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Ferguson Cop Points Gun at Journalists: “I’m Going to F***ing Kill You!”

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posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:14 AM
****Language warning*****

( footage out of Ferguson, Missouri shows a police officer pointing his gun directly at protesters and press while remarking, “I’m going to f***ing kill you!”

This cop has a clever name apparently...

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:18 AM
Every person who is out there demonstrating or looting, is far from an innocent victim

Why are even people protesting or making a big deal about it,

A thug, got killed. Big deal, thugs kill thugs all the time and nobody demonstrates about it.

Its always the same, thug gets killed by police, and `lets riot and loot and play the victim card`.

I have zero interest in the whole Ferguson shooting stuff, but when i see threads/ videos like this of people clearly out there to cause trouble or wind up the officers, and then moan about how hard done by they are, i fail to have ANY sympathy for the people.

If you dont want trouble or as you call it, un-neccesary violence from cops,
then DONT ROB SHOPS/DONT MAKE PROBLEMS, simple.. how hard is that?!
edit on 20-8-2014 by dinogirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:22 AM

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: dinogirl
God whine, whine, complain, complain. Damn if you dont like it get out from behind your computer and go do something about it. Seriously all you do is whine but do nothing to change it.


posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

You are so off base here yet again. No matter what the circumstances this is not Police Protocol, that Pig should be kicked off the force immediately. Imagine if things were a wee-bit worse, he'd probably blow the Protester saying "Don't throw rocks" head off.
Probably the same Macho Meat Head that Tear Gassed Al Jazeera.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:32 AM
So one bad cop represents all of them? Just like the looters and rioters speak for all the protesters of the black community? Wow what double standard.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:33 AM
wow... if that cop is that twitchy...

Guy already had his gun raised before the camera got in his face and then he says I will kill you... guy doesn't need to be a cop.

Period... I have no doubt there is more to the situation than the video showed, but without an imminent threat he doesn't need to draw down on anyone, you can see in the video he kept aiming the gun at people walking by, it took another cop to walk up and push his gun down to diffuse the situation.

While yes absolutely the protestors need to dial it down... the cops need to get rid of people like mr. Twitchy there because he doesn't help their case at all.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

Punishing society for the abuse of the powers of law and order. Thats what looting is. When the cops shoot an unarmed black guy they break the law. They lose all moral right to be the police in the eyes of the local community. The community riot. This happens in the UK, France and of course America.

Again this policeman needs to find a new job. Threatening to kill people is against the law. He clearly does not have the right temperament. Sack him.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Lichter daraus
Some people can't see beyond their own back ability to see the bigger picture.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:40 AM
That cop is an incident waiting to happen. Also he is breaking the law, but I guess that only applies to "bad guys".
As noted this guy is a perfect example of someone who has no business in LE.
edit on 20-8-2014 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: dinogirl
Every person..really
Go back to sleep.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: ispyed
a reply to: dinogirl

Again this policeman needs to find a new job. Threatening to kill people is against the law. He clearly does not have the right temperament. Sack him.

Let me guess, you are one of those people who stand there in public deliberatly filiming cops, and when the cops tell you you to turn it off, you spend 30 minutes arguing with them about your civil rights, and then when you are arrested you post a youtube video claiming police brutality right?

Unless you are up to something dodgy, police do NOT bother you.
Why antagonise them, why make problems, why stick cameras in their faces, and what are all these people doing on the streets at what i assume is about 1am!

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Black_Fox

Man, talk about tense...Restraint must be used by both sides and this dumb cop just does not realize that he's got a gun...does he really need to threaten people by saying he's going to kill them?

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: dinogirl
And I guess your the type of person who bends over and takes it whenever ordered to. You are wrong in your assumptions, just because you personaly have not experieced it. Oh by the way the courts have declared its legal on public property to film the popo, so argue all you want about what is LEGAL.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Every person who is out there demonstrating or looting, is far from an innocent victim

Why are even people protesting or making a big deal about it,

A thug, got killed. Big deal, thugs kill thugs all the time and nobody demonstrates about it.

Its always the same, thug gets killed by police, and `lets riot and loot and play the victim card`.

