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Why do thugs always play `the innocent victim ` card`

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+10 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:07 AM
Well without getting into the full case of the Ferguson shootings, it is clear from the autopsy he was shot in the front, not `in the back while having his arms up`

Cctv footage also shows him involved in agressive robbery before hand, meaning he is ANYTHING BUT a `innocent victim in the wrong place at the wrong time`.

I am not following the brown case because it is of no interest to me in the UK, plus i have ZERO sympathy for what is clearly a gang member/ trouble maker type person.

These people are thugs, plain and simple, and its okay for them to carry out burgularys/ theft/ muggings or even killings, but when it comes to one of them being killed by the cops, suddenly there is out rage across the ghetto/ thug world, and that somehow gives them the right to create anarchy and looting.

Same happend in the UK in 2011, this is why i just do not in the slightest feel sorry for gangs/ ghetto people etc, whenever i hear about one of them being killed by police, i couldnt give a damn how or why, i just think` great one less gangster on the street`.

The police are no angels, nor am i saying every gangster deservers to die, but to play the `woe is betide us` card, is just ridiculous. i do not feel sorry for these people in the slightest, these are the same kind of people that rob stores/ steal cars/ harrass people walking by/ mug people for their phones etc, and the more of them gone, the better.

Once again, the police are no angels, but they do NOT randomly open fire on people (maybe dogs yes, but not people),
If this thug would have listened to them, and not been ignorant and try to get away to look tough, and then brag to his friends on the streets how tough he was, he would not have been shot, Period.
edit on 18-8-2014 by dinogirl because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

So you just wish death for a bunch of people. That doesn't make you much better imo.


posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

The love of power is one of mankind's highest aspirations, and if you show a dog he can get power over his master by whimpering loudly enough, the dog will whimper even after biting the hand of the master's children.

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

wow; that's one hell of a classist attitude you got there.

It's that kind of attitude that leads these "ghetto people" into forming gangs in the first place, gangs for protection, gangs for money, gangs for pride. they form gangs because they're treated as "outsiders" by the majority of media (often aimed at the middle class), as well as by the rest of society.
edit on 18-8-2014 by NonsensicalUserName because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

Taking into consideration that the Police officer had no knowledge of the robbery which took place prior to the shooting, I would have to say the Police officer is in the wrong. He had no justified reason to pump 10 bullets into that kid unless we are not being told the truth...

The robbery thing is irrelevant regardless of what or who this kid knocked around with. The Officer's reason wasn't because of the robbery.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

You certainly are taking liberties in your account. Perhaps you stick to commenting on your own miserable Country.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

So because he was a gangbanger (allegedly), that gives the officer carte blanche to fire on him even if he doesn't have a weapon? Whatever happened to just arresting the person and giving him his day in court?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:43 AM
Well in the states its about race and police politics. 100 black can kill 100 blacks and its simply a matter of statistics for the most part politically.

+19 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:45 AM
To the question in the title. Why do thugs play the innocent victim card.

Because it hurts their narrative of being oppressed by "the man"

it destroys their self delusion

of not having to be accountable for their actions

because their poverty, their poor education, their (name the victimhood) made them do it

So in their minds it is the fault of whomever they feel victimized by

they have never been taught to take personal responsibility by their parents or their government

AND their "leaders" and the current PC climate encourage them to forsake personal responsibility for victimhood.

edit on 10Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:46:55 -0500am81808amk181 by grandmakdw because: little addition

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: dinogirl
Well without getting into the full case of the Ferguson shootings, it is clear from the autopsy he was shot in the front, not `in the back while having his arms up`

Cctv footage also shows him involved in agressive robbery before hand, meaning he is ANYTHING BUT a `innocent victim in the wrong place at the wrong time`.

I am not following the brown case because it is of no interest to me in the UK, plus i have ZERO sympathy for what is clearly a gang member/ trouble maker type person.

These people are thugs, plain and simple, and its okay for them to carry out burgularys/ theft/ muggings or even killings, but when it comes to one of them being killed by the cops, suddenly there is out rage across the ghetto/ thug world, and that somehow gives them the right to create anarchy and looting.

Same happend in the UK in 2011, this is why i just do not in the slightest feel sorry for gangs/ ghetto people etc, whenever i hear about one of them being killed by police, i couldnt give a damn how or why, i just think` great one less gangster on the street`.

The police are no angels, nor am i saying every gangster deservers to die, but to play the `woe is betide us` card, is just ridiculous. i do not feel sorry for these people in the slightest, these are the same kind of people that rob stores/ steal cars/ harrass people walking by/ mug people for their phones etc, and the more of them gone, the better.

