts.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Who ya gonna call?

Dunno but it wouldn't be the Ferguson PD.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

Let me guess, you are one of those people who stand there in public deliberatly filiming cops, and when the cops tell you you to turn it off, you spend 30 minutes arguing with them about your civil rights, and then when you are arrested you post a youtube video claiming police brutality right?

Every hear of something called freedom of the press? If you are arrested just for filming the police then your rights have been violated.

Unless you are up to something dodgy, police do NOT bother you.

Yeah right what dream world do you live in? Cops harass people whenever they please.

Why antagonise them, why make problems, why stick cameras in their faces, and what are all these people doing on the streets at what i assume is about 1am!

Filming them is NOT antagonizing them it in no way stops them from doing their jobs. It just makes sure they do their jobs legally. People should have the right to go out any time they want this is America the supposed land of the free.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: dinogirl

originally posted by: dinogirl
Every person who is out there demonstrating or looting, is far from an innocent victim

Why are even people protesting or making a big deal about it,

A thug, got killed. Big deal, thugs kill thugs all the time and nobody demonstrates about it.

Its always the same, thug gets killed by police, and `lets riot and loot and play the victim card`.

I have zero interest in the whole Ferguson shooting stuff, but when i see threads/ videos like this of people clearly out there to cause trouble or wind up the officers, and then moan about how hard done by they are, i fail to have ANY sympathy for the people.

If you dont want trouble or as you call it, un-neccesary violence from cops,
then DONT ROB SHOPS/DONT MAKE PROBLEMS, simple.. how hard is that?!

Also, i must add that this short video clearly does not say the full story, the officer is already stressed out here, and no doubt these people have been winding him up probably for hours.. waiting for a reaction like that!

Sorry but the poor little cop being stressed is no excuse for the comments he made. He should have been placed under arrest for making a Terroristic threat. A terroristic threat is defined as a declaration of intent to commit a crime of violence against another with the intent of threatening a person, building, facility, or public or private habitat.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: sosobad
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Who ya gonna call?

Dunno but it wouldn't be the Ferguson PD.

I bet you would if you had to.

I called the police once for help and they were very intimidating and I needed the help, but I would call again cause I wouldn't have a choice

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

Your post is so cold it gives me the shivers. How any one could disregard a human life the way you have..........
downright creepy.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:43 PM
This guy was pointing a gun in the window, and I was as afraid of the police questioning as the guy with the gun, but I am just a lil ole lady from the hood, watcha gonna do?

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:52 PM
Haven't any of you people been arrested, even I have been arrested, sheeese.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

Make sure your perfect before judging a whole group of people.


posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Been in trouble with the law but I have never been arrested or in cuffs my whole 34 years on this rock.


posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Lichter daraus
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Been in trouble with the law but I have never been arrested or in cuffs my whole 34 years on this rock.


WOW most of my immediately family has, lol, including me, I'M 64, it was a mistake in paper work , yet I was still arrested at my home, put in hand cuffs and put in jail, then it was thrown out of court, but it happens.

I was never so scared and angry in my life, well maybe I have been more angry, or equally as angry at post on ATS, ha

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Really arrested over paper work errors, that sucks. I probably should have been arrested when I was 17(it was a gun incident I made a stupid choice to protect my life), but I wasnt I got a court date and then two years probation and community service.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 02:20 PM
And this is the exact reason why ferguson is going on right now, Cops over reacting, thinking they are the Law. I mean to threaten to F-ing Kill you , is a pretty serious offense. and would be jail time for anyone else. If I walked out into the street, to some random guy, and said im going to kill you, cops would have me handcuffed before I was even finished with my sentence.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Lichter daraus
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Really arrested over paper work errors, that sucks. I probably should have been arrested when I was 17(it was a gun incident I made a stupid choice to protect my life), but I wasnt I got a court date and then two years probation and community service.

How can you be issued a court date, show up and receive judgement, then punishment (probation and community service), but never get arrested to begin with?

I always thought an arrest is needed for a court date, and especially to receive a judgement/punishment.

Now, a conviction is different from an arrest. You can be found guilty, but then the charge can be dismissed after completion of a probation, if the Judge and the law allows for it (first offenses, etc).

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 04:27 PM
They just announced his suspension and being under review.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: r0xor

I dont know what to tell you. I never had cuffs put on and never saw the inside of a jail cell, I almost got a felony out of it too. I am purposely leaving certain details out I dont wanna derail this thread. Got questions u2u me. Im not ashamed to talk about what I did, I was just protecting my life.


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