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Why do thugs always play `the innocent victim ` card`

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posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:25 AM
When I was younger most of my friends where gang members, I never joined but the neighborhood I grew up in made it impossible to avoid. We all did drugs, and made some stupid choices.

Thankfully no one decided my life was worthless by 18, because I eventually grew out of it. I was challenged and exposed to different views, by people who didn't see me as an animal, and being treated like a human went a long way. Today I actively try to discourage young people from that same lifestyle.

I don't justify every "thug" action, some are despicable, but I do get tired of hearing ideas like "they deserved to die for listening to loud hip hop" or "he deserved to die because he threw a finger in this picture". I hear a lot of complaints about the entitled youth, but to me it seems like they where raised by adults who are so entitled, they feel everyone who makes them unhappy deserves the maximum punishment of death.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

"They"..."them"..."their community".

Is there more than one USA?

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese
a reply to: grandmakdw

"They"..."them"..."their community".

Is there more than one USA?

Yes there is. Have you looked at a map of voting in the US lately?

Have you looked at a map of various ideas expressed in the constitution and who agrees and who disagrees?

What we have now is the Dysfunctional States of New Liberalism OR the Dysfunctional States of Progressiveism

They - I was referring to "thugs" (which to me means criminals or people who regularly act on criminal intent)
Them - again I was referring to "thugs" (of all races and creeds)
Their community - the community that thinks thugs are simply misunderstood people who can't control their own actions because society took away the ability to have any self control or set of morality

You are looking at my post for something that isn't there, trolling my dear, trolling to make me respond in anger.
Sorry to disappoint you.

I actually say yes to your question on other principles though, not the one you are trying to get me to say.

Shame on you for trolling.

edit on 4Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:56:30 -0500pm82108pmk214 by grandmakdw because: clarity

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

Just another case of, "He couldn't be bad because he's (insert appropriate label here)". Just another way to excuse criminal behavior. Some cops really do act out of line, and it's a growing issue, but these days, it's like ANY case where a cop has to use violence is assume to be out of line, especially if the one injured falls into certain groups.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 10:09 PM
Listen, it's simple.

Capitalism creates poverty, poverty creates crime, capitalists need the police force - who were historically formed in America to prevent slave revolts - to protect property rights, and so the police force becomes a tool of the upper and middle classes to persecute that which they create.

Throw in the fact that capitalism inherently cannot provide full employment, and so 5 to 15 percent of the population must be unemployed, a section of which MUST be pushed into criminality, and you literally have a system in which EVERY CRIMINAL ACT IS THE FAULT OF EVERY PARTICIPANT IN THE SYSTEM.

The business of policing has always been policing for business.

Criminals get my sympathy, regardless of what they do. They arent the cause of their actions, thoughts, attitudes or behaviours, no matter how gruesome and immoral these things are.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: dinogirl
Because evwryone has pretentions until they dave mortalitt head on.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: dinogirl

I'm sure you opinion would change if you were in his shoes. Like if you were just walking down a street then got harassed by a cop then killed. And stories about you being a bad person spread by the police.

It's easy to talk since you weren't there, its easy to talk because it wasn't you.

And you just created or heightened your bad karma

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