Once again, the police are no angels, but they do NOT randomly open fire on people (maybe dogs yes, but not people),
If this thug would have listened to them, and not been ignorant and try to get away to look tough, and then brag to his friends on the streets how tough he was, he would not have been shot, Period.

The pig who murdered this kid knew nothing about the robbery when he gunned him down. Also the autopsy showed he shot this kid twice in the head he shot this kid like he was an animal. This pig deserves to be behind bars. This guy doesn't have the right to be called a cop or police officer he acted like an animal so he deserves to be called a pig.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:48 AM
If the average person steals from a store it's shoplifting why is it robbery for a pack of swisher sweets what like 5 bucks a pack. Lol a 5 dollar robbery with no weapons used

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: dinogirl

It seems you know the deceased? If you don't, then your comments based on your particular stereotypes are inappropriate and not credible in the least.

Regardless, LEO's should be accountable. If they would all agree to badge and gun-barrel cams, we would be debating the specifics of the law and civil rights instead of relying on flawed generalizations.

This is a story about the US police state. Those that support it and those that want to radically change it.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:55 AM

To the question in the title. Why do thugs play the innocent victim card.

Because it hurts their narrative of being oppressed by "the man"

it destroys their self delusion

of not having to be accountable for their actions

because their poverty, their poor education, their (name the victimhood) made them do it

So in their minds it is the fault of whomever they feel victimized by

they have never been taught to take personal responsibility by their parents or their government

AND their "leaders" and the current PC climate encourage them to forsake personal responsibility for victimhood.
a reply to: grandmakdw

That makes zero sense. Take responsibility for that will you?

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: dinogirl

It seems you know the deceased? If you don't, then your comments based on your particular stereotypes are inappropriate and not credible in the least.

Well what do you call a guy at within moments manhandles a store clerk and then tries to take a gun from a cop? Don't sound much like a boy scout.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: buster2010

So, because we really don't know the truth, about what happened when the officer approached him, he's automatically a pig?

He may not have known about the robbery, but the kid that actually did it did. So who's to say he didn't freak out when the officer approached him, thinking he was busted?

I think just the facts that do keep rolling out, prove we don't know jack about what really happened.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
a reply to: dinogirl

It seems you know the deceased? If you don't, then your comments based on your particular stereotypes are inappropriate and not credible in the least.

Well what do you call a guy at within moments manhandles a store clerk and then tries to take a gun from a cop? Don't sound much like a boy scout.

tries to take gun from a cop?...didn't see that video, maybe you can post it for us

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:04 AM
Well, yeah.. I understand you, it can seem ironic at times, just a little harsh though, your OP.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:08 AM
It does seem to defy logic for the community to support the criminals and then complain about the high crime rate in their community.

I guess the criminals get mad when one of them is killed by a cop because that isn`t how the game is suppose to be played, in their minds anyway.In their minds the rules of the game are, they commit a crime, get arrested, get a lawyer to get them off with a light sentence, return to the streets to commit more crimes, rinse and repeat.
They know that they could be the next one taken out of the game permanently by a cop and that puts fear in their little black hearts.
They want to continuing playing the game with the odds stacked in their favor,allowing the police to kill violent criminals evens the odds and the criminals know that they can`t win on an even playing field.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
Well in the states its about race and police politics. 100 black can kill 100 blacks and its simply a matter of statistics for the most part politically.

that is incredibly odd isn't it?

I don't know why they allow what is happening in Chicago to continue.

It's horrible, it is just horrible.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass

To the question in the title. Why do thugs play the innocent victim card.

Because it hurts their narrative of being oppressed by "the man"

it destroys their self delusion

of not having to be accountable for their actions

because their poverty, their poor education, their (name the victimhood) made them do it

So in their minds it is the fault of whomever they feel victimized by

they have never been taught to take personal responsibility by their parents or their government

AND their "leaders" and the current PC climate encourage them to forsake personal responsibility for victimhood.
a reply to: grandmakdw

That makes zero sense. Take responsibility for that will you?

Try reading it without the double spacing.
I'll rephrase below for you what I was trying to say.

Thugs have been taught by society they have been wronged by (who or whatever ......)
and so when they do bad things it is not their fault
it is the fault of ....... (who every they think wronged them or "their people" - for example, white people, rich people, their abusive parents, the dad who abandoned them, their lousy school system, and so on .....)
So thugs see themselves as innocent as lambs
because they don't see anything they do as their fault
Because society (their leadership, sometimes their parents, the current politically correct climate, even the current government) have taught them that if you feel wronged by others and act out by mugging, stealing, looting whatever ......, it is the fault of whoever you thought wronged you or "your people".
The thug sees him/herself as simply an innocent who has been abused by (see the list above) as so are never responsible for their harmful actions.

Also, you may not have caught that I was responding not to the OP but to the title of the thread.

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