I have zero interest in the whole Ferguson shooting stuff, but when i see threads/ videos like this of people clearly out there to cause trouble or wind up the officers, and then moan about how hard done by they are, i fail to have ANY sympathy for the people.

If you dont want trouble or as you call it, un-neccesary violence from cops,
then DONT ROB SHOPS/DONT MAKE PROBLEMS, simple.. how hard is that?!

Also, i must add that this short video clearly does not say the full story, the officer is already stressed out here, and no doubt these people have been winding him up probably for hours.. waiting for a reaction like that!

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: dinogirl

originally posted by: ispyed
a reply to: dinogirl

Again this policeman needs to find a new job. Threatening to kill people is against the law. He clearly does not have the right temperament. Sack him.

Let me guess, you are one of those people who stand there in public deliberatly filiming cops, and when the cops tell you you to turn it off, you spend 30 minutes arguing with them about your civil rights, and then when you are arrested you post a youtube video claiming police brutality right?

Unless you are up to something dodgy, police do NOT bother you.
Why antagonise them, why make problems, why stick cameras in their faces, and what are all these people doing on the streets at what i assume is about 1am!

And your the kind that belongs in China or some other communist dictatorship.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

Perfect example of the sort of person only too happy to lick the boot that stamps on their face.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Unless you are up to something dodgy, police do NOT bother you.

This is biggest load of crap I've read on ATS all day.
To have ignorance at this level really shows lack of experience and/or knowledge on this subject.

Sure, if you're not a young male who happens to live in a high-crime area, I could see how one could have this level of ignorance. I on the other hand, being a 'young male' who lives in these streets, knows firsthand that you couldn't be more wrong. Without going into the 'poor me' spiel, the truth is, I've been pulled over and searched for no other reason than being "cool looking" (yes, you heard me) in a "nice car", more than once. No longer own it, by the way. I'm talking the full search, even had K-9 dogs walked around the vehicle once because I was caucasian in an african-american part of the city. That's called being profiled. They must've assumed that I was in the area to buy or sell drugs. I could go on for days with true stories. I am not dodgy, I don't do dodgy things, I just live in a dodgy area and am part of what they consider a dodgy demographic, being a young male, they don't really discriminate based on color anymore, at least where I live.

How about police pulling up to the side of the gas station, "asking me for my papers" (asked for my ID), took it into the car (there were 2 police units), ran my info, then came back, handed it back (did this to the guy I was chatting with also), and told me that simply standing there was loitering. I had just walked passed one of these two police officers inside the gas station as I was leaving, after conducting business with a bag of items I had just purchased at that business. Loitering, huh?

He was young and new, too. And he didn't say a word as the slightly older one did all the Nazi paper checking 5 minutes later on the corner of the gas station. He was watching and learning, which may I add, was the whole entire purpose of the Nazi paper checking to begin with. The police had no need to bother me, and I was not being dodgy. I had just bought items from the store and was about to walk home.


As I said, some people might be too sheltered to have these experiences. Then again, living in a nicer area and/or neighborhood, where most people are white and wealthy (or at least upper-middle class, it's simply the truth) might help one out, too. But not me. I have nothing else to say about this.

what are all these people doing on the streets at what i assume is about 1am!

Enacting their constitutional right to Free Assembly. It's called protesting, it's one of the only tools that average people have left when they perceive wrongs and/or abuses being committed by people in authority within their community. If no one gets violent, causes crimes, or destroys property, people should and technically do have the right to walk the streets... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The peaceful protesters should have their constitutional rights violated by authorities because some other protesters are causing problems? None of the protesters have rifles, much less guns that we've seen or heard about, yet .. big bad policeman wants to point an automatic machine gun at people, telling them that he'll kill them?

edit on 8/20/2014 by r0xor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: dinogirl
I would say if he gets that wigged out under pressure he is NOT in big capital letters suitable to be holding a weapon for the state.
You notice the other cop rushing over to make him lower his weapon? He should have a desk job from here on in.
How can any reasoning person disagree with that?, he is the cop that we read about on here..shooting a pet or far worse.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 12:22 PM
Can't believe people are defending the cop, pointing a gun at an unarmed person because they have a video camera and threatening to shoot them is a crime. Some posters here badly need a psychiatric appointment if they think that this "officer" conducted himself according to the law.

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